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Kimberly Gray 

Melissa Ferry 
Student Teaching F19 
Lesson- Monday 9/9/19 
Background Information 
a) Subject: language arts 
b) Grade: first, second 
c) Time: 25 minutes  
d) Students: Elizabeth (first), Maricella (second) 
i) Elizabeth IEP (CI) 
Objective: When given a word list of consonant-vowel-consonant words, 
Elizabeth will be able to identify the words with 80% accuracy  
ii) Maricella IEP (ECDD)  
Objective: Maricella will decode consonant-vowel-consonant words to identify 
the word with 80% accuracy 
Goals and Rationale 
a) Lesson Goal: Students will work toward their IEP goals and objectives with 
single-syllable (Consonant-vowel-consonant) words.  
b) Lesson Rationale: Literacy is an integral part of every-day life in and out of the school 
setting. Students will be expected to be independent participants in society and literacy is 
a critical part of being independent and successful.  
Teacher Objectives/ Standards and Benchmarks  
a) Students will learn and manipulate consonant-vowel-consonant words in the context of 
word families and learn that words with the same ending are in the same word family. 
Students will be able to identify consonant-vowel-consonant words in the -at word 
b) Standards: 
i) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.1.5​ With guidance and support from adults, 
demonstrate understanding of ​word relationships​ and nuances in word meanings. 
ii) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.1.2.C​ Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and 
final sounds (phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words. 
Teacher Preparation 
● Prepare/print assessment flash cards 
● Prepare/print data collection and progress monitoring sheets 
● prepare/print student flash cards--gather materials to color flashcards 
● Gather materials to sort words into word families- start up smart board, have house 
template ready  
Assessment Plans 
a) Each student will be pre and post assessed with flash cards to determine which of the 20 
words they can identify and read. 
b) Every day, each student begins with a flash card assessment of the 5 words that are the 
weeks focus for daily progress monitoring  
c) Formative assessment during lessons and activities will be observational based on student 
participation and performance 
● Word family 
● Sort, same/alike/in common, ending 
● Cat, bat, sat, hat, rat, mat  
Instructional Procedures 
a) Introduction and review (6 minutes) 
i) Good morning! You are going to start working with me instead of Mrs. Ferry 
every morning, take a seat at the teacher table and we will get started (grab a 
wobble chair if you want one). 
ii) (one-on-one/ independant) We are going to start working with some words 
together; but first, I need to know what words you know so I know what words to 
teach you! 
1) Administer 20 word flash card assessment to one student while other 
independently colors their -at family flash cards--switch students 
iii) (whole-group) Can either of you tell me what a word family is? (think of your 
family at home, do you all have something in common?) Did you do anything 
with word families in your class last year? 
b) Presentation/develop understanding (2 minutes) 
i) A word family is a group of words that all have the same ending (think of these 
words as all living in the same house, because they have something in common). 
So words in the -at family end in -at and word in the -at (sound) family end in 
ii) Over the next few weeks, we are going to be working with a different word family 
each week. Today, were are going to just get familiar with the concept of word 
families and sort some words. 
c) Guided practice (15 minutes)  
i) We will be sorting words into the -at, -an,-ag and -ap word families. 
TRANSITION: Head over to the carpet area by the smart board, we are going to 
do a sorting activity. 
ii) On this board are houses each belonging to one word family. Together, we are 
going to put all the words that live there into their houses.  
1) Model sounding out one CVC word and dragging it to a place in the house 
(C-A-T, cat, ends in -at and lives in the -at family house)  
2) Each student takes a turn until all words are sorted into that house 
3) Continue with each of the word family houses  
d) Integration/closure (2 minutes) 
i) Can you tell me what all of these words have in common (pointing to one word 
family house)? Come to the conclusion with students that they all have the same 
-at ending.  
--Continue with all houses/families if time allows-- 
ii) Review with students and ask “who can tell me what a word family is?” 
Students will demonstrate knowledge by participating in the activity. Based on the amount of 
redirecting, re-explaining or corrections made during the sorting activity, students’ grasp of 
concept can be observed. The purpose of this activity is not necessarily to learn the words, it is to 
learn the concept of word family. If students can answer the wrap-up question with an acceptable 
answer at the end of the lesson, it can be assumed they learned and will retain the concept.  
If students struggle to retain the concept of a word family, it can be revisited in isolation and/or 
incorporated into future lessons until the concept is cemented. There is a potential that the use of 
technology will cause problems if the students struggle to work with the smart board. Hiccups 
with technology lead to more focus on the action of moving the words into their houses rather 
than focusing on the concept that technology is intended to support.  

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