European Journal of Operational Research: Laura A. Mclay, Rebecca Dreiding

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European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529

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Innovative Applications of O.R.

Multilevel, threshold-based policies for cargo container security screening systems

Laura A. McLay a,⇑, Rebecca Dreiding b
Department of Statistical Sciences and Operations Research, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1015 Floyd Ave., P.O. Box 843083, Richmond, VA, United States
Mantech International Corporation, 1560 Wilson Blvd., Suite 700, Arlington, VA 22209, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To mitigate the threat of nuclear terrorism within the US using nuclear material that has been smuggled
Received 20 October 2010 into the country, the US Bureau of Customs and Border Protection has expanded its cargo container detec-
Accepted 31 January 2012 tion capabilities at ports of entry into the US This paper formulates a risk-based screening framework for
Available online 16 February 2012
determining how to define a primary screening alarm for screening cargo containers given a set of depen-
dent primary screening devices. To do so, this paper proposes two linear programming models for screen-
Keywords: ing cargo containers for nuclear material at port security stations using knapsack problem models. All
Knapsack problem models
cargo containers undergo primary screening, where they are screened by a given number of security
Container screening
Homeland Security
devices. The objective is to identifying the primary security outcomes that warrant a system alarm for
Threshold constraints each container risk group such that the system detection probability is maximized, subject to a screening
budget. The base model is compared to a second model that explicitly requires a threshold-based policy.
The structural properties of the two models are compared, which indicates that all risk groups except at
most one have deterministic screening policies. A computational example suggests that the detection
probability is not significantly altered by enforcing a threshold policy.
Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction These programs provide a wealth of data that can be used to make
more effective risk-based container screening decisions. Although
National security has become a critical issue since the Septem- a risk-based approach to cargo container screening is part of the
ber 11, 2001 attack. Port security has emerged as a critically impor- US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) plan for security, few guide-
tant yet vulnerable component in the Homeland Security system. lines are given to implement and assess such a strategy.
One of the most important security issues to emerge is the need Another challenge with screening cargo containers is that sec-
to prevent nuclear material being smuggled into the US by cargo ondary screening inspection methods that rely on unpacking cargo
containers, since nuclear material could be used to detonate a nu- containers are labor intensive, expensive, and time-consuming. As
clear bomb on US soil. a result, a small proportion of cargo containers entering US ports
In order to prevent nuclear material from being smuggled into are inspected for nuclear and radiological material using highly
the US, nearly all of the 11.4 M cargo containers that enter the effective techniques and technologies, since it is expensive to in-
US every year are scanned by radiation portal monitors (RPMs) spect cargo by physically unpacking the containers or to use
(Fritelli, 2005; US DOT, 2007; Lava, 2008; Bakir, 2008). There are non-intrusive inspection technologies. This paper provides a pre-
many challenges associated with screening cargo containers. One scriptive, structured framework for investigating security system
challenge is to determine effective risk-based methods for screen- design given that cargo containers undergo multilayered presc-
ing cargo containers, given that risk assessments have been per- reening and that restrictions are imposed on how secondary
formed on cargo containers entering the US. The Automated screening decisions can be made.
Targeting System (ATS) is used to prescreen each cargo container In this paper, screening refers to the entire inspection process in
and classify it as high-risk or low-risk using the shipping manifest a layered port security system, which may involve scanning with
and other information (Strohm, 2006). ATS and the outcomes of an RPM, non-intrusive inspection using imaging technologies, doc-
other US Customs and Border Protection programs – such as Cus- ument checking, and physically unpacking containers. Screening
tomer Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT), the Container may take place at several locations, such as foreign ports, US sea-
Security Initiative (CSI), and Secure Freight Initiative (SFI) – can be ports, land border crossings, as well as other locations. Note that
used to classify cargo containers into a large number of risk groups. more advanced and expensive screening procedures, such as
non-intrusive inspection and unpacking containers, are used more
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 804 828 5842. sparingly and are targeted at high-risk containers (US CBP, 2007).
E-mail addresses: (L.A. McLay), rebecca.dreiding@mantech.- Such inspections are assumed to be performed at a predetermined
com (R. Dreiding).

