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Bowdoin College

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The Nation’s Oldest Continuously Published College Weekly Friday, March 27, 2020 Volume 149, Number 19


Community College scraps
member letter grades
presumed for spring
positive for semester,
coronavirus despite
Three students objections
self-quarantine by Diego Lasarte
after contact with Orient Staff
an infected person Despite some opposition
from students, the College
by Andrew Bastone adopted a mandatory credit/
Orient Staff
no-credit grading system this
A Bowdoin community week for all spring classes,
member is presumed to have sparking a debate among stu-
the coronavirus (COVID-19) dents and faculty about the
and three students were in con- merits and mechanics of on-
tact with another individual line learning.
during spring break who tested Senior Vice President and
positive for the virus, accord- Dean for Academic Affairs
ing to emails sent by President Elizabeth McCormack origi-
Clayton Rose. nally announced the policy in
The community member’s an email to students on March
test results had not come back 20. McCormack’s email in-
as of Thursday afternoon, wrote cluded a memo outlining the
Senior Vice President for Com- WORK HARD PLAY HARD: After moving into an off-campus house on Atwood Street on Monday, Nathan Ashany ’21 conducts remote school work on his recommendation from the
munications and Public Affairs new bed. To read about students living off-campus in Brunswick, SEE PAGE 3. Faculty Committee on Gov-
Scott Hood in an email to the ernance and Faculty Affairs
The individual, who is under
a doctor’s care and is self-iso-
International students transition to remote learning on an empty campus (GFA), which was responsible
for crafting the policy.
On Monday, President
lating at home, has not been on feel kind of lonely,” said Nirhan pus are international students. quirements, if leaving would Clayton Rose sent a follow-up
campus since March 17. Rose by Reuben Schafir Nurjadin ’21, who has been On March 11, President potentially prevent them from email reaffirming McCor-
Orient Staff
wrote that the College has been living alone in his Pine Street Clayton Rose announced that returning to the U.S. in the fall, mack’s statement after stu-
in communication with the Since March 18, Shuhao Liu apartment since his roommates classes would move online for if they need to stay for academ- dents and faculty submitted a
individual to “document their ’22 has been the only student moved out on March 18. Nur- the remainder of the semester, ic or professional purposes or petition asking the College to
movements on campus prior living in Quinby House, a Col- jadin, the president of the In- and students would be expect- if flights to their home country allow students to opt in to re-
to that date” and will “imme- lege House that, just two weeks ternational Students Associa- ed to move out of their rooms had been suspended due to the ceiving a letter grade.
diately notify anyone known to ago, 24 students called home. tion (ISA) at Bowdoin, grew up by March 18. On March 12, COVID-19 outbreak. Drafted and circulated by
have been in contact with this “It’s kinda spooky, honestly,” in Indonesia but is a Malaysian Senior Vice President and In a virtual town hall with Aaliyah Biondo ’22 and Aneka
person.” Liu said. citizen. Dean for Student Affairs Janet President Clayton Rose on Kazlyna ’20, the petition stated
Hood declined to specify In one week, Liu, a native Nurjadin and Liu are two of Lohmann sent an email revis- March 12, Lohmann said that that the current policy would
how many people the commu- of Beijing, China, will return the approximately 50 students ing the College’s policy, allow- although the College had “fail to account for the full
nity member came into contact home, where he will be placed who have been granted permis- ing international students to initially suggested that inter- scope of student needs” and
with, but wrote that those in- under a 14-day quarantine. sion by the College to remain stay on campus. International national students seek other would cause “many students to
dividuals were “provided with According to Liu, however, on campus through May 17. students are allowed to live on homes domestically, feedback treat their courses without the
guidance recommended by this will not be less social than The Office of Residential Life campus if they meet one of four due diligence they deserve.”
his current situation. declined to confirm whether or criteria: if they need to remain Please see
Please see POSITIVE, page 2 “It’s really surreal, and it can not all of the students on cam- in the country to meet visa re- INTERNATIONAL, page 4 Please see GRADING, page 2

Acceptance rate reaches a record low as College College braces for “significant economic impact” of
prepares for virtual admitted students’ events coronavirus crisis, delays construction projects and
by Lily Randall
mitted students’ weekend, the
Office of Admissions has sched-
tent’ right now.”
Three Zoom livestreams,
fundraising efforts
Orient Staff
uled livestreams and compiled aimed at tackling diverse ar- senior vice president for finance On March 18, Moody’s Inves-
Bowdoin’s regular decision extensive online resources with eas of student life, have been by Ian Ward and administration and treasurer tor Services, a credit rating agency,
Orient Staff
admittance rate hit an all-time the hope of providing informa- scheduled for prospective stu- of the College, in an email to the downgraded its financial outlook
low of 8.3 percent for the Class tion for prospective students. dents. The first livestream was As the COVID-19 epidemic Orient. “[T]here is no doubt that for institutions of higher educa-
of 2024, down from 8.9 percent “To prepare, our admissions held on March 18 with Soule, continues to roil global financial this will have a significant impact tion from “stable” to “poor,” citing
last year. The College received staff covered the campus for President Clayton Rose and markets, colleges and universi- on College finances, as it will for all steep decreases to revenue streams
9,402 applications, the greatest days, talking with students, other members of the admin- ties around the United States are sectors of the economy.” and potentially devastating rates of
number ever received. Deci- staff, and faculty to get a bank istration and admissions team entering uncharted economic Orlando did not provide up- deficit spending.
sions were released on Friday, of terrific video[s]—Bowdoin present. Admitted students and waters. to-date figures for the losses to Although the size and diversity
March 13. faces and voices that we can parents could submit questions In Brunswick, Bowdoin is bat- the College’s endowment, which of Bowdoin’s investment profile
Like many of its peer insti- use through next month with beforehand, and over 350 peo- tening down the hatches. was valued at $1.74 billion in June places it on relatively sturdy finan-
tutions, the College decided our admitted students,” Dean ple tuned in to the livestream. “It is really too soon to know 2019. However, based on public cial footing, the College has taken
to cancel its admitted stu- of Admissions and Student The next livestreams are sched- how severe the impact will be or market indexes, it is likely that a number of measures to mitigate
dents’ open house and Bow- Aid Whitney Soule wrote in an uled for April 2 and April 23 how this compares with economic the College’s endowment, which the effects of the financial down-
doin Experience programs email to the Orient. “Since ad- and will feature different offic- challenges of the past, but there is invested in over 1,700 individ- turn.
due to the novel coronavirus mitted students everywhere are es including Residential Life, is no question that this is a very ually-managed funds, has experi- In an email to students on
(COVID-19). As a result, some having to choose schools with- Counseling and Career Explo- difficult environment for invest- enced sizable losses in the past two
accepted students will have out spring visiting available, we ration and Development. ments,” wrote Matt Orlando, the weeks. Please see ECONOMIC, page 4
to make their enrollment de- fully invested in the challenge Besides livestreams and
cisions without ever visiting of capturing the attention of online material, the Office of
campus. our admitted students in the This print edition of the Orient was produced on March 27, 2020, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be physically printed at a later date.
To mitigate the loss of ad- crowded space of ‘virtual con- Please see ADMISSIONS, page 2

Students return to Brunswick to finish the Faculty and staff support students through Theater and dance faculty starred in an Hasson ‘20 named Division III National How the pandemic has affected the race
semester in off-campus housing. Page 3. move-out process. Page 7. uplifting lip sync video. Page 5. Player of the Year. Page 9. for the Democratic nomination. Page 10.
2 Friday, March 27, 2020

How to pass the time while in quarantine

3. Day drink. crossed the line into unbearable.
by Lily Randall
Orient Staff
Now that we’re all in different
timezones, it really is five o’clock
This is one of the few suggestions
on the list I’ve actually done, and
Who are you flirting with over Zoom?
With almost two weeks of so- somewhere. Stand in solidarity I have to say, my skin has cleared,
cial distancing under my belt, I’m with your West coast peers who I no longer have student debt and Kat Daley ’22
about one bad Zoom call away are pulling up to 8:30s and take I’ve lost 20 pounds. If this sounds
from talking to the walls. I’ve run
the gamut of classic quarantine
one down for them. hard, it’s okay, at least try to do it
Until Tomorrow.
“The girl who got bangs.”
activities, from finally purging my 4. Do a social media cleanse.
wardrobe of nostalgic high school Now that the entire Instagram 5. Throw off the shackles of do-
t-shirts to telling myself I have community has decided it’s 2011 mestication and become com-
the personality to get into baking again and that posting challenges pletely feral. Ray George ’23
(wrong). I’ve started re-watching is okay, social media has officially There’s no time like the present.
“The Office,” which is so off-brand
I can’t believe I’m memorializing it
“Someone in my Econ class had a gerbil named Cyril in the
in this article forever. Point is, this background of his zoom frame... he was kinda thicc ngl.”
quarantine and I are in a serious
battle of the wits, and I’m getting
absolutely destroyed. If you’re in
a similar boat, and you’re looking
Brooke Vahos ’21
for a way to ~find yourself~ again,
consider some of these sugges- “Both of my abroad boyfriends... on the same call.”
tions on how to pass the time.

1. Risk it all and profess your love

for a prof over email.
I can’t say this is one I will be Francesca Mauro ’22
personally trying, but I can imag-
ine the experience would be pretty ’
“Dr. Anthony Fauci.”
cathartic. With at least five months
between now and next fall, any
serious fallout is sure to blow over
by the time you see them again, so
why not give it the ol’ college try? Amie Sillah ’20
I think my adrenaline receptors
are fried from a lack of use at this
point, so avoid my fate and keep
“I’m just staring at myself, we all are, this is coronavirus times,
your blood pressure high as you no space for lies!”
compulsively refresh Outlook
every 12 seconds waiting for their
response. Hannah Konkel ’20
2. Tap into your telepathic abilities.
This was actually my Costar
“The one kid whose camera is still on.”
for today. I thought it was worth

