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Research works of Wasi Zaidi and Anwar Zehra Zaidi

An Elucidation of
(Mufazzal's proofs of one God)

Few Jewels from the

Scholarly Treasure of

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Research works of Wasi Zaidi and Anwar Zehra Zaidi

was born in the last decade
of first century Hijri,
and died in the second century Hijri
at the age of eighty (80) years.

He was among the trusted companions

of Imam Jafar SadiqAS,
and also his son Imam Moosa KazimAS.

A compilation of Imam Jafar Sadiq'sAS

four lectures in response to
Ibn-Abul-Auja’s arguments on
Unity of God Almighty.

In accordance to Scientific Knowledge

and recent discoveries.

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# Topics Pages
1. Introduction 4
2. Universe 6
3. Earth 8
4. Stages of Human birth 9
5. Human Organs 19
6. Human Hand 21
7. Human Leg 23
8. Nature or Divine Plan 25
9. Human Digestive System 29
10. Disposal of waste 35
11. Human Eye 37
12. Reproduction and Growth of Species 41
13. Human head 49
14. Sensing 51
15. Wisdom (Tadbeer) 56
16. Vocal Sounds and Speech 59
17. Ability to write 61
18. Knowledge 64
19. Memory and Forgetfulness 69
20. Teeth and Lips 71
21. Nails and Hair 72
22. Dreams 74
23. Needs of Life 75

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Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar-al-Ja'fi-Kufi was born in the last decade of first century Hijri, and
died in the second century Hijri at the age of eighty (80) years. He was among the trusted
companions of Imam Jafar SadiqAS, and also his son Imam Moosa KazimAS.1

Sheikh Sadooq has mentioned Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar in the preface of his book Manla-
Yahzar-al-faqih. Sheikh Sadooq died in 381 Hijri.2
Sheikh Toosi has mentioned Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar in his Rijaal with the credit of being a
companion of two Imams, Imam Jafar SadiqAS and his son Imam Moosa KazimAS. Sheikh
Toosi died in 460 Hijri.
Sheikh Mufeed, in his book Irshaad, has counted Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar among the trusted
companions of Imam Jafar SadiqAS. Sheikh Mufeed died in 413 Hijri.

Nijaashi in his Rijaal has mentioned the book of Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar by the name of Kitab-

More details about Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar can be seen in Tareekh-e-Tabari and Bihar-al-


The translation of Tauheed-e-Mufazzal from Arabic to Urdu was first time done in
fourteenth century Hijri by Maulana Syed Muhammad Harun Zangipuri. His book
Tauheed-e-Aimma contained Tauheed-e-Mufazzal as its first part, while its other part
contained the sayings of all Imams of Ahlal-bayt on the subject, collected from various
books. Later on. The Tauheed-e-Aimma (Urdu) was published by various sources at
various times. For example, by Rizvia Book Depot, Karachi in 1970, from Lakhnow
(India) in 2010, and from Islamabad in 2011.

In 2010, Muhammad Ali Syed Sahib of Karachi made a valuable addition by including
scientific explanations to the Urdu Translation. This was price less effort by Mr.
Muhammad Ali Syed for which no amount of appreciation will suffice. Consequently
Tauheed-e-Mufazzal with scientific explanations was published in Urdu from Karachi in

This book is impressive and worth reading but as is generally said, there can be no last
word in explanations and interpretations. I also had similar feelings while I was going
through the book, and so decided to add whatever I could at places where it looked
necessary. This effort resulted in considerable additions and ultimately ended up in a new
edition of Tauheed-e-Mufazzal in Urdu. The matter in this new edition looked so attractive
that I decided to translate it into English as well, to benefit the English readers.

Why was Tauheed-e-Mufazzal written? The background revolves around an atheist sage

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called Ibn-Abul-Auja, who used to argue with convincing logic that there was no God.
That everything in the universe came into being by itself, which it had been so since
eternity, and will remain so for ever. Hearing his arguments and logic, Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar
could not help but think of replying him properly. So Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar approached
Imam Jafar SadiqAS and explained the whole situation to him. Imam’s response was quick
and positive. He asked Mufazzal to come to him next morning.

After the morning prayers next day Imam Jafar SadiqAS started his lecture. Mufazzal-Ibn-
Umar noted down whatever Imam said. Imam delivered four lectures in response to Ibn-
Abul-Auja’s arguments. Each lecture started after the morning prayers, and this continued
for four days. Because Ibn-Abul-Auja’s arguments were based on philosophy and logic,
so Imam also spoke in the same language. He based his arguments on the grand planning
of Almighty God whose creations were faultless and immaculate in every respect. Imam
spoke in a language simple enough to be understood by his audience, yet highlighted the
wisdom and vision of the deep and perfect planning of God’s creation in such a manner
that no room was left for denial of God’s existence. At each juncture Imam raised the
question repeatedly as to how could it be possible to create such complex and intricate
creations without immaculate pre-planning with vision and knowledge.

Imam Jafar SadiqAS’s first lecture was about the creation of human being, highlighting the
importance of deep and intricate pre-planning of physiological, psychological, anatomical
and embryological aspects of human creation. His second lecture dealt with Animal and
Plant kingdoms and the third lecture with Planet Earth and Universe. Fourth lecture was a
windup of the discussion.

Before attempting to present these lectures, perhaps it will be appropriate to first briefly
comment on the status of scientific knowledge of the learned men in Imam Jafar SadiqAS’s
times. In that era, thanks to the active support of Abbasi Caliphs, many books of the
Western philosophers had already been translated into Arabic, and Muslim philosophers
had become conversant with the theories of Aristotle, Plato etc. It is a different matter that
these theories were a mixture of truths, half-turths and even absurd ideas. For example
Aristotle thought that rats were born out of animal dung, and flies out of rotten meat. The
Greek philosophers considered universe to be limited and stationary, etc.

As compared with such a level of scientific knowledge, we find that whatever Imam Jafar
SadiqAS said in his lectures were such truths that even modern science cannot afford to
falsify it. There are some truths that science has been able to discover recently, and there
are also some truths where science is still knocking at the threshold.

After this brief description, we will now try to present the lectures of Imam Jafar SadiqAS.

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Introductory remarks about universe and earth:

Imam Jafar SadiqAS started his lecture by commenting briefly on the creation of universe.
He said:

“Look Mufazzal! The first proof of existence of God is this universe which is spread all
around us. Think how its Ajzaa (parts) have been patterned and arranged! what are these
Ajzaa? Where from have they come? If you think deeper about this universe, and try to
analyze each thing by breaking it down, you will arrive only at one conclusion, that it is a
creation of a Grand Creator”.5

In these few sentences about the universe, Imam Jafar SadiqAS has raised some very
pertinent questions. But before speaking about these questions, we must try to decipher,
what did the Imam mean by the word Ajzaa?

There can be two ways of looking at this word, firstly on a macro level and secondly on
micro level. On a macro level, Ajzaa could mean the constituents of universe like galaxies,
stars, planets etc. On a micro level it could mean the smallest part which cannot be
separated into simpler parts, the “Element”.

Now enumerating the questions raised by Imam Jafar SadiqAS about the universe which he
wanted to be pondered deeper:

1. How the Ajzaa of universe have been patterned and arranged?

2. What really are these Ajzaa?
3. Where did they come from?
4. If each thing in the universe were broken down and analyzed, would not the result
lead to a realization that it is a creation of a Grand Creator?

Irrespective of the fact whether we consider Ajzaa to mean galaxies or elements, the task
of pondering and researching over them is so complex and awesome that modern science
has been grappling with it for decades. Deeper they research to seek answers; more
confronted they find themselves with new questions. How these have Ajzaa been patterned
and arranged, is therefore a question for which science does not yet have a conclusive

What really are these Ajzaa, is again a question like above, which is very difficult to
answer. If Ajzaa is taken to mean galaxies, suns, planets etc. Then modern science has not
yet been able even to count them, and determine their number which runs in billions and
billions. If Ajzaa is taken to mean Elements, even then science has not yet been able to say

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conclusively as to how many elements are there. They can only say that one hundred (100)
have been discovered, but more could still be discovered in future.

Where did these Ajzaa come from? Be it galaxies or elements, modern science has no clue
where did they come from! Did they come out of the Big-Bang? Science is still trying to
probe. Even if the answer is found, it will raise many more questions than it answers.

The end result of the above mentioned research could therefore ultimately turn out to be a
confession by science that all this could be nothing else but a creation of the Grand

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS then briefly talked about earth, he said:

“Mufazzal! If you ponder about this earth you will realize that it has been created like a house in
such an manner that it has every single thing available which may be required by those who
inhabit it. For example, it has been spread like floor, and has sky for its ceiling which has been
decorated with sun, moon and stars. These bodies illuminated with pre-planned precision may
appear to a casual observer like candles and lights. Minerals and treasures are concealed
underground like valuables are safely kept in houses. In addition to all this, everything of need is
available in quantity adequate enough to meet the requirement. To top all this, humans exist on
this earth as the masters of the house. The most noteworthy fact is the availability of everything
of need, at all times and in adequate quantity.

Mufazzal! This systematic and logical status goes to prove beyond doubt that this world and
whatever exists on it, owes its existence to a Creator. Moreover, the perfect harmony among all
the created things proves that the source of their creation is only one, who has created them
accordingly to a well thought out plan, perfectly executed to make one the need of another, and to
maintain the harmony among them. If the creators were more than one, then this harmony among
myriads of creations could never have been achieved”.6

About 1300 years ago when Imam Jafar SadiqAS was uttering these prophetic words, his listeners
must have listened and absorbed them proportionate to the levels of their knowledge; but today
with the fantastic advancement of science we are in a position to appreciate these words in a truer
perspective. It is most surprising to note that the impact of scientific facts expressed by these
words was not realized even by science before the current century, for example the correlation,
harmony and balancing of following:

1. The existence of everything of need in adequate quantity, at all times.

2. The production of all things of need in quantities planned in harmony with the
requirements of myriads of creations.
3. To make one the need of the other.

Is it not surprising that the above facts pointed out by Imam Jafar SadiqAS, have formed the base
of an extremely critical scientific research of our times i.e, “The need of balancing the myriads of
factors to maintain the crucial balance of environment and ecology, for subsistence of live-forms
on earth”.

It is indeed food for thought that humans who take pride in their intelligence and knowledge,
behaved like illiterates for centuries, and kept on damaging this fine chain of balance and
harmony, created by the Grand Creator. Consequently they did irreparable damage to the
environment and ecology of this habitat, which the countries of this world are now trying to mend
by spending billions and billions of dollars.

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After these brief introductory remarks, Imam Jafar SadiqAS began talking about his main topic i.e,
human being, and started with the stages of human birth, highlighting the vision and pre-planning
of the magnificent Creator, God Almighty. He said:

“Had these people given adequate thought to the Divine blessings within their own bodies, they
would certainly have realized the existence of God.

Look at the birth of the human being where the first and primary concern is the fool-proof
protection and care of the embryo. God has ensured this with a 3-stage protection, which is vital
for the embryo because in the mother’s womb the embryo is completely helpless. It can neither
try to obtain nourishment on its own, nor try to get rid of some difficultly it might have got in, nor
try to get any help from any quarter. In such a situation, mother’s blood is diverted to the embryo
to nourish it, like water nourishes the plants. This way of nourishment continues until the child to
be born is fully developed to the extent that the skin of his body could stand air (atmosphere), and
his eyes could stand the light.

Mufazzal! When this stage is reached, (Divine fool-proof planning ensures that) mother starts
having pains which causes restlessness and movements in the body so that the child could be
born. As soon as this happens, the very blood of mother which was nourishing the embryo turns
into mother’s milk for the newborn. It's taste and color changes and it becomes a completely
different nourishing drink which exactly suits the child and meets all his requirements.

After the child is born, the movement of his tongue over his lips is a gesture indicating his
hunger. (Without any delay) a nutritious and refreshing drink, in the form of mother’s milk, is
available and ready for the mother to feed the child. This refreshing milk continues to be
available with the mother until the time that the child gets ready to eat the normal food which
being hard would have damaged the infant’s soft digestive organs and his soft body if consumed

When the child grows up he needs more nourishment for his growing body which would come
from food like meat, vegetables, fruit and grain. He, therefore starts getting teeth to cope with
those foods as they were too hard for his soft gums during his infancy. Just think if the teething
would have started earlier in the infancy, how trouble-some would it have been both for the
mother and the infant. That is why teething starts only when time is ripe for it. Is it not a well-
thought out pre-planned sequence of events? Could matter do it by itself?

When the child reaches puberty, the differentiation for the male and female becomes necessary.
The male child then starts getting beard, while female’s face remain clean and soft. She does not
get hair on her face so that her beauty and attractiveness does not get spoilt and she remains
identifiable from males.

Mufazzal! Did you ever think why infants cry? Parents desire that infants should not cry and so
they do whatever is possible to prevent them from crying, but still the infants cry. In fact parents

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do not realize the good that is hidden behind the crying of infants! They do not know that crying
is very beneficial for infants because it lets the secretions from the brain flow out which
otherwise would cause disease and even disability like defective sight, or defective hearing.
Parents really do not know how good it is for the child to cry, that is why they dislike crying.

Similar is the case of those people who deny God because they only see the ills visible outwardly
but not the good hidden behind. However the things these atheists do not know, those people
know who have closeness to God.

Driveling (saliva flowing from mouth) of the infants is another similar case which may be
dislikeable outwardly but is good for the infants, because if those secretions did not flow out they
might cause serious diseases like stroke, autism (psychiatric disturbance), paralysis and even
insanity. That is why the Divine Wisdom fore-stalled the possibility of such occurrences by
providing an outlet for the release of these secretions. It is therefore a great blessing in disguise
which God Almighty has bestowed on the infants so as to provide a shielding from dangerous
diseases throughout the span of their lives. This enables them to grow up as healthy adults. But
people do not acknowledge this great gift of God.

Mufazzal! Whatever I have said so far let us put it together again. The various stages through
which a human being passes as he arrives in this world start with a tiny part (sperm), then a clot,
then a mixture of bones, then a fully developed child, then his infancy, puberty and youth. His
needs change as he passes from one stage to another, so do his body organs and his capabilities in
accordance with his changing needs. Do you think that all this was possible without deep and
thoughtful pre-planning of the one who created them? Do you think that the child would have
survived in the mother’s womb if he was not nourished by his mother’s blood? Would he not
dries up like an un-watered plant if the mother’s blood did not contain his vital nourishment
needs? Would not the child die and get buried in mother’s womb like children were buried alive
in older days had not the mother’s labor pains taken place at proper time? Would the child have
healthy growth if his teething did not take place at proper time so that he could take food like
grain, meat, fruit and vegetable? How could male and female be distinguished from each other
and how could they be attracted to each other if they looked alike?