0377-2217/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529 523

security station such as at the exit lanes of a US seaport. Identifying tions research methodologies. Wein et al. (2006) analyze an ele-
optimal ways to use these limited screening resources is an impor- ven-layer screening system for containers entering the US by
tant part of the Homeland Security system. considering a fixed budget and port congestion. They consider
This paper introduces two linear programming models for iden- the effects of prescreening from ATS and whether a terrorist en-
tifying risk-based screening policies using knapsack problem mod- rolls in the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-
els. In both models, a prescreening system such as ATS classifies TPAT) program. Bakir (2008) presents a decision tree model to
containers into a number of risk groups. All containers are screened analyze the screening of cargo containers at commercial truck
by a set of primary screening devices, each of which yield an alarm crossings on the US border with Mexico. The analysis suggests
of clear response. The objective is to determine how many device that new screening equipment should not be routinely installed.
alarms lead to a primary screening alarm for each risk group to max- Bakir’s results largely depend on the conditional probability of
imize the detection probability of the system subject to a screening an attack, and the analysis motivates the need for improved
budget. Containers are sent to secondary screening (or cleared) at a next-generation RPMs. Merrick and McLay (2010) extend Bakir’s
specific location (e.g., the exit lanes at a single port). The base mod- model to examine whether even the original screening equip-
el is compared to a second model that explicitly requires a thresh- ment investments were worthwhile. They also examine the sce-
old-based policy, which requires that the primary screening alarms narios when multiple layers of screening are viable and how
be defined such that there is a threshold in the total number of large the deterrent effect should be to justify routine screening.
alarms that defines the primary screening alarms for each risk Their analysis suggests that taking alarms caused by naturally
group. Such a threshold is desirable for simplicity, but may not occurring radioactive material (NORM) and the deterrent effect
be optimal (McLay and Dreiding, 2009). into account are important for port security models.
This approach of exploring how to define a primary screening Gaukler et al. (2011) investigate how radiography-based images
alarm complements the approach of determining individual sensor can be used to supplement or replace prescreening by computing
operating characteristics (by changing the level at which individual hardness measures to identify potential containerized threat sce-
sensors yield an alarm based on receiver-operating characteristic narios. They explore the tradeoffs between the system detection
curves) while assuming that an escalating security policy is in probability and the sojourn time of the containers. Gaukler et al.
place. This latter approach is explored in several papers (e.g., Wein (2012) extend this approach to consider hybrid screening systems
et al., 2007; Boros et al., 2009). Defining a primary screening alarm and container-specific false alarm rates.
and defining individual sensor operating characteristics are inter- Several research papers examine inspection strategies for cargo
related problems. However, the objective of this paper focuses on containers that use several types of screening tests. Wein et al.
the definition of a primary screening alarm to isolate the effect of (2007) apply queuing theory and optimization to analyze cargo
this type of decision and to highlight its importance in a risk-based containers on truck trailers passing by a series of RPMs. They deter-
security context, particularly since any layer in the security system mine the optimal spatial positioning and scanning time for RPMs
could cumulatively use information from previous security checks such that a desired detection probability is achieved. Ramirez-Mar-
to more effectively detect nuclear material. quez (2008) use decision trees to find cargo container inspection
This paper extends the analysis by McLay et al. (2011), who ex- strategies that minimize inspection costs. Each strategy selects
plore the relationships and tradeoffs between prescreening intelli- sensors that have varying reliability and costs. The strategy pre-
gence, secondary screening costs, and the efficacy of radiation sented maintains a required detection rate that follows a minimum
detectors when there are two risk groups (i.e., high-risk and low- cost, order-dependent inspection. Concho and Ramirez-Marquez
risk). This paper considers a generalized prescreening system that (2010) extends this work to provide an evolutionary algorithm
classifies containers according to an arbitrary number of risk for identifying near-optimal sensor operating characteristics. Boros
groups, where the risk groups are linked to a portfolio of threat et al. (2009) determine how to optimally inspect cargo containers
and non-threat scenarios, and it considers the impact threshold- by using a large scale linear programming model. Boros et al.
based primary screening alarms. The key contribution of this (2011) extend this approach using decision trees and knapsack
analysis is that it provides a multilevel, risk-based framework for problem models by using dynamic programming to identify opti-
determining how to define a system alarm when screening cargo mal inspection policies. Kantor and Boros (2010) use principles of
containers given limited secondary screening resources while game theory to determine when to unpack and inspect cargo con-
simultaneously considering threshold-based screening restrictions. tainers when considering mixed inspection strategies. Note that
The analysis indicates that a threshold-based definition for the none of these efforts explicitly consider the effects of prescreening
system alarm may not be optimal under reasonable assumptions, to identify high-risk cargo containers.
but they lead to near-optimal solutions that may be easier to Several papers use stochastic network interdiction models to
implement in practice. Structural properties of the model shed determine how to locate sensors. Morton et al. (2007) propose
light on optimal screening policies as well as how prescreening two stochastic network interdiction models to minimize the suc-
can effectively use scarce screening resources. cess of a potential terrorist. The first model is deterministic, which
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a litera- assumes that the path and location of the radiation detectors are
ture review for security screening problems and research models known to all. In the second model, only a subset of radiation detec-
for detecting nuclear material. Section 3 introduces parameters tors is known by the smuggler, and the views of the interceptor
and notation used in the models, and then it introduces the two and smuggler differ. These models are used to select sensor loca-
proposed models. Their structural properties are analyzed in tions to minimize a terrorist’s probability of being successful at
Section 4. A simple computational example is analyzed in smuggling nuclear material across the borders. Dimitrov et al.
Section 5. Concluding remarks and directions for future research (2011) use stochastic network interdiction models to determine
are given in Section 6. how to locate radiation detectors on a network, given a large num-
ber of potential threat scenarios. They identify computationally-
efficient methods for estimating detection probabilities. Nehme
2. Background (2009) analyzes two-person stochastic network interdiction mod-
els for determining how to locate radiation detectors on a network.
There is a growing body of literature that addresses the Three classes of models consider sequential games, simultaneous
detection of nuclear material in cargo containers using opera- games, and games with hidden information.
524 L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529

