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Talal Asad. Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity.

Stanford: Stanford University

Press, 2003. 269 pp. $21.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8047-4768-4; $52.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-8047-4767-7.

Reviewed by Robert W. Hefner (Department of Anthropology, Boston University)

Published on H-Gender-MidEast (March, 2004)
Rethinking Religion and the Modern

Rethinking Religion and the Modern most anthropologists continued to show little inter-
est in questions of secularity and secularization. As
With the late-twentieth-century resurgence of
Asad notes, even today the main textbooks in the
Hindu nationalism, political Islam, Christian conser-
anthropology of religion make no reference to these
vativism, and other assertively public religions, the
issues (p. 22). Meanwhile, in other social sciences
question of the role of religion in the modern world
and humanities, debates rage as to whether secular-
has taken on a new and urgent intensity. Earlier,
ity is a phenomenon intrinsic to the entire modern
in the aftermath of the Second World War, it was a
world, a condition unique to the West, or an ideo-
truism of social and political theory that the more a
logical mythology that, even in the West, obscures
society becomes modern, the more its religious tra-
the wellsprings of religiosity running through all so-
ditions decline or are, at the very least, privatized.
cieties. Asad’s Formation of the Secular does not
Although a few old-guard theorists still cling to this
attempt to take on these last issues directly, but in-
latter idea, opinion in political and religious studies
stead places the question of religion and secularity at
as a whole has shifted against this key premise of
the center of a richly eclectic but deliberately unfin-
secularization theory. At the same time, although
ished anthropology of modernity. A mix of new chap-
most scholars believe that the time is right for a new
ters and essays originally written in the late 1990s,
model of religion and modernity, there is as yet sur-
the book takes aim at these questions “indirectly” (p.
prisingly little consensus on just what such a revi-
67), by way of epistemic reflections on the geneal-
sionist model might require. A distinguished profes-
ogy of “the secular” and “secularism.” As this lat-
sor of anthropology at the Graduate Center of the
ter phrasing hints, Asad’s approach owes as much to
City University of New York, Talal Asad has in re-
Foucauldian methodologies as it does anything specif-
cent years been one of the most vocal and original
ically anthropological. In the volume’s introduction,
of scholars attempting to lay the groundwork for just
Asad takes exception to colleagues who equate the
such a rethinking of religion and the modern. Asad’s
anthropological method with“the pseudoscientific no-
role in this effort is all the more noteworthy inasmuch
tion of ’fieldwork”’ (p. 17). It is not fieldwork that
as the discipline of anthropology has been largely un-
underlies the anthropological method, Asad counters,
involved in this discussion. The neglect reflects the
but, following Marcel Mauss and Mary Douglas, “the
fact that most anthropologists were never particu-
comparison of embedded concepts (representations)
larly impressed by secularization theories one way or
between societies differently located in time or space”
another. In addition, until, roughly, the 1980s, most
(p. 17). He adds, “the important thing in this com-
anthropologists were not interested in the equally ex-
parative analysis is not their origin..., but the forms
pansive question of what it means for a society to
of life that articulate them, the powers they release
be modern. In the 1980s and 1990s, however, the
or disable” (p. 17). Even this authorial aside fails
question of the modern moved to a position of cen-
to capture the peculiarities of Asad’s methodology.
tral importance in anthropological theory. In part
Whereas social anthropologists like Mary Douglas de-
this was an effect of postmodernist debates. But it
velop their comparisons of embedded concepts from
was also the result of far-reaching changes in the lo-
the aggregate particularities of concrete interactions,
cal communities anthropologists study. Despite the
Asad’s analytic begins with the macrosociology and
growing interest in questions of modernity, however,