Mufazzal! now tell me, was all this possible without the far-reaching fool-proof planning of the
one who created them? Therefore, to think that all this happened on its own without a creator is
nothing but stupidity. Whatever these atheists says, God Almighty is far above it”.

Then Imam Jafar SadiqAS drew Mufazzal’s attention to a strange subject, he said:

“Mufazzal! Did you ever think, if a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, what
would have been the consequences? The consequences must be understood well because they
contradict and oppose the many hidden blessings of Almighty God bestowed on the new born”.

Imam Jafar SadiqAS then explained some of these consequences. He said:

“If a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, he would have been struck with

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awe and surprise as soon as he stepped into this world. All of a sudden he would have confronted
such things which he had not seen before, and would consequently loose his breath and die as
soon as he was born. He was accustomed to living in isolation under veils and veils of protection
in his mother’s womb. Now all of a sudden he would see a totally different world, huge trees,
birds, human faces, strange sounds, doors, windows etc etc. He would hardly bear with this
strange environment without succumbing to fear and alarm.

Secondly, if a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, he would soon start
suffering from complexes and self-pity. He would have witnessed his own birth, how he was
washed and clothed, how people treated him, some try to cuddle him, some lifting him in their
arms, some giving him medicine, yet others trying to wash him after urination and potty. He
would see and understand everything but Unable to do things according to his own wishes. He
might start hating his own self, feel depressed and degraded as he could neither eat himself when
hungry, nor wash himself when dirty, nor put on new clothes and remove old ones, nor move
about according to his wishes.

Thirdly, if a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, he would have lost the
angel-like innocence which is a great source of attraction for people. Even his parents, who bring
him up with great love and kindness, get attracted to him as they enjoy his innocence, his loving
smiles, and his innocent actions. It is because of infants disarming innocence that hearts get
softened and filled with love. If the toddler starts behaving and acting like adults, he would very
quickly antagonize his handlers. This would be extremely detrimental to his bringing up. His
parents would suffer from grief and pains instead of love and enjoyment. The parents who go to
extra lengths in caring for their child due to his innocence, and do every kind of work for him
with great joy, would soon start disliking him if he started insisting on his own ways, creating
situations, shouting and misbehaving.

Fourthly, if a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, because of above
mentioned factors, on one hand he would lose the love and care of his parents, and on the other
hand he would lose the respect and regard in his own heart for his own parents. Although his
parents would discharge their responsibilities in bringing him up, caring for him, keeping him
clean and healthy, but the child would get irritated because of his independent thinking, and
might even start hating parents for cuddling him. He would therefore wish to separate from his
parents and would do so in the first opportunity he gets. He would then get lost in vast multitude
of humanity and after growing up would neither recognize his parents, his sisters and brothers,
nor the relationships which are sacred and permitted or which are forbidden.

Fifthly, if a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, at the time of his birth he
would see such things which are obscene and not permissible.

Because of these factors, God Almighty in all His Wisdom, planned a most appropriate course for
the newborn that he should step into this world with all his capabilities in a dormant state, and he
should remain in dark about his environment. Whatever he sees, he should see only with his
under-developed intelligence, so that he does not comprehend situations, neither gets afraid nor
alarmed nor surprised. Thereafter as he grows up and his intelligence develops according to his

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needs, his wisdom and his capabilities also show up, then he slowly and gradually gets used to
this world, gets familiar with all things around and learns to stay firm. Then without rushing
through, he learns how to live his life in light of his intelligence, observations and experience.
Slowly and gradually he learns to differentiate between good and bad, benefits and losses, virtues
and evil, fair and unfair.

Now Mufazzal tell me, could inactive matter do such wise planning in the birth of a human child
with such vision and with such far-reaching calculations? And look, how beautifully every stage
of the birth process is planned with perfect fool-proof arrangements, that one can neither detect
any error, nor any fault in it! Is not it proof enough for convincing those who deny God, that they
should quit the path of denial and adopt the path of submission?”

Imam Jafar SadiqAS’s above mentioned speech highlights many such truths which although are in
common knowledge but they are never cited as proofs of the existence of Almighty God. This is
so because people do not know about the complex beauties of Divine Strategy hidden behind
these truths, and therefore they cannot perceive the depth and vision of the grand planning of the
Almighty God which is behind each of his creation. Imam Jafar SadiqAS has very effectively
lifted these curtains of ignorance which he could only do because of his immense knowledge and
his God given awareness about the intricacies and strategies of the Divine planning.

1300 years ago although Imam spoke about these complex subjects in simple words so that
people could understand him easily, but hidden behind these simple words were some truths that
modern science has only been able to bring to light recently or is still struggling to do so. We
have picked up some such points from Imam’s above-mentioned speech and will try to elaborate
on them with scientific explanations:

1. Had these people given adequate thought to the Divine blessings within their own bodies
they would certainly had realized the existence of God.
2. God has ensured the safety of embryo in mother’s womb by a three-stage protection.
3. Mother’s blood nourishes the embryo until the child to be born is fully developed to the
extent that the skin of his body is able to stand air and his eyes stand light.
4. The blood of the mother which nourishes the embryo turns into milk for the newborn. Its
taste and color changes and turns into a completely different nourishing drink which
exactly suits the child and meets all his requirements.
5. Crying is very beneficial for the infants because it lets the secretions from the brain flow
out which otherwise would cause disease and even disability like defective sight or
defective hearing.
6. Driveling of the infants is good for them because it lets the secretions flow out which
otherwise may cause disease like stroke, autism, paralysis and even insanity.
7. If a human child was born with fully developed intelligence, what would have been the
8. The things these atheists do not know, those people know who have closeness to God.

(i) Imam Jafar SadiqAS’s opening sentence “Had these people given adequate thought to the
Divine blessings within their own bodies they would certainly had realized the existence of God”,

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is a statement which deserves deep thought. It corroborates the challenge thrown by holy Quran
that if anyone wants to find a flaw in the creation of God, he will never succeed. Quran says:

“Who created the seven heavens one above the other. You do not see any flaw in the creation of
Al-Rehman (the most Merciful God). Then look again. Do you see any flaw? Turn your
investigating eyes again and again. Your gaze shall turn back dulled and frustrated”. (Al-Quran,

This open challenge is as relevant today as it was 1400 years ago, because as scientific research is
probing deeper and deeper, it is getting appalled by the perfection, harmony and grand planning
of God’s creation. It is getting proofs upon proofs of a creation par excellence and without any
flaw. Same is true for human body. As Medical science is researching deeper and deeper into the
human body, it is getting overwhelmed and fascinated by the intricacies, perfect harmony and
beauty of human body, human systems and human organs. Imam Jafar SadiqAS’s lecture
highlights only some aspects of this masterly creation, but it is enough to induce one to think, and
to think deeper to recognize the greatness of the creation of human being.

This realization in turn is bound to lead to the existence of God, God who is called in holy Quran:
“the Creator Par Excellence” (Ahsan-al-Khaliqin).8

(ii) To explain the miraculous human body, Imam Jafar SadiqAS began by citing the example of a
human embryo, saying that God has ensured the safety of human embryo in mother’s womb by a
3-stage protection.

1300 years ago when Imam spoke, the depth of his words was beyond the mental capacity of his
listeners. It is only in our times that medical research has lifted the curtains of ignorance from this
issue. Dr. Haluk Nurbaki, a Turkish Muslim scientist, says in his book “Verses from holy Quran
and facts of science” that God Almighty has ensured the protection of human embryo for the
entire period until it develops into a full-fledged baby. This protection is in three stages which
Quran calls as “Three veils of darkness”. Quran says in verse 39:6:

“The One who develops you from one stage to another in three veils of darkness in your
mother’s womb, is your Rabb (the Sustainer)”.

Dr. Nurbaki says that as recently as 100 years ago Medical science believed that the human
embryo develops into a full baby within the mother’s womb. But medical research in our times
has revealed that the process of development from an egg-cell to a full baby takes place in three
different locations in 3 stages.

First stage is the Fallopian-tube where the egg is fertilized. This place is pitching dark, and it is
here that most surprising genetic events take place. The traits are set for the child to be born, and
the personality and life-pattern of his complete life is finalized. The fertilized ovum then gets
transferred to a new location, the Uterus. This also is a dark place, well protected. Full
development of the child to be born, takes place here where nourishment is provided by mother’s
blood. Then the Amniotic Sac surrounds the embryo from all sides. The Sac, filled with water,

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provides a perfectly safe environment for the embryo. This is the third place of protection where
the environment is again pitch dark. Medical research thus corroborates the words of Imam Jafar
SadiqAS, uttered 1300 years ago.

(iii) Speaking about the development of the embryo inside the mother’s womb, Imam said:

“Mother’s blood nourishes the embryo until the child to be born is fully developed to the extent
that the skin of his body is able to stand air, and his eyes stand the light”.

Through these words Imam Jafar SadiqAS has pointed out the last important check from among
the check-list of myriads of protective measures that ensure safety of the embryo during its
development from an egg-cell to a full-fledged child. After the embryo is developed fully into a
child and before it finally steps into this world, Divine Wisdom ensures two things. Firstly that
the skin of the child has developed to the extent that it can stand air, and secondly its eyes have
developed to the extent that they can stand light.

It must be kept in mind that air which is vital for the life of living beings can be very lethal for a
newborn. On one hand innumerable bacteria present in the air are a great threat unless the child’s
defense to fight against them is fully in force. Secondly the atmospheric air pressure of 14.7
pounds per square inch, which exists all around us, could also be very lethal as any differential
between the inside and outside of the newborn’s body would not be tolerated by the soft and
weak skin of the newborn. Therefore until the skin acquires strength to face such eventualities, it
will be dangerous for the child to be born.

Secondly, the sunlight which is so important for the living beings will be very hazardous for the
eyes of the newborn unless the sight system of the newborn is developed to take care of the

Hence according to the Imam, the final moment of birth of the newborn is decided by the Divine
Wisdom after these two check are accomplished, and it is only then that the labor-pains start.

(iv) Imam Jafar SadiqAS then spoke about yet another event related with the birth of a child. He

“The blood of the mother which nourished the embryo turns into milk for the newborn. Its taste
and color changes and it turns into a completely different nourishing drink which exactly suits the
child and meets all his requirements”.

1300 years ago, Imam’s audience could not have fully appreciated the depth of his words, but
medical science of our times is unraveling the startling secrets hidden behind these words. Dr.
Haluk Nurbaki, a Turkish Muslim scientist, has given some revealing comments about mother’s
milk in his book “Verses from holy Quran and facts of science”. Dr. Nurbaki says that even the
modern scientific research has not been able to unravel all the benefitting constituents blessed
into the mother’s milk by God Almighty. Science ultimately had to admit that there is no
replacement for mother’s milk because of many elements in it, their varying mutual proportion,

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their inclusion of nourishing as well as medicinal qualities, their timely variations in face of the
child’s varying demands due growing up, health requirements, environmental requirements etc.

For example: during the first six months the liver of a newborn is full time busy in producing new
blood, therefore it cannot discharge its normal functions of the digestive and other systems to
provide nutrients to the body. During this period therefore, mother’s milk, as an alternate source,
provides all the required nutrients. What are these nutrients is still a mystery which remains to be
fully resolved. Medical science has so far been able to discover that in addition to proteins, sugar,
fats and phosphorus, there are fifty different vitamins whose mutual mixing in different
proportions, produces the nutrients.

Yet another example is being quoted from the Industry producing baby milk. When industrial
research indicated that the average percentage of iron in mother’s milk was below the required
standard, the industry upped the iron contents in its production of baby milk. But this change
caused detrimental effect on babies. When this problem was researched, it turned out that because
iron is stored in baby’s liver (even when in mother’s womb), as during infancy baby’s liver
produces blood (in place of bone marrow), hence mother’s milk should be deficient on iron. If
baby is administrated additional iron externally, there is likelihood for the baby to suffer from
diseases like enteritis. It was only then that industry realized its lack of knowledge and lowered
the contents of iron in baby milk.

Another vital factor is its medicinal value which provides a shield against many diseases to which
a newborn may be exposed. For example: During the first six months because it is vital to protect
the newborn from infectious diseases, hence the mother’s milk during this period contains
antibodies, even the antibodies against measles. It is miraculous, because this phenomena is
biologically unexplainable as it occurs even if the mother may not have contacted measles

(v) Thereafter Imam Jafar SadiqAS turned to some very familiar behaviors of newborns. First
speaking about the crying of a newborn, he said:

“Crying is very beneficial for the infant because it lets the secretions from the brain flow out,
which otherwise may cause disease and even disability like defective sight or defective hearing”.

Although medical science believes that through crying infants express their hunger or their
discomfort, but science does admit that tears of an infant contain an anti-bacterial agent called
Lysozyme which keeps the eyes clean and healthy. Lysozyme is produced by Lacrimal gland
situated above the two eyes. If Lysozyme does not flow down from Lacrimal glands, then the
infant may lose sight.

For this very reason frequent crying of an infant is very beneficial for keeping the eyes clean and
healthy. Is it not surprising that the fact revealed by Imam has been discovered by science 1300
years later?

Yet another familiar behavior of newborns is driveling (saliva flowing out from mouth). Imam

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said about it:

“Driveling of the infants is good for them because it lets the secretions flow out which otherwise
may cause diseases like stroke, autism paralysis and even insanity. That is why Merciful God
forestalled the possibility of such an occurrence by providing an outlet for release of these
secretions. It is therefore a great blessing in disguise which God Almighty has bestowed on the
infants by providing a shield from dangerous diseases for the entire span of their lives enabling
them to grow up as healthy adults. But people fail to acknowledge this gift of God”.

Medical science of our times appears to be unaware of the connection between driveling and the
prevention of diseases like stroke, autism, paralysis and insanity. Perhaps future research may
unravel this connection.

(vi) Reincarnation of soul:

Imam Jafar SadiqAS then spoke about a strange subject and asked:

“If a child was born with fully developed intelligence, what would be the consequences”?

It appears that by speaking on this subject Imam wanted to register arguments against the
“Theory of Reincarnation”. This theory is the mainstay of Jain, Buddh and Hindu philosophies.
Briefly it can be described as:

The most importance entity in any living being is its “Soul” (the Atma). The soul never dies. It
transfers to a newborn baby when its previous body dies. The Soul is superbly omnipotent and
intelligent. It can be contaminated by bad deeds (bad Karma), and can be purified by good deeds
(good Karma). The Soul carries an aggregate of good and bad Karma of previous life when it
enters a newborn’s body. It then accumulates good and bad Karma of present life, upon which
depends the status of its future life. The ultimate aim of each Soul is to get fully purified i.e, to
shed all bad Karma so as to be an embodiment of only good Karma. The Soul then achieves its
cherished end, the Nirvana. This travel of Soul to Nirvana may involve unlimited number of
cycles of death and rebirth i.e, reincarnation.