In contrast to previous work in this area that seeks to determine  ri,k= security level associated with selecting containers of risk
sensor operating characteristics while assuming that an escalating group i that yield k alarms for secondary screening (i.e., the
primary security alarm is in place (i.e, at least one alarm yields a reward), i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0,1, . . . ,n,
primary screening alarm), this paper explores the complementary  wi,k= the number of containers of risk group i that yield k alarms
issue of how to define a primary screening alarm in a risk-based (i.e., the weight), i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n,
security system while assuming that the sensor operating  c = the budget associated with secondary screening.
characteristics remain constant in order to shed light on optimal,
risk-based security system design and operation. The additional All parameters are deterministic. The m risk groups reflect the
issue of exploring threshold-based screening policies provides prescreening risk assessments performed on each container, based
insight into the tradeoffs when there are restrictions on screening on ATS and other forms of prescreening. The risk groups could be
decisions. defined to capture screening outcomes at foreign ports, document
checks, and expert judgement. Therefore, this framework captures
3. Screening framework and model a broad range of security screening operations. In the simplest case,
there would be two risk groups, associated with containers per-
In this section, terminology and parameters are introduced for ceived as high-risk or low-risk (Strohm, 2006; McLay and Dreiding,
the two linear programming models, and the proposed models 2011). The n sensors could be radiation detectors such as RPMs,
are formally stated. The Multilevel Knapsack Screening Problem which screen each cargo container for radiation that is emitted
(MKSP) examines the particular case when containers undergo by nuclear material such as plutonium and highly enriched ura-
prescreening prior to primary screening, based on the output of nium (HEU). The budget for secondary screening c is a determinis-
ATS and other forms of prescreening, and it investigates how to de- tic value based on available resources. Is based on information
fine a primary screening alarm given the container’s prescreening collected and analyzed by the Department of Homeland Security
classification and the number of primary screening sensor alarms. (DHS) and CBP (Huizenga, 2005; Rooney, 2005). It is in part based
MKSP examines primary screening alarms for the general screen- on salaries paid to the employees hired to perform secondary
ing case, whereas the Multilevel Threshold Knapsack Screening screening. Note that the budget can be selected to take delay costs
Problem (MTKSP) examines the restriction that all primary screen- into account, and hence, delays are implicitly handled by this mod-
ing alarms are defined according to a threshold policy. el, which assumes that the cost to resolve an alarm with secondary
First, a prescreening system is used to classify each cargo con- screening is the same for all types of containers.
tainer into one of m risk groups, with m P 1. Cargo containers en- The rewards and weights, ri,k and wi,k, i = 1, 2, . . . , n, k = 0, 1, . . . , n,
ter a security station (e.g., exit lanes at a port) to undergo primary reflect the containers’ threat and alarm probabilities. To define the
screening, where n sensors screen each container. Each sensor knapsack rewards and weights, the following parameters are
yields an alarm or clear response, based on how the sensor oper- needed:
ates and the characteristics of the cargo container, and hence, the
total number of sensor alarms is between zero and n. The sensor  N = number of cargo containers screened at the security station,
alarms depend on the true underlying container contents (e.g.,  TðTÞ ¼ set of threat (non-threat) scenarios, where T and T are
whether a nuclear weapon is in the container), which are likewise mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets of the set of con-
reflected in each of the risk groups. Ideally, the system yields a tainer scenarios,
clear response for all of the non-threat containers and yields an  Pt= the probability a cargo container is in threat or nonthreat
alarm response for all of the threat containers. scenario t 2 T [ T, with t2T[T Pt ¼ 1,
Based on the total number of sensor alarms, a primary screening  Pijt ¼ the conditional probability that a cargo container is classi-
system response is given. This allows the system response (either fied into risk group i given its scenario, i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; t 2 T \ T,
alarm or clear) to be defined in one of several ways (Kobza and Jac-  PjAjt\i ¼ the conditional probability that a container in risk group
obson, 1996; Kobza and Jacobson, 1997). The primary screening i and scenario t yields an alarm (A) at sensor j; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ;
system response has one of two outcomes, either an alarm is given n; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; t 2 T [ T,
or the container is cleared. If the cargo container is cleared, it exits  PkA—t\i= the conditional probability that a container in risk
the security station and continues along its path to its destination. group i and scenario t yields k alarms, k ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; n; i ¼
The cargo containers that yield a primary screening alarm undergo 1; 2; . . . ; m; t 2 T [ T.
secondary screening. The objective is to determine which containers
yield a primary screening alarm in order to maximize the total The total number of containers N represents the number of car-
security. It is assumed that the total security captures the expected go containers that pass through a given station in a year, or another
number of threat containers that are selected for secondary screen- period of time. The threat scenarios T reflect possible sources for
ing, although other objective functions could be used. Although the nuclear weapon, weapon construction, and how the nuclear
selecting threat containers for secondary screening does not guar- weapon is stored in the container, such as whether it is masked
antee that the threats are detected, secondary screening inspection by naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) or shielded
procedures, such as using RIIDs and unpacking the containers, have with lead. Likewise, the non-threat scenarios (T) reflect the charac-
a high probability of detecting a threat. Threat containers that are teristics of containers that do not contain a nuclear weapon. The
not selected for secondary screening are cleared, and hence, they non-threat scenarios T could be defined to capture the container
cannot be detected by screening procedures (although they could contents, such as whether a container contains NORM, since con-
be interdicted by local law enforcement before an attack). Note tainer contents are important for predicting alarm probabilities
that this framework is defined generally for any type of radiologi- (Huizenga, 2005). Likewise, the probabilities associated with the
cal and nuclear sensor, and it makes no assumptions about how the threat and non-threat scenarios reflect the proportion of containers
sensors work together. passing through a security station that take on the associated
MKSP and MTKSP have the following parameters: characteristics.
The conditional probability that a cargo container is classified
 m = number of prescreening risk groups, into risk group i given scenario t; PRijt for t 2 T [ T, reflects the qual-
 n = number of sensors for screening cargo containers, each ity of prescreening. These probabilities are based on the proportion
yielding a binary outcome, of containers passing through a security station that are classified
L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529 525

