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SUBJECT: Marketing Research

PROJECT REPORT ON Consciousness of Men towards Hair-fall

Submitted By:
1. Yashashree Mangela
2. Tejashree Awari
3. Shweta Dhumal
4. Mayuri Barde
5. Shreenath Gidde
6. Chetan Sonvane
7. Hitesh Nagar

Submitted To:
Dr. Ajay Koli

This is to certify that, the Marketing Research Project entitled “To Study
Consciousness of Men towards Hair fall”, which is being submitted by
students of MBA-1 Marketing Semester-II of Pune Institute of Business
Management, Savitribai Phule Pune University, towards the partial fulfilment
of the requirement for Business research methods subject and the same has
been satisfactorily carried out under the guidance of Dr. Ajay Koli during the
academic year 2020-21. To the best of my knowledge all of them has been
found hardworking, sincere and honest throughout the project duration. We
wish every success in their future career.

Dr. Ajay Koli


We hereby declare that, the Marketing Research project report entitled “To
Study Consciousness of Men towards Hair fall” submitted in fulfillment of the
requirement for Market Research subject of Master of Business
Administration, Sem.-II of Savitribai Phule Pune University, is our original work
research study - carried out during 26th March - 6th April. 2020 and not
submitted for the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or other similar
titles or prizes to any other institution/organization or university by any, under
the guidance of Dr. Ajay Koli and the conclusion drawn here is based on the
material collected by ourselves.

Place: - Pune


Problem Statement:................................................................................................................7
LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................................8
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE...........................................................................................................13
RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS........................................................................................................13
RESEARCH DESIGN.................................................................................................................14
SAMPLING DESIGN................................................................................................................14
DATA COLLECTION METHOD.................................................................................................14

1.Baground & problem of study:

In the era of society, education, standard of living, status, personality people are more
sensitive about their looks. In that looks beauty of skin & hairs ranks more. The hair
problems are more focused problem when it compared to looks. People are more
couscous about the hairs they want healthy long hairs, But the many hair problems
affect for growing hair healthy. Especially men lose more hair than women. Men
normally lose their hair when three main factors interact: genetics, age, and hormones.
Also known as androgenetic alopecia, male-pattern baldness happens as hormone
levels change over the course of a man's life. ... Most white men develop some degree
of baldness, according to their age and genetic makeup
The food they having also cause the problem of hair loss. Food heaving in
carbohydrates, such as potatoes, bread, pasta, and white rice contain a high glycemic
index, which can break down sugars quickly and cause inflammation. Fried Foods –
High-fat, fried foods often contain hydrogenated oils that may contribute to hair loss.
The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern
baldness or female-pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually with aging and in
predictable patterns — a receding hairline and bald spots in men and thinning hair in
women. Hormonal changes and medical conditions.

2. Purpose of study:

The purpose of this Research is to study the consequences of men towards hair fall at
very early age. The focus is on to find out major consequences of men’s hair fall at early
age. There are different types of problem for hair fall in men to find out major problem
with their solution is the purpose of this research.
This research helps to recover the men’s hair fall problem at early age. By identifying
problem Different solution for different problem is the purpose of this research

 To identify what are the factors that are affecting and causing early baldness in

 To analyze the Consciousness based on the problems faced by people.

 To study the consciousness of Men regarding Shampoo preferences

Problem Statement:

We know that balding is a condition that plagues only older men but it is not the case.
Early Baldness in Men is a cause of concern in today’s era. So what are the reasons and
causes for early balding and how we can tackle the problem is the aim of the research.

Research paper:
Title Author & Objectives Methodology Key Findings
Sr. Year
A report that -Losing hair is
1. The new To find there prove the losing little pieces
growth in David cox ever been more different causes of my identity.
hair loss pressure to have of baldness by -Each hair follicle
research 7 Sept- a full and luscious considering on our scalp is a
2019 head of hair?  different scientist miniature organ,
theory and which follows its
ancient time own rhythmic cycle
theories. of growth,
regression and rest
throughout our
-Use of patient
stem cell to grow
whole fossil,
reviving existing
2 -Male hair loss can
Bald is not Kusum be deeply
beautiful lata To explain how traumatic, cause
sawhney hair restoration Explain baldness bouts of anxiety,
or hair by giving real life psychological
16th July transplants used example of a stress, emotional
2011 to be clinch but, person. distress, lack of
for many, it's self-confidence
given them their and even
lives back depression.  
-Excess of a
chemical called
ne or DHT, which
causes the hair
follicles to make
thinner and
thinner hair until
they eventually
pack up
Say Panache To make aware A Nano technology
goodbye to 20 Sept about new, low stimulates the skin
baldness: 2019 cost technique of A low cost with gentle, low-
New, low- hair technology that frequency electric
cost tech regeneration. help to grow hair pulses, which coax
can firstly tested on dormant follicles
reactivate mice then to reactivate hair
hair published