GRADING “Students and faculty are

all facing different sorts of
are best for themselves.”
Khan also echoed Biondo’s
she found it sad that students
were petitioning for grades
dent was given the option to
have a letter grade and refused
hardships, and I think it’s rea- petition, suggesting that the amidst a global pandemic. it, the school would not accept
In his email, Rose acknowl- sonable to expect that some rigor of classes would decrease Solberg added that the petition that class for credit. health officials.”
edged the petition, calling it of those may increase as the without the opportunity to meant that faculty and admin- “The short of it is that if the Rose explained that the
“well-reasoned and legitimate,” weeks go on,” Santoro wrote in earn letter grades. istrators were not effectively faculty had given students a three other students have not
but wrote that after reviewing an email to the Orient. “If we “A unilateral decision to de-emphasizing grades as an choice for a grade, that would been tested but are presumed
the policy again, he continued could move to giving students take away the ability to earn accurate metric of success. have been no choice at all. Stu- to have contracted the virus.
to believe that a blanket policy feedback on their work that grades is a tax on students who “[The petition] is a sign dents would need to take their They are currently self-isolating
would serve the student body focuses on if they have met or strive to overcome obstacles. of how grades are misunder- classes for a grade, or need outside of Maine. He added that
best. He cited the GFA’s recom- not met the course standards Individuals rationally respond stood,” she said in a phone to repeat those courses for a the students came into contact
mendation for credit/no-credit to receive credit, then every- to such incentives, so overall interview with the Orient. “We grade at a later time,” he wrote. with the infected individual
grading as well as further dis- one’s stress level decreases. We quality at Bowdoin is likely to say all the time that grades are As a student on the pre-med outside of Maine and none of
cussions with McCormack as can continue to offer quality fall,” she wrote. not important, and nobody track, Maria Camila Riaño ’22 them have been on campus or
the basis for the decision. courses without adding anxi- Other colleges are also grap- believes us. And this scenario said that she understands the in Brunswick since interacting
McCormack said the deci- ety to the world.” pling with whether or not to has shown me how badly that frustration with the policy but with them.
sion was two-pronged. Santoro also said that, as allow letter grades during their communication is being put urges her fellow students to
“The two key points [in our someone who has extensively semesters of remote learning. across. Students are not getting think about the bigger picture.
decision] were one, the integ-
rity of the grading process in a
researched different models
of educational practices and
Some colleges like Williams
College and Harvard have
In his email to the student
“[The] bottom line is that
it’s a bummer because a lot of
new format, and two, the large forms of assessment, she did instituted mandatory credit/ body, Rose reassured students people were counting on this
uncertainties of how this situ- not think it would be logis- no credit systems like Bow- who hope to continue their semester as a chance to show Admissions hopes to connect
ation might unfold,” she said tically possible to accurately doin, while other comparable education in competitive improvement in certain class- prospective students directly
in a phone interview with the grade students remotely. institutions like Middlebury post-graduate programs, em- es,” Riaño said in a phone in- with the Bowdoin community.
Orient. “There is going to be a “Any grades that are giv- and Bates have announced the phasizing that these are ex- terview with the Orient. “But “We are setting up some op-
variety of circumstances stu- en [in this situation], will be option for students to receive traordinary times. the [reasoning] for credit/no portunities for current students
dents will be dealing with for suspect. Any transcript that letter grades. “Given that all schools ... are credit definitely takes priority and some Bowdoin alumni to
the rest of the semester. Some doesn’t have grades due to uni- Biondo is disappointed that contending with similar circum- … I think that as future health chat with admitted students,”
students may have work obli- lateral institutional decisions the school did not respond to stances around the crisis, [em- care workers we can practice Soule wrote.
gations, family responsibilities won’t be suspect,” she wrote. the petition as she’d hoped. ployers and graduate schools] empathy and expect that med- New this year, admitted
or different situations in [their] The decision, however, was “We live in a democratic so- will appreciate the unique nature ical schools will do the same students were sent a “Bowdo-
ability to access technology.” not supported by all members ciety.” Biondo said in a phone of this semester,” he wrote. when they see that we had no in box” containing a range of
The student petition was of the faculty, including Pro- interview with the Orient. Director of Health Profes- choice about this.” gifts. These boxes were sent to
forwarded to all faculty, and fessor of Economics Zorina “We’re putting Bowdoin at a sions Advising Seth Ramus McCormack encouraged all admitted students, early and
many replied to the message, Khan. national disadvantage when said that he has been in fre- students to practice empathy, regular decision alike.
weighing in on the unprece- “Bowdoin primarily exists all these peer institutions are quent contact with pre-med too, and think collectively “[The Bowdoin box] in-
dented decision. for our students,” she wrote in giving people the option. And students and has paid close during this time of uncertain- cludes a collection of gifts that
Professor of Education Do- an email to the Orient. “Many we’re [the] students, we should attention to medical school ty. not only represent key aspects
ris Santoro, who advocated of our peer colleges have cor- have our own agency.” statements. In an email to the “We don’t know how bad of Bowdoin, but also reference
against the option for letter rectly chosen the more stu- At the time of publication, Orient, he explained that most this is going to get for some something that students men-
grades in an email response to dent-oriented policy. As such, 336 people have signed the schools have said they will ac- people .… We wanted to adopt tioned in their applications,”
the petition, explained her ra- administrators need to listen petition. cept a student having credit/no a policy that benefited all stu- Soule said. “We’re pretty excit-
tionale in simple terms: having to our students, and respect Associate Professor of En- credit marks instead of letter dents,” she said. ed about it! We expect the box-
grades during this crisis makes their democratic right and glish Emma Maggie Solberg, grades in their transcript only Alyce McFadden contributed es to land at students’ homes by
students’ lives more difficult. ability to make the choices that who is a member of GFA, said if it was mandatory. If the stu- to this report. the weekend.”
Friday, March 27, 2020 NEWS 3


Students return to Brunswick off-campus housing for
remainder of semester
BRUNSWICK ORDERS ALL rest of the semester along with anxiety,” Gilchrist said in a ni phone on the third floor of
by Aura Carlson
four other students who could
no longer stay in their on cam-
phone interview with the Ori-
the Town Hall, and that is now
barred with traffic tape to pre-
CLOSE Over the past few weeks, a pus residences. Gilchrist has also found ac- vent people from coming in,”
small group of students have She said she preferred to stay tivities to do with roommates he said Gilchrist “It feels very
The Town of Brunswick declared a civil state of emergency Mon- returned to Brunswick to live in in Maine for the remainder of and other friends during quar- quiet.”
day night in response to the growing coronavirus (COVID-19) off-campus housing and com- the semester rather than return antine. With classes having start-
outbreak, ordering all businesses to close except those included in plete the semester of remote to her home in Santa Clara, “From cooking food to ed remotely on Wednesday,
the 29 types of sanctioned “essential businesses.” The order is in learning close to campus. California, which is currently building fires [in the backyard] Gilchrist and Kurup both said
effect for seven days, after which it is expected to be renewed. Sarisha Kurup ’21, who is under a statewide lockdown. together, walking through the that living with fellow students
On Wednesday, Governor Janet Mills issued an executive order now living on Atwood Street, “Going on walks means woods and playing with a BB can be beneficial.
closing all nonessential businesses for two weeks across Maine, created a Facebook group for walking around your neighbor- gun, I don’t think we’re prac- “It definitely puts you in the
which currently has 155 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. Cum- these students and titled it hood, which isn’t the same thing ticing a lot of social distance right mental state to be in on-
berland County, where Brunswick is located, has 90 confirmed “Study Abroad Brunswick.” In as being able to be in Maine and amongst the people who live line classes more than I think it
cases. an introduction post she wrote, go outside all the time into these directly in the house,” he said. would be if I was at home with
President Clayton Rose conveyed the news of the emergency “some of us were thinking of beautiful landscapes,” Kurup “But as for other people, I’ve my mom and brother, neither of
proclamations in an email to the Bowdoin community Tuesday. He establishing a little community said. “I think I have more op- kept my distance with the ex- whom are doing online classes
noted that while Bowdoin is exempt from both orders, the College in Brunswick. We thought we’d portunities to be outside here ception of a few and, even then, right now,” Kurup said. “It’s nice
has “already implemented [a] plan that has all but essential campus create this group for anyone po- [in Maine], and that’s been re- we’ve gone on walks or been out to be able to keep talking after
staff working remotely.” tentially interested in returning ally incredible. I’m really, really in nature.” the cameras are off.”
Under the plan—the Essential Staffing Only Plan—the Col- to Brunswick to finish off class- grateful.” Gilchrist, who previously Mostly enrolled in human-
lege asks the fewest number of employees to come to work who es in off-campus residences.” Although students living in worked three campus jobs, ities classes, Gilchrist acknowl-
are considered necessary to maintain “the most essential services Kurup said she made the Brunswick are unable to gather commended the College for re- edged that despite the challeng-
for the safety and security of students who remain on campus, as Facebook group prior to un- in large groups, Kurup empha- funding students’ dining plans es it entailed by remote learning
well as those needed for essential College operations.” According derstanding the gravity of the sized that they still can go on and compensating students in it can be helpful to have “moral
to Bowdoin’s COVID-19 FAQ, these include employees in Din- coronavirus (COVID-19) pan- socially distanced walks with accordance with their expect- support [from other students]
ing Services, Safety and Security and the heating plant. However, demic. friends in the Brunswick Town ed earnings from the Federal about how wonky online class
which staff members are considered essential is subject to change. “It wasn’t clear to me yet the Commons, watch sunsets at Work Study program. He said can be.”
Since his initial email announcing the move to online classes seriousness of the crisis,” Kurup Simpson’s Point and drive to that these measures have helped Gilchrist said he is grateful
and the requirement that students vacate campus, Rose made as- said in a phone interview with a deserted Popham beach on him afford groceries and other to be with friends during this
surances that staff would continue to receive pay for their regularly the Orient. “I thought it would rainy days. necessities. health crisis.
scheduled hours. Senior Vice President for Communications and be fun to have everyone living Augustus Gilchrist ’20, who Although many of Maine “I’m worried about the same
Public Affairs Scott Hood wrote in an email to the Orient this week here and doing online classes lives on Noble Street, decided Street’s businesses are shutting thing that a lot of people are
that essential hourly staff would be paid time-and-a-half for hours together … But I think that to return to Brunswick because down, Gilchrist said that “places worried about—my parents,
worked on campus. people should be where they many of his friends were doing are being inventive,” and some my grandparents. I’m worried
feel most safe and comfortable the same. Gilchrist also said he restaurants are still accepting about graduating into a reces-
at this point. It’s been nice to be did not want to stay at home, take-out orders. sion. But insofar as quality of
[in Brunswick], but it’s certainly where he might put his father, “Today, I saw Ben, the guy life, living with three friends
not necessary to be here.” who has pre-existing health who runs Dog Bar Jim, setting during this has been really
So far, the majority of stu- conditions, at an increased risk up a makeshift drive through,” good,” said Gilchrist. “We’ve
dents who have returned to of contracting the virus. said Gilchrist. been a support system for one
Brunswick are returning to “I think not being around Despite the attempts at keep- another. I feel like I did not ful-
off-campus houses that they one’s parents, for example, has ing business open, Gilchrist ly lose my senior spring in the
had already been leasing. felt good—not in an ‘I don’t said there are “visual cues in kind of catastrophic way that I
Kurup, however, was living want to be around them’ way, the environment to tell you that think has happened to a lot of
on campus this semester, so she but [living in Maine will] hope- something is going on.” other seniors I know.”
decided to rent a home for the fully decrease a degree of that “I used to work for the alum-

As coronavirus uncertainty mounts, some students

reconsider abroad
event that a program transi- even in a best case scenar- world later in my life, but I’ll
by Andrew Bastone tioned to online courses. “Bow- io, even if a program runs, it never again have the chance to
Orient Staff
doin may not be able to guar- might feel very different than be a college student living with
In the face of the uncer- antee credit transfer in the case when a student initially applied my closest friends.”
tainty caused by the novel that you find yourself on-site and thought about studying Wintersteen said that she
coronavirus (COVID-19), 15 and the study abroad program abroad,” she said. does not know whether Bow-
students have withdrawn from cancels and offers academic al- Wintersteen said she has doin can cancel the fall study
fall semester study away, and ternatives,” Wintersteen wrote. told students that the situation away program altogether, and
more are expected to follow Wintersteen told the Orient they are facing is unique. she added that no discussions
suit, according to Director of that this warning was intended “I’ve been telling students have been held yet about that
Off-Campus Study (OCS) and for a situation where a single that this type of situation has prospect. She said a study away
International Programs Chris- semester has never previously
tine Wintersteen. been cancelled.
Roughly 160 students were “I know people say that going abroad is Wintersteen explained that,
originally scheduled to study a once in a lifetime opportunity, but so is for now, the OCS office is rely-
away in the fall, Wintersteen
told the Orient in a phone in-
being able to be on campus as a student.” ing on the programs and uni-
versities themselves to make
terview. –Chapman Odlum ’22 decisions about the fall. “We
In an email sent to students are really relying on program
planning on studying away program, or a small number of never happened before in a providers and universities to
in fall 2020 and for the entire programs, have to move classes global sense,” she said. “The make decisions about whether
2020-2021 academic year, online, as opposed to a situa- students that were abroad could they will also run programs,”
Wintersteen detailed the ques- tion as drastic as this semester’s. [have expected] home sickness, she said. “I don’t think anyone
tions students should consider All students who were forced food poisoning, making a fool has made a decision about fall,
as they decide whether to study to transition to online classes of themselves speaking a new completely pulling out yet. I
abroad. at their abroad programs this language, but they probably think it’s just too early.”
The email also highlighted semester will receive full credit never could have anticipated a Wintersteen also attributed
relevant upcoming housing from the College. global pandemic.” the lack of decisions about the
lottery and course registration “I don’t want the norm to Chapman Odlum ’22 was fall semester to program pro-
dates and provided a link to a be, ‘I can go anywhere where originally planning to study in viders being preoccupied with
withdrawal form for students there’s potential risk and still New Zealand in the fall, but re- the current transition to online
who no longer wish to study end up in a situation where I’m cently changed his mind. courses and changes in sum-
abroad in the fall. Students who earning credit online, when “The idea that going abroad mer programs, none of which
submit the withdrawal form by I could be at Bowdoin [in- means not being back on cam- have yet been cancelled.
April 5 are able to enter the stead],’” Wintersteen said. pus until January of 2021 is In a time of uncertainty,
housing lottery. Those who Wintersteen explained the tough to grapple with. I know Wintersteen said the OCS of-
send in the form after April 5 email sought to inform stu- people say that going abroad is fice would continue as it did
will be assigned housing over dents that programs may be a once in a lifetime opportuni- this spring.
COURTESY OF THOMAS MARTIN the summer, the email stated. different than originally antic- ty, but so is being able to be on “Just as we were doing for
SHOULD I STAY OR SHOULD I GO: Students planning on studying The message also cautioned ipated. campus as a student,” Odlum the spring cohort, I think every
abroad in the fall now face a difficult decision in the face of the uncertainty students that the College could “The purpose of that email wrote in a message to the Ori- decision we made was reas-
caused by the coronavirus. not guarantee credits in the was to let students know [that] ent. “I’ll be able to travel the sessed daily and weekly.”
4 NEWS Friday, March 27, 2020