in risk group i, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, once a large number of cargo contain- Alternatively, MTKSP can be formulated as an particular instance of
ers has been evaluated. Ideally, the threat containers are captured the multiple-choice knapsack problem (MCKP). In MCKP, there are a
in risk groups that are matched with screening policies that are de- set of classes, where the classes form a partition of the set of items.
signed to detect them. Exactly one item in each class must be added to the knapsack. As in
The conditional probability that a container in risk group i and KP, there is a single capacity constraint and the objective is to max-
scenario t yields a k alarms, PkA—t\i, reflects the likelihood of imize the total reward.
observing a given number of alarms, based on the risk level and Each class in the MCKP formulation for MTKSP corresponds to a
scenario. Methods by McLay and Dreiding (2011) can be used to risk group, resulting in m classes. The rewards in the MCKP formu-
compute the conditional probabilities of observing k-of-n alarms lation for MTKSP, Ri,k, are interpreted as the expected number of
given a container’s risk group and scenario. These k-of-n alarm threats in risk group i given yielding k or more alarms, resulting
probabilities PkA—t\i can be computed using a reliability model gi- in Ri;k ¼ nj¼k r i;j ; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n, with Ri,n+1 = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , m. The
ven the individual alarm probabilities PjAjt\i , i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; t 2 T weights in the MCKP formulation are the expected number of con-
[T; j ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n (Koucky, 2003). In the case when each sensor tainers in risk group i yielding k or more alarms, resulting in
operates independently and identically with the probability of a W i;k ¼ nj¼k wi;j ; k ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; n, with Wi,n+1 = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , m. The
single sensor alarm P Ajt\i ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; t 2 T [ T, then the num- knapsack capacity remains c. MTKSP is stated as a linear program-
ber of alarms can be modeled as a Binomial random variable with ming model:
parameters n and PA—t\i.
m X
The reward ri,k reflects the expected number of threat contain- zT ¼ max Ri;k yi;k ð7Þ
ers in risk group i that yield exactly k primary screening alarms, i¼1 k¼0
i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n: m X
X nþ1
X X subject to W i;k yi;k 6 c ð8Þ
r i;k ¼ N P kAji\t PRijt P t ¼N PkA\i\t : ð1Þ i¼1 k¼0
t2T t2T

