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Erica Fernandez
Professor Lee
History 007A
29 March 2020

ePortfolio Check-In #3 Discussion: Reflecting on Your Learning

The virtual tour I did on March 5th of the Salem Witch Museum is the document I

am choosing to reflect on. This was an assignment I found a bit challenging due to the

fact it wasn’t direct like a document or the first virtual tour we had to do. This one made

me search deep into the link and website to allow my mind to learn things and connect

things to link it to what I am learning from our readings as well as understand it.

I learned quite a lot on the Witch Trials such as where it originated and why

people fell into this idea of witchcraft and corruption during this time. It was mostly out

of fear and the inability to control the impossible and the sicknesses that were impacting

the community without any cures. This particular assignment helped me get skills that are

out of my comfort zone especially when I finish my full time job shift and have to come

home and delve into a website not really sure what I am to accomplish and learn from it

can be overwhelming. It just showed me I am fully capable of doing something more

complex like this assignment if I put my mind to it. I feel I accomplished the assignment

in flying colors but I could use more improvements and could have found more

information to link it with and maybe even found something in our book readings to

include and link it.

My constant learning goals in each assignment even with little time or being

overwhelmed is to include more sources that can provide variety and more information so

that my work can obtain more connections and understanding for the reader. I know I

need to set aside more time in order to achieve this goal and hopefully now with the stay

home due to the virus I can achieve this goal better than I have been. Overall I feel this

assignment taught me a lot about the witch trials and how to conquer the difficult and

more challenging assignments.

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