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T.P 2020/ 2021




Characters :

 Puppeteer ( dalang) : Visayas

 Teacher : Akbar gunawan
 Sela : Devi sri wulandari
 Dini : Elsa febriani
 Tasya : Isna andriani
 Sita : Nurpita
 Farah : Ummu nabila

One days, when the justice has become extinct. Being the holding of the examination. Sela
and farah are setting at the bench, Sita and Dini sit together in front of them, while Tasya
sit alone beside Farah.

The subject of the examination was mathematics, all students looked confused and
overwhelmed look at the questions. And there was a conversation between 5 friends, Sela,
Tasya, Farah, Sita and Dini.

(suatu ketika disaat keadilan sudah menjadi kata yang punah. Sedang diadakannya ujian. Sela
dan farah duduk sebangku, sita dan dini duduk sebangku didepannya, sedangkan tasya duduk
sendiri di samping farah.

Mata pelajaran yang sedang diujiankan adalah matematika, semua murid terlihat kebingungan
dan kewalahan melihat soalnya. Dan terjadilah percakapan antara 5 sekawan, sela, tasya, farah,
sita dan dini.

Farah : Din, i ask the answer number 5 and 6 !

( Din, aku minta jawaban soal nor 5 dan 6! )

Dini : A and C

( A dan C)

Sita : if the answer number 10, 11, and 15, what is the answer, farah ?

( kalau soal nomor 10,11 dan 15 jawabannya apa, farah?

Farah : 10 a, 11 d, number 15, I am not yet.

( 10 a, 11 d, 15 aku belum)

Sela : huss, don’t be louder, the teacher will hear it.

( “ huss, jangan kencang-kencang nanti gurunya dengar”)

Sita : the question, is very hard, they are still not yet to do it.

(“ soalnya sulit sekali. Masih banyak yang belum aku kerjakan “)

Four of them cheat as other student. But, not Tasya, he looked enjoy and do the questions
himself without cheat.

( mereka berempat saling contek-mencontek seperti pelajar lainnya. Tapi tidak dengan tasya, dia
terlihat rileks dan mengerjakan soal ujian sendiri tanpa mencontek.)

Farah : tasya, have you done?

( tasya, kamu sudah selesai ?)

Tasya : not yet, still 3 questions again

( belum, tinggal 3 soal lagi )

Farah : I ask the answer number 15 to 20 tasya ?

( aku minta jawaban 15 ampai 20 tasya)

Tasya : I can’t farah

( tidak bisa farah)

Farah : why? We are friends tasya, we have to make cooperation.

( “kenapa? Kita sahabat tasya, kita harus kerjasama”)

Dini : yes,Tasya, we have to make a cooperation.

( iya, tasya, kita harus kerja sama)

Sela : yes, you are the eleverest in here, Tasya.

( iya, kamu yang paling pintar disini, Tasya.)

Tasya : but, it is not a cooperation like this my friends

( tapi bukan kerjasama seperti ini teman –teman )

Sita : why is tasya? It just 5 questions!

(“ kenapa memang,tasya? Hanya 5 soal saja !”)

Tasya : cheat or giving a cheat is a bad thing, the sin is same. I will not cheat because it is a sin,
but also giving a cheat to you. I am sorry.

(“ mencontek ataupun memberi contek adalah hal buruk, yang dosanya sama. Aku tidak mau
mencontek karna dosa. Begitu pula memberi contek kekalian. Aku minta maaf “)

Sita : but now, it is very urgent tasya

( tapi saat ini, sangat mendesak tasya)

Dini : yes, Tasya, help us.

( iya,tasya bantu kami)

Tasya : I still can not

( “teap tidak bisa”)

Sela : ok, fine. Take care yourself tasya and we take care ourselves

( ya sudah, baiklah. Urus saja dirimu sendiri tasya, dan kami urus diri kami sendiri)

Farah : let it. We look at the book

( “biarkan, kita lihat dibuku saja”)

Then, Farah expend a book from the hole at the bench secretly, then see the formula and
the answer in it. Then, Sita and ask the answer of it.

( Farah lalu mengeluarkan bukunya dari kolong bangkunya secara diam-diam, kemudian melihat
rumus dan jawaban didalamnya. Lalu Sita menanyakan hasilnya.)

Sita: how is Farah? There is or not?

( bagaimana farah, ada tidak?)

Farah : there is. You listen yeah, 15 a,16 d,17 d,18 b, 19 a, 20 c.

( ada. Kalian dengar ya, 15 a, 16 d, 17 d, 18 b, 19 a, 20 c.)

It causes the voice of Farah is louder than others. The teacher listen it and come to them.

( karena suara Farah yang sangat terdengar keras. Gurupun mendengarnya dan menghampiri
mereka berempat.)
Teacher : you guys, cheating continues. Out of you.

( “ kalian ini, mencontek terus, keluar kalian”.)

Four of the given a punishment in the yard to honor the flag pole.

( mereka berempat dihukum dilapangan untuk menghormati tiang bendera)

Farah : I did not expect to like this!

( “aku tidak menyangka akan seperti ini”)

Dini : I am too. We will give a punishment.

( “aku juga tidak menyangka, akan dihukum”)

Sita : we should study yeah

( “seharusnya kita belajar ya”)

Sela : yes, Tasya. You are right

( iya, tasya benar)

Farah : in this situation, we are realizing!

(disaat seperti ini, baru kita menyadarinya yah!)

Sita : I am regret!

( aku menyesal)

Sela,dini, and farah : I am too ( together)

( “aku juga”) bersama.

After that, Tasya out of the class and come to them. Then, Tasya follow them to stand and
honor like others.

( setelah itu, Tasya keluar dari kelas dan menghampiri mereka. Kemudian tasya ikut berdiri
hormat seperti yang lain).

Dini : why Tasya ? you also get a punishment?

( kenapa tasya? Kamu di hukum juga?)

Tasya : no, I want do a punishment like you. We are a friends, aren’t we ? I want we are
( “tidak, aku ingin menjalani hukuman kalian juga. Kita sahabat kan? Aku ingin kita bersama”)

Sita : I hope it becomes the lesson for us

( “aku berharap ini menjadi pelajaran kita semua”)

Dini : and it will not repeat again

( “dan tidak kita ulangi lagi”)

Sela : we are true friendship

( “ kita sahabat sejati”)

Then, they do the punishment with full smile and laugh. A friendship will defeat all the
bad things.

( lalu mereka semua menjalani hukuman dengan penuh senyum dan tawa. Persahabatan akan
mengalahkan segala keburukan)

Learning objective : good friends care of each other, close friends understand each other,
but only friends last forever, more words, more distance, even more time.

( teman yang baik peduli satu sama lain, teman dekat mengerti satu sama lain, tetapi hanya teman
yang bertahan selamanya, lebih banyak kata-kata, lebih banyak jarak, bahkan lebih banyak
waktu )


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