The weight wi,k reflects the expected number of containers in risk yi;k ¼ 1; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m ð9Þ
group i that yield exactly k primary screening alarms, i = 1, 2, . . . ,
m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n: 0 6 yi;k 6 1; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; k ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; n þ 1 ð10Þ
wi;k ¼ N PkAji\t PRijt Pt ¼ N P kA\i\t : ð2Þ The decision variables yi,k set the threshold for containers in risk
t2T[T t2T[T
group i at k as follows, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0,1, . . . , n + 1. When yi,k take
on integer values, they define a deterministic threshold, where the
MKSP is formally stated. Its decision variables are xi,k, which capture threshold for risk group i is (not) set at k when yi,k = 1(0). When yi,k
the proportion of type i containers yielding k alarms that are se- take on linear values, they define a random threshold, where a ran-
lected for secondary screening, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. For sim- dom proportion of containers in risk group i yielding at least k
plicity, MKSP is stated as an linear programming model. alarms are selected for secondary screening. Containers that yield
m X
n k alarms are selected to secondary screening if the threshold is
z ¼ max r i;k xi;k ; ð3Þ set to k ore fewer alarms. If yi,n+1 = 1, then no containers in risk
i¼1 k¼0 group i are selected for secondary screening, i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
Xm X n
The objective in (7) captures the expected number of threats
subject to wi;k xi;k 6 c; ð4Þ
i¼1 k¼0
that are selected for secondary screening. The first constraint (8)
ensures that the screening decisions are capacity feasible. The sec-
0 6 xi;k 6 1; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; k ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; n: ð5Þ
ond set of constraints (9) ensures the multiple choice constraint,
The objective function (3) reflects the expected number of threats which enforces a threshold policy. The final set of constraints
that are selected for secondary screening. The first constraint (4) en- (10) provide the variable bounds.
sures that the screening decisions are capacity feasible. The final set
of constraints (5) provide linear bounds for the variables. Note that 4. Structural properties
MKSP is identical to the linear programming relaxation of the well-
known 0–1 Knapsack Problem (KP). This relationship will be ex- This section summarizes the structural properties of MKSP and
plored in greater detail in Section 4. MTKSP and their policies. The structural properties of the screening
Ideally, if a container yielding k alarms is selected for secondary policies implied by the optimal solutions to MKSP are first dis-
screening, k = 0, 1, . . . , n  1, then a container in the same risk group cussed, followed by a discussion of the MTKSP screening policies.
yielding k + 1 alarms is selected for secondary screening. Such a The proofs for all results can be found in McLay and Dreiding
policy is called a threshold policy. However, McLay and Dreiding (2011).
(2009) demonstrate that a threshold policy is not optimal using The prior probability that a container in risk group i is a threat
realistic parameter values. Note that a threshold policy would be (i.e., is contained in one of the threat scenarios) is:
optimal across all risk groups and capacity levels if: P Pn P Pn
t2T P i\t t2T P kA\i\t r i;k
ri;k r i;kþ1 P Rtji ¼ ¼ Pn P k¼0
Pn P ¼ Pnk¼0 :
< ; k ¼ 0; 1; . . . ; n  1; t2T
Pi k¼0 t2T P kA\i\t þ k¼0 t2T P kA\i\t k¼0 wi;k
wi;k wi;kþ1
for all i = 1, 2, . . . , m, due to the well-known solution to the linear The posterior probabilities capture the conditional probabilities
programming relaxation to KP (Kellerer et al., 2004, p. 18). MTKSP that a container is a threat given that it yields k alarms and is in risk
is identical to MKSP except that it enforces such a threshold policy, group i; t2T P tjkA\i . Theorem 1 defines the posterior probabilities.
which can be formulated by adding the following constraints to
(3)–(5), Theorem 1. The posterior probabilities that a container in risk group i
yielding k alarms is a threat, t2T P tjkA\i , is defined as the ratio of the
xi;k1 6 xi;k ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; m; k ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; n: ð6Þ
reward to the weight, ri,k/wi,k, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n.
526 L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529