CRICKETS: Approximately 50 students were approved by the College to remain on campus until May 17. The students remaining on campus will move to
Brunswick Apartments on March 28 and are not allowed to congregate in groups larger than three.
INTERNATIONAL email announcing the move to
remote learning, the interna-
the College’s announcement, an
informal coalition of interna-
current residences to Bruns-
wick Apartments on March 28
China, said she was expected
to rely on host families or other
allowed into the dining hall at
a time. Students can also col-
tional students’ group chat was tional students had reached out this weekend. Students were resources to transport most of lect mail from the Mail Center
from students caused them to immediately abuzz, since the to the administration regarding given the option of living in her belongings. in David Saul Smith Union
reconsider. announcement made no men- their needs, and the College either a one-bedroom apart- “[The College] sent out an on Wednesdays and Fridays
“We realized that those tion of international students’ soon changed its course. ment alone or a two-bedroom email offering to move large during a two hour window.
situations—those extreme, particular circumstances. “I think all of us were kind of apartment with a roommate. furniture and that was it. They These strict policies have
rare and compelling circum- “Early on, when we first got pissed off that they weren’t ad- Those who elect to live with a kind of implied that you should created an eerie atmosphere on
stances—required us to say, [the remote learning] email, a dressing [the issue],” Nurjadin roommate must sleep in sepa- take care of the rest yourself,” campus, residents say.
‘international students, if you lot of us were saying, ‘Maybe said, noting that international rate bedrooms and cannot con- said Lu. “It kind of feels like you’re
can’t find another place domes- we should give them a little bit students constitute 6.6 percent gregate in groups larger than While on campus, students stranded on an island,” said Lu.
tically—and we recognize that of time,’ because this was such of the student body. “But once three people. have access to the Moulton “I’m just afraid of the mo-
domestically is the best place a crazy, unprecedented deci- we were able to talk to them The College stated that they Union dining hall from 11:30 ment [when] it’s going to be
for international students to sion,” Nurjadin said. “And then and express our concerns … I will help students move their a.m. to 1 p.m. to pick up take- normal for us to not see any-
be—that we will house [you] as time progressed and we still think they realized [they had belongings from their current out lunch and from 5 p.m. to one and not talk to anyone
here on campus,’” said Lohman. didn’t get an email, I think a lot to] tweak [their] policy.” residences to Brunswick Apart- 6:30 p.m. to pick up dinner and potentially all day and ... not
Nurjadin said that as soon as of us were starting to mobilize.” The students who remain on ments. However, Michelle Lu collect their breakfast for the having social interaction at
students received Rose’s initial Within roughly 24 hours of campus will move from their ’20, who is from Shanghai, next day. Only 10 students are all,” said Lu.

If approved by Student Employment Office, student employees ECONOMIC February 6. As of March 24, the
campaign had raised $331.5 mil-

permitted to work remotely

lion—up roughly $10.5 million
March 17, President Clayton Rose from the campaing’s launch event
announced that the College has in February.
While most student employ- it is difficult for students such could … help, which was very delayed construction on Mills Hall “The only thing that’s changed
by Eliana Miller ees will make less money this as Jackson and McCain to find sweet. And they said that Bow- and the Center for Arctic Studies about the campaign so far is the
Orient Staff semester than expected, the work at home. Many businesses doin is treating them extremely indefinitely. Both projects were level of gift and pledge activi-
Laila McCain ’21 is accus- College has made adjustments in the food and service indus- well during this time.” set to break ground on March 19. ty, which is slower,” wrote Scott
tomed to working 18 to 20 to work-study grants for stu- tries have closed or signifi- McCain appreciates that she The ongoing construction of the Meikeljohn, senior vice president
hours per week. She gives tours dents on financial aid. These cantly reduced their business can continue to be a part of new Harpswell Apartments and for development and alumni re-
and hosts information sessions adjustments reflect the stu- hours. McCain has worked at the ResLife community despite renovations to the Schiller Coastal lations, in an email to the Orient.
for the Office of Admissions, dent’s expected earnings for the a restaurant near her home in working remotely. Studies Center will be completed The development office has
works in the Center for Cocur- remaining eight weeks of the Boston nearly every break since “Even though we’re not phys- on schedule, according to Rose. also suspended fundraising efforts
ricular Opportunities and is semester. Ava Jackson ’20 said her senior year of high school, ically there, ResLife is a huge According to Orlando, the that require any travel.
employed by the Office of Res- she was surprised to receive the but now they don’t have hours chunk of kids. There are 80 College will be unable to set a new “We have hit the ‘Pause’ button
idential Life (ResLife) as a Resi- adjustment and that the amount for her. Similarly, Jackson had people on staff, which is a big timeline for the delayed projects on most (but not all) conversa-
dential Advisor in Chamberlain was “spot-on.” planned to continue working amount, and still being able to until the public health and finan- tions that have to do with multi-
Hall. Now that the College is Jackson previously worked as a bartender this summer, but have some sort of cohesion and cial crises resolve. The delay is year commitments,” Meikeljohn
operating remotely, however, five to 12 hours per week in if restaurants remain closed or sense of a group is really nice, expected to affect future construc- wrote.
she can only keep her job work- Thorne Dining Hall in addi- open only for delivery, she said especially now,” she said. “A lot tion projects as well, including a As of now, the College is still
ing for ResLife. tion to working off campus at that she will file for unemploy- of students and staff members planned renovation of Sills Hall expecting to meet its $500 million
“I only work seven hours a her parents’ restaurant in New ment benefits. see the ResLife staff as a cohe- that was set to begin in the sum- goal by June of 2024, though the
week now,” said McCain in a Hampshire. She’s grateful for The lack of on-campus jobs sive group that can make the mer of 2021. development office would con-
phone interview with the Ori- the work-study adjustment now means that students face not community stay close in hard “The timing of the Sills Hall sider extending its timeline if the
ent. “Luckily, ResLife is paying times, so I’m glad that that is renovation is inextricably linked crisis worsens.
me the same amount per week
that they would have if I was on
“We’re figuring it out as we go, and still a resource that we all have.”
On-campus employers also
to the completion of Mills Hall,”
said Orlando. “We cannot take
“[It] remains to be seen if we
will need to adjust,” Meikeljohn
campus. It’s nice to have some it’ll be different. I love working with miss their in-person interac- Sills Hall offline without the added wrote.
sort of income, but it’s also a lot them, and I’m so grateful for all the tions with student employees. classroom capacity of Mills Hall.” Despite the slowing rate of do-
of money that I’m losing ulti- technology that lets us stay connected.” After receiving approval for Orlando said that he has yet to nations, Meikeljohn said a number
mately.” her two student employees to determine the ways that the losses of existing donors have accelerated
McCain is one of a small –Callie Kimball, Theater and Dance Department Coordinator continue working remotely, will affect the College’s operating their scheduled pledge payments
number of student employees Callie Kimball, the academic budget for next year and beyond— to financial aid and other essen-
who are able to earn a paycheck that both the restaurant and the only a loss of revenue but also department coordinator for the including whether those cuts will tial campaign priorities, and 125
in the final months of school by dining hall are closed. a loss of community. Individ- theater and dance department, entail laying off employees. donors have contributed to a fund
working remotely. No students “I think Bowdoin is doing uals who work in an office on said she now looks forward to “We’re just beginning to dig devoted to underwriting the sig-
are permitted to work on cam- the right thing. Students are campus often befriend other their weekly Zoom meetings. into now to assess the financial nificant cost of moving students
pus, and no students currently missing out on this opportunity students, faculty and staff while “I’m a very social person, impacts and challenges,” wrote off campus and transitioning to
living outside of the US, regard- to work and, therefore, the right on the job. and I’m going to miss working Orlando. “Our priority is to main- online classes. The Alumni Fund,
less of their citizenship status, thing to do is to compensate Jackson wishes that she could in the same office with [these tain the excellence of what we do an annual fundraising effort, is
are allowed to work remotely. students for that time,” said still have that sense of commu- two students], but luckily we at Bowdoin and to preserve jobs, also ahead of the benchmark set
If a department wants a Jackson in a phone interview nity. She said that, especially can do so much digitally and and that’s what will guide us.” in 2019.
student employee to continue with the Orient. “There are as a graduating senior, she will online,” she said in a video call For fiscal year 2019-20, roughly “One of the best parts of ev-
working, the supervisor must probably still some cases that miss the connections she made with the Orient. “We’re figur- 35 percent of the College’s $175.8 ery day has been the incoming
submit a request to be reviewed have fallen through the cracks, in Thorne. ing it out as we go, and it’ll be million operating budget was messages of support, concern for
by the Student Employment but generally the College has “My supervisor sent a really different. I love working with drawn from returns on the en- Bowdoin students and offers of
Office. The Office’s website been pretty good at working sweet message about how he them, and I’m so grateful for all dowment. help from many, many alumni,
states that only students who with students and meeting their was going to miss us,” she said. the technology that lets us stay The ongoing financial crisis has parents and others connected
are “essential to supporting” a needs.” “Other dining hall employees connected.” also slowed fundraising efforts for to Bowdoin,” Meikeljohn wrote.
department and are in a “criti- As the job market contin- also reached out to me just The Office of Student Em- the College’s recently-announced “That sort of underlying care and
cal position” will be approved to ues to suffer from the impact to see if I was doing okay and ployment was not available for $500 million capital campaign, connection says a lot about what
work remotely. of the COVID-19 pandemic, offer[ed] any support if they comment. which entered its public phase on Bowdoin is.”
Friday, March 27, 2020 5

Theater and dance department shares lip sync video

by Cole van Miltenburg
Orient Staff
Dancing outdoors and shar-
ing snapshots of quarantined
family life, faculty from the De-
partment of Theater and Dance
relayed an exuberant and spirit-
ed message to the Bowdoin com-
munity last week. With 2,500
views and counting, professors
starred in a video cover of The
Temptations’ 1960s Motown hit
“Can’t Get Next To You,” taking a
humorous—albeit important—
stance on the social distancing
measures prompted by the coro-
navirus (COVID-19).
Chair of Department of The-
ater and Dance and Associate
Professor of Theater Abigail
Killeen thought of the project
after faculty met last week to
plan their transition to remote
learning for the remainder of
the semester.
“One of the central themes of
our discussion was the serious
value of play and how to help
difficult circumstances,” Killeen
ALL SMILES: Chair of Department of Theater and Dance and Associate Professor of Theater Abigail Killeen spearheaded a lip sync cover of The Temptations’ “Can’t Get Next To You.”
wrote in an email to the Orient.
“Very soon afterwards I was out amassed a group of fellow faculty Donning sunglasses and a itizing their hands with appear- has a background in video edit- skills I have been developing in my
running, and I remembered the members to take part in the lip brimmed hat, Professor of The- ances by several of their children. ing and effects. time here at Bowdoin.”
Temptations song, ‘Can’t Get sync video. ater Davis R. Robinson can be Video clips were compiled “Making the video came out of Killeen is hopeful that the
Next To You’ and laughed out “I knew our faculty and staff seen jamming out on the piano and edited by Theater and [our] meeting as a way to continue video will have a unifying im-
loud … and then the idea just were brave enough to appear fool- while Assistant Professor of Dance Dance Technology Designer the sense of community that we pact on the greater Bowdoin
tumbled out of my brain.” ish for the greater good—a key to Adanna Kai Jones engages pas- Gregg Carville. Carville works have in our department,” Carville community during a time of
Killeen first reached out to creativity,” said Killeen. “It was a sionately in a solo dance routine. mostly with lighting, audio and said in an email to the Orient. “I stress and uncertainty.
Senior Lecturer in Dance Perfor- lot to ask at a frantic and fearful One portion of the video features video projections in dance and had never edited a lip sync before, “There is a way to be together
mance Gwyneth Jones, and soon moment, but we got it done.” faculty fervently washing and san- theater productions, but he also but it falls in line with many of the even while separate,” Killeen said.