According to the Reincarnation Theory this world and the universe was not created, but came into
being on its own. It has been so from eternity and will remain so for ever. There is therefore
neither any start nor any end to it, and neither any need for a creator god. (There are obviously
some variations between Jain, Buddh and Hindu concepts. We have skipped them due brevity).

When Imam spoke about the birth of a child with fully developed intelligence, he was obviously
hinting at the Reincarnation theory. If this theory is accepted then it will become mandatory to
accept that each child is born with fully developed intelligence because his soul carries full
imprints of his previous life. If the supporters of the theory advance arguments to deny this status,
those arguments in turn will only go to work against the theory, thus demolishing the very
foundations on which the theory is built.

Imam’s standpoint was that every newborn arrives with a clean slate and complete innocence.

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Whatever he learns, he learns only after stepping into this world.

There is another occasion in Imam’s lecture when he touched upon another aspect of
Reincarnation. We will mention that part of lecture here because of similarity of subject.

When Imam was speaking about organs of human body, Mufazzal ibn Umar asked:

“Aqa, why is it so, that some people are deprived of some organs because of which they face
problems in life”?

Imam replied:

“This may either be as a gesture of warning or as a measure of trial of the person who is
handicapped. Occasionally it may even be as a lesson to others, just like rulers punish offenders.
Such punishments are not considered bad, on the contrary they are praised because others learn

There is yet another important aspect to it (from spiritual point of view). The handicapped, who
faced problems in life because of the defective organs, are big gainers in after-life. God the
Merciful will grant them such blessings in after-life that problems faced by them in worldly life
will appear to them like naught. So much so that if they were given another chance of worldly life
with similar handicaps, they will gladly accept those handicaps along with the problems
associated with them.

Some may question as to why this has to happen among the living beings that some are born
perfectly healthy while some others are born handicapped?

The answer lies in making humans aware of the fact that the birth of any being in reality is not
controlled by Nature but is controlled by the Will of the Almighty God inculcated into the fate of
the newborn. God has designed His system in such a way that normally it works according to the
designed perfect precision, but at times it also works with a designed error so as to awaken people
to the realization that the system also owes its existence to someone, the God Almighty. In order
to bless any being with life, the system needs the Omnipotence of the real Creator, the God

Imam’s comments that the “birth handicap may either be a gesture of warning or a measure of
trial of the person who is handicapped”, need some explanation.

It is a gesture of warning and punishment for the loved ones of the handicapped, his parents and
his close relatives, for their sins and cruelties inflicted on others. This punishment is perpetual
(life-long) and severe, commensurate with the level of cruelty they inflicted.

As far as the handicapped person himself is concerned, it is a measure of trial for him. His patient
and gracious conduct in worldly life earns him much greater rewards for his future life.

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(viii) Revelation of Knowledge to Human

Imam Jafar SadiqAS then uttered a very meaningful sentence. He said:

“The things these atheists do not know, those people know who have closeness to God”.

By these few words Imam disclosed an important “Way of God” through which God provides
guidance to mankind. This “Way of God” although appears invisible to materialistic mortals, but
is a source of great confidence to the spiritual believers. Imam disclosed this hidden way of God
as the act of imparting knowledge direct to some of His chosen persons. This way of imparting
knowledge is called Ilm-e-Ladunni, and it is imparted only to those persons who have achieved a
high level of piety and closeness to God, such as Prophets and Messengers. Through these
Prophets and Messengers, the knowledge reaches the chosen Imams.

At this point, the first part of Imam's lecture ended wherein he had unraveled some aspects of the
grand planning of God Almighty in the birth of infants and embryology. The next part of Imam's
lecture was about human body and human organs.


1. Qaamus-al-rijaal. Volume-9, Pages: 93-101.

2. Manla-yahzar-al-faqih. Preface.
3. Rijaal Abu Abbas Ahmed bin Ali-al-Nijaashi. Pages: 292, 296.
4. Taarikhe-Tabari. Volume-3, Page: 375. Bihar-al-Anwaar. By: Allama Majlisi. Volume-2,
Pages: 17-18.
5. Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Page: 42.
6. Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Pages: 45-48.
7. Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Pages: 49-73.
8. Al-Quran. 23:14.
9. Verses from Holy Quran and Facts of Science. Pages: 382-386.
10. Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Pages: 122-124.

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Imam said:

“Mufazzal! Think for a moment why the organs of a human body were created? What was the
need for them? What was their function? Why did the Divine Wisdom create each organ and
located it at a particular place? How much this plan of locations does facilitate the daily life of us,
humans? Did nature possess such wisdom and vision that it could do such delicate pre-planning
for building up a human body?

Look, God has given two hands for doing work, two legs for walking, eyes to see the way and
whereabouts, mouth for eating food, stomach for digesting food, liver for extracting the essence
from food, and the sexual organs for the expansion and growth of the species.

If you ponder about these organs, how they are constructed, how they function, and where they
are located in the body, you will surely reach the conclusion that each organ has a definite policy
and purpose and a definite link of harmony and co-ordination with others, together they all
combine into a body and provide the human being all those facilities which are required for living
in this world”. (Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-74).

It can clearly be seen that the issue Imam had raised in the above disclosure was about the pre-
planning that was necessary before the creation of human being. What would be their
requirements in a long period of living, from creation to the Doomsday, from stone-age to the
highly sophisticated intelligent age. What kind of organs will they need and in what number?
What functions these organs will be required to perform? What will be their ultimate capabilities?
What kind of material will be required to construct them so that they could deliver through the
length of an individual's life? Where will this material come from? Once constructed, where will
these organs be placed in the body so that they could deliver optimum performance and at the
same time add to the beauty of the body worth the name of it's Grand Creator? Such a grand pre-
planning with vision and intelligence was given the name (Divine Policy) by the Imam. At each
important juncture, Imam raised the question again and again:

"Does matter or nature possess such a capability that it could do planning on such a grand scale to
produce a human body?"

Then Imam named some organs of the human body as example, perhaps because people think
that they use them most in their life. Imam said:

"God gave two hands for doing work, two legs for walking, eyes to see the way and whereabouts,
mouth for eating food, stomach for digesting food, liver for extracting the essence from food, and
the sexual organs for the expansion and growth of the species".

We would certainly like to explain these organs in the light of Divine Policy and scientific
explanations but before doing that would again re-emphasize that Imam's intent in naming these
organs was certainly not their apparent physical functions but the Divine Policy and the great pre-

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planning before the creation of these organs. Just look at the words of Imam:

"if you ponder about these organs how they are constructed, how they function and where they
are located in the body, you will surely reach the conclusion that each organ has a definite policy
and purpose and a definite harmony and co-ordination with others. Together they all combine into
a body and provide the human being all those facilities which are required for living in this

Are these words not enough to surprise even the advanced Medical Science of our times. Pause
for a moment and think that pursuing the path of research on similar lines, Medical Science had
no alternative but to reach the conclusion that this subject was so complex and vast that it could
not be contained by any single medical discipline or field. That is why Medical Science had to
divide it into many fields so that they could properly be researched and developed in their
individual areas. Further research had only added to the number of fields, some of which are:

Nervous System.
Cardiovascular System.
Digestive System.
Gastro-intestinal System.
Blood and Immune System.
Respiratory System.
Renal System.
Endocrine System.
Hepatofiliary System.
Reproductive System. etc.

Just to understand the human body, imagine how much research and years of untiring efforts of
highly intelligent and knowledgeable researchers has enabled us to stand where we are now. Even
this status is far from being fully comprehensive and final! Imagine how complex and difficult it
would have been to initially design and create this body.

We will now try to give brief scientific explanation of Imam's remarks on the organs of human

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Before the creation of human being, when Divine Wisdom was planning to create human hand,
how many complex questions must be arising! First of all, how many hands should be there, one,
two, three or more? Imam Jafar SadiqAS said about this issue:

"Mufazzal look, if only one hand was given to human being, it would have been a disaster
because with one hand human being would never have been able to perform what he did with two
hands. Many important functions would have been out of human reach. For example, if one hand
of a carpenter gets disabled, he can no more do carpentry". (Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-127).

Similarly, other crucial questions must be arising, like:

Where the hands should be fixed on human body, on the head, on the neck, on shoulders,
on sides or somewhere else, so that they could deliver their best performance. It was also
equally important that by virtue of their location, hands should add to the beauty of human
body worth the name of their Creator, God Almighty. Just pause and think, could any
other location be better for fixing the hands than the one selected by the Divine Wisdom?
What should be the design and architecture of the hand? If it is made up of bones, then
how many? If it is made up joints, cartilages, ligaments and muscles, then how many and
in what proportion and arrangement? What should be their freedom of movement and
weight carrying capacity?
What should be the control mechanism of hands and from what energy it should be
driven? Where would this energy come from? As Medical Science would endorse, the
complexities in the control mechanism of hands are immense. For example, the simple
action of clasping and opening the fist is repeated during one's life-time about
250,000,000 times, and in each such operation thousands of chemical/electronic signals
are exchanged between brain and hand.
How should the capability of load-bearing and doing work be inculcated in the hand? The
marvel of Divine wisdom in this regard is clearly visible in the human hand where with
the mutual harmony and co-ordination of four fingers, one thumb, the palm, and wrist, the
elbow and shoulders, and with the use of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and
cartilages, the performance of human hand is simply superb and unmatchable.
What should be the structure of fingers and thumb so that they could do with same
efficiency the most delicate jobs as well as the hardiest jobs which may be required to be
performed during the march of human civilization from stone-age to the modern hi-tech
age. The nature of these jobs is immensely varying from hardy jobs like those of
agriculturists, iron and steel workers, construction workers etc. to the delicate jobs like
artwork, painting, music, surgery, writing etc.
What should be the texture and nature of skin which would cover the hands? What
material should it be made of, hard or soft, water-proof or porous, durable to last the entire
span of life or renewable, etc?
How the sensing of hot and cold, hard or soft, pain or relief, etc should be achieved and to
what degree of sensitiveness?
Should the skin of palm, fingers and thumb be flat, plain and clean? If so, how would

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humans hold the pen and write and do miscellaneous other jobs? If the skin should be
wrinkled, creases or lined, to what extent and in what area? Just pause for a moment and
think what a wonderful system of lines Divine Wisdom had chosen for human palm,
fingers and thumb! This system of lines, besides other benefits also carries a hidden
treasure of knowledge and information, which human beings have given the name of
Palmistry. It is a pity that humans have understood this branch of knowledge only
partially. ___Still more surprising are the lines on the thumb which are distinct and
peculiar for each individual. No two humans have similar lines. On this basis science
reached the conclusion only recently that this is the surest way of identifying a human-
being. It is not surprising that science has only been able to unravel this secret now, but
the Book of God, the Holy Quran, identified this fact 1400 years ago. (Al-Quran 75:4).

In view of above facts we will again repeat the question raised by Imam Jafar SadiqAS:

"Does matter or nature possess the intelligence, knowledge and vision to conceive, plan, design
and construct human body".

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Think again for a moment how many perplexing questions must be requiring answers when
Divine Wisdom was planning to create human leg. For example, the number of legs that a human
body must have. Should it be one, two, three or four? God the Merciful chose two legs for
humans, and look what great benefits and convenience they provide. Additionally what grandeur
they add to the human body.

Imam Jafar SadiqAS, in his lecture at a later stage, spoke about this aspect of the Divine Policy,
but it is being mentioned here because it relates with the subject under discussion. Imam said:

"Mufazzal, did you ever consider that a great factor contributing to human superiority over all
other live-forms is the provision of standing erect on two legs, inculcated during the creation of
organs of human body. This exceptional capability is not available (to this extent) to other living
beings like birds, wild animals, four legged animals and animals that feed their young ones. This
is a great gift of God to humans which mankind has failed to appropriately recognize and ponder
in depth for its greatness and necessity.

Because of this unique capability a human can stand erect on his two legs, leaving his hands free
to do uncountable miscellaneous jobs. (Majority of) other beings walk on four, while humans
walk on two legs and work with two hands. If the human-beings were also created like other
animals then it would have been impossible for them to work with their hands". (Tauheed-e-
Mufazzal, Page-102).

Try to imagine what a great responsibility is carried by legs in discharging their duty in the
service of human-beings. First of all, it is the two legs which carry the weight of the whole body
over the entire life-span. Estimating the weight of human body to average between 60 to 100 kg,
firstly it is not easy to carry this load, secondly it has to be managed properly to keep the balance
of the body, and thirdly in order to keep the body in erect position, legs have to play an important
role all the time. think for a moment if one walks with a weight of 60 kg on the head, for how
long the walk could last. But the legs, they carry the weight over the entire life span. We must
remember that it is not only a simple matter of carrying weight because the strain on legs
increases many folds if one is running, playing, exercising, doing gymnastics, indulging in
warfare etc etc. to catch a glimpse of how elaborate and in-depth planning must have been
necessary to obtain such perfect performance from legs, we will try to have a quick look into the
functions of human legs created by Divine Wisdom.

Legs work in a stunning co-ordination and harmony between brain and the mechanism of bones,
muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages. Even during the condition of standing still, an
intricate system of balancing is busy every moment to keep the body erect and balanced with legs
playing their own part. An elaborate system of information-command-and control also works
simultaneously to instantly inform, brain about any change in weight or direction (Centre of
Gravity shift), so that brain could compute and issue command-signals to the necessary organs to
maintain the balancing of the body and prevent it from falling down. These signals increase in
number and frequency as the center of gravity shifting of body increases. For example, when one

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is exercising, or doing gymnastics, or indulging in war-fare the centre gravity shifting of the body
takes place far more faster, and so do the signals increase at stunning rates, with the brain
computing and passing commands at equally fast speeds and legs following these commands
equally fast.

For making this elaborate mechanism work, energy must be made available sufficiently and
quickly. Where does this energy come from? Divine Wisdom has created an equally intricate
system for producing instant energy on demand through a complex system involving Brain,
Thyroid gland, Pituitary gland and Mitochondrias in the cells, to produce electricity. Since each
cell contains about 1000 Mitochondrias, therefore production of electricity is instant and in
required quantity, whenever demanded.

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At this point Mufazzal-Ibn-Umar asked: "Aqa! (Sire), then why do some people think that all
those occurrences are brought about by Nature i,e. what-ever kind of organ is required by a
created being that organs comes into existence by itself?"

Imam Jafar SadiqAS responded:

"Those people who say so must be asked,'If according to them Nature performs such miraculous
jobs does Nature also possess the qualities essentially required for such jobs i,e. (Knowledge),
(the Intent to perceive and plan), and (Capability to assemble all resources together and to
produce the final product)? Or Nature neither possesses Knowledge, nor Intent, nor Capability'.