It is desirable to select containers for secondary screening two alarms, with ZT/Z = e/(1  e), which is arbitrarily bad as e
according to a threshold policy, which selects containers for sec- approaches 0. h
ondary screening that yield more alarms rather than fewer alarms
according to the optimal solution to the linear programming relax- Consider a fixed risk group i. A threshold set at k indicates that a
ation for KP. MKSP may result in a threshold policy for a given set container yielding k alarms or more is selected for secondary
of input parameters. Theorem 2 reports the conditions under screening, and a container yielding strictly fewer than k alarms is
which a threshold policy occurs across all values of C. For each risk not selected for secondary screening. The threshold for risk group
group, the order that items are put into the knapsack (i.e., the order i is either deterministic (i.e., yi,k = 1 for some k) or random (i.e.,
in which containers are selected for secondary screening) depends 0 < yi,k < 1 for at least one k, which means that some containers
on sensor alarm dependencies. are randomly selected for secondary screening). Proposition 2 indi-
cates that the threshold for at most one risk group is random; the
Theorem 2. Containers in risk group i that yield k alarms occur before other thresholds are deterministic.
containers in risk group i that yield k  1 alarms in the optimal
knapsack sequence, Proposition 2. In an optimal solution to MTKSP, there are at most
r i;k r i;k1 two fractional variables. If there are two fractional variables, then they
P ; are in the same risk group.
wi;k wi;k1
only if Proposition 3 indicates that certain thresholds are dominated. A
P PkA\i\t threshold k in risk group i is dominated if its posterior probability
P t2T kA\i\t P P t2T : that a container in risk group i is a threat is not more than that
t2T P ðk1ÞA\i\t t2T
P ðk1ÞA\i\t
of threshold k  1. The pruned version of MTKSP removes these
thresholds (and their associated variables), since the variable asso-
Corollary 1 illustrates when the conditions in Theorem 2 hold ciated with a dominated threshold level is always set to zero in an
for the particular case when each sensor operates independently optimal solution. Corollary 2 indicates how to construct the
and identically with common single sensor true alarm and false screening policy given a solution to MTKSP.
alarm probabilities, when there is one threat and non-threat sce-
nario (i.e., jTj ¼ jTj ¼ 1), and when alarm probabilities depend on Proposition 3. If the posterior probability that container in risk
the presence of a threat but not the risk group. In Corollary 1, T group i yielding k  1 alarms is a threat is at least as large as the
and T denote the events that a container is a threat and non-threat, posterior probability that a container in risk group i yielding k alarms
respectively, rather than sets of threat and non-threat scenarios. is a threat (i.e., ri,k/wi,k 6 ri,k1/wi,k1), then the risk group i threshold is
not set to k alarms (i.e., yi,k = 0), k = 0, 1, . . . , n + 1, i = 1, 2, . . . , m.
Corollary 1. When sensor alarms are independently and identically
distributed with true alarm and false alarm probabilities PA—T and PAjT , Corollary 2. If there are fractional variables in MTKSP, then they are
r i;k r
respectively, then wi;k P wi;k1
only if PAjT P PAjT . adjacent variables in the pruned version of MTKSP, in which domi-
nated thresholds are removed. If the two fractional variables are k
00 0 00
Several types of screening technologies (e.g., RPMs) may be and k in class i with k < k , then the optimal policy is to screen all con-
more effective at identifying NORM containers than threat contain- tainers yielding at least k alarms and to randomly screen a proportion
0 00
ers, and hence, the conditions in Corollary 1 may not hold. There- yi;k0 of containers yielding at least k alarms but strictly less than k
fore, a threshold policy may not be optimal under realistic alarms.
assumptions. This motivates the need to address the challenges
associated with cargo container security system design. Section 5 This section summarizes the structural properties of the opti-
illustrates this issue for a computational example. mal policies for both MKSP and MTKSP. They indicate that whether
The analysis thus far has focused on the optimal solution to or not there is a threshold in a given MKSP instance, all risk groups
MKSP. The solution value to both MKSP and MTKSP reflects the ex- except at most one have deterministic screening policies in MKSP
pected number of threat containers selected for secondary screen- and MTKSP. These properties are illustrated in a computational
ing. Enforcing a threshold policy in MTKSP reduces the expected example in Section 5.
number of threats detected as compared to MKSP, and this reduc-
tion is arbitrarily worse in the worst-case. 5. Computational example

Proposition 1. The ratio between the objective values for MTKSP and This section reports results for a computational example to ex-
MKSP, ZT/Z, is arbitrarily bad. plore the tradeoffs with using a multilevel prescreening system
when a threshold policy is and is not enforced. The analysis consid-
To see this, consider the following example. ers cargo containers screened by a series of sensors that are inde-
pendent and operate identically based on the true classification of
Example. Two sensors screen three containers (N = 3) with a the cargo container. Therefore, the number of alarms for each type
single risk group (m = 1). There is one threat scenario and one of container is modeled as a Binomial random variable with
nonthreat scenario ðjTj ¼ jTj ¼ 1Þ. One of the three containers is a parameters n and its single sensor alarm probability, where each
threat. There are three equally likely primary screening outcomes: risk group contains a mixture of containers in the threat and
zero, one, or two alarms (i.e., w1,0 = w1,1 = w1,2 = 1). A threat non-threat scenarios. Although this independence assumption is
container would have probability e of yielding two alarms and not realistic, it sheds light on how a primary screening alarm can
probability 1  e of yielding one alarm (i.e., r1,0 = 0, r1,1 = 1  e, be defined in a multi-layered security system. Note that (McLay
r1,2 = e), with e < 1/2. If one container can be selected for secondary and Dreiding, 2011) illustrate that the highly dependent devices
screening (c = 1), the optimal MKSP solution would select the can be modeled using a single screening device.
container yielding one alarm. When enforcing a threshold policy, The proposed model is analyzed for a hypothetical single secu-
the optimal MTKSP solution would select the container yielding rity station over a time horizon of one year. It is assumed that
L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529 527

N = 1 M containers enter the security station during the time hori- 1

P Case 1
zon. The probability that a container is a threat is t2T Pt ¼ 1=N,
Case 2
which is selected such that one threat is expected to pass through 0.95 Case 3
the security station. As a result, the objective function value for
both MKSP and MTKSP captures the detection probability, i.e., the
conditional probability that a threat is selected for secondary
A system with n = 10 sensors is considered with m = 4 risk 0.85
groups. The risk groups capture reflect a hypothetical prescreening

system that classifies each container as (1) high-risk (HR) or low 0.8
risk (LR) based on whether the container is perceived as a threat
and (2) high-background (HB) or low-background (LB) based on
whether the container is perceived as having high levels of back-
ground radiation due to NORM. This results in four prescreening
risk groups based on combinations of these two prescreening lay- 0.7