Art departments persist despite challenges of remote learning

said Wood in an interview via ing letters and art with students
by Julia Jennings Microsoft Teams. “People have at other small liberal arts colleges.
Orient Staff been losing their minds in terms “I am also considering having
As two of the departments of figuring this out and then turn- optional live open studio sessions
most dramatically affected by ing around and sharing it with in which I’ll be working in my
the transition to remote learning, the world.” studio on Sundays with Zoom
the Department of Theater and Many theater classes will turn set up and any students who want
Dance and the Department of Vi- to online video platforms to to can drop in and work togeth-
sual Arts have had to substantial- workshop monologues and other er with me,” Scanga wrote in an
ly restructure courses previously performance pieces. email to the Orient.
dependent on live performance “[The theater department is] a Scanga also noted that los-
and in-person collaboration. blend of theory and practice, and ing access to equipment such
The faculty, however, remain practice is difficult when we can’t as printing presses and facilities
hopeful. be together in the same room,” such as the darkroom, wood shop
“While it’s sad, and we tru- wrote Killeen. and the physical gallery in the Ed-
ly miss the students, it’s also Dance courses plan to con- wards Center for Art and Dance
an exciting challenge,” Chair tinue coursework by having stu- will impact the kind of work that
of Department of Theater and dents make and record their own students will be able to produce.
Dance Abigail Killeen wrote in dances at home, explained Senior “We have shifted the materi-
an email to the Orient. “Theater Lecturer in Dance Performance als and scope of art assignments,
and Dance were made for these Gwyneth Jones. redirecting toward simpler
times—each discipline has, his- “They will remember the methods that can be conduct-
torically, brought people together work they’ve already done in ed on a kitchen table at home,” GWEN DAVIDSON, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
in crisis. It’s a fun challenge to the dance studio and hopefully wrote Scanga. THINKING OUTSIDE OF THE BOX: Visual arts students received a shipment of supplies after returning home to com-
figure out how to do that despite see it change into a new form,” One of the most significant plete the semester online. Faculty are hopeful that students will continue to grow creatively through remote learning.
physical distance.” Jones wrote in an email to the challenges faced by faculty across
Immediately after the Col- Orient. “They will [also] exper- art departments is the need to studio students in theater and that I don't have to find a silver and creative or emotional en-
lege officially announced its iment with creating dance for re-imagine the presentation of dance in the coming days to dis- lining—this is just a great loss.” gagement that could be an im-
transition to remote learning, film,” she added. senior honors and capstone proj- cuss options for dealing with the Clarke, however, also ex- portant outlet during this time
theater and dance faculty met The visual art department ects designed to reflect the culmi- immense challenge of presenting pressed great appreciation for for our students,” wrote Scanga. “I
to discuss creative solutions to will similarly have to adapt. nation of a student’s work in the theater pieces remotely. the efforts of the department will try to be a role model by cul-
keep students engaged. Though Being unable to meet in-person arts at Bowdoin. “I'm realizing right now that faculty for making the best of tivating that practice in my home
the task presented significant will pose one of the greatest "Currently we are discussing I'm so grateful for what I've cho- such a difficult situation and studio, and then offering them a
challenges, together they de- challenges to visual art courses the possibility of a virtual exhi- sen to study at Bowdoin precisely for encouraging collaboration window into my life and art.”
signed adapted syllabi for the moving forward, said Carrie bition that would be mounted because it doesn't translate to among students. Other faculty members ex-
remainder of the semester, ex- Scanga, chair of the Depart- on a website,” wrote senior studio remote learning. It doesn't work,” Faculty members also ex- pressed similar wishes for the
plained Visiting Assistant Pro- ment of Art and Director of course instructor and Associate said theater major Tori Clarke ’20 pressed their gratitude for the power of art courses.
fessor of Theater Sally Wood. Visual Arts Division and Asso- Professor of Art James Mullen in in an interview over video call. meaningful creative work that “It's like we're all standing on
“It’s really phenomenal watch- ciate Professor of Art. an email to the Orient. “Students “The connection of being with they do and the connections they the same tightrope. I can't even
ing creative people work. Once In place of face-to-face inter- are very interested and I am going other people in a studio and get- have forged with students during imagine what will grow out of
we get done mourning for the fact action, Scanga plans to incor- to reach out to IT for suggestions ting into the nitty-gritty of a piece this time. this,” said Wood. “But rest assured
that it can't be the way that we all porate virtual studio visits with about options." of theatre can't be replicated over “I do think that art courses that the artists’ community will
wanted it to be in our brains, then professional artists into courses Killeen, Jones and other fac- Zoom. That is the beauty of what offer unique opportunities for find some way to just make this
something happens with artists,” this semester as well as exchang- ulty will be meeting with senior we do at Bowdoin, and it means meditative handicraft, stillness, thing explode in a really great way.”
6 Friday, March 27, 2019

Making her mark: Bowdoin welcomes security officer Braley

really kind. They’re respectful,”
by Emma Sorkin Braley said. “It’s been awesome
Orient Staff
being able to be a security of-
When Kailyn Braley started ficer and being female. I know
as a security officer at the Col- it’s a little out of the norm, but
lege late last August, as with I’ve always been interested in
any new job, she had to adjust. keeping the peace.”
“I know sometimes a uni- Though she thought it
form can be off-putting, and would be easy to learn her way
it was something that was a around Bowdoin’s campus,
struggle when I first started Braley, a Brunswick native, is
working here,” Braley said. just beginning to adjust to life
“People see you different- at the College.
ly, and some people see you Braley graduated from the
through the uniform.” University of Southern Maine
Not only did Braley have after studying criminology,
to get used to wearing her sociology and media studies.
new uniform, but as the only Though she did not consider
female security officer cur- a career as a security officer
rently patrolling the main prior to attending school, she
campus, her uniform needed had been interested in crimi-
physical adjustments as well. nology from a young age.
“It’s not quite formulated “When I was younger I
for a woman’s body. I had to watched a lot of crime shows
get a lot of adjustments. Plus that I … was too young to be
I’m so much shorter than ev- watching. And that’s what got
eryone else. I still usually roll me interested in criminology,
[my sleeves],” Braley said. and my dad was a police offi-
“But they changed the cer,” she said.
dress code for me,” Braley Having recently been a
added with a smile. “They let college student herself, Braley
me keep my nose ring.” knew her experience would LOOKING AHEAD: Kailyn Braley, who started as a security officer at Bowdoin last summer, reflects on her time at the College so far.
Though there have been bring a valuable perspective Braley works with the rest not to,’” she said, referring to At the end of the day, Braley dy, it’s a female cop!’” Braley
female security staff members to the Bowdoin security team. of the security team to cov- her boss, Executive Director takes pride in keeping students said, smiling herself. “It put
in the past, Braley is the first “I like helping people,” er campus events, check all of Safety and Security Randy safe and in her position as a a smile on my face. You see
female security officer at the Braley said. “I like making buildings and residences, Nichols. “I think that’s some- female role model on campus. more and more females in
College in recent years. She connections, I like meeting provide health and wellness thing that always goes through “The other day I was law enforcement nowadays,
said, however, that she has students … I think they feel checks, answer phones in the our minds and something you driving, I was leaving Smith but you didn’t used to before.
been welcomed by the rest of like they can connect with security office and, most im- just replay over. We’re not Union, and there was this It’s nice for me to be here as
the security staff. me because I’m a couple years portantly, help students. trying to catch anyone—we’re little girl with her dad. I a female officer, and the fact
“All the other officers are older, and I’ve been through “Randy’s model, which is trying to keep people safe. had my window down, and that Bowdoin’s so supportive,
super supportive, and they’re school … and the hardships.” always my favorite, is ‘do for, That’s the whole deal.” I heard her say, ‘Look, Dad- it’s great.”

Stages of Grief: A Diary of Losing Bowdoin

I Said What I campus and collect my things,
my life I’ve built over the past
to uproot my life, how quick-
ly, how unexpectedly. A door
how serious the crisis is. My
mother, a nurse, still has to go
Stage Five: Depression,
again. Ever present. The sadness
Damariscotta Lake, paddling
Flagstaff Lake along the Bige-
Said four years. So far, in order to to a stage of my life that is to work. The rising number of over the loss of Bowdoin never lows. I remember lazily swing-
by Aisha Rickford cope, I’ve been splitting things supposed to come to a gentle infections is a ticking clock, really leaves me, rears its head ing in my hammock on the
Stage One: Denial. I arrive up like so: Tuesday, March 10, close, facilitating the transi- counting down the minutes often, usually melodramatically. quad in the September heat,
in one of my last classes before the day I cooked chickpea stew tion to adulthood with grace, until the virus finds its way even I tell a friend who’s returned to riding my bike to Simpson’s
spring break in a huff. “West and went for a walk. Before. has slammed shut. more intimately into my life. Bowdoin to collect her things to Point each May at the turn of
Trek is cancelled,” I complain. Wednesday March 11, the day Stage Three: Bargaining. Of I remember that the virus breathe in some Brunswick air spring.
“All because of coronavirus. I woke up to hear that my se- my grief over losing Bowdoin is bigger than just me and my for me, and I double over crying Stage Six: Acceptance. Yet
It’s all fear mongering. I refuse nior year had been cut merci- and Maine, my aunt tells me cut-off senior year. It’s big- in my childhood bedroom. anger, depression, denial all
to take part.” lessly short. to “hold onto the way it made ger than the cancelled spring I remember trips to Port- swirl back, as the stages of
That day, I receive an email It felt all wrong, making the me feel.” On a day where I break trip. It’s healthcare land’s First Friday with grief are rarely linear. I think,
from The Atlantic with the drive up on the salt-strewn don’t leave my room or open workers who are ill-equipped friends, summer evenings at dryly, that they should rename
subject line, “Why you’ll prob- roads, through the icy air. I my blinds, I blindly reach and scared. It’s hospitals lying the “acceptance” stage “resig-
ably get coronavirus.” I delete only make this drive in the for something to cling to. I to their nurses and doctors in nation.” Because really, what
it immediately. fall or spring, when Maine convince myself I need to re- order to contain panic while other choice do we have?
The Saturday at the start of is blooming, when the sky is turn to Maine, find a public at the same time putting lives I watch my home state be-
spring break, I take a bus from clear blue and the ferry I take service job, because losing it at risks. It’s the elderly and the comes the epicenter of the
Portland to New York, where I from Long Island to Connecti- has shown me that I wasn’t immunocompromised living pandemic in the United States,
plan to spend the night at my cut is smooth, not wrestling ready to leave. I email Maine in anxiety and fear. It’s selfish and feel my sense of commu-
aunt’s apartment before head- with the water, an ominous employers, in hindsight a bit people buying everything off nity and appreciation for its
ing home to Long Island. We foretelling of what is to come. desperately, and reach out to the shelf. It’s families having leadership grow—the same
hammer out the details of my Stage Two: Depression. people I know in Maine ask- to grieve their loved ones in way my love for Maine grew
trip to the city the following The stages are out of order. ing if they have any leads. Of isolation, throwing grand- over the past four years.
weekend: I’m planning to stay That’s the point. The day I course, they don’t. The world parents into mass graves, Still aching over the loss,
with her, to see family and to arrive back on campus to is shutting down, along with delaying funerals indef- I soothe myself with dreams
visit my cousin in Brooklyn. pack up my life is damp and any hope I had for things to be initely. It’s bigger than of reunions, my friends and
The news drones on with re- gray. I open the door to my like they were before. me. It’s bigger than all I aging like wine, drunkenly
ports of coronavirus growing single and move robotically, Stage Four: Anger. I listen of us. stumbling on the quad in the
closer, and my aunt and my packing up my things before I to the town halls, arguing late May sunlight; taking my
mother consider stocking up even realize what I’m doing. I and complaining in a group future kids to Maine, writing
on groceries. My aunt tells me pause to cry when I can’t pre- chat of friends about from a window overlooking
I should reconsider my trip tend any longer—when I find all the reasons they the rocky gray coastline and
to the city, reconsider every- a Fujifilm picture I took of a can’t do this, why N
the sea. I dream of the oppo-
thing. I tell her to stop buying friend, when I find a receipt I Bowdoin is TA site of social distancing, a re-
into the collective panic. held onto from a meal with a overreacting, turn to normalcy and health.
“Don’t disrespect this dis- person I miss, when I find the how they I hope that the precious parts
ease,” my aunt tells me. “You letters my friends wrote to me can’t make of our world—the parts we so
don’t know what could hap- while I was a camp counselor us leave. sorely miss as we are cooped
pen.” one summer. But there’s no The anger up in our homes—remain
“I’m not going to stop living time to lose, no time to fully is short- unchanged. I hope the insuf-
my life,” I shoot back. mourn what’s lost. The one lived, espe- ficiencies of our world, high-
A week later, I read an email thing I feel most of all is how cially when lighted by this crisis, change
telling me to come back to mercilessly I’ve been forced I realize just for the better.
Friday, March 27, 2020 FEATURES 7