If they reply that Nature has Knowledge, Intent and Capability, then what prevents them from
acknowledging existence of God, (the Creator, who announces clearly and explicitly that He has
all these qualities).

If those rejecters of God say that Nature does not possess Knowledge, Intent and Capability, but
is capable of miraculous creations, (tell them) how it can be possible that something which is
devoid of Knowledge, Intent and Capability could do such deep and intricate planning to create a
highly intelligent being (like humans)?

Look Mufazzal, the fact is that all creations are from Almighty God, and what they call as Nature
is only a "System" which God the Merciful had put in operation among His creations so that they
follow a pre-designed path". (Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-19).

Just pause for a moment to focus on the last paragraph of Imam's discourse where, in very simple
words, he disclosed a solution for a hotly contested scientific controversy of our times. On one
side of this controversy is a group of scientists who are determined to prove that everything gets
created on its' own. This group does not believe in God.

On the other side is another group who believe in God and who are convinced that everything
created by God is an intelligent design which in itself is an evidence of God's existence.

Away from these two points of view, 1300 years ago, Imam had lifted curtains from a secret of
the Divine planning on this subject that God the Merciful had put in operation a "System" for His
creation, so that His creation progresses on a pre-planned path. In light of this secret we should
not hesitate in understanding that whenever ignorant people talk about Nature, infact they
unknowingly talk about some aspects of this very "System".

The scientific researchers of first group of our times believe that concepts like Evolution,
Mutation, Natural Selection etc. under the caption "Nature" are responsible for creation of
everything, whereas the second group of researchers of our era insist on intelligent Design. But
equipped with the present day scientific knowledge we are now in a position to understand that
Imam Jafar SadiqAS's remarks appear to be pointing to a middle course i,e. God's vast "System"

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includes such occurrences as Evolution, Mutation, Natural Selection etc. as well as Intelligent

Imam's saying therefore leads us to believe that if the confrontational research in this field is
given up and all efforts are focused towards research on God's "System", then perhaps this
puzzling controversy could be resolved.

Focusing on Imam's remarks if we think deeper about God's "System", then the following
scenario emerges:

All the creational activity on our planet earth started in accordance with God's "System" which
may more appropriately be called as God's Master Plan. According to this Master-plan as the
environment on earth changed, for example:

The cooling down of fire-ball earth, the inundation of earth with water, the emergence of
mountains and dry land, the start of winds, clouds and rain, the flowing of rivers, streams etc., the
fertilization of earth and emergence of forests, grasslands etc. etc.

As these environmental changes took place, the creation of appropriate species started occurring
which could survive in those environments. At the same time those species started disappearing
which could not stand the environmental changes, but those species continued to exist which had
capability to change in accordance with the changes in environment. This phenomenon, upon
discovery by science, was given the name Natural Selection.

God's Master-plan contained another important factor in addition to above, which was the
creation of New Species at appropriate times when environmental conditions became suitable for
their survival. For example:

When earth was inundated with water, God created only those species which could survive in that
water. When the environment became suitable, the Plant-kingdom came into existence and when
earth became green and grassy, and atmosphere with oxygen came into existence, the Animal-
kingdom was created as the conditions were ripe for their survival. When the environmental
conditions became unsuitable for the large bulky animals like dinosaurs they became extinct and
smaller animals continued to survive. In this way when environment became suitable for survival
of Primitive Man, God created the human (Homo) species. When the changing environment
became unsuitable these homo species became extinct if they were unable to adjust in the
changing environment. New Homo species were then created. In this way the creation of new
Homo species continued until the environment became suitable for the creation of Homo-Sapien-
Sapiens. The last of this species are the "Currently Existing Modern Humans" who inhabit the
earth today. This species is so highly intelligent and praise-worthy that God took pride in calling
their creation (the best organizational plan). (Al-Quran 95 : 4).

Question arises here, does this scenario visualized on the basis of God's Master-plan, complies
with the modern scientific findings or confronts them? We will try to seek the answer by sifting
through the modern scientific investigations.

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Detailed below is a Time Line which shows the Homo species followed by Homo-Sapiens who
came into existence and then became extinct with the passage of time. As we can see on the chart,
first Homo-species came into existence 1.9 million years ago and inhabitated the earth for half a
million years before becoming extinct. Then different species of Homo and thereafter Homo-
Sapiens came into existence and became extinct in due course. The last of this species, Homo-
Sapien-Sapiens came into existence 50,000 years ago.

Here is the Time-Line:

Homo Species Approx. period of their existence

No. of years ago
From To
Homo Ergaster 1,900,000 1,400,000
Homo Erectus 1,900,000 200,000
Homo Antecessor / 1,200,000 800,000
Homo Rhodesiensis 300,000 125,000
Homo Neanderthalensis 400,000 30,000
Homo Sapiens 250,000 50,000
Homo Sapien Sapien 50,000 To date

Further research into the Homo-Sapien species bring to light the following scenario:

Modern scientific research has divided the Homo-Sapiens into two groups in accordance with the
environmental periods. First are those species that inhabited earth during Ice-age when everything
was covered by sheets and sheets of ice. The heaviest effect of Ice-age was on Northern America,
Canada, Greenland, most of Europe and Siberia, where the ice-sheets were as thick as four (4)
kilometers. This period is known as Pleistocene Epoch, which started 1.8 million years ago and
ended 11,700 years ago.

The second group is of those species that came into existence upon the end of Ice-age. The period
starting after Ice-age is called Holocene Epoch which began 11,700 years ago and is continuing
in our times.
( was last iceage).

What was the effect of Pleistocene and Holocene Epochs on the Homo-Sapien species? The
answer lies in their duration of existence. For example the early Homo-Sapiens who inhabited the
earth from 250,000 years ago to 50,000 years ago, lived an earth during Ice-age and therefore
they survived only up to the time when the ambient temperatures remained low enough for their
survival. As the ambient temperatures rose, they perished and became extinct.

The Homo-Sapien species that came into existence after them inhabited the earth from 50,000
years ago. They lived on earth till the end of Ice-age. They were fit for survival during the rising
temperatures as the Ice-age was ending. But as the Ice-age ended and ambient temperatures rose

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beyond their survival limits they also perished and became extinct.

Does science support above scenario?

Contemporary Science has given the name of "Modern Humans" to Homo-Sapiens and has
classified them into two groups:

1. The first group is called "Anatomical Modern Humans" who came into existence 250,000
years ago and became extinct 50,000 years ago.

2. The second group is called "Behaviorally Modern Humans" who came into existence 50,000
years ago and inhabitate the earth today.

The "Behaviorally Modern Humans" have also been divided into two categories:

(i). First the "Early Modern Humans" who came into existence 50,000 years ago and became
extinct 10,000 years ago.

(ii). Secondly the "Currently Existing Modern Humans" who came into existence 10,000 years
ago and inhabit the earth today.

Reverting back to the question "Do the modern scientific findings confront God's Master Plan or
support it"? Decision is left to the readers.

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Going back to the discourse of Imam Jafar SadiqAS we will now continue with his discussion on
human organs. In the beginning of his lecture on this subject imam had mentioned some human
organs as example, two of which have already been discussed on previous pages i,e. human
Hands and Human Legs, now the human Digestive System.

Imam Said:

"Mufazzal, just think about the food and how does a human utilize it? How does this food
become pleasant and appetizing? How and through what process does it pass before it reaches
each and every part of body? How does the essence of the food nourish and become a part of
body? To make all this possible, what arrangements, grand and elaborate, were to be made by the
Grand Sustainer, God the Almighty? In making these arrangements what great wisdom and grand
pre-planning was necessary?"
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-81).

It is amazing how much is conveyed by these few simple sentences of Imam, and how beautifully
they summarize the just of many systems of human body (like Digestive-system, Gastro-intestinal-
system, Endocrine-system, Blood-circulatory-system, and Hepatofiliary- -system) which work in
close harmony to turn a morsel of food into an amazing kind of energy which nourishes each and
every organ of human body.

Bear in mind that 1300 years ago when Imam was uttering these words, the knowledge about
digestion and other related processes was quite preliminary and was mostly based on Greek
philosophical thinking. A general conception was that human stomach works independently and
has it's own brain. Even up to 400 years ago, the same concept prevailed. The picture changed
when an Italian Doctor, Lazzaro Spallanzani discovered in 1780AD that acids play an important
part in the digestion of food in stomach. Medical research then started in this new field and
gradually developed into a new discipline of Medical Science called Gastrocopy. In 1971 AD a
Japanese-American Doctor Hiromi Shinya presented results of his investigation to the American
Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.

It will therefore be worth the effort that the important issues raise by Imam in his talk be
elaborated and explained.

Imam raised the questions:

1. How does a human utilize food and how does the food become pleasant and appetizing?
2. How and through what process does the food pass before it reaches each and every part of
3. How does the essence of the food nourish and become a part of human body?

Just think, before the creation of human-being, when the pre-planning of eating needs of this
species was being done, how many complexes and perplex questions must be arising. The first

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and foremost must have been that the eating needs must match the superior intellect and
innovative nature of this species. Resultantly the taste in food and the variety in taste must have
carried a great importance. To take care of this extra-ordinary need, look, how the Grand Creator
blessed human-being with a miraculous capability because of which they are able to enjoy widely
varying tastes in food. These tastes are so numerous that they are simply uncountable. They are
different from family to family, from Town to town, from country to country and world-wide the
cuisines are so numerous that they are simply uncountable. Undoubtedly, the food and it's taste
has became the most important part of our life. Imagine how tasteless and disgusting the human
life would have been had this super sense of taste not blessed by God Almighty on the human

(i). Imam raised the question, how does the food become pleasant and appetizing? Later in his
lecture Imam also provided the answer, he said:

"Mufazzal look, one of the purposes of human tongue is to taste food. Not only to taste food but
also to feel the different tastes. The tongue differentiates sweet from bitter and saltish from sour
and plays it's part in making food pleasant and appetizing."
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-135).

Do the scientific findings support Imam's statement? Here is what Science says:

The tongue has tiny bumps called Papillae. The surface of Papillae is covered by thousands of
Taste-buds. The Taste-buds are infact nerve-like cells which connect to nerves running into the
brain. The tongue can detect tastes through these Taste-buds. The common tastes are four, sweet,
sour, bitter and salty.

Isn't it amazing how closely scientific findings support Imam's above statement! It also may be
kept in mind that the four tastes as mentioned above are the "Basic Tastes" from which emerge
the uncountable many different tastes enjoyed by humans all over the world.

Is it not a special gift of God to human race which has not been bestowed to any other species?
How does Science see this issue? Does Science also believe that the capability of tasting food in
humans is superior to all other species? Science has to say this:

The Taste-buds that humans have on tongue are about 8,000 to 10,000. They are replaced
every 10 to 14 days.
Some Herbivores, like cows, have more Taste-buds than humans (cows have upto
25,000), but they are mainly to detect if a specific plant contain dangerous toxins.
Birds have fewer Taste-buds than mammal, chickens have only about 30.


(ii). The second question raised by Imam Jafar SadiqAS was

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"How and through what process does the food pass before it reaches each and every part of
body?" Imam answered this question also a bit later in his lecture. He Said:

"Look, when food reaches stomach, the stomach churns it, and after making it digestible sends it
over to the Liver. Stomach also cleans the food. Liver accepts the jist which was extracted out of
food. Through a very delicate and precise process it then turns into blood and flows to each and
every part of human body through a network of veins which work in a fashion similar to water
channels for irrigation. The waste products (resulting from this process) are routed to the specific
locations earmarked for this process".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-87).

Imam has made some important points in his above statement. We will try to analyze and
elaborate them. The points are:

1. The food passes through some processes before it reaches human body.
2. The stomach churns the food, makes it digestible, and cleans the food.

4. Liver accepts the jist which was extracted out of food.

6. Through a very delicate process it then turns into blood and flows to each and every part
of human body.
7. The waste products are routed to the specific locations earmarked for them.

a). Mouth is the first organ where the processing of food starts. As soon as a morsel of food
reaches Mouth, many functions start such as the secretion of saliva, the coming into action of
Taste-buds, the grinding of food through chewing etc. all these functions help in turning the food
into a digestible bolus, which then is pushed down the throat into the Stomach. As this bolus
reaches Stomach, other processes start to make it more digestible.

b). Imam said: "The Stomach churns the food, makes it digestible, and cleans the food".

Medical Science says:

Churning of the Stomach ensures that partially digested food is broken down into absorbable

The gastric juice produce by Stomach which is as mix of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, breaks
down proteins and kills harmful bacteria (which may have entered Stomach with food). After
about two hours, a thick semi-fluid paste is formed which is called Chyme. The Chyme then
enters the Duodenum where it mixes with digestive enzymes from the Pancreas and acidic bile
from the Gall-bladder. After this mixing Chyme enters the small Intestine where majority of
absorption of nutrients occurs. These nutrients move into the blood-streams, and are then
transported to the Liver.
( system facts).

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The above-mentioned organs working together in harmony are called Gut.

Besides making the food digestible, Imam said that Stomach also cleans the food. What did Imam
mean by "Cleansing the food"?

Taking an analytical look at the digestive process, we can see two specific functions which may
be interpreted to mean "Cleansing":

1. Firstly, food is cleansed from harmful bacteria in Stomach.

2. Secondly, the food is cleansed of the nutrients in Small Intestines, so that the separated
nutrients may be mixed with blood.

With this interpretation whatever meaning we give to Stomach (either Gut or Stomach) the food
cleansing process takes place in both places.

c). Imam said: "Liver accepts the jist which was extracted out of food". What did Imam mean by

To arrive at some credible conclusion, we will first have to see what Medical Science says about
this subject. Science says:

Nearly all the blood leaving the Stomach and Small Intestines passes through the Liver prior to
flowing into the body. The blood coming from the Stomach and Small Intestines is fresh with
nutrients from digestion. These nutrients are then processed by the Liver and are used
subsequently for many functions of Liver.
( transfer from small intestines to liver).

In light of above facts we are bound to interpret "jist" by the nutrients which were extracted from
food in Small Intestines.

d). Imam said: "Through a delicate process it then turns into blood and flows to each and every
part of human body through a network of veins which work in a fashion similar to the water
channel for irrigation".

In the above statement Imam is hinting at the amazing process which turns food into human
blood after the food has passed through the above-mentioned processes. What is this amazing
process? What does Science says about this process? Science says:

The essence of blood lies in the Blood-cells. Blood-cells are not produced by blood but by organs
dedicated for this purpose. For example, in an adult, major portion of blood-cells is produced by
bone-marrow; but there are other organs also which produce Blood-cells like Spleen, Lymphatic-
tissues, Lymphatic-nodes, and Liver.

