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for Architects and Designers

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for Architects and Designers

Norman Crowe
Professor Emeritus, School of Architecture
University of Notre Dame

Paul Laseau
Professor Emeritus, Department of Architecture
Ball State University

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Crowe, Norman.
Visual notes for architects and designers / Norman Crowe, Paul Laseau. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-470-90853-2 (pbk.); 978-1-118-12295-2 (ebk); 978-1-118-12297-6 (ebk); 978-1-118-12932-6 (ebk); 978-1-118-
12933-3 (ebk); 978-1-118-12934-0 (ebk)
1. Communication in architectural design. 2. Visual perception. I. Laseau, Paul, 1937- II. Title.
NA2750.C76 2012

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Preface vii
1. Introduction 1
The Uses of Visual Notes 2
Visual Literacy 6
The Notebook 10
Using This Book 14
Getting Started 15
2. A Guide to Note-Taking 17
Recording 19
Analysis 26
Design 30
3. A Journal 35
Exploring a Place 38
Understanding Order and Disorder 50
Solutions to Common Problems 64
Focusing on Details 72
Design Study: International Center 86
4. A Collection of Visual Notes 99
Thinking and Creativity 99
Visual Note-Taking 101
Examples 102
5. Transitions to Design 141
Visual Notation and Design Process 141
Impact of Digital Technology 142
Digital Design Media 142
Examples 144
Conclusion 178
Appendix— Tools and Techniques 181
Equipment 182
Basic Drawings 184
Drawing Conventions 202
Analytical Drawings 214
Symbolic Drawings 220

Endnotes 226
Illustration and Photo Credits 227
Bibliography 229
Index 231

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Preface to the Second Edition

When we completed Visual Notes for publication We are told that sketching engages a different
in 1984, hand drawing with drafting instruments part of the brain than, for instance, taking pho-
was still the customary practice at the drawing tographs. Comparable research in 2003 by neu-
board for most designers. Cameras, however, roscientist Eleanor Maguire of University College
had virtually replaced field sketches for gather- London, though not focused directly on sketch-
ing information in the field. We recognized that ing, seems to emphasize the point. She discov-
something was missing and so we wrote Visual ered that spatial understanding is enhanced by
Notes for designers—especially architects, land- direct and intense experience with something
scape architects, planners, and engineers—to in its true three-dimensionality, versus viewing
reassert the value of visual notation. The book it in two dimensions as a photograph or other
proved to be remarkably successful, indicating abstract representation. In particular, her re-
that many agreed with our assessment. Since search involved London cabdrivers, who it turns
that time, digital cameras, computer aided de- out have a larger posterior hippocampus—the
sign software (CAD), hand-held digital sketch- region of the brain that files spatial memories—
pads, the Internet, smart phones, fax machines, than the average Londoner. Of course today,
and scanners have become just about ubiqui- one could negotiate London’s complex street
tous. While the aim of this edition is to continue network with a GPS navigational aid, but be-
to demonstrate the effectiveness of gathering cause it does not engage spatial organization in
visual information by means of freehand nota- the same way as a series of related, consecutive
tional sketches, ways of incorporating today’s active spatial experiences, the brain is deprived
available technologies, we believe, have become of developing more subtle and refined spatial
too important and effective to exclude. Thus, understanding. It would follow that operating
the objective of the current edition is two-fold: computer graphics, for instance, like negotiating
to provide further instruction on visual notation, the streets with a GPS device, short circuits the
and demonstrate how new graphic-oriented fuller neuronal involvement of drawing by hand.
technologies may expand the efficacy of gather-
ing visual information. Since the first publication of Visual Notes, an
inadvertent discovery involving the applica-
We noted in the first edition that sketching tion of computer graphics versus hand drawing
and keeping notes was once the mainstay of emerged in response to a decision made by the
a traveler’s skills. Recording visual information professional degree architectural program at the
alongside verbal notes—in forms that are dia- University of Notre Dame. After considerable
grammatic, abstract, pictorial, and realistic—was evaluation, it was decided that students would
simply a part of how one “took in” the important be prohibited from using computer graphics
qualities of a place, as well as to reinforce the in the design process until they had reached
memory of that place for a later time. But there their fourth year of architectural studies. The
is more to sketching in the field than meets the reason had to do with the observation that hand
eye, so to speak. While we engage in sketching drawing required a much greater conscious
for purposes of capturing information, we tend understanding of how things go together—in
to forget that an important effect has to do with constructional, architectural, and general spatial
truly seeing things in their deeper complexity, terms—than simply selecting a detail or element
thereby heightening a fuller and at the same from a digitized plan file in a CAD program,
time more subtle understanding of our environ- then modifying it to suit a particular applica-
ment. And this effect increases, becoming more tion. What happened, in addition to ensuring
efficient and useful as one’s habit of sketching a greater understanding of architectural form,
stretches over time. was that when architecture students who began


