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MBE Advance Access published June 19, 2014

Molecular Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Habitat Preference

Evolution of Marsupials
Kieren J. Mitchell,*,1 Renae C. Pratt,2 Laura N. Watson,3 Gillian C. Gibb,4 Bastien Llamas,1 Marta Kasper,1
Janette Edson,1 Blair Hopwood,1 Dean Male,1 Kyle N. Armstrong,1 Matthias Meyer,5 Michael Hofreiter,6
Jeremy Austin,1 Stephen C. Donnellan,1,7 Michael S. Y. Lee,1,7 Matthew J. Phillips,8 and Alan Cooper*,1
Australian Centre for Ancient DNA, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Department of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Research Centre for Reproductive Health, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA,
Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Department of Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany
Department of Biology, University of York, York, United Kingdom
South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA, Australia
School of Earth, Environmental and Biological Sciences, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
*Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Associate editor: Emma Teeling

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Marsupials exhibit great diversity in ecology and morphology. However, compared with their sister group, the placental
mammals, our understanding of many aspects of marsupial evolution remains limited. We use 101 mitochondrial
genomes and data from 26 nuclear loci to reconstruct a dated phylogeny including 97% of extant genera and 58% of
modern marsupial species. This tree allows us to analyze the evolution of habitat preference and geographic distributions
of marsupial species through time. We found a pattern of mesic-adapted lineages evolving to use more arid and open
habitats, which is broadly consistent with regional climate and environmental change. However, contrary to the general
trend, several lineages subsequently appear to have reverted from drier to more mesic habitats. Biogeographic recon-
structions suggest that current views on the connectivity between Australia and New Guinea/Wallacea during the
Miocene and Pliocene need to be revised. The antiquity of several endemic New Guinean clades strongly suggests a
substantially older period of connection stretching back to the Middle Miocene and implies that New Guinea was
colonized by multiple clades almost immediately after its principal formation.
Key words: supermatrix, ancestral state reconstruction, mammal, mitochondrion.

Introduction Where the fossil record is depauperate, molecular phylog-
Modern marsupials originated in the Late Cretaceous and enies can be particularly useful tools for reconstructing the
today include over 300 known species distributed across tempo and mode of evolution. Time-calibrated phylogenies
the Americas and Australasia (Wilson and Reeder 2005). are increasingly used to reconstruct biogeographic history
These species vary from gliding possums to hopping kanga- and test dispersal/vicariance hypotheses (Avise et al. 1987;
roos and include obligate carnivores, specialized insectivores, Avise 2000). Such phylogenies can also be used to model
omnivores, and herbivores, and both diurnal and nocturnal the evolution of morphological and ecological traits in a phy-
forms. They also occupy diverse habitats ranging from the wet logenetic context (Felsenstein 1985; Huey 1987; Pagel 1997).
tropical rainforests of New Guinea and the Amazon to the Researchers have even attempted to use phylogenies of living
arid Australian interior. Marsupials occupy virtually every ter- taxa to infer changes in the rate of speciation and extinction
restrial, nonvolant niche occupied by placental analogs on through time (Alfaro et al. 2009; Stadler 2011; Hugall and
other continents. However, despite the great diversity of ad- Stuart-Fox 2012). To fully investigate these issues and under-
aptations displayed by living marsupials, studies attempting stand the origin of extant marsupial diversity, it is necessary to
to explain the drivers and constraints behind their evolution develop a comprehensive phylogeny as a template for explor-
have been limited compared with their sister group. This is ing marsupial macroevolution.
partly due to extensive gaps in the marsupial fossil record, Since the turn of the century, great progress has been
which obscure several critical periods in their evolutionary made in resolving the relationships among marsupial taxa.
history (Archer et al. 1999). Eomarsupialia (Archer 1984; Phillips et al. 2006; Beck 2008;