Blood-cells have been divided into two three categories:

Red cells.

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White cells.

The Red-cells and White-cells are produced by Primary Stem-cells through an intricate and
precise process. (It looks certain that Imam pointed to this very process when he called it

Human body keeps on producing Blood-cells every instant. A healthy human body produces in
one day.

Red-cells. 200 Billion.

White-cells. 10 Billion
Platelets. 200 Billion

( check blood cell formation).

Blood is the medium through which each and every organ of human body receives nutrition to
stay alive. Blood flows through an amazing network of veins to reach every part of body.
Primarily it is the heart which pumps blood through the veins to achieve this vital goal. The
importance of heart for human survival is therefore absolutely vital. God the Merciful therefore
selected a location for human heart which is safest in human body. Highlighting this very aspect
of Divine pre-planning, Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Did you ever think who located the heart in the chest? Who put the membranes like covering
over it? Who placed it at a location which is provided the safety and security of the cage of ribs?
Who protected it from injuries by providing around it a safety shield of muscles"?
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-164).

Even for the people of Imam Jafar SadiqAS's times, it was no secret that heart is located in chest.
What was not known to them is why the heart has been located there. Imam not only raised this
question but also answered it in the above statement.

Imam also highlighted the other important reason for the location of heart i,e. the cooling of heart
by the cooling air from lungs. Imam said:

"Mufazzal look, who made the Lungs work like an un-tiring fan which never stops? If it stops for
a moment death is certain".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-166).

Why is cooling of heart so important? It can be understood by a simple example of a domestic

water pump which normally pumps water to a height of 30 to 40 feet. Running the pump for a
few hours make it so hot that it cannot be touched. Our heart is also a pump which runs not for
hours but continuously for the entire life span of a person. It pumps blood through the veins of the
body which add up to an amazing total of 1500 kilometers. ("Verses from Holy Quran and Facts
of Science", by: Doctor Halick Nurbaki. Pages 332-246).

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Such a tall order is bound to produce heat in the heart inspite of the fact that human heart is a
model of superbly super efficient design.

(iii). The third question raised by Imam Jafar SadiqAS was: "How does the essence of the food
nourish human body and become a part of it"?

This was an extremely complex question which the audience of Imam, in his times, could only
understand to the extent of their primitive level of knowledge. Even the modern Medical Science
has struggled hard to unravel the intricacies hidden behind this superbly designed Divine process.
What light the scientific research throws on this subject is a vast topic. Given below is only a
brief summary of some facts:

The Red-cells carry the essence of food to nourish each and every cell of human body. Energy is
produced in the cell by virtue of this nourishment. But to produce energy. Iron and Oxygen are
needed. Oxygen is required because it is the last Electron Acceptor in the Electron Transport
Chain, which powers all energy in the cell. Iron is needed because it sticks Oxygen to the Red-

Blood provides both these elements.

( How does blood give energy).

The importance of bone-marrow in the above-mentioned intricate process is all too obvious. How
did the Divine Wisdom provide protection to this vital source? Imam talked about it briefly. He

"Mufazzal, now think about the marrow which filled the inside of the bones. Why is this marrow
located there under the safety of the bones? Reason is that the marrow has to be protected from
high as well as low temperatures".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Page-142).

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While speaking about the functions of Stomach. Imam Jafar SadiqAS had also talked about the
disposal of human waste. He had said:

"The waste products (resulting from digestive process) are routed to the specific locations
earmarked for this purpose".

Elaborating on this subject, he said further:

"Mufazzal, just think what a great gift of God it is to have a precisely planned excretion of waste
from human body. Look, when a house is constructed a toilet is also constructed at an appropriate
place. Similarly God the Merciful has positioned the excretory organs in human body at
appropriately hidden places, not at locations which are normally visible".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-175).

"Mufazzal, think about the signs of God's grand creation which are visible in the human body.
How all the organs of the body are located at places most suitable for them. Look at the organs of
excretory system. How expertly they have been created to hold all the waste together and not to
let it leak. If this waste was allowed to leak, what a great hazard it would have been for humans
and their health.

Do you think a resourceless Nature or a lifeless Matter could possibly create a human body with
such deep planning, vision and resourcefulness?

"How praise-worthy is the One who created the organs of human body with such flawless
expertise and sound planning. All praise for Him who deserves them solely. (all praises for God,
the Creator of the worlds)".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-92).

Imam further added:

"Did you ever ponder who put the control Strings on the tubes of urine and stool exits to control
and regulate the discharge? If it was not so, the life of humans would have been miserable
because of the dirty discharge leaks".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-168).

"Mufazzal, (what great comfort is there for humans) not to have dirty and foul smelling leaks.
Similar gifts of God which add to human comfort can be counted profusely But the gifts of God
which humans cannot count, because they do not know them are far greater than the gifts they
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-172).

Imam Jafar SadiqAS's remarks about the "Control-strings" for urine and stool need some
explanation. Imam is obviously hinting at the control mechanism of urine and stool. For example,

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let us consider the mechanism of urine control and see what Medical science has to say about it.

Science says that kidneys are tasked to filter and clean blood. After the cleaning process, the
residual waste is mostly water. This is called urine which goes from kidneys to the urinary-
bladder through Ureters, and gets stored there. Urine is excreted from bladder through a tube
called Urethra. Urethra has muscle operated valves at both ends which are called Sphincter
Muscles. The muscle at the entry point of Urethra is called Internal Sphincter, and the one at the
exit point is called the External Sphincter.

When the bladder gets filled with urine, the Internal Sphincter opens and one feels desire to
urinate. But urine is allowed to flow out only when the External Sphincter opens. The control of
External Sphincter is in the hands of individual. When individual decides to urinate, the external
Sphincter opens and only then urination begins.
( Urinary System Anatomy).

In the light of the above facts one can have no doubt in mind that when Imam spoke about the
"Control-string", he meant the Sphincter Muscles.

The amazing part is that the knowledge about above-mentioned mechanism was not known even
to Medical Science upto above one hundred years ago, but Imam spoke about it 1300 years ago.

Once again we go back to the introductory part of Imam Jafar SadiqAS's lecture where he spoke of
some human organs as examples. We have already discussed Human Hand, Human Leg, and the
Digestive System. Now the Human Eyes and after it Human Reproduction.

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When Imam Jafar SadiqAS talked about human eye, he began with the importance of the location
of the eye and the wisdom of Divine planning in selecting this location. Imam said:

"Look at the eyes, how well they have been fixed at a particular location of the body, on the front.
It is like putting a lamp in a niche to make things visible. Eyes were neither fixed on lower parts
of body, nor on hands, nor on feet. If they were located at any of these places, the eyes would
have been prone to injuries, and secondly clear vision would not have been possible, neither on
front nor on sides, without jumping again and again. That is why the Divine Wisdom fixed the
eyes at the highest and safest point of human body. They were further protected by a cage of
bones like a lamp is protected in a niche".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-107).

Speaking further about the protection provided by Divine Wisdom for the human eyes, Imam

"Mufazzal, look at the eye-lids. How they have been constructed like a cover for the eyes, and the
eye-lashes like strings controlling the closing and opening of the covers. How well the eyes are
placed in the hollow of the bones, protected by the covers of the eye-lids and shadowed by the
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-139).

Eye to See Color:

Then Imam specially mentioned the sensing of color by human eyes. Imam said:

"Look Mufazzal, one of the purposes of eyes is to see color. Imagine if there were eyes but no
colors, or there were colors but no eyes, of what good eyes would be in the former situation and
of what good colors would be in latter situation"?
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-111).

Imam then uttered a very meaningful sentence. He said:

"Mufazzal look, it is also worth noting that God the Gracious has provided mediums between the
sources and the receptors, for example the mediums of light and air. If there was no light, eyes
could not sense color. Similarly if there was no air, which enables sound-waves to reach human
ear, the ear could never hear".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-111).

Imam further added:

"Mufazzal think, can Matter which is devoid of conceiving, planning and executing, have the
capability to undertake tasks of such complexity, which require harmonious co-ordination (of
internal and external factors) to create a human body"?

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(Tauheed-Mufazzal, Page-190).

Analyzing Imam's above mentioned statements we find that he has made three important points
which deserve elaboration:

1. Human eye was planned to be located at the most suitable location.

2. Human eye was bestowed the capability of sensing color.
3. The medium of light enables the human eye to see color.

(i). Imam Jafar SadiqAS again called people's attention to the grand planning of Divine Wisdom in
selecting a suitable location for the human eye. Using simple words which could be understood
easily, Imam tried to show that there could not be a better location for the eye. Looking at it from
another angle, if this task was given to a team of best engineers of the world, could they come out
with better locations? The answer would certainly be in negative and would provide a glimpse of
the extent of research required for arriving at the result.

Imam then raised the question, could matter be capable of doing such research and arriving at a
logical result?

(ii). Imam's next remark which needs elaboration is about the gift of God to human eye to sense
color. The first step which was a must for Divine Wisdom (before bestowing color sensing to
human eye) was to decorate this world with colors. How beautifully and flawlessly God, the
Fashioner [One of the attributes of God], performed this task needs no elaboration. One has only
to look around himself to get a glimpse of the breath-taking landscape on the surface of earth.
Just think how difficult it would be for one, to start from scratch and plan such a landscape for
earth, from the stage when earth was nothing but a fire ball. Or in other words, suppose a task
was given to a select team of world's best Artists, Decorators and Engineers to plan a landscape
for earth, at a time when there was no knowledge available for anything, colors did not exist, and
earth was a mere fire-ball. This team would be flabbergasted. They wouldn't know how to cool
down the earth and how to form a solid strong crust on its surface. They wouldn't know that life
had to start from water. They wouldn't know how to get water on earth. They wouldn't know any
sources from where to obtain water and in such quantity so as to inundate the whole globe. They
wouldn't know how to obtain dry land, how to make it fertile and how to grow vegetation on it.
And about color, they would have no clue!

What would this team accomplish? If they could accomplish nothing, then how could Matter or
Nature (devoid of conceiving, planning and executing) accomplish such a grand tasks of
decorating the whole earth with breath-taking colorful landscape?

The situation becomes more amazing when it is discovered that "color" is a complex subject, and
before the scientific research of current century it was not known that the basic eight colors can
generate about 200,000 different hues.

It becomes evident from above scenario that God the Fashioner [One of the attributes of God],
must have considered it as an important factor during the creation process, that humans should be

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bestowed eyes capable of sensing color so that they could enjoy the beauties of the amazing
colorful world. Just imagine if the color sensing ability was not gifted to human eye, how
unenjoyeable and boring the life would have been! But is the human-being only species which
has been bestowed color sensing eyes?

Contemporary science says:

The way humans see color no other being is capable of seeing. Color is much more complicated
than it appears. There are eight (8) primary colors from which emerge about 200,000 different
hues. Women see colors differently from men. Many animals also have limited capability to see
color e,g dogs can see red, violet and blue but no greens and yellows.
( how human eye sees color).

Think for a while, how far-sighted with attention to detail, are the actions of the Divine Wisdom
that even the aesthetic sense of females has not escaped attention and they have been gifted a
capability of seeing color different from men! Could Matter or Nature (devoid of conceiving,
planning and executing) perform such intricate functions of creation?

(iii). Imam's third point which needs elaboration is his reference to the necessity of a "Medium"
so as to see color. This medium is Light, and it goes without saying that if God (the Light of earth
and heavens had not created Light, than the human eye with all its sophisticated mechanism could
not see color. This harmonious co-ordination of one creation activity with the other should be
proof enough to convince one about the existence of God. Could Matter or Nature have vision to
preplan such harmony and co-ordination and arrange order of creating objects accordingly?

Another point worth noting is the fact that 1300 years ago when Imam was talking about the
necessity of a medium, his listeners hardly realized that he was hinting at an important principle
of science!

This principle, although known to scientific world for some time, has assumed new proportions in
the current century, and has resulted in startling findings. Modern science says:

Starting from the time we are born, we deal with a colorful environment and see a colorful world.
However there isn't one single color in the universe. Colors are formed in our brain. Outside,
there are only electromagnetic waves with different amplitudes and frequencies. What reaches
our brains is the energy from those waves. We call this light, although this is not the light we
know as bright and shiny. It is merely energy. When our brains interpret this energy by measuring
the different frequencies of waves, we see colors. In reality, the sea is not blue, the grass is not
green, the soil is not brown and fruits are not colorful. They appear as they do because of the way
we perceive them in our brains. Daniel C. Dennett, who is known for his books about the brain
and consciousness, summarizes this universally accepted fact:

The common wisdom is that modern science has removed the color from the physical world,
replacing it with colorless electromagnetic radiation of various wavelengths.

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In The Amazing Brain, R. Ornstein and R.F. Thompson have stated the way colors are formed as

Color as such does not exist in the world; it exists only in the eye and the brain of the beholder.
Objects reflect many different wavelengths of light, but these light waves themselves have no

In order to understand why this is so, we must analyze how we see colors. The light from sun,
electromagnetic waves, reaches an object, and every object reflects the light in waves of different
frequencies. This light of varying frequency reaches the eye. The perception of color starts in the
cone cells of the retina (so far it was only colorless electromagnetic wave, which is what is meant
by the term "Light"). In the retina there are three groups of cone cells, each of which reacts to
different frequencies of light. The first group is sensitive to red light, the second is sensitive to
blue light, and the third is sensitive to green light. With the different levels of stimulations of
these cone cells, millions of different colors are formed.
("Matter, the other name for illusion". By: Harun Yahya, Page-28. Published by: Arastirma
Publishing, Istanbul, 2002).

Shouldn't this scientific discovery be enough to conceive non-believers about existence of God
Almighty? Just think if God the Grand Creator had not planned:

The existence of electromagnetic waves and their precise behavior at sub-atomic level
when they strike an object.
The reflection of these waves from hundreds of thousands of objects of this world giving
rise to frequencies differing from each other.
The sensing of these hundreds of thousands of frequencies by human brain in the form of
hundreds of thousands of different colors.

If the above factors did not exist, the human eye and brain inspite of being fully functional would
not see color. Infact they would not see anything. This entire world would be completely filled
with darkness inspite of existence of sun with all its properties.

Who had the vision to conceive all these inter-related phenomena and to plan a creation where
myriads of such factors work in close harmony to make the life of humans livable on this earth?
Do the unbelievers have an answer?

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Look Mufazzal, the first stage of start of development and growth of human body is completed
within the mother's womb. During this stage neither human eye can see it nor any hand can reach
it, but the preplanned activities (Tadbeer) keep on taking place until all the organs which are
required for completion of the body are ready and in place.