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with hand drawing finally transitioned to the use The act of drawing, like writing, is an integral
of computer graphics, their computer drawings part of developing thought. William Mor-
were noticeably superior to others who began rish, whose drawings appear in this addition,
with computer graphics in the first place. That demonstrate that point. As he sketches unseen
was a surprise. It turns out that the use of line relationships—for instance a landscape of
weight, perspective devises, color, and the like to distant features that cannot all be seen at the
clarify formal-spatial understanding were more same time from a given place—he discovers
fully and effectively employed by those who meaningful associations between things that
began with the development of hand draw- become integral to a broader understanding
ing skills before they learned to use computer that cannot be revealed by the eye on its own.
graphics. It would seem that the abstract under- Or the drawings by Leon Krier in this edition,
standing of spatial form gained from computer which develop a link between the memory of
graphics, as in the situation of photography an object or place and its role as an idea that
versus sketching or negotiating London streets can inform design. These tangible connections
with a GPS device, something is gained while between thought, memory, experience, and
something else is lost. But if both are brought design, further develop the original theme of
to the fore, each in its appropriate place in the Visual Notes.
larger scope of effective communication, the
We believe that engaging hand drawing in its
result is greater breadth of useful understanding.
many forms is more important today than it ever
We believe that encouragement to use hand was. The temptation to bypass engaging our
drawing in its many forms is more important environment in all its richness, meaning, and
now than ever. The temptation to bypass complexity has become greater than ever. To
engaging our environment in all its richness and actively see, as opposed to merely record inert
complexity has become greater than ever. To data, enriches our understanding and enhances
truly see, as opposed to merely record, enriches our ability to remember and to use our knowl-
our understanding and enhances our ability to edge to more effectively and responsively
remember and to use our knowledge to better facilitate the act of designing. NC/PL
facilitate the act of designing.

We would like to thank those who so generously We would also like to thank Holly M. Johnson
contributed their sketches to this edition. We for her generous time and expertise in gather-
believed from the onset that expanding those ing photographs for us in Philadelphia, Kenneth
sections of the book that feature a broad array of Johnson for technical consultation, and Michele
drawings by people from different fields was of Laseau for her design advice. Special thanks go
particular importance. New contributors to this to our editors, Margaret Cummins and Lauren
edition are Mohammed Bilbesi, Lauren Deeg, Poplawski, for their encouragement and helping
Wayne Estopinal, Susan Fox, Harry Eggink, us through the process of putting the book
Andrew Hesterman, Susan Fox, John Hoover, together. Finally, we would like to thank all those
Cathi and Steven House, Nancy Kreger, Leon who expressed their enthusiasm for Visual Notes
Krier, Jim Leggitt, Scott Lockard, Efthimios over the years and whose interest in visual nota-
Maniatis, William Morrish, Michel Mounayar, tion encouraged us to expand and revise the
Bruce Race, and Kevin Sloan. We wish we could original edition.
have included all the sketches they sent us, but
editing from such a wonderful preponderance
of drawings, we believe, provided us with the
best combination overall.


