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Dear students;

We would be very grateful if you respond honestly to the following

questions, the questionnaire designed to collect data about the Impact of
Gender on The Humorous Discourse, please answer by crossing (X) in the
appropriate boxes.
Thank you very much for your help.

 Gender :

Male ☒
Female ☐

 Age :

22-24 ☐
25-27 ☒
More than 27 ☐

 Level :

Master one ☐
Master two ☒

1- Why do people say laughter is the best medicine?

.... Because it helps people to avoid stress feeling, and it has other benefits like helping to loose
weight and reducing heart disease. …………………………………………………………………

2- Do you consider yourself funny? Or, are you good at telling jokes?
Yes ☒
No ☐
Yes I’m good at telling jokes , especially with my friends or near people because I’m an
extrovert and I can communicate with others easily. Thus, I grown up in environment which is so
rich by this phenomenon
3- Which gender has better sense of humor?

Males ☒
Females ☐
…Males are more bold then females , and it is something noticeable in our society certainly at the
level of who is the best ,we can observe that best comedians are men more than women.

4- Why do men use humor in your opinion?

Create solidarity ☒
Talk about experiences ☐
Talk about family ☐

5- Why do women use humor in your opinion?

Talk about relationships ☐

Talk about family ☐
Express feelings ☒

6- Does humor make differences in classifying gender?

Yes ☒
No ☐
……At the level of how males and females use humor, men use it to make solidarity and women do
that to express their feeling. So, according to the purpose of using humor can gender be classified .

7- Do you think the humor we use and the one used by parents and grandparents is the same?

Yes ☐
No ☒

8- Do you like the jokes told by elderly people?

Yes ☒
No ☐

9- How often do you sit (use humor) with your parents or older generation?

Always ☐
Often ☐
Sometimes ☒
Rarely ☐
Never ☐

10- In your opinion, what made people laugh in the past?

…Daily demonstrations and occasions like wedding parties and some traditional meetings such as,
festivals and all what makes people being together……………………………………………………..

11- Does having a good sense of humor help you to succeed in today’s life?

Yes ☒
No ☐
…Today’s life needs some of good humor sense particularly in our Algerian society because, people
naturally prefer the one who has a funny sense .For example; humor sense in my workplace like a
business or a personal free trade can help me to get much more money .
Thank you for your collaboration

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