For example heart, liver, stomach, brain, bones, muscles, flesh, fat, veins, arteries etc. when all
these working parts of body are ready only then the human body steps into this world.

Thereafter you can observe how under an orderly system these organs grow. It is worth pondering
that the organs keep on growing but the body maintains its form and balance. There is no activity
like making or breaking of parts taking place inside the body, neither anything is added externally
nor any thing removed from inside which could be an evidence of some kind of patch work
taking place. This way the human-being reaches the maturity of age irrespective of the fact
whether a long age is achieved or one brings an abrupt end to the age.

"Doesn't this amazing development and growth of body provide sufficient proof to convince
those who deny God? Could Nature and Matter which are devoid of conceiving, planning and
execution, have vision and capability to create human body with such intricacies"?
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal. Page-95).

"Mufazzal, did you ever think why two different kinds of humans, male and female, were
created? Who created them with the face of a male and the face of a female? They were created
by the same Almighty God who made them responsible for the growth of their species and gifted
them with hope.

Think about the animals, why not only males or only females are given birth by them? Reasons
are evident. If only males or only females were given birth, then could their species be prevented
from extinction? That is why some of their young ones are born male and some female".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-144).

"Mufazzal, if you see a plank of a two plank door lying on ground which also has a bolt fixed to
it, wouldn't you immediately think that there should be the other plank somewhere which should
have a provision for bolting the two planks together so as to close the door shut. So when you see
one plank you will immediately understand that this is only a portion, the other half is certainly
required to make the door serve its purpose!

"Similarly when you see a male animal, you will understand that he is one of the pair, the other
partner should be a female of the same species. When they both perform a certain act together,
they give rise to a new birth. The secret of continued existence of a species lies in the act of
reproduction between two slightly different members of the same species".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-145).

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Then Imam said:

"May God's curse be on those ignorant who claim to be philosophers but their blinded hearts fail
to see the signs of the Grand Creator in the amazing and miraculous creation of humans and other
species. Their obstinacy and ignorance makes them insist that in the creation of universe there is
no involvement of any planning and designing of a Planner with Grand Wisdom and that there is
no intent and action plan of a Great Creator".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-149).

"Mufazzal, did you ever ponder that animals of one species look alike. For example take a herd of
deer or a flock of partridges or bustards. They look alike and you will not be able to see a
difference between them.

On the other hand, look at humans, their faces and styles will appear different from each other.
You will hardly find two individuals exactly similar in face, physique, height and built. Did you
ever think Mufazzal why is it so? Look, humans are different from each other because it is a dire
need that each individual must be positively identifiable as different from others. It is so because
human mutual dealings involve many kinds of activities, business transactions, and relationships
etc. which require individual identity. This is not a case in animals. Even if the animals look
alike, it doesn't affect the system and life continues without any upheavals. (Even with these
Divine measures) problems may sometime temporarily arise among identical twins.

So Mufazzal, try to focus on this issue as to who caused the plantation of such deeply intricate
sensitivities in the creation of humans as compared with other species. Such sensitivities which
are impossible for a human mind to embrace fully. Does Nature posses powers to understand
them and to design necessary modifications to implement them?. There is no power but God, who
is the greatest.

Mufazzal, if you see a painting of a man hanging on a wall and someone tells you that this picture
got painted all by itself and no painter painted it; will you accept such a statement? I am sure you
will not. On the other hand you will ridicule such a statement because you know that painting is a
still of a man who is lifeless and unable to move. Even this still painting could not have attained
presence if someone had not painted it. Then how can a human being, bursting with life, moving
around dynamically, full of intelligence, thinking and action, could be created on its own?
Certainly human being has been created by someone, the One who is Allah, the Ahsanul-
Khaliqeen (the best of Creator)".

"Mufazzal, did you ever think that humans and all other living beings start first as young ones,
and then their bodies build up but stop building further after reaching a certain limit, inspite of the
fact that they had kept on eating the same food; but this continuous nourishment did not result in
giving more growth to their bodies. The wisdom of the Grand Creator in limiting further growth
is clearly visible here, so as to maintain the form and appearance and protect it from getting
disfigured by overgrowth".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-214).

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The above discourse of Imam Jafar SadiqAS is quite amazing as it touches upon a very complex
subject in extremely simple words. Doesn't it arouse curiosity that Imam did not talk about
anything in this discourse which was not in common knowledge. Still the direction in which
Imam tried to lead the thinking minds is something unique because inspite of a lapse of thousands
of years, no human mind had tried to think deeper in that direction.

1300 years ago when Imam was enlightening minds on this subject, no one had thought as to how
a child develops into a full human form in mother's womb, and after birth, child's body and
organs keep on growing to a certain limit and then stop growing. Research on this subject started
during last century and quickly developed into the hottest research disciplines of our times i,e.
DNA and Genetics.

Imam used simple but specific words in trying to lead human minds in the direction of this Divine
wonder. We will try to elaborate Imam's words, but first let us list down some important issues
which Imam touched in his above discourse which need elaboration;

1. (Tadbeer) keep on taking place, until all the organs which are required for completion of
the body are ready and in place, for example heart, liver, stomach, brain, bones, muscles,
flesh, fats, veins, arteries etc. only then the human body steps into this world.
2. Thereafter all these organs keep on growing under an orderly system. The organs keep on
growing but the body maintains its form and balance until the growth stops after reaching
a certain stage.
3. The human being reaches maturity of age, whether reaching a long age or bringing an
abrupt end to the age.
4. The male and female were created by the same Almighty God who made them
responsible for the growth of their species and gifted them with hope.
5. Does Nature possess powers to understand these intricacies and to implement them in its
creational activities?

(i). Development in mother's womb

(preplanned activities (Tadbeer):

Imam Jafar SadiqAS used the word Tadbeer while describing the development of baby in mother's
womb. What did Imam mean by this word? Imam provided a brief explanation himself as
detailed on previous pages, which we will try to interpret with the background knowledge of
modern research. Imam indicated the existence of a Divine system which is programmed to
automatically take care of all creational and developmental activities taking place in mother's
womb. Imam's words support this surmise. He said:

"During this stage neither human eye can see it nor can any hand reach it".

Thus an automatic development of all the organs and systems which together form the body and
make it function as a human-being, can be understood as an explanation of the word Tadbeer.

Such a statement from Imam is bound to lead us to ponder as to what is that automatic system

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which works so perfectly in mother's womb? 1300 years ago the state of people's knowledge was
far too low even to think of pondering in this direction; but modern scientific research has lifted
the curtain of ignorance from this extremely complicated system, about which nothing was
known until the 19th century. In the 20th century, after the invention of electron microscope,
when the existence of DNA molecule was discovered in 1953 AD, it triggered the research in this
brand new field. It was then discovered that amazing programmes on DNA molecule, in the form
of chemical codes, control every aspect of the development of the baby to be born, for example
the creation and development of all the organs such as heart, liver, stomach, brain, bones,
muscles, flesh, fats, veins, arteries etc., the formation of complete body with all the concerned
systems such as Nervous system, Cardiovascular system, Digestive system etc. etc., the sex, the
appearance, the complexion, the height, built, physique, the intelligence, habits, the life-span, and
even the trends from maternal and paternal sides (Carried on Chromosomes, DNA being a part of
chromosome). Thus DNA controls the entire life span and life pattern of the baby to be born.

DNA is a part of every cell. Some idea of its microscopic size can be formed by considering the
size of a cell. The size of cell is so tiny that approximately 500,000 cells can be accommodated
within the space which lies between two words of this script.

The DNA has a shape like two strings coiled over each other. The chemical codes called Genes,
which carry the complete programme of development of baby, are coded on to these strings. The
two strings together are about two meters long. It is amazing that with such a tiny size, the DNA
genes carry such a vast treasure of information that to research on them, Medical Science had to
organize an exclusive discipline called Genetics.

The development of baby in the mother's womb is nothing short of a miracle which is brought
about by DNA molecule. The creations of all organs of the baby start from stem-cells. For
example four (4) stem-cells are responsible for the creation of stomach. Similarly there are
specific stem-cells for creation of all other organs like heart, liver, etc. etc.

The stage when embryo is completing its first three (3) weeks in mother's womb is especially
important as the placement of cells takes place in this period. The cells of endoderm and
ectoderm are placed in sequence side by side. The various cells that will secrete hormones in
future are also placed in similar sequence. The future muscle, nerve and bone cells are also placed
similarly. But how are these cell-sequences going to come together? For example the four basic
cells which will form stomach are located in four different regions of these sequences. One of
them will ultimately form the gastric muscle, the second will form stomach nerve, the third the
secretary tissue and the fourth will form the Stomach inner lining. All the other organs are also in
a similar position, e.g. the liver, the heart, the kidneys, etc. They will all achieve the possibility of
life only through the convergence of their own cells. What then should be done on this leaf of
cells so that each organ may be able to find its basic cells from which its tissue will be formed?

Previously science believed that this convergence occurred by the folding of the cells. Later
research discarded this theory as the process will be impossible for all organs simultaneously.
Further investigations revealed astoundingly magnificent phenomena. Starting from leaf-like
form (tissue phase) the embryo performs such a rotation on itself that each cell finds its

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companion and pinpoints the location of the organ. This rotation and the folding process occur
with an incredibly precise calculation of angles and rotation velocities resulting in convergence of
cells in different sequences of the same organ without the slightest error. How does this
miraculous rotation and folding of that tissue surface takes place that all the cells find their proper
place in the future organs? The accuracy required is of such an order that an error of even one
micron could place the acid secreting cell (of the stomach) in the eye! Could such an intricate and
impossible process work with such a high degree of accuracy without Divine Omnipotence?
(Verses from the Holy Quran and Facts of Science. Pages, 104-109, 296-298).

The role of DNA in a cell is extremely important because the DNA contains the instructions for
cell's structure and function. It is the blue-print for how the cell runs, reproduces, builds and
repairs itself.
( How does the human body grow proportionally).

(ii). The Growth of Organs and Human Body:

Imam Jafar SadiqAS said that after the baby is born, the organs keep on growing but the body
maintains its form and balance until the growth stops after reaching a certain stage.

How does Science explain this phenomenon? We will take a brief look in the following
paragraphs. The first paragraph presents a general overview, while the second is a brief technical

Growth of the body is really complicated and not yet fully understood. Different parts of the body
grow in different ways but surprisingly all those different parts grow at the right speed otherwise
the body could end up with a gigantic pair of feet but a tiny head. Bones grows in length but not
much in width. The growth depends partly on Genes and partly on one's diet. The muscles grow
to keep pace with the bones and the rest of the body. Their growth also depends partly on Genes
and partly on exercise.
(http://search.y How do a human body grow).

The growth hormones secreted by the Pituitary glands control the growth of human body. The
growth process takes place in two different ways. Some cells increase their volume while others
divide and multiply. Every cell follows the command brought to it by the hormones. For example,
a new born baby's heart size is one sixth (1/6) of an adult but it contains same number of cells as
an adult. Each cell of the baby's heart, following the command of growth hormones, ultimately
grows to the size of adult cell. The bones and muscle cells divide and multiply during
development stages. The growth hormone orders these cells how much to divide and multiply.
The human body and all its parts therefore grow proportionally as a result of the control exercised
by growth hormones. How it is done is still a mystery! Science has not yet been able to
understand this immaculately accurate process.
( How does the human body grow proportionally).

(iii). Abrupt End of Age:

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS said. Human-being reaches maturity of age whether a long age is achieved or
one brings an abrupt end to the age!

This sentence of the Imam indicates that the age of every individual is predetermined, and then it
is up to the individual either to reach the predetermined age or to end the life abruptly before
reaching that age.

On a cursory look it appears strange that both the possibilities should be in the own hands of a
person, either to reach predetermined age or to die early. But the issue doesn't remain strange
when we explore Quran and find that what Imam said draws its inspiration from holy Quran.
There are many verses in Quran on this subject, but we will cite only one as an example:

"Noah said to his people: "worship God, fear Him, and obey me". (If you do that) He will forgive
your sins and give you respite till an appointed term, verily the fixed term of Allah. When it
comes, shall not be put off, if only you know". (Nuh 71: 3-4).

Had the people of NoahA accepted their prophet's pleadings, they would have escaped the abrupt
death of getting drowned in the great flood. Then they would have lived on to reach their
predetermined ages (provided they had stuck to their promise of righteous conduct). But they
didn't obey their prophet, and brought upon themselves abrupt death by their own hands.

It is worth noting that in the above mentioned verses God Almighty has provided an indication to
the existence of a Divine law which controls the life-spans of human-beings. According to this
law God has appointed a term (age) for every person, which the person can achieve through
righteous conduct and fear of God. But when this term is reached, it cannot be put off or changed.
However before this term is reached, if the conduct of a person is not righteous, then with the
continued commitment of sins that person is inadvertently inviting death earlier than the term
fixed which may even be abrupt death. That is why virtuous deeds, charities, and philanthropic
activities work as shield, with God's will, against abrupt death.

(iv). Gift of Hope

Imam said that male and female were created by the same Almighty God who made them
responsible for the growth of their species and gifted them with hope.

While talking about the growth of the species Imam specially mentioned examples from animal
kingdom although the subject of his talk was human-being. Why did Imam do so? As we ponder
over Imams' discourse, we find the answer hidden therein. According to Imam, the secret of
continuation of species, whether for humans or animals, lies in the act of reproduction between
the males and females of the same species. But in this similar looking process there are some very
deep rooted differences between humans and animals which put humans on a much superior
ground. These differences are:

The beauty of appearance and body and the mutual attraction and love between human
male and female.

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The desire to raise family and to see them grow.

The desire to attach hope with the growing family.

The above characteristics do not need any elaboration as they are in common knowledge. What
needs elaboration is the farsightedness of Divine Planning in endowing humans with these
characteristics so as to make the life of humans attractive, purposeful and object oriented.

Is Matter or Nature capable of doing such visionary advance planning?

Winding up this subject Imam Jafar SadiqAS talked about some other ways of reproduction and
growth which exist in our world under the Plan of God:

(v). Bacteria:

Imam Jafar SadiqAS made a strange looking statement. He said:

"Mufazzal, this is only one way of reproduction and growth of species (through the mutual act
between male and female). Now consider those living beings which do not require presence of
male and female. Reproduction occurs among them when certain materials assemble together and
get activated by a power source.

There are also living beings among whom it is hard to distinguish between males and females.
For example, Zanbur among whom males and females cannot be identified".

Above statement of Imam Jafar SadiqAS is amazing because he was touching upon a subject about
which no one had any clue 1300 years ago. Imam highlighted two additional sources of
reproduction. Firstly the source where the male-female requirement doesn't exist. Secondly the
source where male and female cannot be identified among some creatures.

