Circuit Diagram of Frame Mounted Lub Oil Starter&battery Isolator

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In Salah Gas In Salah Gas Compression Project Supplier Document Job Number J189 Purchase Order Number imoo04 ‘Supplier Name Siemens ‘Supplier Document Number Revision Number 1 Revision Date 18-Sep-10 Document Title Battery Isolator for Emergency Lube Oil Pump Starter Schematic] Purchaser review and comments shall not be assumed to indicate either responsibilty or liability for accuracy ‘and completeness of this document orto alter any contractual terms and conditions. Purchaser Disposition 41, Reviewed and No comment. Submit final version of Documents as required 12, Revise and resubmit. Work may proceed subject to incorporation of changes indicated. 3 Revise and resubmit. Werk may not proceed. 4. No turer review required Purchasers Tag Numbers Name Date Signature Document Number (Purchase Order Number - SDRL Code - Sequential No) Rev 1M0001-C 10-0004 ~PAVDC_EE ee LUB OIL PUWP”STARTER AND PART Nos. 1PL40008/2068 & 1P1.40005/2035 Cee 250qmm. ATTERY ISOLATOR RESISTOR PANEL Be 8 mM a Rm BD 2 + + XSND—* + t /-@ xs ' RESISTOR | | Panel | \ 33 | woos] | gp Bm | | |e | | | | | | z | | ! a g | g \ z al | 4 i f z z | & = , ie 5 7 3 i | | : ! | 7 | | | | I NOTE | DATO. GLE tec aU i le leo | Newarn ca emus | | | 3EE_NTERPANEL TRONS | ucearhrse | | B54" [] stm | I | Sea aa saa Zea em ward 8 BUD} 2 x4 ea mri = © mc S258amm. vec whe =~ fe mer he woh soc Sasa ei spe ae oe be Ts wr. IN SALAH SITE iu AEFTED 1S NFORBATON 7 SV Se ee $ SIEMENS ar — : PETREL ron ee + ae va oe | Ta ss — [ot To com oust oF TE a z 22 oa = FROIN UE ——1er-200 ©) ypu WOUNTED LE On srarrn | ——_17RSO0GL/1218 hws ar} amas er Sane Sere sows | our ar poms — muna wae UTED MBO, STE Ta 1 St ae a 103 ceB-049 2AV_0C_EEsd UB OIL_PUWP”STARTER AND” BATTERY ISOLATOR So ee © 8 @ 6 4 6 6 7 8 © ut at | | aren woos fran woos BE \MooB2/1 be are ls ls ls fas je wooo SEO lo 7 | 5 | EM OVERRIDE | BUERGENCY 6B rose | un ms = ee |e asto-B- | g aN | e\m Js 5 an ay EAOGE i Sai lu g| 8 2 fe ee 3] 3 NOTE | i Brno ere 3) s ATO POSTON DURNG RIL CPERATON 5) 5 cart 8 ir 20H 1 UATE OLE Ces 4 4 c “4 4 4 SaaS mi TBs E ye Ie Yas sesame a a] i | |) =e So ole, woe wole woe [cuiceeeeesme™ | | | =[29, ‘a= a= 62] 2 CENTRES FOR APRON sao [55 ele a BE NP ise o- NeORPORTE =p a oar ans = SIEMENS: fast ——>—ftnee —— iL unc OBO 3 a a a an Sr [oo — [FE — oon uc oF mE 3 = [oar 16-20-2008 | FRAME MOUNTED LUB OIL STARTER: rena thew freer [ae | sae Sere Sa a Oo Dons — [pune a= a gE 1 ss aA ca nse | — seri 7s [oe i 9 or ea-049 PART No. 1PL40008/2068 20 00 OTL PUMP” STARTERAND BATTERY SOLATOR i ee tte) os 6 & & 7 & 68 7 os MS/7 — x8/19 ixs/21 Note: 1) 2 Remote Trip's for MCC, 1 from LER Gas 1 13 tos Monitoring [212 Remote Trips for MCCB2, 1 rom LER Gas Monitoring and 1 from Isolator Stop Button mounted R3/1 Ra ii locally to Battery tea 04 fre sje es/00 s/z0 5 g 3 z 3 ag gs g Be Be s NOTE ‘CONTROL CABLE Seq. MAL NSUATED OGLE CaS NS TTS eo EOC 5 Ea eS ERE b : ‘Sti came = ae g z q 3 NOR WaT Hr GE & Wen Case ese IN SAAR STE eS MT z = ——= FN 0 SIEMENS est == PETREL Sn BN, OR z EST ee [TET oe [ROE SAPS — Toei ow TRO ——TTRE oper am mE 7 — = eae See al RETURN OF [isons ie + fear meres | SPS RE SSDS Se | OS RE] for SE Deane — [runes Se 5 NOURTED UB STARTER ss 1 [ss] one TROT sso earesore T smoriay | ovsrouer ase, Lorman no SB 3.0 3, 86-049

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