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A DAY MY LIFE. Present simple.


1. You´re going to read a magazine article about Katie Lunden, who is presenter on a
morning news show on tv in the Unided states. What time do you think her day starst and

 His day begins at half past three in the morning and ends at nine at nigth

2. Read the article and fine out what time her day starts and finishes.

 From i get up at three thirty ends nine at night.

3. Decide where these sentences go in the article.

A. After the sow we always have breakfast and relax.

B. Often go shopping and have lunch with Friends.
C. We usually have dinner early, at seven o´clock.

A. Good morning America starts at seven o´clock and finishes at nine o´clock. After the
show we always have breakfast and relax.
B. We often meet some Friends or go to a movie. Often go shopping and have lunch
whith Friends.
C. We usually watch tv and then i go to bed at eight thirty. We usually have dinner early,
at seven o´clock.

4. Write te questions the jour nalist asked Katie.

 What time do you get up?

 What time do you leave your house?
 What time do you get to the studio?
 What time do you leave study?
 What time do you get to your house?
 What time does the program start?
 At what time does the program end?
 What do you do after you get home?
 What time does your husband arrive?
 What time do you go to sleep?

1. Look at the verbs in the article again. How many are in the negative? How many have-s

 There are no negatives.

 How many have-s endings? ---- Always.

2. Put the adverbs in parentheses in the correct position.

1. I usually get up at seven o´clock. [usually]

2. I never do the laundry. [never]
3. She often has a drink with Friends. [often]
4. He sometimes goes to bed at eleven o´clock. [sometimes]
5. I´m usually asleep at midnight. [usually]
6. I´m never up at five o´clock in the morning. [never]

3. Complete these sentences with a proposition of time.

1. We work from Monday to Friday.

2. The movies starts at six o´clock.
3. He leaves home at eight o´clock.
4. I do the housework on the weekend.
5. He does the ironing on Monday.
6. We usually go out on Friday evening.


1. Look at the phrases in the box. Underline the things you always do every day.

 Go shopping.
 See Friends.
 Do the housework.
 Go to a movie.

2. Work in pairs. Ask and say what you do every day.

 Do you always go shopping? Yes, I do.

 Do you always see Friends? Yes, I do.
 Do you always wash the dishes? Yes, I do.
 Do you always do the housework? Yes, I do.
 Do you go to a movie? Yes, I do.
 Do you always do some homework? Yes, I do.
 Do you usually cook dinner? No, I don´t
 Do you go get the bus school? Yes, I don´t.



1. Underline the adjectives.

Late Usually Punctual Often Early Sometimes On time Never Always

2. Complete these sentences with words from activity 1. Make the sentences true for you.

1. I never get to work on time.

2. I usually get up late.
3. I often have a big breakfast.
4. I sometimes arrive a few minutes late for my english class.
5. I always arrive on time for an important meeting.
6. I always do housework on weekends.

3. Writen down five things you do regulary.

 Get up early in the morning

 Get up watch tv.
 Get up listen to music.
 Get up cook my breakfast.
 Get up take a shower.

4. Write five sentences about the things in activity 3. Say what time and how often you do

1. I usually get up at six o´clock in the morning.

2. I always get up at five o´clock watch tv.
3. I sometimes get up at seven o´clock listen to music.
4. I usually get up at three o´clock and take a shower.
5. I often get up at nine o´clock cook my breakfast.

5. Continue the sentences with a few words.

1. I always arrive on time…. For an important meeting.

2. I never go out after dinner…. Because it´s an important part of the day.

3. He always gets here late…. Because he lives far away.

4. She never makes lunch…. because she´s late.

5. They never see their parents…. Because they are always traveling.

6. I always do the dishes…. To help my mom.

6. Complete the sentences with verbs from the list.

Get Go Leave Get up Have Work Read Take

I get up at 8:00 most mornings, take a shower, and have a big breakfast with my wife. My
Wife leave for work at 8:25 and i relax and read the newspaper for half an hour. I leave the house
at 9:40 and walk to work. I go lunch at a restaurant at 2 o´clock and then i walk home. My wife
work in the mornings and seh is usually at the house when I leave home. In the afternoon i relax at
home or go out to the park with my wife. At six o´clock i get back to work and i go home at 11 o
´clock. I don´t go to work on Sundays and Mondays.