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Introduction 1

1-1 Charles Darwin’s tree diagrams, representing

traceable evolution in biological species.

Visual notes are simply the graphic equivalent between the observer and the view. It can be-
of written notes. “Taking visual notes” refers to come a comparatively neutral instrument which
recording information which is primarily visual neither demands a high degree of selectivity nor
and, therefore, could not be recorded as effec- promotes out of necessity a very high level of
tively with words. understanding. Le Corbusier said that cameras
“get in the way of seeing.” Because visual notes
Keeping notes has always been an effective
do not accompany verbal ones as frequently as
hedge against an imperfect memory. Moreover,
they once did, we believe that something valu-
the act of taking notes, selecting and sifting
able has been lost. It is our purpose to encour-
through them, is an important tool for creativ-
age the development and use of visual skills,
ity. Keeping a notebook of observations and
especially in the form of simple, rapid, effective
experiences is a very old custom. Once visual
visual notation. We contend that the stigma
notes were seen by architects to be nearly as
against the use of graphic skills by those other
important as verbal ones. Sketching was a com-
than artists is based upon a false assumption
mon part of travel and education for the young
that one must be an artist, heavily endowed
with artistic aptitudes, in order to draw. Al-
Since the availability of easy, inexpensive though a certain kind of drawing is the province
photography, however, visual note-taking has of artists, that should not discourage others from
declined. With this decline has come a decline in using drawings to communicate information any
visual literacy in general. We have come to rely more than one might refuse to ever write any-
upon a camera to do all that notational sketches thing down because one is not an accomplished
once did. Of course, a camera can do much of journalist or author. Making visual notes can be
what sketching once did and it can perform cer- useful and effective and it can also be a particu-
tain tasks much faster and better. But a camera larly enjoyable endeavor. Once one has gotten
cannot record concepts, underlying structure, beyond the notion that one’s drawings have to
schematic organization, or anything else that be works of art, the activity of drawing gains a
the eye cannot see all at once. Although the momentum of its own and inevitably provides a
camera can be used creatively, it does not require certain satisfaction of its own.
any more than a superficial level of interaction

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1-2 Botonist’s sketches.


Who would have need for making visual notes? artist’s drawings, like a sketch of a scene, visual
It might be: an engineer inspecting machinery, notes require a lot of thought and comparably
a scientist or laboratory technician recording a less skill because they are intended to disclose
particular arrangement of apparatus, a land- selective information, while the sketch of a scene
scape architect noting an exemplary design, an requires little forethought but considerable skill
architect recording important details of a build- to become an accurate depiction.
ing which he intends to remodel or expand,
There is, however, still another important
a traveler wishing to record what lies beyond
dimension to visual notation. We may be left
myriad impressions as he explores a new place,
with the impression that this form of graphic
or a student simply taking notes during a slide
communication is only of concern to technolo-
lecture in biology, botany, anthropology, archi-
gists and other professionals who require it for
tectural or art history or other subject where
the conduct of their work, and that it is simply a
visual form is a concern.
useful, marketable skill. The effect, however, runs
Visual notation has an additional important use. deeper. Consider an analogous situation: the
It records that which cannot be seen directly by effect of written language upon thoughts and
the eye or by a camera. A laboratory technician actions. Not only does written language, with its
draws a diagram of the assembly of various ap- commonly accepted vocabulary and grammar,
paratus; it would not be useful for him to draw a communicate ideas, but it actually conditions
picture of the laboratory. The architect’s drawing the way we think. Moreover, it communicates
demonstrates how the building he is studying is our own thoughts, concepts, and ideas back to
organized, a plan of how the circulation system us. We use it to organize our thoughts as one
works, or how and where the structural ele- does when one assembles what he has learned
ments relate to the other parts of the building. about a particular topic, records his thoughts
A botanist draws an exploded view of a portion and, finally, “gets it all down” in writing. It is in the
of a plant, showing how sustenance is carried act of “getting it all down” that new associations
through the veining to distant parts of the plant and understanding emerge as a result of giving
and how the flower’s reproductive parts fit order to what would otherwise be merely ran-
together. Visual notes record information which dom thoughts and inert, factual circumstances.
has been selected to be stored, studied, and It is not surprising, therefore, that societies which
communicated. Such drawings are often analyti- had not developed a written language are not
cal; they take apart and describe rather than comparable with literate societies in terms of the
simply represent as in a picture. Compared to an quality of their accomplishments.

