First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln

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Erica Fernandez
Professor Lee
History 007A
2 April 2020

First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln

1. What does Lincoln have to say about the expansion of slavery beyond its current


2. Lincoln’s first inaugural address has often been noted for its conciliatory

approach to the South.  In what ways does Lincoln attempt to soothe the fears of

southerners? Conversely, in what ways does he state that he will remain firm on

his principals regardless of whom he offends

In the document “First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln” written by Abraham

Lincoln himself in 1861 he addresses to the people prominently the people of the South.

Lincoln was keeping the peace with the South while enforcing laws to other states that

were rebellious against the United States. According to the John Green videos Lincoln

was known as freeing the slaves while at the same time not (John Green Videos #21).

Lincoln had ordered to free all the slaves in territory of rebellion against the US, basically

where Lincoln didn’t actually have the power to due so (John Green Video #21). In the

speech he states, “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly to interfere with the institution

of Slavery in the States where it exists” meaning to show his authority to end slavery he

upheld it in states he had no legal rights to.


Although it may have seemed he placed allegiance to end slavery in our John Green

videos it could also been mistaken he was forced to make that move. During that time

slaves freed themselves by running to the union line and becoming contrabands (John

Green video #21). The union generals would break their ties as slaves and allow them to

fight in order for the generals to not be seen as breaking laws the freedom of the slaves in

the undeclared territory of the US gave the generals that ability to do so (John Green

Video #21). Also Lincoln may have given this speech to free the slaves and allow the

union to give them their freedom for fighting in order to shift the focus from slavery to

the Union (John Green Video #21). Lincoln in his speech was not there to change the

southern law of slavery but to declare that slavery would no longer spread into the other

states. He was against the expansion of slavery, although he didn’t have authority to

abolish it in the south. According to our text Lincoln didn’t want to upset the south with

his idea to end slavery due to the states in the south believed in slavery but he pledged to

keep slavery from expanding into the western territories (Openstax p 423).

Lincoln had to main approach the southern slaveholders in his speech due to keeping

the peace. He had to placate their ideas and supportive side of slavery although Lincoln

was apposed. Lincoln allowed slavery to continue in in southern states but made laws for

slavery to not expand. Lincoln remained firm that slavery wouldn’t expand regardless if it

offended the southern states, He didn’t have the authority to abolish it there but he had to

power to stop the growth and continuation. He committed to maintaining federal power

against secessionists working to destroy the law that kept slavery in motion in the south

(Openstax p423). The southerners wanted the union to be dissolved due to them giving

free rights to the slaves that would run their and join the army. Lincoln declared that the

Union could not be dissolved due to an indivudula states laws (Openstax p423). I think

Lincoln handled end of slavery as well as he could. He didn’t have the authority to

completely abolish it but he made sure to not allow it to expand.

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