4. The bald Comparing his 1. In ancient

and the The writer aims thought process Egypt, people
beautiful: loise wise to make with his friend used to rub bat
Why do 11 march difference that having same dung on their
men still 2020 thinking is way to baldness problem heads.
fear Hair look for beauty share a different 2. boiled
loss? causes, effect porcupine hair,
and way of or goat urine, or
thinking about a fun
baldness. combination of
3. pigeon
beetroot and
4. scalp problems,
it could be
deficiencies in
B12 and iron

5. -Rogaine and
Is the Age- By Amos To study the An experimental Propecia, the
Old Quest Barshad causes of early way of study and market leaders,
for Baldness baldness by report on what can slow hair loss,
cure 7 June experiment and causes early but they don’t
reaching its 2018 facts baldness grow new hair.
End? -
e, or DHT, which
causes hair follicles
to shrink.
6. -To understand -A report of all
Understand The patients had Air pollution
ing Hair Rajendra mechanism of detail recording contribution to
Loss due to singh hair loss due to of history scalp irritation,
Air Rajput pollution nature of work redness, itching,
Pollution January -To identify and daily excessive sebum
and 2015 clinical community secretion dandruff
Approach presentation and condition
to evaluate effective -The treatment
Manageme mode of plan was
nt treatment for offering
Preventing hair protecting from
damage caused effects of
by the pollution pollution and
promotion of
hair growth
7. -Report was -Needless stress
Study on conducted in -Limited access to
hair fall Dr both rural health care
will hair Christn To find how and urban faculties
Related aMary many males have population
problems 2018 problems of hair -The study was a
among fall ? community based
males of cross sectional
age of study done a
18- period of two
50 months
8. Hair loss Fabian To understand -To find the -Hair shaft
Diagnosis e the different type type of hair loss abnormalities
and mulena of hair loss will aid in produce fragile or
manageme ri selecting brittle hair cause
nt Brenne effective include traction
r treatment ,bleaching,
Septem -To find the perming or blow
ber trigger with a drying
2003 careful clinical
9. Hair loss Ibranim To find the -To find the -Noticed that use
common Al- common causes work on positive of lower
cause and ababi of hair loss effect on hair percentage
treatment and disorder and how life cycle solution may not
modalities Meshal to assess them -To find modern work will.
Al hair transplant -The referral to the
Gharee using hair grafts hair specialist may
b continues to be be necessary to
11may the most manage difficult in
2004 successful cases
10. Genetic Riccardo To identify in that -The study -The males pattern
prediction E. study was found have been baldness affect
of male Marioni to be in gene taken by small around 80
pattern Feb linked to sample sizes.
baldness 2017 Parkinson disease -To find various
genetic variants
linked variation
in baldness
11. Male Maksim Objective is to If communication Communication
pattern Plikus, identify the between non may prevent
baldness, and causes and the balding and baldness 
also called Qing reasons to find Increased signaling
balding regions
androgenic Nie, out the pattern crosstalk among
alopecia for baldness in can be hair follicles could
klus. men reactivated, hair be one major
To understand growth signals reason for this
and treat male can then start
baldness, as well spreading across
as excessive hair the entire head
skin, preventing
regional baldness

Research Hypothesis:

The word Hypothesis can be divided into two different parts-

Hypothesis = Hypo + Thesis
 Hypo means tentative or subject to the verification.
 Thesis means statement about the solution of a problem.

Hypothesis for this research:

 Selection of Shampoo is influenced by depending on hair fall in Men

 Early baldness in Men is due to Emotional Stress
 Premature hair fall is mostly seen in between 20- 30 age group


 Independent variable: Emotional stress

 Dependent variable: Hair-fall, Early baldness
 Mediating/Intervening variable: Efficiency of vitamins,
 Moderating variable: Adults between age 25-30

Exploratory Designs

Research Designs Descriptive Designs

Conclusive Designs

Causal Design

Causal research design: Causal research design deals with cause and effect concept. If
change in x causes change in y then it is causal research design. As there is change in
Lifestyle, enviroment or stress level there is change in Hair growth and can lead to hair
fall so our research design type is causal research design.

Sample Size:
Sample size is collection of units from population selected to determine truth about
Selected sample size for our research is based on age criteria as it is early baldness
research. The sample selected as per the area of research interest. The sample type is
probability sampling as every sample is a unit of population


Primary data collection- Primary data collection include a Google form of

questionnaires and circulated the form through WhatsApp, Facebook, Gmail and other
social medias and collected the data.