H-Net Reviews

epistemology he believes undergirds modern society project aims at institutionalizing a number of (some-
and modern systems of knowledge. In his discussion times conflicting, often evolving) principles: con-
of the secular, then, Asad is less concerned with con- stitutionalism, moral autonomy, democracy, human
crete social particulars than he is with the general rights, civil equality, industry, consumerism, freedom
concatenations of capitalism, the nation state, and of the market–and secularism.” (p. 13) Of course
the “new concepts of ’religion,’ ’ethics,’ and ’politics”’ there are powerful agencies in the West dedicated
they have engendered (p. 2). The approach bears a to the promotion of human rights and democracy in
stronger resemblance to the macro-civilizational anal- non-Western settings. However, to leave the matter
yses of Nietzsche, Weber, and, especially, Foucault, there is to lose sight of some of the most far-reaching
than it does Oxford social anthropology. It is this and grassroots changes taking place in our world.
broader concern with, so to speak, epistemic hege- Whether among Mayan activists challenging ethnic
monies that unites the volume’s eight chapters. The exclusions in Guatemala, Indonesian Muslims pro-
book opens with an overview of the category of the moting a civic-pluralist interpretation of Muslim pol-
secular in Western social history, and then moves on itics, or Taiwanese women invoking their traditional
to a longer and equally fascinating chapter on “What role as custodians of the hearthhold to justify their
Might an Anthropology of Secularism Look Like?” participation in new forms of environmental activism,
The next three chapters come at the issue of the sec- democratization is an emergent effect of varied influ-
ular more “indirectly” (p. 67), talking about agency ences, the most decisive of which are as much local
and pain, cruelty and torture, and the epistemologi- as anything Western.[1] At several points in his anal-
cal assumptions of the “human” in human rights. The ysis, Asad seems on the verge of acknowledging this
premise that links these essays is that Western dis- fact. However, his genealogical method always pushes
courses on these matters became possible only after him back toward a culture-strong and actor-weak un-
the secularization of popular understandings of the derstanding of democratic culture and politics. The
body, the mind, and the relationship of individuals book’s last three chapters are the most comprehen-
to abstract social imaginaries like “humanity.” This sively sociological, and provide the clearest statement
is an important point, one that Asad develops by way of Asad’s own normative position on questions of pol-
of a far-ranging survey of contemporary debates in itics and pluralism. “Muslims as a ’Religious Minor-
moral philosophy, political theory, and the anthro- ity’ in Europe” explores the impact of the “grammar
pology of subjectivity. In these and other chapters, of a discourse” about “Europe” on mainstream Euro-
Asad shows a preference for reading contemporary pean attitudes toward Muslims (p. 161). Although
culture from the perspective of high intellectual com- some readers may find Asad’s deconstruction of the
mentaries rather than local social actors. When he “narrative of Europe” ironically homogenizing, its cri-
does speak about actors-in-context, as in his discus- tique is no less unnerving. The next chapter, “Secu-
sion of Malcolm X’s views of human rights (pp. 141- larism, Nation-State, Religion,” makes a related and
144), the result is invariably original and convincing. equally compelling argument about the way in which
Where the Olympian method becomes less bracing, the modern public sphere in the West has, contrary
however, is when it is used to explain the diffusion to Habermasian idealizations, always been a space of
of concepts like democracy, human rights, and the social exclusions, in which those invited to speak may
secular across civlizational divides. When speaking do so only inasmuch as they conform to certain liberal
about non-Western modernities, in particular, Asad habits of knowledge and practice. The most critical of
places primary emphasis on the role of Western dom- these requirements, Asad argues, has been that reli-
ination in globalizing new systems of knowledge and gion be either privatized or stripped of public political
new social disciplines, including those of the market- demands. As Asad shows in the book’s last chapter,
place, governance, and neo-secular understandings of a brilliant discussion of the “Reconfigurations of Law
“religion.” He writes: and Ethics in Colonial Egypt,” this latter require-
“Assumptions about the integrated character of ment has posed especially vexing problems in the
’modernity’ are themselves part of practical and polit- Muslim world. There the separation of religion and
ical reality. They direct the way in which people com- state demanded by secularizing governments “presup-
mitted to it act in critical situations.... Modernity is poses a very different conception of ethics from the
a project–or rather, a series of interlinked projects– one embedded in the classical shari’a” (p. 209). This
that certain people in power seek to achieve. The last statement is consistent with much contemporary