ß The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please

Mol. Biol. Evol. doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 Advance Access publication May 30, 2014 1
Mitchell et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE
Meredith et al. 2011) has been identified as a clade comprising (the kangaroos and wallabies) and Notoryctemorphia (the
the four Australasian orders: Diprotodontia (the kangaroos, marsupial moles). We robustly recover Macropodiformes
possums, wombats, and koala), Peramelemorphia (bandi- and Petauroidea (petauroid possums) as sister taxa
coots and bilbies), Dasyuromorphia (including the (MLBS = 85%), concordant with a recent study of major
Tasmanian devil and the thylacine), and Notoryctemorphia mammal lineages (Meredith et al. 2011); this placement is
(marsupial moles). Eomarsupialia is nested within a paraphy- relatively novel, as several previous studies of mitochondrial
letic collection of three endemic American lineages (Beck (Phillips and Pratt 2008) and nuclear loci (Meredith,
2008; Meredith, Westerman, Case, et al. 2008; Meredith Westerman, Case, et al. 2008; Meredith et al. 2009), as well
et al. 2011): Didelphimorphia (opossums), Paucituberculata as some aspects of morphology (Szalay 1994), favor an alter-
(shrew-opossums), and Microbiotheria (the monito del native grouping of Macropodiformes with Phalangeroidea
monte). The South American monito del monte (phalangeroid possums). Additionally, our results suggest
(Dromiciops gliroides) is particularly interesting as its close that Notoryctemorphia is sister to a clade consisting of
affinity with the Australasian orders (together forming Peramelemorphia and Dasyuromorphia, although support
Australidelphia) has implications for understanding the bio- for this grouping is moderate (MLBS = 68%). Relationships
geography and dispersal of ancestral marsupials in the Late below the family level are largely concordant with previous
Cretaceous and Paleocene (Beck 2012). estimates (e.g., Raterman et al. 2006; Beck 2008; Meredith et al.
Unfortunately, the majority of past molecular studies have 2008b, 2009, 2010; Phillips and Pratt 2008; Westerman et al.
only been able to test a limited range of hypotheses. Studies 2008; Voss and Jansa 2009; Westerman et al. 2012).

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seeking to resolve relationships among marsupial lineages To estimate divergence times among marsupials, we em-
using nucleotide sequence data have either included dispa- ployed a set of 14 established fossil-based node age con-
rate exemplar higher taxa but relatively few individual species straints (supplementary table S1, Supplementary Material
(Phillips et al. 2006; Beck 2008; Meredith, Westerman, Case, online) (see Meredith, Westerman, Case, et al. 2008;
et al. 2008; Meredith et al. 2011; Phillips and Pratt 2008; Meredith et al. 2008a, 2008b, 2009, 2010, 2011; Westerman
Nilsson et al. 2010) or comprehensive species sampling but et al. 2012) for which taxonomic assignment is well justified.
only within restricted subclades (Meredith et al. 2008a, 2008b, These constraints range in age from a Late Cretaceous (71.2
2010; Voss and Jansa 2009; Westerman et al. 2012). Often Ma) maximum bound for the divergence between
these individual data sets have involved different genetic Eomarsupialia and Microbiotheria, to a Middle Pliocene
loci, making their results difficult to combine when using (3.62 Ma) minimum bound for the divergence between the
supermatrix approaches. To circumvent this problem, some bandicoot genera Isoodon and Perameles. Divergence dates
authors have turned to supertree methods (Cardillo et al. inferred in this study are broadly consistent with past esti-
2004; Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007). However, this approach mates based on molecular data (Beck 2008; Meredith,
has several disadvantages including difficulties in quantifying Westerman, Case, et al. 2008, Meredith et al. 2008a, 2009,
statistical support for inferred topologies (de Queiroz and 2010, 2011; Westerman et al. 2012). The mean age of the
Gatesy 2007; von Haeseler 2012). As a result, phylogenies marsupial crown group is 86.8 Ma (95% highest posterior
focusing on marsupials have generally been rather poorly density [HPD]: 79.7–94.6), whereas the four Australasian
resolved and inadequately dated, at least compared with pla- orders diverge within a relatively brief window closely associ-
cental mammals. ated with the KPg boundary: 67–64 Ma. The divergence be-
We have constructed a comprehensive phylogeny of tween the Australasian stem lineage and Microbiotheria only
modern marsupials to better understand their evolution, slightly predates this period (~69 Ma) but is in turn preceded
biogeography, and ecological history. We sequenced 69 mi- by an approximately 14 Ma internode. Such a tight clustering
tochondrial genomes using next-generation sequencing of divergences relatively deep in the tree is unlikely under a
technology and synthesized this with existing nuclear and standard birth–death diversification model. This may indicate
mitochondrial genomic nucleotide data to generate a super- rapid diversification of ancestral australidelphians catalyzed
matrix that includes 97% of extant genera and 58% of modern by ecological opportunity following the KPg mass extinction
marsupial species. or colonization of Antarctica/Australia from South America.
The latter hypothesis implies that the current distribution of
Results and Discussion the monito del monte may reflect a back migration from
Maximum likelihood (ML), Bayesian, and parsimony analyses Antarctica/Australia to South America in the early
of the supermatrix resulted in well-resolved and concordant Cenozoic (Beck 2012).
phylogenetic trees (fig. 1 and supplementary fig. S1 and data Several previous studies have constructed comprehensive
set S1, Supplementary Material online) with 85% of marsupial phylogenies with similar aims to this study (Cardillo
nodes in the ML tree supported by ML bootstrap support et al. 2004; Bininda-Emonds et al. 2007). However, these used
(MLBS) values  70% (fig. 1 and Supplementary fig. S1, supertree approaches and do not recover several widely ac-
Supplementary Material online). Relationships among marsu- cepted clades that are well supported by our analyses (e.g.,
pial orders and families are consistent with most recent mo- Potoroidae, Echymiperinae, and Eomarsupialia). Similarly,
lecular studies and generally receive high statistical support many marsupial genera in these previous studies are repre-
(MLBS  97%). There is currently uncertainty surrounding sented by polytomies, with resolution between congeneric
the precise affinities of two major clades: Macropodiformes species completely lacking. Lack of resolution makes the