Secondary data collection -Secondary data collection was also used like data
from research papers, magazines, articles etc.
Data Analysis

Classification of respondents: -

1. Age: -

Interpretation: -
Out of 98 respondents, maximum respondents belong to 15-25 years’ age group.
2. Education level: -

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents, greater no. of respondents is belonging to Bachelor than

another fields.
3. Income Wise: -

0 0- 10001- 20001- Abov

10000 20000 30000 e
4 16 1 1 1
1 8 1 2

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents maximum are having none incomes.

Question Wise Data: -

4. Do you check the reviews while purchasing any online product?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents, 80% respondents check the review while

purchasing online product.
5. Do you believe online review of product is helpful for purchasing decision?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents, 84.7% respondents believe online review of product is

helpful for purchase decision.
6. How many times did you had online shopping in last year?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents, different result can be seen regarding online shopping.

7. How often are you checking online customer review before a product purchase?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents maximum were checking online review.

8. Reviewing platform mostly offer sorting or filtering options. Do you
choose to use that options?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents near about 80% of the respondent use sorting and filtering.
9. Does the sorting option for review platform more user friendly?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents 50% respondent believe that reviews are more friendly.
10.Does a review appear more convincing to you when a detail profile/identity

of the user, who has created the review is visible?

Interpretation: -
Out of 98 respondents near about half are more comfortable when they
have details of reviewer and 40% are confused about review result.
11.What kind of online reviews do you use as basis for your buying decision?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents most of those are prefer both medium of

review for decision making.
12.Which kind of review do you consider as more user-friendly?

Interpretation: -

Out of 98 respondents 55% agree that the rating of products are more useful.

Most of the men are not conscious about their hair before hair-fall or baldness.

The main reasons that customers prefer online review are :

 Risk factor is become negligible.

 More idea about the product.

The role of reviewer vital in solving the problems of costumer’s confusion

regarding the online product. Development of website and E-commerce sector
will protect of interest of online consumer market. The companies need to
reduce the risks related to false review given by any costumer by checking and
verifying which is correct or which is not.

During the research we found from different literature, paper, magazine etc.
that due our scheduled life from childhood we neglect our health. The
vitamin, minerals and important nutrient which are required for body we
cannot consume in a proper way. Also due to stress our brain will get
affected and influence to use chemical product aharm our body in a drastic
way. We have to consume and take proper care of our health to neglect the
problem like early baldness. The proper is majorly seen which is the effect of
different factors that affect our brain which directly impact our hair so eat
healthy stay healthy is a small suggestion from all of us.



Men Baldness @ Early Age

 NAME -
 AGE -
1. What is your Scalp type?
 Normal
 Oily
 Dry
 Mixed Combination

2. At what age did you start losing hairs?

 15+
 18+
 22+
 26+
 Other

3. What is your hair fall frequency (how weak)?

 Low
 Moderate
 high

4. How often do you comb in a day?

 2times
 4 times
 more than that
 never

5. What kind of hair loss do you face?

 Overall
 crown area
 other

6. How long have you had hair loss?

 6 months
 1month
 1year
 more than 1 year

7. Do you notice hair everywhere?

 Yes
 no

8. Do you use any hair styling product?

 Yes
 No

9. If yes are they Natural or Chemical?

 Natural
 Chemical

10.Have you ever visited a Dermatologist?

 Yes
 no

11.Are you under any treatment?

 Yes
 no

12.What you think is the reason for your hair fall?

 Die
 stress level
 vitamin deficiency
 careless
 genetic
 other

13.Do you consume any vitamin tablets?

 Vitamin E
 vitamin D
 Multivitamin
 Keratin
 Omega 3
 Other

14.Do you have hair problems in your family?

 Yes
 No
 maybe

15.How often is your hair colored, chemically processed, or straightened?

 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 rarely

16.Do you use medicated shampoos?

 Yes
 No

17.If Yes, which medicated shampoo you use?

 …………………………………………………….

18.What do you expect from the shampoo?

 Strength
 hair fall
 shine
 anti-dandruff
 silky

19.What brand of Shampoo do you use?

 Pantene
 kesh-kanti
 sunsilk
 dove
 L’Oréal Paris
 TRESemme
 Other

20.What influences you to buy the Shampoo?

 Advertisement
 Doctor
 Friends
 Internet
 other
21.Do you feel your shampoo is environmentally friendly?
 Yes
 No
 don’t care

22.How often do you shampoo your hair in a week?

 Once
 Twice
 Thrice
 regularly

23.Since then how is your scalp health?

 Better
 Worse
 Stagnant
 much worse

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