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1-3 Arcade of the Villa Guilia in Rome, based on a drawing by Letarouilly.

1-4 Visual notes of the same building, conveying a different kind of information
than the pictorial drawing above.

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1-5 Egyptian hieroglyphics: Words were formed by picture-symbols. Although a clumsy form of writing,
the verbal and visual world were integrated in many early forms of writing.

Written language does have its limitations. Visual access to a level of richness and understanding
information is not as easily conveyed by the writ- which would otherwise be unreachable. In our
ten word. Skillful writers have given us a special earlier description of the engineer, technician,
literary richness by describing something they scientist, and others making visual notes in order
wish us to see and feel, such as Balzac’s descrip- to facilitate their work, the impression might
tion of the interior of an apartment on the Place be that such notation is simply a means for the
des Vosges, or the Roman naturalist and writer transfer of information. Certainly notes might
Pliny’s description of his villas in Italy in letters serve only as information transfer and they
to his friends. But literature cannot convey all might only be perceived as such. Although basic
that seeing can provide. As in literature, the factual information is inert and without an intrin-
two drawings on the right represent a fanciful sic value, the very act of gathering the material,
transformation from factual reality into a fantasy selecting, sorting, and “getting it down” can
at the level of good fiction writing. The ritual disclose new associations and promote a deeper
mask was indeed inspired by a lion, but now understanding than any superficial observation
it is a thing of the imagination. Perhaps the could provide.
ancient artist first drew a lion from life to grasp
Communication, whether it is through literature,
the essential characteristics of “lion-ness,” then
mathematics, music, or graphics, is at the very
transformed those same characteristics into
heart of creativity which thrives upon relation-
something intentionally different though faithful
ships drawn between symbols and ideas. The
nonetheless to the factual lion. Visual media in
extent of one’s creativity is related to the depth
the form of drawing is capable of playing with
of one’s experience of the world in which one
the imagination in the same way as in literature.
lives. Imagination is built upon the richness of
It follows that just as verbal description is a perceptions gleaned from an active and con-
source for a rich and profound level of under- scious participation in that world of thoughts
standing, visual literacy can provide its own and substance.

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1-6 A lion drawn from life by Albrecht Durer.

1-7 Tribal ritual Lion Mask. It is intended that the mask be recognizable as a
lion, but this lion is of the spirit world, not an ordinary beast but a power-
ful, mystical, extraordinary one. A transformation has taken place through
the media of art and imagination.

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Verbal literacy is considered an essential skill in When most people look at a house, they see a
an industrialized, technologically-based society. roof, windows, doors, or the colors of the walls.
Most of us have learned how to take verbal or An artist also sees the lightness or darkness of
written notes. We learn to understand others the colors, the way the sun casts shadows, and
and express ourselves in a written language the reflections in the windows. The architect
usually by the completion of high school. But also sees the types of materials used, the details
understanding and expressing visual messages of a window frame or eaves, and the acces-
is a skill that remains poorly developed. sories such as gutters, downspouts, and lights.
The sociologist may see which windows have
Visual literacy includes two skills: visual acuity
curtains drawn, what symbols are presented in
and visual expression. Visual acuity is an intense
the style of the house, or how well the house
ability to see information or multiple messages
is maintained. Visual expression is the ability
in one’s environment with clarity and accuracy.
to initiate visual messages. It is most strongly