Marsupials . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE


Microbiotheria Microbiotheriidae
Australidelphia Dasyuromorphia


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Late Cretaceous Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Miocene Pi Pt

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Time (Ma)

FIG. 1. Time-calibrated phylogeny of 193 marsupial species based on ML topology (supplementary data set S1, Supplementary Material online). All
nodes are strongly supported by all three methods (ML bootstrap 90%, Bayesian posterior probability 0.95, and parsimony bootstrap 90%) unless
indicated by a dot. Black dot indicates a node appears in trees inferred using all three methods but is not strongly supported in at least one tree. Blue dot
indicates node absent in Bayesian tree, green dot indicates node absent in parsimony tree, and red dot indicates node absent in both Bayesian and
parsimony trees. Shading behind branches reflects ancestral distribution as estimated using Lagrange: light blue for the Americas; orange for Australia;
and red for New Guinea and Wallacea. Lineages that are inferred by Lagrange to be codistributed between Australia and New Guinea/Wallacea are
shaded purple. Numbers indicate New Guinean/Wallacean “old endemic” clades (see main text): 1) New Guinean/Wallacean bandicoots
(Echymiperinae and Peroryctinae), 2) “Murexia” dasyures, and 3) cuscuses (phalangerin possums). Geological epochs are marked on the x-axis: Late
Cretaceous, Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, Pliocene (Pi), and Pleistocene (Pt). The Holocene (~11 ka to the present day) is not visible at this
scale. Parsimony optimization of distribution based on the ML topology gives comparable overall results (supplementary data set S1, Supplementary
Material online). Individual species names and locus coverage are presented in supplementary figure S1, Supplementary Material online.

dating analyses of Bininda-Emonds et al. (2007) inaccurate for direct dating and high resolution of our phylogeny make it a
many clades, which is exacerbated by the fact that approxi- more robust scaffold for testing macroevolutionary hypothe-
mately 25% of node ages in their marsupial phylogeny were ses than existing supertrees.
interpolated rather than empirically estimated. Perhaps as a Extant marsupials inhabit a diversity of habitat types rang-
result, mean node ages inferred by Bininda-Emonds et al. ing from rainforest to desert. Figure 2 illustrates that habitat
(2007) are substantially older for many clades (e.g., preference is highly phylogenetically conserved. Using
Didelphimorphia) than those inferred by more recent studies Bayesian ancestral state reconstruction, we calculated the
(e.g., Jansa et al. 2014), including our own. Consequently, the probability that each node on the phylogeny (representing

Mitchell et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE

Myrmecobiidae (numbat) Dasyuridae (inc. quolls and Tasmanian devil)