We will try to elaborate the former because this is a subject which came into forefront with the
discovery of bacteria in nineteenth (19th) century. As the research continued science was
astounded with the incredible presence of bacteria and virus around us in this world, their
incredible number and their incredible growth. The reproduction of bacteria, which did not
depend on presence of male and female but on existence of certain conditions.

Let us look what Science has to say on this subject:

All bacterial cells require sources of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and numerous
inorganic salts like potassium, magnesium, iron etc. Carbon is the element required in greatest
amount by bacteria, since hydrogen and oxygen can be obtained from water which is a
prerequisite for bacterial growth. Also required is a source of energy to fuel the metabolism of the
bacterium. One means of organizing bacteria is based on these fundamental nutritional needs, the
carbon source and the energy source.
( Growth of Bacteria).

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Isn't this amazing how Science is providing the truth of the words of Imam Jafar SadiqAS, who
said 1300 years ago:

"Consider those living beings which do not require presence of males and females, and where
reproduction occurs when certain materials assemble together and get activated by a power

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS had previously shed some light on the Divine Wisdom's selection of number
of organs for human body. He had praised and thanked Almighty God for immaculately planning
the gift of multiple organs for human body like two hands, two legs, two eyes etc. Now speaking
about the human head, Imam said:

"Mufazzal, think about the number of organs bestowed by God to the human body with one or
two or more organs. Can you think about the many benefits and comfort which humans enjoy
because of those Divine gifts? Think about the human head. It is one of those organs which were
bestowed to humans only one per person. It was not suitable for humans to have two heads
because in the first place two heads were not needed, and secondly the second head would have
proved an unnecessary burden. The need for two heads did not arise because the senses which are
required by humans are all available in one head".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-125).

Imam Jafar SadiqAS tried to explain in very simple words, the intricacies of Divine planning in
connection with human head before the creation of human beings. Imam made two points which
need elaboration:

1. Two heads were not required.

2. The sensing which are required by humans are all available in one head.

(i). Pondering over Imam's statement that two heads were not required; firstly we have to
determine what did Imam mean by the word "head". Secondly we have to analyze whether the
proposal of two heads was even worth speaking about!

When Imam used the word head did he mean organs like eyes, nose, ears, and mouth which are
visible on the face, or he meant the brain which is hidden inside the skull? The key to find the
answer lies in the very words of Imam when he said:

"The senses which are required by humans are all available in one head".

If we suppose that imam meant the face which includes eyes, ears, nose and mouth, then our
supposition will be incorrect because out of the five senses which humans need this assumption
covers only four. The sense of touch is missing here. If we suppose that Imam meant brain then
obviously our supposition will be correct because brain handles all the five senses.

Now looking at the question whether the proposal of two heads was even worth speaking about,
we have to look into basic principles of modern designing. It is a prime requirement of good
design that for important and vital functions there must be a backup available. Since brain is an
organ which is not only important but vital for humans, therefore provision for a backup becomes
necessary. As God Almighty chose only one brain for humans, therefore the backup must have
been made available in one form or the other. Is the backup available within the human brain?
Science has yet to fully investigate but one fact science has already unraveled that the heart has a

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backup. Proof lies in the fact that heart keeps on working for some time even when its connection
with brain is cut off.
(Verses from the holy Quran and Facts of Science. Pages 332-246).

Explaining the undesirability of two heads, Imam said:

"If humans had two heads it would infact mean a division of an individual into two. If that
individual would speak utilizing one head, the other head would be unwanted. If both heads were
used, it would be an illogical act because one head version may be different from the other head.
This would make the speech incoherent, puzzling the listener as to what to believe and what to
(Taheed-e-Mufazzal, Page-126).

(ii). Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"The sensings which are required by humans are all available in one head".

This statement from Imam is also amazing because 1300 years ago when Imam was speaking, the
knowledge about human brain was minimal. The thinking of western philosophers was far distant
from facts. For example, Aristotle (4th century BC) thought that brain carried only secondary
importance as its main function was to cool down the heart. Ruphus Ephesus (first century AD)
thought that brain had two portions, one hard the other soft. During Middle Ages, philosophers
thought that brain had three portions called ventricles for imagination, memory, and reason.

Eleventh century Islamic philosopher Avicenna first time wrote that brain receives all forms
which are imprinted on the five senses. In 1664 AD, English physician Thomas Wills published
his Anatomy of the Brain.

The real research on brain started after publishing of Thomas Wills' book in 1664 AD, and as we
know the research on human brain is one of the hottest subjects of our times. Therefore 1300
years ago when Imam said that sensings which were required by humans were all available in the
head (brain), was a startling statement, awesome and amazing.

Commenting again on resourcelessness of Nature and Mater, Imam remarked:

"Mufazzal, did you notice that everything which is required by human body like organs,
capabilities etc. etc. has been provided fully. There is nothing which is required but is missing in
human body. Is it then possible to create such a human body without Great Wisdom, vision, deep
immaculate planning and flawless execution".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page121).

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Speaking on the subject of "Sensings", Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Mufazzal, now think about those sensings which have been gifted to human body, and because
of which humans enjoy superiority and respect over all other living beings who do not posses
sensing of this caliber."
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page106).

"Look Mufazzal, eyes have been bestowed so that humans could see all kinds of colors. Suppose
if eyes were there but colors was not there, or if colors were there but eyes were not there, then in
the former case presence of eyes was of no benefit and in the latter case presence of color was of
no avail. Same is the case with ears. The ears have been placed by God Almighty on both sides of
the face with precisely calculated location so that they could catch sound from all directions. Now
if ears were there but sound did not exist, or there were sounds but ear did not exist, then in the
first case having ears was of no benefit and in the second case the presence of sounds was of no

Contemplate therefore on the presence of other senses in a similar manner.

Then Mufazzal, you will, be in a position to conclude that the Grand Creator made it mandatory
for each and every thing to sense the other. For each Haassa He appointed a Mahsoos so that each
Mahsoos takes its own action and transmits the result.

Mufazzal, it is also worth noting that God Almighty has appointed mediums between the Haassa
and the objects. For example, light and air. If light was not there then the eyes would not see any
color. Similarly if air was not there ears would not hear any sound".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 111-113).

"Mufazzal, just think, if somebody is deprived of the blessings of hearing, how miserable and
difficult would life become. Neither that person could talk to any one nor listen to any one;
neither good talk nor bad talk would matter; neither life would appear pleasant to that person nor
would attraction of life mean anything. Other people, finding communication difficult, would also
try to avoid that person. Ultimately such a person would be isolated, cut off from family and
society, and would behave like dead although alive and living.

Mufazzal, if you contemplate on what I had said earlier about Haassa, how the Hawaas work and
what organs contribute to this process, how the all knowledgeable God appointed medium for the
Haassa and made the Haasa and Hawaas work through these mediums; then Mufazzal tell me
how could it ever be possible for Nature or Matter to have wisdom, vision, planning and
execution capability to conceive and plan such complex interconnected phenomena to work in
such perfect co-ordination and harmony with the human body? Not only that but to create such
amazing organs in human body and to make them work in such close harmony? Anyone having
some sense cannot even think of Nature or Matter doing all this.

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It is worth deep thought how could this amazing body, its organs, its growth and reproduction, the
intricate functioning of its organs, their interconnection, co-ordination and harmony, how could
all this happen without an elaborately conceived plan of a Grand Designer, an All-knowledgeable
Creator and God of all the Worlds".
(Taheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 117-118).

In the above statement of Imam Jafar SadiqAS there are many points which need elaboration. We
will list them down first and then try to explain in the light of knowledge made available by
contemporary science:

1. After speaking about eyes and ears, Imam remarked that the other senses should also be
contemplated upon.
2. For each Haassa God appointed a Mahsoos so that each Mahsoos takes its own action and
transmits the result.
3. It should be contemplated upon how the Hawaas work and what organs contribute to this
4. God appointed mediums for the Haassa.
5. No other living beings have been blessed with the caliber of sensing gifted to human

(i). After speaking about eyes and ears Imam remarked that the other senses should also be
contemplated upon. In trying to elaborate this statement we will have to bank upon the
knowledge provided by modern science, where research is still trying to establish as to how many
senses are there, covering what areas? Contemporary science says:

Humans have multitudes of senses. Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are the five traditionally
recognized senses, while the ability to detect other stimuli does exist e.g, pain, balance, various
internal stimuli etc. The Nervous system has a specific sensory system or organ dedicated to each

What constitutes a sense is a matter of some debate leading to difficulties in defining what
exactly a sense is.
( Senses).

Many Neurologists disagree about how many senses there actually are due to a broad
interpretation of the definition of sense. Our senses are split into two groups:

Exteroceptors: Detect stimulation from outside of body e.g. taste etc.

Interoceptors: Receive stimulation from inside the body e.g. blood-pressure dropping,
changes in glucose/ph levels etc.


Traditional Western Medical Science has discounted "Emotions" because they cannot be
measured or detected as tangible physical substance.

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Modern Psychologists can point to dozens of emotions derived from basic rooted emotional
response, but seven of these human emotions are better known, comprising of: Joy, Anger,
Surprise, Trust, Grief, Fear and Love.
( -emoions.html).

In the light of above status of scientific research, Imam's statement that other senses should also
be contemplated upon, appears like a direction-setter for future research. The literary brilliance
and truthfulness of this sentence is proved by the fact that it can neither be proved wrong nor
falsified at any stage of scientific research.

(ii). The other point which needs elaboration is Imam's statement, "For each Haassa God
appointed a Mahsoos so that each Mahsoos takes its own action and transmits the result".

Before elaborating this statement we have to determine first what Imam meant by the words
Haassa and Mahsoos.

The word Haassa used by Imam a number of times in his speech appears to represent those
organs from where the process of s ensing starts in human body, like eyes (for seeing), ears (for
hearing) etc. etc. we can call them "Sensors" which trigger the generation of signals.

The word Mahsoos appears to relate to an organ which receives the signals generated by the
sensors. We can call such organs "Receptors". Imam's statement provides a brief explanation of
the functions performed by receptors. Imam says: "each receptor takes its own action and
transmits the result". This leads us to believe that the signals generated by sensors are received by
receptors where they are processed and analyzed so that a tangible result may be obtained. These
facts undoubtedly lead us to the human brain and it leaves us in no doubt that what Imam meant
by Mahsoos was the human brain. Furthermore, Imam used the term "each receptor" which leads
us to another startling revelation that the human brain carries different sections where the
processing of different sensory signals takes place.

Does science support Imam's statement? Lets us have a look at what contemporary science says:

It has been believed for some time that inputs from different sensory organs are processed in
different areas in the brain. The communication within and among these specialized areas of the
brain is known as "functional integration".

Newer research has shown that these different regions of the brain may not be solely responsible
for only one sensory modality, but could use multiple inputs to perceive what the body senses
about its environment. Multisensory integration is necessary for almost every activity that we
perform because the combination of the multiple sensory inputs is essential for us to comprehend
our surroundings. Beside the five classic senses, sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste, other
sensory modalities exist, for example, the balance and sense of movement, the sense of knowing
one's position in space etc. it is important that the information of these different sensory

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modalities be relatable. The sensory inputs themselves are in different electrical signals and in
different contexts. Through sensory processing the brain can relate all sensory inputs into a
coherent precept upon which our interaction with the environment is ultimately based.

(iii). The third point which needs elaboration is Imam's statement "It should be contemplated
upon how the Hawaas work and what organs contribute to it".

Here also it is necessary to first determine what Imam meant by the word Hawaas. If we
contemplate on the wordings of this statement we undoubtedly find a clue because the wordings
are unraveling a situation where many organs appear to be contributing their share to make the
Hawaas work. This leads us to believe that Hawaas is a system which operates with co-ordination
and harmony of many organs. In other words it is the system which relates to the working
mechanism of different senses with which the human body is blessed. For example, the sense of
sight, which starts working when light striking different objects gets reflected in form of rays of
many different frequencies which then strike the eye. The eye working as a Sensor generates
electrical signals which received and processed by the relevant section of the brain, resulting in
the vision that one sees. Similarly all the other senses like hearing, taste, touch etc. work under
their own mechanism in co-ordination with different organs.

Imam's above quoted statement therefore stresses the need to research the working of "the system
of senses" so that the immaculate planning of God Almighty is recognized and appreciated by

(iv). Imam said "God appointed mediums for sensors". This statement has already been
elaborated on previous pages.

(v). Lastly we will, try to elaborate Imam's statement "No other living being has been blessed
with the caliber of sensing gifted to humans".

On a cursory glance this statement doesn't look factual because there are some senses which
animals' posses but humans don't, for example:

Ecolocation sense of birds and animals for navigational guidance.

Magnetic sense of birds and animals for navigational guidance.
Infra red sense for night vision.
Electric sense for overpowering preys by giving electric shocks.

( Profils).

But do these additional senses make animals superior to humans? While looking for an answer
we must not forget that humans are a creation which is a combination of spiritual and material
sides. But unfortunately the quest of knowledge and research has predominantly taken the path of
material side where undoubtedly amazing progress has been made, while the spiritual side has
seen very little research.

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Similar research position exists on "Senses". While commendable research has contributed
immensely on the material side, the spiritual aspects of senses have almost been neglected
although their existence cannot be denied. For example, take the case of "intuition". It is in the
common knowledge that hardworking dedicated individuals derive benefits from it, poet's
brilliance depends upon it and scientists resolve seemingly impossible problems because of it.
Therefore the spiritual side of human senses is lying mostly unexplored. What amazing surprises
lie there is anybody's' guess.

When Imam Jafar SadiqAS spoke about human senses, he spoke about complete human being i,e.
material plus spiritual. Therefore when ever dedicated research on spiritual senses is undertaken it
will be realized then, how elevated and superior status humans enjoy.

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"I will now speak to you about the four powers which were blessed on human beings:

1. Power of Jaazibah: The power which oversees conversion of food into a form acceptable
to human body, and transferring it to stomach.
2. The power of Maasakah: The power which oversees the holding of food within human
body for some time so that relevant systems may have time to work on it. If this provision
was not there the food and water would not stay in the body and would flow out quickly.
3. Power of Haazmah: The power which oversees the churning of food, making it
digestible, extracting the essence out of it, and distributing it over the entire human body.
4. Power of Daafiah: The power which oversees the excretion of waste products out of the
body, those waste products which were left behind after the life sustenance essences had
been extracted out of the food.

So Mufazzal, it becomes incumbent upon mankind to think deeply about these powers blessed on
human body. Who created these powers with such amazing perfection because the body needed
them? The more you contemplate on this subject the more you will be amazed by the stunning
wisdom and (Tadbeer) of the Grand Creator of universe.