7. Write down words you associate with these Jobs.

 Taxi-driver: drive. [a]

 Teacher: desk. [b]
 Chef: kitchen. [c]
 Musician: instruments. [d]

8. Write sentences.

1. From 9:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.

He|She Works from nine o´clock in the morning to four thirty in the afternoon.
2. From 8:15 P.M. to 2:00 A.M.
He|She study from quarter past eight until two in the morning.
3. From 8 A.M to 2 P.M.
He|she clean from eight in the morning until two in the afternoon.
4. From 8:00 P.M. to 6:15 A.M.
He|she it watches from eight o´clock at night until a quarter past six in the

9. Who do you think Works the hours in activity 8? Match them with the Jobs in activity 7.

 He is taxi-driver
 He is teacher
 He is chef
 He is musician.

1. Match these sentences with the Jobs in vocabulary an grammar activity 7.

1. On the nights we play at the club 1 often have a snack at home at seven o´clock. [b].
2. I usually prepare two hundred meals every day. [c].
3. I always prepare my lessons and correct students´ work in the evenings. [b]
4. I usually practice alone for three hours every morning. [d]
5. I work in a school cafetería so i never work in the evening. [c]
6. We usually play for an hour and a half, then we take a break. [d]
7. My first class on Monday is at ten o´clock. [b]
8. I like working at nigth. There aren´t many cars on the roads. [a]
9. I usually get the bus at 8:30 and arrive at school at 9:50. [b]
10. I often take people to the airport or to the train station. [a}
11. I play guitar in a rock band. [d]
12. I go to bed when i arrive home at 4 A.M. and i get up at 10 A.M. [a]

2. Say the sentences out lound in the third person.

1. On nights they play at club 1 they often have a home sanck at seven o´clock.
2. She prepares two hundred meals a day.
3. She always prepares the lessons and corrects the work of the students at night.
4. He usually practices only for three hours every morning.
5. He Works in a school cafetería, so he never Works at nigth
6. She usually plays for an hour and a half, then takes a break.
7. His first class on Monday is ten o´clock.
8. He likes to work at night. There are not many cars on the roads.
9. He usually takes the bust at 8:30 and arrives at school at 9:50.
10. He often takes people to the airport ot the train statin.
11. She play guitar in a rock band.
12. He comes home at 4 A.M. and got up at 10 A.M.

3. Match the description below with a job in vocabulary and grammar activity 7.

4. Complete the description with sentences from activity 1.

I play in a club on Friday, Saturday, and Wednesday nights. [1] I play guitar in a rock band.
There are four of us. [2] On the nights we play at the club 1 often have a snack at home at
seven o´clock. I have home at eight o´clock and i take a taxi to the club. We usually start
playing at nine. I always get there at 8:15 to get things ready. We sometimes have a drink
with the owner of the club. Most people arrive around 9:30. [3] We usually play for an
hour and a half, then we take a break. We always have a snack and a drink. We play again
from 11:30 to about 1 o´clock. [4] I usually practice alone for three hours every morning.

1. Choose someone you know well- a friendo r a memeber of your family.Write a

description of a typical day in his|her life.

My sister gets up at eight in the morning, goes down to breakfast to take a shower, we
fix the romos and then we watch series, we go down to eat and watch tv, at night we
have dinner and play for a while.

2. Write sentences about these situations. Use the words in vocabulary and grmmar
activity 1

Dentist work dinner party teather englis class

 I always arrive for a dentist appointment.

 I´m usually late for work.
 I often have a dinner party.
 Sometimes i go to the theather
 I always arrive early a english class.

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