H-Net Reviews

scholarship on shari’a politics, as is Asad’s observa- the growing differentiation of roles, disciplines, and
tion that throughout the postcolonial Muslim world knowledge in society. This differentiation and its at-
the shari’a has been transmuted into “a subdivision tendant tensions are by no means a uniquely modern
of legal norms (fiqh) that are authorized and main- phenomenon; both were visible in the post-prophetic
tained by the centralizing state” (p. 227). However, Muslim community. Moreover a recurring feature of
here, as in the previous two essays, Asad’s critique Muslim civilizational history has been the tension be-
of the modern sequestering of the shari’a has an un- tween totalizing interpretations of the faith intent on
expected irony. He comments in passing that some controlling all aspects of social life and the demand–
modern Muslim writers “have claimed that secular life religious as well as secular–for an acceptance of dif-
was always central to the past ... [b]ecause religious ferentiation, specialization, and self-organization. As
law (that is, the shari’a) always occupied a restricted Sami Zubaida has recently demonstrated in his Law
space in the governance of society” (pp. 205-206). and Power in the Islamic World (2003), the attempt
But Asad never says whether this claim has any his- to fuse religious and political authority into a monop-
toric truth. More generally, the often problematic re- olistic whole has provoked fierce resistance in Muslim
lationship of shari’a to other Islamic norms is noted societies, not because of secular ideologies, but be-
in passing but not systematically engaged. Asad rec- cause such efforts threaten the integrity of the law
ognizes that the shari’a courts were never but one and the welfare of believers themselves. To the de-
of the various systems used in the administration of gree that a relative separation of religious and polit-
law in Egypt and other Muslim countries (p. 210). ical authority has long existed in the Muslim world,
In a highly original rereading of Muhammad Abduh’s then, it has done so in part because many believ-
ideas, he also provides a provocative analysis of the ers are convinced that such a separation is demanded
way in which, contrary to many Orientalist readings, by the deepest Muslim ideals. Although he tends to
there is in mainstream Islamic tradition no binary downplay the Muslim world’s pluralism, Asad’s own
opposition between Sufism and the shari’a. How- political views embrace just such a pluralist vision.
ever, when discussing Muslim Egyptians’ reservations In an important conclusion to his essay on Muslims
about reliance on shari’a-based codes as the founda- in Europe, Asad sets out the terms for what he calls a
tion for the country’s modern legal system, Asad dis- “decentered pluralism,” a notion he adapts from the
misses such opposition with the startling claim that political philosopher W. E. Connolly. Asad argues
it “represents an aspiration for a Westernized future that Muslims in Europe will find little institutional
rather than for a reformed continuity of the recent representation as long as they are represented as a
past” (p. 215). This observation flies in the face of minority opposed to and presided over by a major-
the fact that pious believers like Abdulkarim Soroush ity nation (pp. 177-178). Effective representation
of Iran and Nurcholish Madjid of Indonesia have con- demands a decentered pluralism characterized by a
cluded that the most compelling reason for a (rela- “continuous readiness to deconstruct historical nar-
tive) separation of political and religious authority is ratives” and to open up space for the full multiplicity
so as to protect the integrity of Islamic ideals from of overlapping (rather than opposed) social identities
corrupt rulers and statist monopolies. This blind- (p. 177). This is an appealing formula, one consis-
spot is in turn related to what sociological readers tent with an emerging body of deep-pluralist opinion
of this book will regard as its most startling theo- in democratic theory. One problem Asad’s formula-
retical omission: Asad’s tendency to conflate secular tion leaves largely unresolved is that some authority
differentiation with secularism as an “epistemic cate- figures, in both the ostensibly “mainstream” and “mi-
gory” and “a political doctrine” (p. 1). As the recent nority” communities, will oppose such a differentiat-
controversy in France over the hijab sadly reminds ing proposal because it challenges the elite’s in-group
us, there are fiercely secularist ideologies in the mod- privileges. The violence of these controlling elites will
ern West, and the category of the secular is one to in turn prompt some within the “minority” commu-
which many, although by no means all, modern West- nity to appeal for outside intervention, once again
ern political philosophers adhere. However, as Jos= raising the question of how to balance citizen rights
Casanova has argued in his Public Religions in the with decentered pluralities. A dark but brilliantly
Modern World (1994), secularization theory was al- original work, Formations of the Secular is one of the
ways concerned not just with the category of the sec- most important books on religion and the modern in
ular or the political doctrine of secularism, but with recent years. Some readers may wonder whether the

H-Net Reviews

genealogy of the secular developed in these chapters is not a diminished, but a growing part of our public,
too Olympian and discourse-centric for its own good. plural lives. Note
Not just an effect of Western hegemonies, in growing [1]. See, respectively, Kay B. Warren, Indige-
numbers of societies the challenge of pluralism and nous Movements and Their Critics: Pan-Maya Ac-
participation makes vernacularized ideals of citizen- tivism in Guatemala (Princeton: Princeton Univer-
ship meaningful to the most diverse social actors, in- sity Press, 1999); Robert W. Hefner, Civil Islam:
cluding Muslims. Whatever one’s viewpoint on these Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia (Prince-
matters, Asad’s book is a significant achievement. It ton: Princeton University Press, 2000); and Robert
provides a rich and troubling perspective on one of P. Weller, Alternate Civilities: Democracy and Cul-
the central problems of our age: how to live together ture in China and Taiwan (Boulder: Westview Press,
in a world in which religious difference has become, 1999).

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Citation: Robert W. Hefner. Review of Asad, Talal, Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam,
Modernity. H-Gender-MidEast, H-Net Reviews. March, 2004.

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