Faculty and staff help

students move and cope
members offered to help stu- also took on extra respon-
by Rebecca Norden-Bright dents in difficult situations. sibilities during the transi-
Orient Staff Some opened up their homes tion. According to Ranen,
Diana Grandas ’20 was to store students’ items, such they shipped over 600 boxes
in Austria over spring break as Professor of Cinema Studies throughout the move out pro-
visiting a friend when she re- Tricia Welsch. cess.
ceived word that the College Associate Professor of “They came on the weekend
would be transitioning to re- Asian Studies Vyjayanthi Se- [of spring break], when they
mote learning. Suddenly, she linger volunteered to pack up weren’t supposed to be open,”
found herself unable to return students’ rooms in addition to Ranen said. “They had an
to campus with no way to re- storing items. amazingly organized system.”
trieve her belongings. “I felt like it was the least I Staff were also able to
Assistant Professor of Phys- could do when everything else provide support to students
ics Mark Battle, Grandas’ hon- seemed uncertain,” Selinger through the use of the help-
ors advisor, stepped up. said. “What is going to happen line, which the Division of
“When I knew she was in to your stuff is not something Student Affairs operated for
Austria for her break and was you should have to worry 12 hours a day between March
going to be coming back into about.” 11 and March 14.
the midst of this chaos, I just Heather Kenvin, senior “We knew that this shift
sent her an email and said, if associate director of steward- to remote learning was going
there’s anything you need me ship, helped pack up a room to cause all 1,800 students on
to do to help you deal with all for a student who lived far campus to have questions and
of this, let me know,” Battle from campus, communicating to feel in crisis,” said Direc-
said. via FaceTime with the student tor of Residential Education
Though Grandas’ friends to ensure that she retrieved the Whitney Hogan, who helped
were able to do most of the correct items. coordinate the help line. “We
packing, Battle helped retrieve As the College transitions were really trying to mimic
some of her belongings and to remote learning, the roles of that one-on-one support in a
store them in his garage. some staff members are tran- way that was sustainable and
“It was really just a case of sitioning as well, including Joe manageable for the weeks
what I would do for any friend Anderson, logistics manager that students would be com-
I knew who was in a sticky sit- for facilities & rental housing. ing back to campus or leaving
uation,” he said. Normally, Anderson manages from campus. People from all
Like Grandas, many stu- the moving and setup crew, over the Bowdoin community
dents were unable to return to which does setup for campus came and helped out.”
campus and found themselves events. Despite the transition to
in need of assistance from “There aren’t any events on remote learning, faculty and
faculty or staff. In response to campus anymore, so we just staff are continuing to find
this challenge, the College cre- tried to step in and be avail- ways to reach out to their
ated a form for students to fill able for whatever help was students and offer support.
out to request help in packing needed,” he said. Welsch and Selinger both
up their rooms. About 50 re- According to Anderson, reached out to their students
quests came in before the ma- this included buying about and advisees. Eduardo Pazos
jority of dorms closed March 3,200 boxes, assembling them Palma, director of the Center
18. and then handing them out to for Religious and Spiritual
“We had over 100 staff students to use while packing Life, is also exploring new
across the College volunteer up their rooms. ways to connect with students.
to pack up rooms,” said Mike “Since the students have “I set up a booking app so
Ranen, associate dean of Stu- moved out, our role has kind that we can do virtual office
dent Affairs and director of of shifted,” Anderson said. hours, so I can still be a confi-
Residential and Student Life. “Now we’re steadily working dential resource,” Pazos Palma
“It was amazing the amount our way through the dorm said.
of people who wanted to help. rooms, getting all of the stu- For many, the outpouring
We had so many people who dent items that were left for of community support has
volunteered to help that at storage moved over to the provided comfort amidst the
times, we had to say thank you storage facility and starting challenges of recent weeks.
so much, but we actually don’t to get the rooms cleaned up a “The Bowdoin community REUBEN SCHAFIR, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
need you right now.” little bit.” thing is alive and well, from ON THE MOVE: (TOP) Izzy Cisneros ’23 and her parents help move her belongings to Cumberland Self
Like Battle, many faculty The staff at the mail center what I can see,” Welsch said. Storage. (BOTTOM) Emilia Majersik ’22 packs up her room before the March 18 deadline.

and help stop the spread of the coronavirus
1. HANDS wash them often
2. ELBOW cough into it
3. FACE don’t touch it
4. SPACE keep safe distance
5. HOME stay if you can
Credit: World Health Organization
8 FEATURES Friday, March 27, 2020

Talk of the Quad

A month ago today, I wrote
A REFLECTION ON ENDINGS a submission for Talk of the
AND BUOYANCY Quad about the end of my
A month ago yesterday, I swim career. Here is an ex-
swam in my last race ever: the cerpt from what I wrote that
200 butterfly at the NESCAC day:
Championships. My coach- “Things don’t always end
es told me my fly had been the way we want them to.
looking good. My teammates As a senior getting ready to ER
were cheering me on behind graduate, this is something AY
the blocks. I had worked hard I am coming to terms with
for a long time (13 years, to be more and more, and I can’t
exact), giving my all to every say it’s easy. Sure, people say
practice, staying late to work that every ending is a new
on technique and perfect- beginning, or something like
ing a warm-up routine that that. But that doesn’t make
worked for me. I was excited those endings any less pain-
to see my hard work pay off, ful. I know that I will keep
because that’s how I thought swimming, but it won’t be
these things ought to go. And the same as swimming for my
then I dove in, and I could team. That kind of swimming
feel my body give up on me. It is over, and it’s an ending that was painful, but nowhere near Of course, there is some- of the Quad because there is now, but I still do believe that
was a painfully slow race, my I know will hurt for a while. as painful as my drive away thing going on now that is enough being written about it we have control over how we
time didn’t make it back for I also know, however, that the from the Tower Circle, watch- bigger than a sucky ending, right now, and I hope we are respond to life’s endings, even
finals, and so my swim career only thing I can control about ing my best friends disappear bigger than all of us. It is a all reading. when those endings do not
was over. I felt blindsided and how my time with swimming in my rearview mirror. I am scary time. My heart goes out Despite everything that has happen on our own terms. I
betrayed by the sport that I ended is how I respond to it. I sure that my fellow seniors to my classmates who do not happened in the last month, may not have another MLR
loved. My goggles filled with have a whole lot of gratitude are feeling the same kind of have stable homes to return the same truth remains: brunch to look forward to,
tears as I blew angry bubbles for the sport that taught me pain at having our time with to or do not have the means Things don’t always end the but I have friendships that I
from the bottom of the warm- that I am buoyant, and that, friends cut short at the place to return home, who are im- way we want them to. We know will last beyond that
down pool. even when I sink, eventually I that has been home for the last munocompromised or have can work hard, try to do ev- horrible yellow wallpaper. We
My swim coach, however, will have to float on up.” four year. I know that I will see immunocompromised family erything right, and there will can all check in on each other,
has always told me that I am Sounds nice enough. Little my friends again, but it won’t members—to anyone who is still always be things we don’t make good decisions for our-
extra buoyant (“light bones,” did I know that a month lat- be the same as trickling into vulnerable during this time. have control over. This is a selves and our communities
he says), so I have a hard er, I would be moving out of Moulton Light Room together As much as leaving Bowdoin hard reality to face, and all I and carry on with the bits
time staying on the bottom Bowdoin permanently to go for a Sunday morning brunch. hurts, we must do the right can say to my fellow seniors of Bowdoin that we always
of the pool for long. I quickly practice social distancing due That is over. I wrote that cute thing and stay home in order is that I am glad to be facing hold with us. Because, really,
floated back up, and rallied to a global health crisis. But, thing a month ago about being to flatten the curve and keep it together (even if “togeth- moping alone is a shitty alter-
to cheer on my teammates. of course, things don’t always buoyant despite disappoint- our communities safe. But er” now means over House native.
Because, really, moping alone end the way we want them to. ment, but there’s no getting I do not want to write about Party). Truthfully, I am not Julianna Kiley is a member
felt like a shitty alternative. The end of my swim career around it now. It sucks. the coronavirus for my Talk feeling super buoyant right of the Class of 2020.