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1-9 Varied perceptions of a house.

exhibited by people such as artists, designers, In A Primer of Visual Literacy D. A. Dondis has iden-
choreographers, photographers, or architects; tified three levels of visual messages.1 They are
but it is important to everyone. While visual representation, abstraction, and symbolism. Rep-
acuity is concerned with the visual messages we resentation seeks to accurately record what we
receive, visual expression is concerned with the can actually see or experience. Representative
visual messages we send. Just as listening and sketches function much as do photographs, but
speaking are related but distinct skills, seeing they are, of necessity, more selective. The photo-
and expressing are interdependent but separate. graph accurately duplicates all that can be seen
Seeing is a necessary prelude to visual expres- from a specific vantage point; the representative
sion. But to achieve visual literacy both must be sketch describes those parts of a view which are
consciously developed. Since most readers will of special interest to the person sketching. While
not start with these skills, they represent both a a photograph is a reproduction of what is vis-
goal and a benefit of visual note-taking. ible, the sketch is a record of how one sees that

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which is visible. Producing sketches and “read-
ing” other people’s sketches provide both a view
of the subject and an education about a variety
of ways of seeing.
In visual communication, abstraction can be
seen as a “simplification toward a more intense
and distilled meaning.”2 We are literally bom-
barded with visual information at any given mo-
ment; in order to function in the world we must
create some order and meaning out of what we
see. This is basically the process of abstraction
called perception. If we visit someone’s house,
the whole facade may be visible but we notice 1-10A Representative sketches.
the front walk and front door because they are
important to our intention to enter the house.
While perception usually operates on a subcon-
scious, reflex level, abstraction can be brought to
a conscious, purposeful level when incorporated
in a visual message. Abstractions may place
emphasis on certain parts of a representational
sketch such as the pattern of windows in a
house; or they may be illustrations of that which
cannot be seen such as the probable structural
system of the house.
Symbolism is also a form of simplification of vi-
sual messages but it employs a surrogate or sub-
stitute image for what can actually be seen. In
place of a representational drawing of a specific
house we can use a symbol which most people
accept as standing for the general concept
“house.” The advantage of using such a symbol 1-11A Abstract sketches.
is that it can be quickly drawn and miniaturized
so that many symbols can be shown in the same
space it takes to draw one house. These symbols
can be arranged in an abstract “environment”
in which the sequence, position, or grouping of
the symbols conveys additional information.
A variety of examples of representational, ab-
stract, and symbolic drawings can be found in
other books. A partial list of sources is included
in the Bibliography for this book; and specific
examples of drawing techniques are included in
the Appendix.

1-12A Symbolic sketches.

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1-11B 1-11C

1-12B 1-12C

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1-13 Child’s drawing.

In keeping a notebook we use combinations of In her book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain,
representational, abstract, and symbolic mes- Dr. Edwards describes the transition from sym-
sages. This requires our understanding of the bolic drawings to producing nonsymbolic draw-
basic approach to creating each type of drawing ings as a process of limiting the involvement of
and the ways in which they can be combined. the portion of our brain which deals primarily
When children draw a person, they draw sym- with verbal information.3 Then that portion of
bols for all the parts they know must be there our brain which processes visual information
to make a human figure. The head is a circle and can take over. Rather than the drawing being
the body a larger circle below the head. Eyes comprised of symbolic elements, it becomes
are represented by two dots; nose, mouth, and a composition of shapes which represent the
hair by appropriately placed lines; arms and legs visual likeness of that which we are recording.
by single lines emanating from the body circle.
Likewise, a house is depicted as a rectangle with If one wishes to produce a true likeness, like
a triangle on top of it and a symbolic window an accurate photograph of something, it is
with a single crossed division on it resides on the important to draw the shape accurately, just
facade. Our training in school in mathematics as it is seen, and not to permit preconceived
and written language reinforces our tendency form or symbolic gestures to intercede. Dr.
toward symbolic drawings. Edwards describes this as “locking out the left
side of the brain” and she proposes exercises


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1-14 Based on a drawing by Betty Edwards. Research reveals that the two sides of the brain
function in relative independence, with different functional “assignments” which, on
occasion, can conflict with one another.

intended to facilitate this locking-out process.