Thylacinidae (thylacine)

Phascolarctidae (koala)
Vombatidae (wombats)

Thylacomyidae (bilby) Burramyidae (pygmy possums)

Notoryctidae (marsupial moles)
(monito del monte) Phalangeridae
(cuscuses and brushtail possums)

(inc. feathertail glider)
(honey possum)
80 (inc. wrist-winged


50 Pseudocheiridae
Didelphidae (inc. ringtail possums)

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Time (Ma)
(opossums) 40
30 (musky rat-kangaroo)
Wet-closed 20 Potoroidae
(inc. potoroos and bettongs)
Caenolestidae Macropodidae
(shrew opossums) (inc. kangaroos and wallabies)

FIG. 2. Ancestral habitat preference reconstruction using Bayesian optimization methods on the ML topology (fig. 1 and supplementary fig. S1 and data
set S1, Supplementary Material online). Boxes at tips reflect the modern state, whereas pie charts reflect the inferred probability of a particular state at
each ancestral node. Modern taxa inhabiting multiple habitat types are represented by an appropriate color gradient. Parsimony optimization of habitat
states gives comparable results (supplementary data set S1, Supplementary Material online).

an ancestral species) was associated with a given habitat north. In Australia, rainforest was the dominant habitat
type: wet-closed (e.g., rainforest), mesic-open (e.g., sclerophyll type across most of the continent during the early
or grassland), or arid. A large proportion of the posterior Cenozoic (Frakes et al. 1987): Open sclerophyll and grassland
probability for the most basal nodes in the phylogeny was did not become widespread until after the Middle Miocene,
associated with wet-closed environments (fig. 2). This sug- and true arid zones did not develop until the Pliocene (Martin
gests that most of the primary divergences among extant 2006; White 2006). Given this sequence of events, it is gener-
marsupial groups occurred in a rainforest context, consistent ally thought that the modern Australian arid biota evolved
with many paleontological studies (Travouillon et al. 2009). from ancestral mesic forms and that the ancestral state for
However, the ancestral habitat on nodes at the base of the these clades should consequently optimize as wet-closed
australidelphian radiation is unclear, with intermediate (Byrne et al. 2008, 2011). However, departures from this ex-
(mesic-open) habitat often having the highest probability. pected direction of habitat evolution are observed for several
Our results also suggest that adaptation to open and arid Australasian taxa. For example, several clades and individual
habitats has evolved independently numerous times among species appear to have undergone reversions from mesic-
marsupials and that these events occurred relatively recently. open to wet-closed habitats (fig. 2), particularly within
Among South American marsupials, transitions from wet- Macropodidae and Dasyuridae. Additionally, several groups
closed to drier and more open environments appear unidi- including Dasyuromorphia, Vombatiformes, and Trichosurini
rectional and begin no earlier than the Miocene (Jansa et al. appear to have made the transition from wet-closed to mesic-
2014) (fig. 2). The timing of these transitions follows the open environments prior to the onset of widespread Miocene
Oligocene retraction of rainforest and expansion of wooded aridification. One explanation for this observation is that
savanna and grassland in southern South America (Ortiz- these older inferred transitions reflect lineages that survived
Jaureguizar and Cladera 2006; Barreda and Palazzesi 2007; from drier periods in the Oligocene when limited open forest
Iglesias et al. 2011). Concordantly, extant open-habitat- habitats may have been available (Travouillon et al. 2009).
adapted opossum lineages (e.g., Thylamys and Lestodelphys) A limitation of molecular analyses is that they are based
are distributed primarily in southern Brazil, Paraguay, purely on modern species. This may lead to inference of ar-
Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, whereas their respective tificially old wet-closed to mesic-open transitions through
sister taxa are generally distributed in rainforests to the failure to sample extinct rainforest-adapted lineages. For