Though my time at Bowdoin vided me with the privilege sense of community that Bow- nity at Bowdoin to coddle and These are unprecedented
ISOLATION AND THE has coincided with the Trump of living within its bubble. As doin provided us was suddenly comfort me this time. Yes, we times for sure, and they will re-
Era, it wasn’t defined by it. I much as people like to hate on swept away. We can’t just go can still call, text or Facetime quire a lot from us. I’m confident
It’s easy for me to remember recovered from the election it, this bubble has protected us through the motions and ignore our friends and professors, but that we’ll get through this crisis,
the last time I felt this hopeless results after a couple of weeks. time and time again. At Bowdo- what’s going on outside. it’s just not the same. We can’t but looking back, I didn’t expect
and distraught. It was in the fall I’ve had conversations about my in, even if there’s a power outage I want to mourn the loss of get the same human connection to realize just how dependent I’ve
of my freshman year, after the disagreements with government or a terrible Nor’easter, I can be my last semester, but I can’t. I over the phone. It’s hard and become on this Bowdoin Bubble.
2016 election. Before election policies, sympathized with and sure that I’ll still have to show don’t have the time for it. I’m too isolating, especially when we’re Roither Gonzales is a member
night, I was really excited. It was complained to my peers about up to Sills and take my midterm busy worrying about the fact at home. We can’t just go down- of the Class of
my first time participating in the state of the world and even in the dark. that I’m entering the job mar- stairs to talk to our peers who 2020.
politics, and there I was, helping participated in activism on We live in our own world, ket during an economic down- will completely understand
elect the first female president. campus. But it never dominated where the headlines of our turn. I’m worried about getting what we’re going through
But that didn’t happen. Trump my life. school newspaper are dominat- sick and I’m worried about my and the sense of loss we
became our president. I’m very fortunate and priv- ed by news of BPD’s crackdown grandparents. I have to face feel.
I’ll never forget being on ileged to be able to say that. on underage drinking or the the real world, and
campus during that time. Ev- Bowdoin has allowed me to fact that ResLife has lowered the I have to face it
erything I valued and believed largely insulate myself from the amount of registered alcohol al- alone.
in was more or less overturned. chaotic and tumultuous outside lowed at parties. These are the I won’t
I went to a professor and talked world. Yes, I talked about what issues that excite us. have
to her about how helpless I felt. was going on in the world, but But it’s an entirely differ- the
I thought it was the end of the I also had the privilege to worry ent situation this time. This strong
world. She comforted me and more about my life within the pandemic has punctured our com-
shared her own experience. She “Bowdoin Bubble.” While other bubble. We can’t hide behind mu-
and her husband had tucked people may have been worrying Bowdoin this time. This pan-
their two-year-old daughter about the impact of policies on demic has isolated us, brought
into bed on election night and their lives and their futures, uncertainty and overturned
said, “Just think: when we wake there I was, more worried about our lives for the near
up in the morning, we’ll have my GPA, my German paper future. The
the first woman president!” and the fact that one of my best stability
As a woman and a mother, friends made eye contact with and
she was devastated and scared me in Thorne today. That’s priv-
for her daughter. What was she ilege.
supposed to say now? It’s even obvious with the
Now, my four years at Bow- way I reacted when I first heard
doin have sadly coincided with that Bowdoin was transitioning
the Trump Era and the crisis, to online classes. I was worried
chaos and tumult it has brought. about not being able to get my
My freshman fall was dominat- stuff, to graduate, to have my
ed by Trump’s election and now senior week, to attend my last
my final semester—my senior Ivies or to perform in my first
spring—is overshadowed by musical. Those were the first
the uncertainty and fear of the things that ran through my
worst global pandemic in gen- mind, nothing else.
erations. Going to Bowdoin has pro-


Submit a Talk of the Quad to the Orient
Friday, March 27, 2020 9

Track and field copes with
late NCAA cancellation think you believe what you want “I understand that there was a
by Seamus Frey to believe, so we were like, ‘Okay, lot of panic, and at the end of the
Orient Staff
great, we’re going.’” day, I think that it was a good call. It
In a decision that shocked col- Athletes nationwide found wasn’t just track, it was everything,”
legiate athletes across the country, themselves in similar positions, said McKinley in a phone inter-
the NCAA cancelled all remaining as the NCAA did not commu- view with the Orient. “I just think
winter championships as well as nicate with individual colleges that track got the rougher end of
the entire spring athletics season about potential cancellations until the deal because everyone was [al-
March 12 due to concerns about March 12. By then, a number of ready] in North Carolina.”
the coronavirus (COVID-19). championship events were already Ryan conveyed his sympathy
It took only a few minutes for underway. for the athletes, especially to the
the news to reach the five mem- “The first we heard about the seniors, who will miss out on the ANN BASU, THE BOWDOIN ORIENT
bers of the women’s track and field winter championships being can- culminating event of their seasons SIZING ONE UP: Maddie Hasson ’20 squares up for a shot during a game against Tufts earlier this season.
team who had already made the celled was a little after four o’clock or of their careers. Hasson was named the WBCA NCAA Division III Player of the Year last week.

Hasson ’20 named Division

trip to Winston-Salem, N.C., for [that day],” said Ashmead White “I hope they will be able to re-
the Division III Indoor Track and Director of Athletics Tim Ryan in flect on the entirety of their experi-
Field Championships. The five a phone interview with the Orient. ence at Bowdoin as a student and as

III women’s basketball

athletes—seniors Sadie Saxton, “We could see a little bit of the writ- a member of our athletic programs,
Caroline Shipley, Emma Beane, ing on the wall as situations were and think about the great relation-
Morgen Gallagher and junior Brit- developing across the country, and ships and the great experiences that
tney McKinley—were on-site at certainly with the actions taken by they had,” he said. “And hopefully

Player of the Year

the JDL Fast Track facility when the the NBA [which suspended its sea- those experiences will outweigh the
cancellation was announced. son indefinitely on March 11].” disappointment.”
The decision caught the athletes For Saxton, it was difficult news McKinley said she is encour-
and their coaches off guard. but a necessary decision. aged by the prospect of being back
“There were definitely moments “It was definitely emotional. We on campus in the near future,
where we questioned if NCAAs’ were upset and a little angry about though she will miss her senior receive this honor with the number a few days before but had kept it a
would be cancelled, but most peo- it, but I think all of us, looking back, teammates. by Dylan Sloan of women’s basketball players who secret. However, after hearing the
Orient Staff
ple were telling us that champion- would say that it was the right de- “While it all does suck right compete in Division III that you news of the tournament’s cancel-
ships are fine,” said Saxton, who cision,” Saxton said. “There’s no now, especially for the seniors, it is On March 19, Maddie Has- don’t ever stop to think about [it]. lation, Shibles felt it appropriate to
was part of Bowdoin’s distance precedent for this, so I can’t really all going to go back to normal at son ’20 was named the Women’s … So, you know, I knew she was a reveal the good news as well.
medley relay team, in a phone in- say that they should have done X, some point,” she said. “This will be Basketball Coaches Association great talent, but I never stopped to “Of course, I wasn’t going to
terview with the Orient. “[We had Y or Z better.” a memory, and even though we’re (WBCA) NCAA Division III Play- consider, ‘is she a future national tell Maddie because I didn’t want
heard the NCAA would] finish up McKinley, the only non-senior living in it right now, it’s going to be er of the Year, the most prestigious player of the year?’” to put additional pressure on her
the [winter] seasons as normal. I athlete at the meet, agreed. okay eventually.” individual honor in DIII women’s Hasson herself never gave too with huge games coming up,” said
basketball. Hasson is only the third much thought to the award, even Shibles. “But when we gathered as a

Nordic ski team caps historic season with

Bowdoin athlete to win the award, after having played with Kerrigan team on Thursday to let [everyone]
following in the footsteps of Eileen the year that she won it. Part of that know that our season was done,
Flaherty ’07 and Kate Kerrigan ’18. is a product of the way in which I just felt like it was appropriate to

NCAA championship performance

With the announcement, Bowdoin Hasson views this recognition— give [the players] the news together
joins Amherst as one of only two not just as an individual accom- and to give them a little bit of good
NESCAC teams who have had plishment but as a prize contingent news. There were tears of sadness
three athletes win the award. on the success of the entire team. before that, but the moment I said
finished 37th. er than them looking specifically This award is a crowning “I was aware of the award, but that [Hasson had won], there was
by Dylan Sloan However, after the first day at us, because I really do think it achievement for what was a su- I don’t think it’s necessarily some- hugging, smiles and tears of joy.”
Orient Staff of competition, the NCAA an- wasn’t very useful.” perlative senior season for Hasson. thing I thought of,” said Hasson. In Hasson’s view, most of the
The Nordic skiing team con- nounced that it would be cancelling Despite the frustration of miss- She led the NESCAC with a 61.7 “And I think part of that, too, is just cause for this celebration is due to
cluded its season at the NCAA all spring sports and all remaining ing the season’s last race, the Bow- percent field goal percentage and the fact that this award especially the award being as much for the
championships in Bozeman, winter championships, eliminating doin team is finding ways to find finished in the top five in the con- goes to a good player on one of team as for herself, and it was cele-
Mont., on March 12. Five Bow- the second day of races. The an- satisfaction with the season and ference in both points per game the best teams in the country … brated by everyone as such.
doin athletes—Christian Gostout nouncement came as something of make peace with the situation. and rebounds per game, tallying not to take anything away from “I think we all know individual
’20, Gabby Vandendries ’21, Elliot a surprise to the athletes. “Initially I was pretty upset … 16.7 and 7.9, respectively. As a team it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean accolades only come from team
Ketchel ’21, Renae Anderson ’21 “[Ashmead White Director but I’ve definitely been looking captain, she led the Polar Bears to I’m the best player in the country. success. Everyone’s quite aware of
and Peter Moore ’23—qualified of Athletics] Tim Ryan had told back on more positives through- their first NESCAC championship If [I’d been on] one of the worst that and really takes that to heart,”
for this year’s event, the most ski- our coach that there was no way out the season and focusing less in a decade and brought Bowdoin teams, I never would have gotten Hasson said.
ers in program history. Although we were coming back [on orders on [the end] and more on the rest to the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA this award. So I think, in that sense, Despite the heartbreak of hav-
the athletes competed in the first from Bowdoin],” said Gostout. “So of the season, which was just so Division III Championships before it’s not really something you think ing to end her college career early,
day of racing, the remainder of the we were all kind of like, ‘poof, we’re spectacular,” said Ketchel. “It defi- the tournament was cut short due about because there’s the team as- Hasson is already thinking about
events were cancelled due to con- in the clear.’ And then we had our nitely makes me figure out what to the outbreak of the coronavirus pect of it that comes before.” ways to continue with basketball
cerns about the novel coronavirus first race, and it was the second we my real performance goals are for (COVID-19). The announcement of the award after graduation.
(COVID-19). got back to our house after the race next year. I want to [be in] this role The Player of the Year award is came during a turbulent period for “I want to coach next year as a
The event was the culmination [that we saw the announcement]. next year when we get this place.” one of many individual accolades the team, which learned the news graduate assistant, but I don’t know
of what has been a record-setting Wow … they had just made this And despite missing the final awarded to Hasson this season. minutes after being informed that where exactly,” said Hasson. “I ob-
season for Bowdoin. The Polar blanket call and they were like, ‘it’s race, the results on day one were She has also been named a first- the remainder of the Division III viously have great role models in
Bears recorded three consecutive all over, everybody leaves.’” still reflective of Bowdoin’s historic team all-NESCAC selection along Championships were cancelled due [Shibles] and [Assistant Coach] Me-
third-place finishes in the middle Initially, the news was frustrat- season. with fellow captain Samantha concerns about the coronavirus. gan Phelps. So I think that’s definite-
of the season—the team’s best-ev- ing for the skiers, many of whom “I’m definitely satisfied with it,” Roy ’20, a Jostens Trophy finalist Although the players were all aware ly something I’ve become interested
er results—and won the Maine were saving their energy for the said Gostout. “Being there alone (an award that recognizes the top of the possibility of the cancellation, in in the past few years, and I want to
State Championship, known as second day of racing. is kind of an accomplishment … student-athlete in Division III the realization that the Polar Bears’ look into it for next year.”
the Chummy Cup, for the second “It’s not that I couldn’t have [and] all three of our men scored, women’s basketball) and first-team season was over, effective immedi- Hasson’s achievement is a bright
year in a row. raced harder the first day, it’s just which is just the best case scenario. all-New England selection by the ately, was a challenge. spot in the heartbreak of losing the
On the men’s side, Ketchel was that there’s usually such a release at So yeah, it was a good day.” New England Women’s Basketball “The tournament being can- last few games of this season. And
the team’s top finisher in Boze- the end of the season,” said Ketchel. From both the men’s and Association. Finally, D3hoops. celled … was obviously something although Hasson’s career as a Bow-
man, taking home 17th place in “You’ve been working so hard and women’s teams tallying best-ever com announced on March 25 that we knew was a possibility, but ac- doin athlete is over, this award will
the 10k skate race. In his third always trying to be on top of every- carnival finishes to Vandendries Hasson had also been named an tually hearing it out loud was really, not soon be forgotten.
NCAA championship appear- thing since the end of the summer, securing the first women’s podi- all-Region and all-American player really hard,” said Hasson. “The over- “What’s so fantastic about
ance, he finished one place higher really. And all of a sudden, it’s just um finish since 2009, to sending in its end-of-season polls. whelming emotion for me and all this award is not just the fact that
than his result in the same event like, ‘oh, never mind, forget about the most ever athletes to NCAAs, For an award as selective as my teammates is just very sad. And Maddie being recognized as the
last year. Despite it being Gostout it.’ It really just came as a shock.” this season and this championship national player of the year, it often I think that’s just a testament to how top talent in Division III women’s
and Moore’s first appearance at Vandendries was similarly event will not soon be forgotten in seems pointless to identify certain much we put in this year and how basketball is incredibly special. It’s
an NCAA championship race, shocked and also angered by the the history of the program. players as candidates years in ad- much confidence we had in what a great honor for a team, and it
both skiers posted solid results in announcement. “It’s easy to have everything vance. But Head Coach Adrienne we would have been able to do in really couldn’t have happened to a
the 10k skate, finishing 28th and “I was pretty mad because it overshadowed by all the catastro- Shibles suspected that Hasson the last two weeks. Thinking about nicer person,” said Shibles. “She’s
30th, respectively, meaning that didn’t really seem that reasonable phe … but we really did have a su- would be a special talent from the all the laughs and new experiences just such a remarkable teammate.
all three mens skiers scored for to me, just because of how we were per awesome season and last min- first time that she saw her play. and memories we would have had That’s just a rare combination when
the team. In the women’s 5k race, all already there,” she said. “And it ute got lucky enough to send five “I definitely knew that she over the last nine days … to lose out someone is that talented yet hum-
Vandendries bested her previous wasn’t really like a big crowd or people [to the championship],” was going to be a talented player [on those] is just really sad.” ble and ‘team first’ to her core, so,
NCAA championship finish with anything. It felt more just like a Gostout said. “I think we can only [coming out of high school],” said Shibles had actually been in- you know, [I’m] just really happy
a 26th place result, and Anderson blanket for all NCAA things rath- look back at it as a success.” Shibles. “But it’s … so difficult to formed of Hasson’s achievement for her.”
10 Friday, March 27, 2020