Later in this book, we describe her technique in
greater detail and we propose some exercises
in response to some of the discoveries her book
discusses. Among the exercises she proposes is
one whereby you reproduce a drawing upside
down. The drawing which you are to reproduce
is, preferably, one which is unintelligible to you
until it is finally righted; you are therefore forced
to draw the form as it is seen, without regard to
what is actually depicted in the original drawing.
The lines, proportions, and tones are seen and
copied simply as lines, proportions, and tones
and nothing more. This keeps the verbal part of
our brain from dominating these processes and
short-circuiting them with symbolic elements
and memories of simplified versions of the sub-
ject being drawn.


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1-15 Analytical studies of Durham Cathedral.

Visual notation is not always the same as the in a single view. The shape and proportions of
realistic drawing mode described above, but it the object must still be reasonably accurate with
shares certain characteristics with lifelike draw- respect to the unrealistic view; therefore some
ing skills such as those Dr. Edwards’ techniques basic drawing skills are a prerequisite to making
seek to teach. As you will see in the ensuing ex- visual notes. Basic drawing skills arise out of the
amples, an accurate representation of shape and note-taking process. The sketchy and often skel-
proportion is frequently important, even though etal or abstract character of visual note-taking, as
reproduction of optical accuracy is not always depicted above, is usually a consequence of in-
the goal in visual notation. In optically accurate tentionally drawing quickly, while still capturing
drawings, lines are drawn onto a flat piece of shape and proportions accurately. However, if
paper as an abstraction of the depicted object after several attempts at visual note-taking, you
or scene. Seen in light of a child’s propensity to cannot grasp the means for recording shape and
draw symbolic objects rather than the actual proportion with reasonable accuracy, we sug-
subject being depicted we assert the impor- gest that you refer to the Appendix or you might
tance of recognizing optical qualities of perspec- spend some time with Dr. Edwards’ book. Then
tive and visual recognition of form, shape, and you may return to your visual notebook, having
proportion. Visual notation will not necessarily gained more confidence in your ability to make
depict objects as seen, but rather they might be your pen or pencil record shape and proportion
shown from above or below, with portions re- with acceptable accuracy.
moved or rotated to show what cannot be seen


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1-16 Based on an illustration by Albrecht Durer explaining the mechanics of optical perspective.

1-17 Representation of three-dimensional space, following the optics of the human

eye. The figure in the above drawing sees lines, like those shown in this drawing, as
though they were projected onto the screen before him.


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1-18 A scene in Venice by the architect, Louis I. Kahn, recorded in his notebook when he was a young man.


This book consists largely of examples of the to the reader at first, might be seen in a different
use of visual notes. They have been arranged light as needs, skills, and interests develop.
in order of relative complexity and present
Chapter 2 describes the basic processes of
issues which tend to build upon one another.
note-taking. Then Chapter 3 provides an idea
However, these examples need not be studied
of the effect of accumulated visual notes in the
in the order in which they are presented. This
form of a journal. In Chapter 4 we have collected
book can be seen as a reference source, permit-
examples of visual notes from several people
ting the reader to thumb through to find an
representing a wide range of skills, style, and
example which parallels a problem at hand. The
subjects; we hope by this means to stretch your
examples demonstrate techniques for recording
recognition of the potential of visual notation.
visual information, varying from one another in
Finally, the Appendix presents several practical
style, graphic skill, complexity, or simplicity of
suggestions for keeping a visual notebook.
technique. We have provided a potpourri of ex-
amples so that there will be something for many
needs, interests, and levels of skill. Furthermore,
certain examples which might convey very little


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