Marsupials . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE
instance, support for an early origin of mesic-open habitats in in global sea levels may have permitted overland dispersal
dasyuromorphs decreases when their close relatives, the arid- (Hodell et al. 1986). Most of our inferred dispersal dates can
adapted marsupial moles (Notoryctemorphia), are omitted be reconciled with this scenario and/or more recent periods
from the analysis. The two extant marsupial mole species are of low sea level in the Pliocene and Pleistocene. However, the
associated exclusively with arid habitats, but extinct mesic age of several clades is unexpectedly old given this hypothesis.
notoryctids are known from Miocene Riversleigh layers The crown ages of the cuscuses (phalangerin possums),
(Archer et al. 2010). Additionally, extinct dasyurid and vom- New Guinean bandicoots (Peroryctinae and Echymiperinae),
batiform taxa are known from Pleistocene rainforest assem- and “Murexia” dasyures suggest a period of accessibility be-
blages (Cramb et al. 2009; Black et al. 2012). However, even if tween Australia and New Guinea/Wallacea at the beginning
we were to assume that no single wet-closed to mesic-open of the Late Miocene (fig. 1). The youngest inferred date for the
transition is truly older than the Middle Miocene, these tran- presence of cucuses in New Guinea/Wallacea is 10.65 Ma
sitions are still temporally dispersed over a long period. This (95% HPD minimum bound of the crown group); the analo-
suggests that evolution toward mesic-open and arid habitats gous values for New Guinean bandicoots and dasyures are
has been a gradual process rather than a concerted shift 9.84 and 9.28 Ma, respectively. Although inference of such
across many Australasian clades in association with some early colonization dates could also be explained by multiple
abrupt climatic event. This observation, along with evidence parallel dispersals within each clade at the end of the Mio-
for reversions from mesic-open to wet-closed habitats, indi- cene, the tight concordance among the crown ages of these
cates a high level of ongoing plasticity among marsupials with three clades strongly suggests a dispersal window 11–9 Ma.

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regard to habitat adaptation. Similarly, sweepstakes long-range overwater dispersal is un-
A large proportion of Australasian wet-closed forest line- likely to have generated three relatively simultaneous events.
ages inhabit New Guinea and Wallacea rather than Australia This suggests that dispersal has been at least intermittently
(Flannery 1995). The colonization timeline of these islands is possible between mainland Australia and New Guinea via
uncertain; long-distance overwater dispersal is improbable for diffuse connection since the Middle Miocene. A period of
most marsupial taxa, and due to the geological complexity of connection 11–9 Ma is broadly consistent with the origin
the region, evidence for the presence and duration of land of the bulk of modern New Guinea, which formed as a
connections is equivocal (Metcalfe et al. 2001). Previous stud- result of orogeny approximately 12 Ma (van Ufford and
ies have attempted to use the age and distribution of marsu- Cloos 2005), and is consistent with the suggestion of a similar
pial lineages to infer periods of biotic connection between period of dispersal based on microcomplement fixation
Australia and New Guinea/Wallacea (Aplin et al. 1993). We (Aplin et al. 1993).
implemented a similar approach on our phylogeny, using This study presents a comprehensive molecular phylogeny
biogeographic reconstructions to identify the temporal of marsupials and highlights substantial macroevolutionary
origin of New Guinean/Wallacean marsupial taxa (fig. 1). heterogeneity. The widely hypothesized trend of ancestral
For taxa inferred to have colonized New Guinea/Wallacea wet-closed forest lineages evolving into open and arid
from Australia, the oldest probable dispersal time is repre- forms since the Middle Miocene appears to be overly simplis-
sented by the divergence between the ancestor of a New tic: Several lineages have evolved in the opposite direction.
Guinean/Wallacean clade and its Australian sister taxon, Additionally, the taxonomic breadth of our phylogeny allows
whereas the most recent probable dispersal time is marked us to compare the timing of numerous phylogenetically
by the age of the New Guinean/Wallacean crown clade. independent dispersals from Australia to New Guinea/
Inferred dispersal dates for any individual clade may be arti- Wallacea. The age and concordance of these events provides
ficially young or old due to extinction of Australian lineages or substantial evidence of biological connectivity between New
parallel colonization events, respectively. Thus, the power of Guinea and Australia coincident with New Guinea’s principal
our study for testing biogeographical hypotheses comes from formation approximately 12 Ma. Ultimately, our results sug-
the sheer number of independent dispersal events encom- gest that marsupial evolution in the Cenozoic was dynamic
passed by our data set. and characterized by on-going ecological plasticity and op-
A vicariant origin of the New Guinean/Wallacean marsu- portunistic dispersal.
pial fauna has previously been advanced based on early geo-
logical reconstructions (Flannery 1988). Under this scenario, a Materials and Methods
substantial part of New Guinea was emergent and connected
to Australia until the Oligocene when the intervening Papuan Data Set
Basin was inundated (Dow 1976), thereby severing land con- We sequenced mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes)
nection and preventing dispersal. Our inferred dates are uni- for 69 extant marsupial species (supplementary table S2,
formly too young to be consistent with this hypothesis. Supplementary Material online). Sixty-three mitogenomes
Indeed, more recent geological reconstructions indicate that were sequenced according to a previously published protocol
in fact no substantial part of New Guinea was emergent until (Lerner et al. 2011) using a combination of multiplexed 454
the Miocene (van Ufford and Cloos 2005). Subsequently, it pyrosequencing (Meyer et al. 2008) and traditional capillary
has been suggested that the ancestors of New Guinean/ electrophoresis. First, we used long-range polymerase chain
Wallacean marsupials dispersed no earlier than the latest reaction (see supplementary table S3, Supplementary
Miocene (Westerman et al. 2012) when a substantial drop Material online, for primer sequences) to amplify each