Where credit is due Letter from the Editors:

Continuously, remotely publishing
Since the College’s official decision on March 11 to move to classes to a re-
mote learning format, the Bowdoin academic landscape has changed. Nearly
every facet of our academic experience has shifted and not necessarily for the
better—our classrooms, our meeting times and even our course material look
markedly different than they did three weeks ago.
As headlines seem to get bleaker every day, it’s difficult to stay focused To our readers: continue to tell the stories of Bow- we can dedicate the (virtual) pages
on schoolwork. Studying from home presents different issues for different doin’s community members—wher- of our paper to documenting the
students—some don’t have a quiet place to work, some are in a different This has never happened before. ever in the world they might be. experiences and perspectives of
time zone, some don’t have WiFi and some have to take care of their family Even in the great crises of the 20th We believe that now, more than the Bowdoin community in this
members. century—two world wars, student ever, we have a job to do (and a very extraordinary time, and we can
Because of these differences and possible future complications from the movements in the 60s and the Span- silly superlative to maintain). That only do that with your help. You
coronavirus pandemic, there have been many structural changes to classes: ish Influenza pandemic in 1918— job is not negligible and entails can support us by submitting an
the College has instituted a Credit/No Credit grading policy, classes have Bowdoin’s campus has never been reporting on the implications of Op-Ed or Talk of the Quad (email
shifted to an online format and most courses have undergone sweeping vacated in the way it has been in a pandemic on Bowdoin. How are, by respond-
changes to their syllabi. For a college that prides itself on building strong the last few weeks. During all these professors coping? What is the Col- ing to polls and surveys (check
academic communities and fostering close relationships between students flashpoints in history, the Orient lege doing to support its staff ? How your inbox) and by participating
and professors, we all feel this loss. was published, each Friday, on will this affect the students looking in virtual Student Speak (via Insta-
However, amidst this chaos, we must remember that we are not the only schedule. This is why, at the top of to enter the job market next year gram stories). You can sign up for
ones presented with unforeseen challenges and difficult circumstances. Pro- each issue’s first page, we print the and the students who will come to our email newsletter or send us an
fessors are likewise being forced to adapt, and it can be easy for us to overlook words “The Nation’s Oldest Contin- Bowdoin in the fall? anonymous tip to make sure we’re
the immense weight on their shoulders as we navigate changes to our own uously Published College Weekly.” That job also entails serving as a covering all that we can.
personal lives. Now, for the first time in histo- tether to a place and a community. The College looks more different
Professors were forced to alter spring break plans and entirely restruc- ry, we have the technology to go This, in our view, is where the Ori- now than it ever has before—and so
ture their courses, cancel conferences, learn new technology and put their digital. Like the rest of the world, ent plays an especially important does the Orient—but we will keep
research on hold. Most have done so while taking care of their children or we’re taking our work home. Each role. Local news outlets will con- publishing each week until the end.
attending to their parents and other family members. They too are trying to week we will work collectively but tinue to follow the coronavirus out-
find a sense of normalcy and mediate the emotional and physical impact of remotely to report, write, edit and break in Brunswick and in Maine Sincerely,
social isolation. digitally publish this paper. We will (and we encourage you to subscribe Emily Cohen ’20 and Alyce McFadden ’20
With this semester’s suspension of letter grades, there is a definite temp- cover news as it happens; we will to them), and we will, too. But only Editors in Chief, The Bowdoin Orient
tation to prioritize other things over work. And sometimes, that’s what we

Bernie and Biden in the age of the

need to do. But in a moment that has forced us to redefine our academic
experience, the best way to acknowledge the work that professors are doing
to accommodate us is to do our part as students.
Put in the effort that they are putting in. To the extent that you are able,

continue to show up to your classes, engage with your course material and go
to virtual office hours. Do your work.
Even beyond appreciating their leadership in virtual classrooms, remem-
ber that faculty are a part of the Bowdoin community as well. Reach out to
them, check in with them, remain considerate and engaged. Professors have
made an effort to be there for us, so for the rest of the semester, let’s be there
with them. Who’s Left
by Livia Kunins-
This editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, Berkowitz
which is comprised of Emily Cohen, Maia Coleman, Julia Jennings, Sabrina Lin,
Eliana Miller, Alyce McFadden, Rebecca Norden-Bright and Jaret Skonieczny. In the past two weeks, the impos-
sible has come to pass. The global
economy is crashing, borders are clos-
ing and billions of people are self-iso-
lating in their homes. It feels as if the
whole world has ground to a halt. In
ESTABLISHED 1871 the midst of this crisis, however, the
battle for the Democratic nomination 6200 College Station Brunswick, ME 04011 continues. The spectacle of campaign-
ing has, at times, seemed trite given
the crisis at hand, yet the distinctions
The Bowdoin Orient is a student-run weekly publication dedicated to providing news and
information relevant to the Bowdoin community. Editorially independent of the College between the rhetoric of Joe Biden and

Bernie Sanders offer tremendous in-


and its administrators, the Orient pursues such content freely and thoroughly, following

professional journalistic standards in writing and reporting. The Orient is committed to sight into this moment.

serving as an open forum for thoughtful and diverse discussion and debate on issues of The Democratic debate on March
interest to the College community. 15 exposed the vast differences in the
way that Biden and Sanders under-
stand the crisis caused by the corona-
Editor in Chief Editor in Chief virus (COVID-19). Biden spoke about
Emily Cohen Alyce McFadden the crisis like a war. from abroad.” Although Biden re- two weeks ago. Living in crisis is the
“We are at war with a virus,” he re- frained from the racist rhetoric used reality for millions of Americans who
Digital Director Managing Editor News Editor peated multiple times. “In a war you by President Donald Trump, they suffer from a lack of essential necessi-
Steven Xu Maia Coleman Andrew Bastone do whatever is needed to be done to both hope to portray the virus as an ties such as food and housing. Further-
Anna Fauver Aura Carlson take care of your people.” outside threat. Thus, they obfuscate more, the looming threat of climate
Roither Gonzales Employing military rhetoric is a the greater systemic inequalities and change ensures that there will be far
Photo Editor
Rohini Kurup Features Editor common strategy used by Democrats corruption rampant in America that more crises that we must weather to-
Ann Basu Ian Ward and Republicans alike to justify mass have created fertile ground on which gether; we need to create a system that
Emma Sorkin
expenditures. This is evident through the virus has wreaked havoc in our is resilient and sustainable—a system
Layout Editor Sports Editor the language used to justify the War communities. in which the vulnerable are protected.
Emma Bezilla Executive Editor Dylan Sloan on Drugs, the War on Crime and the Conversely, Bernie used the debate Again and again, Bernie correctly
Jaret Skonieczny Eliana Miller War on Terror. However, this frame- as an opportunity to connect the pan- states that the biggest obstacle to cre-
Ian Stewart Reuben Schafir A&E Editor work is dangerous in that it positions demic to the greater crises plaguing ating this new, better system is not the
Cole van Miltenburg the crisis as something conquerable America today. price tag of policies but a lack of politi-
Data Desk Editor with a definitive end. This is a naive “Last year at least 30,000 people cal courage among corrupt politicians
Opinion Editor interpretation of the crisis at hand. died in America because they didn’t who benefit from the current system.
Gwen Davidson Associate Editor Diego Lasarte
Drew Macdonald Scientists may discover a vaccine to have health insurance. I think that’s a After all, this crisis has already engen-
Ellery Harkness
George Grimbilas (asst.) Conrad Li Page 2 Editor
eradicate the virus, but the economic crisis,” he noted. dered policies that were once deemed
Nimra Siddiqui (asst.) Sabrina Lin consequences of this crisis will un- The coronavirus crisis is revealing too costly or politically impossible,
Lily Randall doubtedly persist far after the virus is the utter precarity of the system that such as paid sick leave, a moratorium
Head Illustrator defeated. Indeed, we are on the brink politicians revere as not only equita- on evictions and even universal ba-
Calendar Editor
Sara Caplan of a colossal economic collapse that ble, but almost infallible. For example, sic income. This is a moment full of
Copy Editor Jane Godiner
will likely require complete economic New York City mayor Bill DeBlasio tremendous pain, yet it also presents
Sebastian de Lasa restructuring in order to ensure that refrained from closing public schools unique possibilities. Perhaps this cri-
Social Media Manager Danielle Quezada Senior News Reporter
people who survive the coronavirus even as countless cases of coronavirus sis will be generative. Perhaps it will
Ayub Tahlil Emily Staten Horace Wang
do not die due to homelessness, food spread throughout the city because force us to act collectively, to be imag-
insecurity or the diseases of despair 114,000 homeless students rely on the inative and to confront the societal ills
The material contained herein is the property of The Bowdoin Orient and appears at the sole discretion of the that take hold in times of economic public school system for meals and that have ravaged this country since
editors. The editors reserve the right to edit all material. Other than in regard to the above editorial, the opinions anxiety. Biden went on to declare, other services. For these homeless stu- well before the first cases of the coro-
expressed in the Orient do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors. “this is like we are being attacked dents in NYC, the crisis did not begin navirus emerged in the U.S..
Friday, March 27, 2020 OPINION 11