ers, with risk group 1 = HR, HB; 2 = HR, LB; 3 = LR, HB; and 4 = LR, LB.
Three cases are considered for determining how accurate the 0.65
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
prescreening system is at identifying threat containers, given by
c x 10
the HR or LR designation. Each case compares each HR risk group
to its corresponding LR risk group for HB and LB, thus comparing Fig. 1. MKSP and MTKSP detection probabilities Z as a function of c.
risk groups 1 to 3 and risk groups 2 to 4 (McLay and Dreiding,
2011). The three cases are (1) High-risk and low-risk containers
are equally likely to capture a threat container, (2) High-risk con-
tainers are ten times more likely to capture a threat container than greatest when c is small, with virtually identical detection proba-
low-risk containers, and (3) High-risk containers are 100 times bilities across Cases 1, 2, 3 for c > 3  104 (0.03N). Therefore, presc-
more likely to capture a threat container than low-risk containers. reening appears to be most important when few containers are
McLay and Dreiding (2011) describe in detail how the input selected for secondary screening, which is currently the practice
parameters are computed using realistic input parameters. For at US seaports (Rooney, 2005; Lava, 2008). The same policy being
simplicity, only the MKSP input parameters are reported, with optimal across Cases 1, 2, and 3 suggests that prescreening could
Table 1 reporting ri,k and wi,k, i = 1, 2, . . . , m, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. essentially not a factor in improving detection probabilities in cer-
To interpret the results, recall that the fraction of containers tain scenarios.
yielding a particular number of primary alarms that are randomly In order to capture the degradation to the detection probability
selected for secondary screening defines the screening policy in when enforcing a threshold policy, Fig. 2 shows the ratio in the
MKSP. In MTKSP, Proposition 2 indicates that there are at most MKSP objective function value to the MTKSP objective function va-
two fractional variables and that at most one risk group has a ran- lue, ZT/Z. It reports that ZT/Z = 1 for c P 3  104, which indicates
dom screening policy. that the threshold policies are sub-optimal only for very small val-
The results are reported as a function of c to considering varying ues of c. For all cases considered, ZT/Z > 0.9995, which suggests that
levels of the secondary screening budget, with 0.01N 6 c 6 0.20N. for realistic input parameters, the detection probability would not
Fig. 1 shows the detection probabilities across the values of c. It be significantly altered by enforcing a threshold policy, despite
suggests that the differences in the detection probabilities is having no worst-case performance guarantee (see Proposition 1).

Table 1
Rewards and weights

Parameter Case i k=0 k=1 k=2 k=3 k=4 k=5 k=6 k=7 k=8 k=9 k = 10
ri,k 1 1 1.88E08 1.88E07 8.46E07 2.26E06 4.00E06 5.91E06 2.25E05 2.04E04 1.44E03 6.07E03 1.15E02
2 1.95E05 1.95E04 8.78E04 2.34E03 4.10E03 4.92E03 4.10E03 2.35E03 9.34E04 4.32E04 4.69E04
3 4.51E07 4.51E06 2.03E05 5.42E05 9.60E05 1.42E04 5.40E04 4.89E03 3.45E02 1.46E01 2.77E01
4 4.68E04 4.68E03 2.11E02 5.62E02 9.83E02 1.18E01 9.84E02 5.64E02 2.24E02 1.04E02 1.13E02
ri,k 2 1 1.38E07 1.38E06 6.22E06 1.66E05 2.94E05 4.35E05 1.66E04 1.50E03 1.06E02 4.46E02 8.47E02
2 1.43E04 1.43E03 6.46E03 1.72E02 3.01E02 3.62E02 3.01E02 1.73E02 6.87E03 3.17E03 3.45E03
3 3.32E07 3.32E06 1.49E05 3.98E05 7.06E05 1.04E04 3.97E04 3.60E03 2.54E02 1.07E01 2.03E01
4 3.44E04 3.44E03 1.55E02 4.13E02 7.23E02 8.68E02 7.23E02 4.15E02 1.65E02 7.62E03 8.28E03
ri,k 3 1 3.79E07 3.79E06 1.71E05 4.55E05 8.06E05 1.19E04 4.54E04 4.11E03 2.90E02 1.22E01 2.32E01
2 3.93E04 3.93E03 1.77E02 4.72E02 8.26E02 9.91E02 8.26E02 4.74E02 1.88E02 8.70E03 9.46E03
3 9.10E08 9.10E07 4.09E06 1.09E05 1.94E05 2.86E05 1.09E04 9.87E04 6.96E03 2.94E02 5.58E02
4 9.44E05 9.44E04 4.25E03 1.13E02 1.98E02 2.38E02 1.98E02 1.14E02 4.52E03 2.09E03 2.27E03
wi,k 1 1 37.2 3.7E01 1.7E03 8.4E05 2.6E03 5.9E02 9.3E01 10.1 71.8 303.3 576.3
2 38574.6 386.1 1.7 7.0E03 4.2E03 7.2E03 4.0E02 4.0E01 2.8 11.8 22.5
3 891.9 8.9 4.0E02 2.0E03 6.2E02 1.4 22.3 242.0 1724.0 7279.1 13830.3
4 925789.6 9267.2 41.8 1.7E01 1.0E01 1.7E01 1.0 9.5 67.3 283.9 539.4
wi,k 2 1 37.2 0.4 1.7E03 9.8E05 2.6E03 5.9E02 9.3E01 10.1 71.8 303.3 576.3
2 38574.3 386.1 1.7 2.2E02 3.0E02 3.8E02 6.6E02 4.1E01 2.8 11.8 22.5
3 891.9 8.9 4.0E02 2.0E03 6.2E02 1.4 22.3 242.0 1724.0 7279.1 13830.2
4 925789.9 9267.2 41.8 1.5E01 7.5E02 1.4E01 9.4E01 9.5 67.3 283.9 539.4
wi,k 3 1 37.2 3.7E01 1.7E03 1.3E04 2.7E03 5.9E02 9.3E01 10.1 71.9 303.4 576.5
2 38573.8 386.1 1.8 5.2E02 8.3E02 1.0E01 1.2E01 4.4E01 2.8 11.8 22.5
3 891.9 8.9 4.0E02 2.0E03 6.2E02 1.4 22.3 242.0 1724.0 7279.0 13830.1
4 925790.4 9267.2 41.7 1.2E01 2.2E02 7.9E02 8.9E01 9.4 67.2 283.9 539.4
528 L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529