Mitchell et al. . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE
mitogenome in several fragments. Each fragment was then these analyses produced very similar trees (supplementary
sheared, barcoded, and sequenced on a Roche/454 GS FLX. data set S1, Supplementary Material online). Our RAxML
Resulting sequencing reads were de novo assembled using a analysis comprised an ML search for the best-scoring tree
previously published pipeline (Lerner et al. 2011): Sequences from 1,000 bootstrap replicates. MrBayes analyses were
were demultiplexed using “untag” ( undated (clock free), as dated (clock) analyses did not con-
pts/, last accessed June 5, 2014), and consensus sequences verge. There were three runs: Each individual run employed
were created using “newbler” (v., SeqMan Pro four Markov chains (one cold and three incrementally
(Lasergene suite 8, DNASTAR), and MIA (http://sourceforge. heated) with default priors. Each chain ran for 107 genera-
net/projects/mia-assembler/, last accessed June 5, 2014). tions, sampling every 500. Convergence in topology was as-
Remaining gaps and areas of low coverage were completed sessed using the average standard deviation of split
using big dye terminator chemistry on an ABI 3130 (see sup- frequencies (<0.02), whereas convergence in individual pa-
plementary table S3, Supplementary Material online, for rameter values was assessed through broadly overlapping dis-
primer sequences). The remaining six mitogenomes were ob- tributions in Tracer v1.5 (
tained via shotgun sequencing of raw extract on an Illumina tracer/, last accessed June 5, 2014) and effective sample
Genome Analyzer II (one lane per sample). Sequencing reads sizes more than 200. Trees generated by the three runs
were mapped to published mitogenomes of closely related were pooled before being summarized, and the first 25% of
species using TMAP v3.2.2 (, trees from each run were discarded as burn-in.
last accessed June 5, 2014) and samtools v1.4 (Li et al. 2009) Parsimony Methods