The Green New Deal is the stimulus package we need

causing financial devastation to our economy to one-hundred now, too, and we must take this
by Bowdoin Sunrise Movement those without paid sick leave, percent renewable energy and time of change as an opportu-
Op-Ed Contributor adequate health insurance or create millions of good jobs, nity, so those who have died
Over 78,000 American cases. thousands in their savings. while ensuring a just transi- unnecessarily from a lack of
1,135 dead in the United States While the scale of the suffer- tion for America’s workers and leadership and broken systems
as we write this on March 26, ing we are seeing in America families. Importantly, it would will not have died in vain. Wars
2020. right now is new, the causes of include Medicare for All—a have historically brought peo-
Over the past several weeks, the suffering are older than any need that is more clear today ple together because they have
each of us has experienced a of us would like to admit. Eco- than ever. It would provide a provided, in the face of great
dramatic change in our routines nomic suffering due to socioeco- much-needed economic stimu- tragedy, a reason to unite as a na-
of daily life. We packed our bags nomic inequality, physical suf- lus by investing in infrastructure tion. We have experienced this
and left campus in the span of a fering due to lack of a functional and creating green jobs to fuel a elevated level of suffering before.
week, and now are all over the and universal healthcare system, given as more sustainable future, while We cannot forget the lessons that
country and the world, or we emotional suffering caused by to why we at the same time creating sup- we are continuing to learn over
remain in the eerie, empty ghost families and friends being sep- cannot treat RIS port structures such as universal the course of this pandemic. The
town of Bowdoin’s campus. Our arated—these all existed in our people humanely HOLL but both are healthcare that would prevent challenges that we’re facing now,
lively and stimulating classes will world before the coronavirus. have suddenly gone up in smoke threatening millions of lives unnecessary suffering during although shockingly dramatized
soon be replaced with pale ap- The only difference is that now, … all of these issues were really around the world and have the the next crisis, whether it be cli- and exacerbated by this current
paritions of their former selves no one is safe, no matter how about a lack of political will and potential to cause drastic eco- mate-driven or not. crisis, are not new.
via Zoom. Many of us now face much money or power they who you deemed worthy … in nomic losses. The difference is These structural changes may Coronavirus is the current
fears about what our future will have. an emergency or not.” that climate change is seen as a seem drastic and nearly impos- crisis, and climate change is one
look like—fears that we weren’t Thousands of people have In times of crisis like these, problem of the future and one sible in the face of political op- of the past, present and future.
expecting to have to grapple with died from the coronavirus be- the inequalities of our society that affects only certain people, position and moneyed interests, Both of them require us to re-
quite yet. cause U.S. politicians, who were are highlighted. The ways our while the coronavirus is right but we have done this before. We evaluate our priorities and rec-
For some, this pandemic warned by scientists and doctors systems fail to care for our most in our faces. Let’s use this tragic have mobilized to fight a com- ognize the value of human life
means watching Netflix at home about the risks of a pandemic vulnerable are put on full dis- social and political moment to mon threat before—during the over profit, and both require us
or canceling an anticipated like this, ignored their words. play. Our response to this crisis prove that we can create strong Great Depression and the Sec- to listen to the experts and con-
tropical vacation. But for mil- Climate change is no different. will shape what our future will communities and systems of ond World War. Out of the Great sider what the future might look
lions in this country, it means We have long been warned and look like. support so that, during times of Depression came the New Deal, like instead of clinging to the
lost jobs, greatly reduced hours continue to see its effects. We represent a group of stu- crisis, each member of our so- which created jobs, started Social past. Both of these crises require
at work and an unaffordable As Rep. Alexandria Ocasio dents involved with the Sunrise ciety not only survives but lifts Security, increased labor rights, our immediate, collective and
loss in income. While shame- Cortez pointed out in a live Movement, a youth-led orga- others up as well. We have the funded the arts and developed focused attention, and if we look
ful politicians are downplaying stream last Sunday, the drastic nization to stop climate change power to change the way our infrastructure. During World close enough, some of the solu-
the dangers of the virus and and necessary global response to and create millions of good jobs lives work, to create a way of War II, the entire country ra- tions may not be that different
making millions from selling the coronavirus crisis has proven in the process. Our 11 guiding living that prioritizes caring for tioned foods and started gardens between the two.
stocks at the right time, citizens that we can, in fact, treat people principles make clear that Sun- each other and the Earth. Now to ensure that the troops would This article was co-written by
risk losing a safe home for their humanely. rise is all about coming together. more than ever, in the time of have enough to eat. Americans Hayden Keene, Leif Maynard,
families—or worse, risk losing a “It’s never been about whether Right now, we cannot physically great social change, we have the used their time to volunteer for Perrin Milliken, Annika Moore,
family member to the virus. The we have the capacity to do these gather, but our voices are as loud opportunity to create the future the cause. Women went to work Olivia Bronzo-Munich, Lucie
virus has exacerbated inequality, things or if the logistics have as ever. The climate crisis and the we want. in factories in place of the men Nolden and Danielle Strauss. It
putting workers who cannot af- worked out,” she said. “All of coronavirus pandemic may not The Green New Deal is a leg- fighting. People’s lives changed. represents the opinions of the Sun-
ford to take time off at risk and these excuses that we have been appear to have a lot in common, islative package that will convert We have a common enemy rise Bowdoin leadership team.

The dead-end of corporate virtue-signaling

have distilled into a science. its newfound popularity among America are psychological in selected for certain prestigious tem which, for the most part,
To give you a little back- the woke masses of the First nature. “Lean In” by Sheryl jobs, we must also recognize is utterly unable to mend its
Workin’ on It ground, here’s some history World, became a mockery of it- Sandberg, for example, chalks that traditionally feminine jobs past divides. The solution is to
by Archer Thomas about “She’ll,” the third-largest self and its labor roots. Through up the dearth of women in the are concentrated in lower-pay- value the work of marginalized
company in the world. In the its new name, She’ll signals its upper reaches of management ing, service-oriented fields. people for what it is actually
International Women’s Day, 1950s, while Nigeria was un- commitment to a new vision of to implicit bias against femi- She’ll and other stakeholders worth, not the value the market
a holiday unrecognized by the der British rule, She’ll collabo- capitalism in which the hierar- ninity. As a solution, Sandberg in the current social order have assigns it. Once we tackle the
American government, was in rated with colonial authorities chy of organizational power is proposes that women should therefore resorted to “represen- material reality of inequality,
part inspired by a fire at the to develop the rich oilfields free of identity-based discrim- pursue “success” in the work- tation” as their silver bullet to we’ll realize that “She’ll” and
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory of the Niger Delta. Over the ination. Women and people of place just as fervently as their placate those who observe the all other corporate panderings
in Lower Manhattan which next couple of decades, Nige- color will be present at every male peers. She encourages inequalities that marginalized were nothing more than grasp-
claimed the lives of 146 wom- ria became independent, but level of the corporate pyramid. women to become their most groups face. If we put enough ing attempts to obscure the
en. Because management had She’ll continued extracting And who knows, maybe the marketable selves at the ex- diverse faces in our ads, they role of class in society and the
locked the doors of the sweat- petroleum in the Delta, lead- next humanitarian disaster will pense of the ethical or social argue, Americans will be cured workplace.
shop in order to crack down ing to thousands of oil spills be masterminded with a more frameworks that guided family of their subliminal bigotry and
on unauthorized breaks, many that degraded the land to the feminine touch! life before its colonization by no one will have anything to
workers jumped out of the high extent that agriculture was no Corporate America’s capitalism in the 20th century. complain about. Amer-
building to their deaths. longer viable, impoverishing ham-fisted embrace of Interna- The problem with liberal icans’ collective
For International Wom- the region’s indigenous Ogoni tional Women’s Day is part of identity politics, however, is bigotry in the
en’s Day 2020, Shell—the people. By the 1990s, facing a new consciousness of identity that the gap that exists between 21st century,
Anglo-Dutch oil and gas be- the threat of total displace- that conveniently ignores class privileged and marginalized however, is not
hemoth—released an upbeat ment, Ogoni leaders began while co-opting the satisfying groups cannot be explained enough to
video announcing that it organizing against She’ll and self-righteousness of railing exclusively by subliminal bias account for
would temporarily be chang- the Nigerian government. In against “oppression.” They see or even individual bigoted the great
ing its name to “She’ll.” The response, She’ll encouraged nothing inherently amiss with actions as a whole. Rather, we divide be-
video features phrases like authorities to initiate a brutal the relationship between own- have inherited a class system tween male
“She will be respected” and crackdown that culminated in er and worker, so they must from a society in which bigot- and female
“She will be supported,” su- the execution of nine Ogoni invent a far more insidious ry was ubiquitous to the point as well as white
perimposed on smiling close- activists. reason for society’s baked-in that it was legally sanctioned. and black. Rath-
ups of American-looking The unpunished ruth- inequalities. While it’s true that studies have er, we are suffering
women and girls. It’s the kind lessness of She’ll in Nigeria It is now in vogue among shown that resumés carrying from the conse-
of feel-good and inoffensive demonstrates how Internation- liberals to imply that the most traditionally feminine names quences of an DALIA TABACHNIK
ad campaign that companies al Women’s Day, as a product of important social issues facing are somewhat less likely to be economic sys-

QUESTION OF THE WEEK Last issue’s response:

27% NO
Answer at Based on answers from 304 responses.
12 Friday, March 27, 2020

Dear reader,
Along with the many changes that you’ll see in the Orient’s first remote issue, the final page has a new look
as well. Without campus events to cover, the calendar cannot keep functioning as it has been; however, I see
this page not as a lost cause, but as an opportunity to get the Bowdoin community thinking creatively and First, write about something you love from the
positively during a time of uncertainty. perspective of someone who hates it. Then, write
Until the end of the semester, I will be sharing three prompts for each day of the week. That gives you over about something you hate from the perspective of
150 chances to get writing, thinking and creating outside of remote classes, working from home or whatever someone who loves it.
you are doing. Most of these prompts will decidedly be not quarantine-related. Occasionally, however, some
will invite you you to see not just how these coming weeks have impacted you, but what you have learned from Write a letter to your post-quarantine self. Let it all
them as well. out: your frustrations, concerns, fears and hopes. Seal
Hopefully, they’ll also relieve some quarantine boredom. It is not a far reach to assume that the majority of it in an envelope. Open it when this is all over.
the Bowdoin community has been cognizant of helping others during this difficult time. The fact that many of
Write the most convoluted and far-fetched conspiracy
you will be reading this issue while socially isolated is indicative of that. I hope, though, that these prompts will
theory that you can come up with. Be convincing.
inspire you to think about how you can help yourself as well.

With optimism,
Jane Godiner
Calendar Editor


Write about a secret that you’ve never told Write a story about a seemingly mundane event. Pep- Write a list of songs that would comprise the
anyone. Explain why you’ve chosen to keep this secret per the story with flashbacks and anecdotes to give it soundtrack to your biopic. Consider every
and the lengths to which you have gone in order some unexpected significance. chapter of your life, including the past and the future.
to hide it from others. Don’t mention the secret by
name. Write a list of random words that would make great Think about a significant place from your childhood.
names if not for their actual meanings (my list in- Write about what it would be like to return to this
Write about a time when your assumptions about cludes “rubella,” “fellatio” and “rosacea”). place as an adult.
someone were completely incorrect. Were you pleas-
antly surprised? Write about an unpopular opinion you have. Why do Write a story about someone who discovers some-
you think it is so controversial? What are the most thing in the pocket of a jacket that they thrifted.
Write about the first time you tried your favorite food. convincing arguments you’ve heard against your Use this object to tell your reader about the jacket’s
Describe the scene—and the food—in excruciating opinion? previous owner.


Write about the most awkard thing that has happened Write an incantation for a potion. What will the potion Write an action story from the perspective of a
during your remote classes or virtual meetings so far. accomplish? What are the ingredients? Just for fun, sidekick. Have this sidekick elucidate the flaws of the
make it in iambic pentameter—”Macbeth”-style. story’s “hero.”
Write about a concert by your favorite artist from the
perspective of a concert-goer. Switch midway through Write a story that begins with the protagonist running Describe your favorite hobby to someone who has
the piece and write about the rest of the concert from late for something important. The story ends when never tried it or even heard of it.
the perspective of the artist. they make it.
Write a letter to your current self from the
Write about a sensory experience, like sticking your Write about a character that accidentally—and very perspective of you, the day before you began
hands in wet clay or feeling the wind on the back of quickly—becomes famous. In what ways does their life something important in your life. Maybe it’s the day
your neck on a hot day. Include all five senses in your change? How do they respond to these changes? before you began your first year at Bowdoin, the day
description. before you started a job or the day before we learned
that Bowdoin would be going virtual. Ask questions
that only this specific version of yourself would ask.
Be sure not to include anything about yourself that
you know now.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Read the Orient Re-organize your Reach out to Write a poem Listen to music Bake something
Meditate family and friends

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