1 difference between the MKSP and MTKSP policies. It illustrates that

Case 1 a threshold policy is not optimal when c < 3  104. This further
Case 2
Case 3 suggests that there are few practical changes in the screening pol-
Ratio of detection probabilities, Z T/ Z

0.9999 icies when a threshold policy is enforced.

6. Conclusions

This paper introduces two linear programming models for mul-

tilevel screening cargo containers for nuclear material at security
0.9997 stations throughout the US using knapsack problem models. The
analysis provides a risk-based framework for determining how to
define a primary screening alarm when screening cargo containers
0.9996 given limited screening resources. The second model enforces a
threshold policy to create screening policies that are easy to imple-
ment in practice. The structural properties of the two models are
0.9995 analyzed in order to shed light on the optimal policies. Analysis
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
c 5
of this proposed model indicates that the optimal policy is not al-
x 10
ways a threshold policy under reasonable assumptions. However, a
Fig. 2. Detection probability ratio ZT/Z as a function of c. computational example indicates that enforcing a threshold policy
may not lead to a significant decrease in the detection probability
nor significant changes in the resulting screening policy.
Recall that the results of Theorem 2 (that guarantees a thresh- This paper investigates the issue of how to define a primary
old policy) does not apply to any of the four risk groups for all val- screening alarm given a set of screening devices, rather than
ues of c considered. However, a threshold policy may be observed depending on prespecified notions of how a primary screening
for a given level of the budget. alarm should be defined. The proposed model can be used as a gen-
Fig. 3 shows the optimal screening policies for each of the four eral framework to determine how to design next-generation secu-
risk groups for Case 2. Fig. 3(a) illustrates the optimal MTKSP rity screening system as well as define a primary screening alarm
thresholds for all risk groups. Since MKSP defines a threshold pol- for any type of problem that relies on a series of screening devices
icy for risk groups 1, 2, 4 (and these thresholds are identical to or methods, risk assessments, and a limited secondary screening
those for MTKSP in Fig. 3(a)). budget.
All risk group thresholds are non-decreasing with c, which indi- There are several possible extensions to this work that address
cates that as more containers can be inspected by secondary the limitations of the linear programming models considered. First,
screening procedures, fewer primary screening alarms warrant a this paper essentially assumes that each sensor alarm is equally
container being selected for secondary screening regardless of risk important for determining which cargo containers should be se-
group. lected by secondary screening. One extension is to examine the
In some scenarios, primary screening is essentially not needed, mixture of sensor alarms – rather than the total number of sensor
since all containers in a risk group are selected for secondary alarms – that lead to secondary screening. A second extension is to
screening regardless of how many primary screening sensors yield consider the proposed models as one component in a larger access
an alarm (when c P 1.2  105, all risk group 1 containers are se- security system that operates in series, with dependencies be-
lected for secondary screening, and when c P 1.6  105, all risk tween the components. A third extension to the proposed models
group 2 and 3 containers are selected for secondary screening). is to explore the impact of complementary technologies to detect
Fig. 3(b) illustrates the MKSP upper and lower thresholds as well such threats (that detect alpha, beta, and gamma particles). Work
as the MTKSP threshold for risk group 3, thus capturing the is in progress to address these extensions.

Fig. 3. Screening Thresholds as a function of c for b = 10, n = 5.

L.A. McLay, R. Dreiding / European Journal of Operational Research 220 (2012) 522–529 529

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