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according to a previously published pipeline (Mitchell et al. Parsimony analyses used PAUP* (Swofford 2002), with most
2014); duplicate reads were removed with PicardTools v1.79 parsimonious trees found via heuristic searches involving 100
(, last accessed June 5, 2014), and random addition searches followed by a strict consensus;
a consensus sequence was generated in Geneious v6.1.2 bootstrapping was performed with 100 replicates of simple
(Biomatters;, last accessed June 5, heuristic searches (due to time constraints), followed by a
2014). majority-rule consensus. All analyses were again repeated
New sequence data were combined with 32 previously with and without outgroup taxa, with similar results (supple-
published mitogenomes and data from 26 nuclear loci to mentary data set S1, Supplementary Material online).
form a single nucleotide supermatrix (supplementary fig. S1
and data set S2, Supplementary Material online). The final
Molecular Dating
data set included 193 marsupial species and ten outgroup
taxa: Two monotremes and eight placental mammals. The We implemented 14 node calibrations across the marsupial
supermatrix (43,616 bp) was 39% complete (excluding out- tree (supplementary table S1, Supplementary Material
groups), with the proportion of missing taxa per locus varying online). Most constraints followed previous studies (e.g.,
from 12.5% to 88% (0–15% at the family level and 0% at the Meredith, Westerman, Case, et al. 2008; Meredith et al.
order level). We divided this alignment into 72 discrete bins: 2008a, 2008b, 2009, 2010, 2011; Westerman et al. 2012),
Codon positions of each protein-coding nuclear locus, first with minimum bounds being chosen based on the oldest
and second codon positions of all H-strand mitochondrial known occurrence of fossil crown-group taxa. Maximum
protein-coding genes (concatenated into one locus), individ- bounds were determined using either stratigraphic bounding
ual introns, and stem and loop positions of mitochondrial (Benton and Donoghue 2007) or phylogenetic bracketing
RNA-coding loci (all rRNAs and tRNAs were concatenated). (Reisz and Müller 2004; Müller and Reisz 2005). To allow for
Mitochondrial third codon positions were discarded to min- the patchiness of the marsupial fossil record, we followed the
imize bias in branch length estimation arising from saturation. conservative philosophy of Meredith, Westerman, Springer
These bins were analyzed using partitionfinder v0.9.2 (Lanfear (2008) when determining maxima: Stratigraphic bounding
et al. 2012) to determine the most appropriate partitioning maxima were judged based on absence of the lineage of in-
scheme and substitution models (supplementary table S4, terest from two (rather than one) preceding fossil bearing
Supplementary Material online) for downstream analysis in layers, whereas phylogenetic bracketing maxima were
RAxML v7.2.8, MrBayes v3.2.1, and MCMCtree (PAML v4.6). judged based on the oldest known occurrence of at least
the second closest (rather than first closest) outgroup to
the target clade.
Phylogenetics Molecular dating was performed using MCMCtree, within
Model-Based Methods the PAML v4.6 software package (Yang 2007), on the RAxML
Tree topology was estimated under ML and Bayesian frame- tree topology. All calibrations (supplementary table S1,
works using RAxML v7.2.8 (Stamatakis 2006) and MrBayes Supplementary Material online) were implemented as uni-
v3.2.1 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003), respectively. Both form priors with hard minima and soft maxima (97.5%). To
RAxML and MrBayes gave very similar trees (fig. 1 and sup- maximize computational efficiency, we used the likelihood
plementary fig. S1 and data set S1, Supplementary Material approximation approach implemented in MCMCtree and
online). All analyses were repeated with and without out- performed our analysis on ingroup taxa only. For the purposes
group taxa (placentals and monotremes) to assess the sensi- of our MCMCtree analyses, we defined individual time units
tivity of the splits within marsupials to outgroup sampling; as 10 Ma, such that most node ages fell between 10 and 0.1

Marsupials . doi:10.1093/molbev/msu176 MBE
units. Among-partition rate variation was modeled using a Wallacea is not plausible. The most probable inherited range
gamma distribution with the parameter values  = 1 and for each node on the phylogeny is reflected in figure 1. To test
 = 56. After a burn-in of 104 iterations, each chain was run our results, we performed a strict parsimony state reconstruc-
for 8  105 iterations sampling every 80 for a total of 104 tion in Mesquite (Maddison WP and Maddison DR 2011)
samples. To ensure convergence and adequate sampling, with concordant results (supplementary data set S1,
two separate runs were performed, and each parameter Supplementary Material online).
was monitored in Tracer v1.5 (
ware/tracer/, last accessed June 5, 2014). Parameter values Supplementary Material
for one partition (out of 24) consistently failed to converge Supplementary tables S1–S5, figure S1, and data set S1 are
due to a low number of informative sites; this partition was available at Molecular Biology and Evolution online (http://
consequently omitted from the final analysis (see supplemen-
tary table S4, Supplementary Material online).
Ancestral State Reconstruction This study was funded by the Australian Research Council.
Bayesian trait reconstruction was performed on the final High-performance computing was provided by eResearch SA.
dated phylogeny using the MCMC option for discrete state For access to tissue and DNA samples, the authors thank: J.
evolution in BayesTraits v1.0 (Pagel et al. 2004). The analysis Patton and C. Cicero (Museum of Vertebrate Zoology); R.
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