I will explain with an example. If you consider the human body as the residence of a king where
king's family and his special servants reside. There are also other servants who are responsible for
carrying out daily chores like:

One of the servants collects together all the essential things and sends them over to one of
the special servants.
The other servant takes care of everything which is received, puts it alongside the old
things for the purpose of improving them and making them eatable.
The third servant sets them correctly, prepares them for eating and distributes to each and
every one.
The fourth servant is responsible for the cleaning up of the house, and to dispose off all
the waste properly.

Now let us define the functionaries' in this example. The king is the Almighty God who is the
Grand Creator and Master of all the heavens and earths. The house is the human body. The
special servants are the organs of human body. The four servants are the four powers which I
talked about.

Mufazzal, you might perhaps think that whatever I have told you about the four powers of human
body are unnecessary and unwanted, as it is known to the men of medicine. But (beware) neither
my talk is of that kind, nor I want to repeat what is written in books of medicine for the treatment
of diseases. My talk is not for this purpose. The reason I spoke about the four powers is for the
improvement of religious beliefs and for guiding those who got stranded thinking that all this

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creation came into being by itself and so there is no need of any creator.

What I said should be seen in context with what I spoke earlier about (Tadbeer) and wisdom".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 157-178).

Above mentioned statement of Imam Jafar SadiqAS is indeed a unique one as is apparent from its
contents. It should preferably be elaborated in light of Imam's suggestion i.e, in context with what
Imam said earlier about and wisdom. We may recall that Imam had used the word (Tadbeer)
while speaking about human reproduction and development of fetus in mother's womb. This word
was interpreted there (in light of Imam's wordings) as "an automatic development of all the
organs and systems which together form the body, and make it function as a human being".
Imam's reference to this talk therefore makes it easy for us to analyze his above mentioned
statement also in the same light.

Imam seems to be referring to the two distinct stages of human life. First stage covers the period
from the development of embryos in mother's womb to the birth of the child. The second stage
covers the nourishment and life sustenance of the human body from birth to death.

About the first stage Imam had spoken earlier highlighting the vital importance of (Tadbeer). The
second stage about which Imam spoke as above, also talks about God Almighty's (Tadbeer) but in
a different way, by blessing the gift of four powers to oversee the automatic working of
nourishment and excretion to keep the human body alive and healthy.

Isn't this a stunning declaration in the sense that 'the development and the nourishment of the
fetus in mother's womb taking place through DNA and a special system of nourishment through
mother's blood', is only one phase of the human life. The other phase is the 'hidden system which
oversees the vital aspect of nourishment and excretion from human body, after the birth of human

The proof of above analysis lies in the ending part of Imam's statement where he clearly declared
that his talk was not for the purpose of repeating what the books of medicine said but for
correcting those who get stranded by thinking that there is no need of a creator because the
universe got created by itself.

Question arises, what does medical science say about these four powers?

Science does not say anything about them specifically; but speaks about inter-communication
between organs. Science says:

The Nervous System helps all parts of the body to communicate with each other. The brain and
spinal-cord makeup the Central Nervous System, while the other nerves of the body are called
Peripheral Nervous System. The Nervous system uses electrical and chemical means to help all
parts of the body to communicate with each other.
( System).

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A missing link therefore seems to exist between Imam's statement and the findings of medical
science. Further research is closing in the gap and may someday see the missing link discovered

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Speaking about human speech and vocal sounds Imam Jafar SadiqAS stressed that it was a great
gift of God Almighty for mankind.

Describing briefly the organs involved he said:

"Mufazzal, just ponder about the vocal sounds, the alphabets, the words, sentences and speech,
the humans are capable of making.

Think, how and through what organs God has made this possible?

Look, larynx is like a tube through which sound travels. The real organs which turn passing
sound into alphabets and words are the tongue, the teeth and the lips. Did you ever notice that a
person without teeth cannot pronounce 'S', a person with damaged lips cannot pronounce 'F', and
a person who has a fat tongue cannot pronounce 'R'.

Considering the organs responsible function-wise for generating sound, you may say that larynx
works like a flute, lungs work like a blower as used by ironsmith to air the fire, the muscles which
press the lungs work like the fingers of a flute player. When the lungs are pressed, the air is
pushed out whereupon tongue, teeth and lips turn it into alphabets, words, sentences or musical
tones. Their function is like the function of opening and closing of the holes of a flute (to produce
required tones of music)".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page 128).

"Mufazzal, try to think about the greatness of this priceless gift of God because of which a person
can express hidden thoughts, desires, joy, grief, feelings of the mind and emotions, to others. This
gift is the capability of communication and speech. If this capability was not available to humans,
they would be like animals who can neither speak nor understand the speech of others".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page 186).

1300 years ago when Imam Jafar SadiqAS was speaking on this subject, no men of science had yet
researched how the human mouth achieves capability of a coherent speech. It is only in the
current century that science started research on this subject.

If we contemplate on above statements we find three important points which Imam made. We
will try to find what contemporary science says, but first let us note down these points:

1. The organs of human body which play a role in converting air into sounds and then into
words and sentences are: Larynx, tongue, teeth and lips.
2. Lungs are needed as a source of producing air.
3. The capability of a coherent speech is blessed by God Almighty only on human being.
The other living beings like animals, birds etc, have not been gifted with this blessing.

What does science say about human speech? Science says:

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Many animals make sound but most scientists regard these sounds as something other than true
speech. Some animals can copy human speech to a certain extent. This form of mimicry also does
not qualify as true speech. Most scientists believe that humans are the only species capable of

Spoken words are produced when air expelled from the lungs passes through a series of structures
within the chest and throat, and pass out through the mouth. The air that leaves the lungs travels
up the Trachea (windpipe) into the larynx. Two sections of the Larynx consist of two thick
muscular folds of tissue known as the Vocal cords. When a person speaks, muscles in the Vocal
cords tighten up. Air that passes through the tightened vocal cords, begins to vibrate, producing a
sound. Once a sound leaves the vocal cord it is altered by other structures in the mouth such as
the tongue and the lips. A person can form these structures into various shapes to make different
sounds. Other parts of the mouth also contribute to the sound that is finally produced. These parts
include the soft palate (roof) at the back of the mouth, the hard and the bony palate in the front,
and the teeth. The nose also provides an alternate means of issuing sound.

The tongue is the most agile body part in forming sounds. It is a powerful muscle that can take
many shapes, flat, convex, curled and can move front and back to contact the palate, teeth or
gums. During speech the tongue moves rapidly and changes shapes constantly to form partial or
complete closure of the vocal tract necessary to manufacture words.

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Imam Jafar SadiqAS regarded human ability to write as great gifts of God. He said:

"Mufazzal, if you think deeper you will realize that the ability to write is another priceless gift of
God bestowed on human beings. The knowledge about past reaches the present through it.
Similarly the written down accounts of current generation are passed on to the future generation.
Books of knowledge and wisdom are written down, and spoken words, business agreements and
financial accounts are put down in writing to transfer information from present to future and from
one generation to another.

If the written ability was not available to human beings then the history of one period would not
be transferred to another period. The information about one age would not reach the next age.
Development of wisdom and knowledge and its progress would be deterred. History of
civilizations would be non-existent. Travelers would be cut-off from home and their kith and kin
residing at home would be cut-off from them.

Similar would be the situation in religious matters. Religious doctrines, rituals, traditions and
teachings would not properly reach the future generations. There could even be a breakdown in
transfer of information and knowledge about essential religious rites.

Mufazzal, you might think that humans have acquired the ability to write through their own
efforts, intelligence and experience, and that this ability did not come to them because of planned
ingraining in their creation. Similar is the case with different languages and various forms of
writings which are quite different from each other, for example, Arabic, Siryani, Roman, and

Now if somebody claims that these languages and the different forms of writing have been
developed by human beings themselves through their own efforts and expertise, that person will
be replied, yes it is true that the contribution of human effort and human intelligence does matter
in both cases, but the real facilitator who made it possible for humans to be able to think
intelligently and develop these languages and writings, is the Benevolent God Almighty. He
created the relevant motivators and facilitators within the human body like the brain, the
intelligence and different organs. If the brain did not have the ability to analyze different matters,
if the tongue did not have the capability to speak, and if the intelligence did not have the capacity
to make use of coherent speech, then how could the development of languages take place? Even
if the Divine gifts of intelligence and coherent speech were available to mankind, but the hands,
fingers and thumb were not capable of holding the pen, how could writing come into existence"?
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 186-189).

"Mufazzal. In order to understand and appreciate these facts, look at other beings who neither can
speak nor posses organs which could write.

It therefore becomes evident that humans have been created by God Almighty according to a well
thought out plan and gifted with great blessings. Those who are thankful for these blessings earn

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their rewards and those who reject these blessings (must realize) that God Almighty is not
affected at all by such rejections. He is far above these things".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page 191).

Above statement of Imam Jafar SadiqAS draws attention to a very important stage in the creation
of humans when the Divine Wisdom blessed them with all the necessary capabilities to enable
them to write. Imam called this a priceless gift of God Almighty as the development of human
civilizations depended to a large context upon their ability to write. Imam further commented that
if mankind thinks that they have acquired this ability through their own efforts, it is their folly
and ungratefulness. They should realize that if God had not blessed them with unique brain,
intelligence and organs they would be no better than animals. If mankind did not possess the
tongue and other organs which enable them to speak, if they did not possess the brain and
intelligence with which they devise words, sentences and languages, if they did not possess the
ability to turn languages into writing, if they did not possess the organs with which to write like
hands, fingers and thumb, and above all if the hand, fingers and thumb did not have the peculiarly
lined skin which helps them to hold pen without slipping, how could humans even think of

Imam's statement therefore throws light on the deep intricate planning of human creation in such
a manner that rejecters of God should have no ground to stand. But question arises what does
science say on this subject?

A brief from a long article indicate what science thinks:

Do other species think? Yes, but not to the level of humans.

Do other species have language? They have capability only to make sounds as well as
gestures. But humans are far advanced with the ability to learn and associate hundreds or
thousands of distinct sound patterns, while other species have at most just a few. The
capacity to create and learn words is a unique feature of human intelligence, and
represents some advanced chemical or structural feature of the human brain. This ability
to communicate is called language. Even more amazing is the human ability to learn
multiple languages and to keep them more or less separated from each other in our brain.
Do other species have memory? Do they learn?

The answer is yes, but only to some extent. The spoken language in humans is clearly superior to
any other species. The existence of written language allows humans to communicate over space
and time. The ability to write greatly enhanced human ability to pass and preserve knowledge,
history, stories, technology from one generation to the next and indeed to subsequent generations
virtually ad-infinitum. This is a unique human trait.

The creativity in humans is unique. Creating fiction, visual art and music can be taken as good
examples. Thinking logically, the ability to visualize and think in terms of causation of relations,
the role of events of the past in determining events of the future, the ability to formulate theories,
to perceive an order in the environment including a logical progression in the way events occur
and the relation between them, rules and laws of nature etc., are the unique functions that no other

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species performs. Similarly tools are often cited in describing technological developments in
early human history, language and written communication can also be seen as among the earliest
examples of technological development.

Hypothetically, creativity, invention, logical thought, science and technology are all likely
consequences of one fundamental capability of human brain, the 'Memory'. The physiology and
biochemistry of Memory has fascinated scientists for many decades. But unfortunately very little
has been learnt during the past fifty years about Memory.

Chimpanzees are shown by DNA evidence to be very closely related to humans genetically.
Therefore the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees should be highly informative
with regard to human uniqueness. There are over 1400 Novel genes expressed in humans but not
in chimpanzees. My guess would be that the key to understanding the biochemistry and
physiology of Memory lies in those 1400 Novel genes. It would be surprising if many or most of
them are not eventually found to be involved in brain function. If there is a miracle in the creation
of humanity, it would exist in the creation of these 1400 additional genes.

To summarize, the characteristics unique to humans among all species on earth are:

1. Abstract thought.
2. Language - the extensive use of structured sounds generated by invention, not determined
by simple genetics, so as to represent objects, sensations and abstract concepts.
3. Writing - the use of graphic images and symbols to represent words and to press
information from among individuals and between generations.
4. Story telling.
5. Creativity.
6. Logical thoughts - the ability to see relations between events and objects. The ability to
invent test theories.
7. Technology - all of which is hypothesized above, to be related to a unique and greatly
expanded memory function in the human being, which provides a greatly enhanced ability
to communicate, create, invent and manipulate our environment.


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Imam Jafar SadiqAS spoke about knowledge in a unique way highlighting the hidden secrets of
Divine planning concerning the creation of human being. He said:

"Mufazzal look, God the Benevolent blessed mankind with all the knowledge that was necessary
for the betterment of religious/spiritual life as well as worldly living. The spiritual life includes
the search for closeness of God through observing Signs of God and witnessing the related
evidence. The betterment of worldly living involves performance of all those deeds which are
made obligatory on mankind, for example: to do justice and to hold it foremost, to be kind and
considerate to parents, to help the needy, to promote good and forbid evil etc., etc. All these
qualities have been ingrained in the conscience of mankind.

These qualities, moreover, are a part of teachings of all the religions irrespective of the fact
whether those religions favor us or oppose us. This also includes the knowledge about all those
things which mankind requires for improving their worldly living, like: agriculture, orchard
keeping, cultivation of land, animal domestication, digging wells, utilizing water springs,
detection of medicinal herbs for curing diseases, locating mines of precious metals and gems,
sailing of boats, diving under water, hunting birds and animals, catching fish, development of
technology and industry, trade and commerce, accounting and financial matters, etc.

In addition to above there are innumerable fields of knowledge which cannot even be named
because the discussion then will become too long. To cut it short, God granted all that knowledge
to humans which were necessary for the betterment of their living in this world and their living in
the Hereafter.

But Mufazzal, (the above mentioned is only a small part). The major part is that knowledge
which is beyond the physical power of humans and also that which is beyond the reach of human
ingenuity as well, which God has not granted to humans. Example of the former is the knowledge
about: what is inside the mother's womb, or what is inside the hearts of people, or what happened
in the past, or what lies beyond the skies, or what is in the depth of earth, or what lies in the depth
of rivers, or what is spread all around us in the universe".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 192-193).

Contemplating on the above discourse of Imam Jafar SadiqAS it emerges that Imam divided the
"Knowledge" primarily into two categories:

1. That knowledge which God Almighty granted to humans.

2. That knowledge which God Almighty did not grant to humans.

Category 1 above was further subdivided by Imam into two heads:

1-(i). That knowledge which benefits life i.e, spiritual and material.

1-(ii). That knowledge which benefits only the material side of human life.

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Similarly category 2 was also sub divided by Imam into two heads:

2-(i). That knowledge which is beyond the physical power of humans but not beyond the
ingenuity of human intelligence.

2-(ii). That knowledge which is beyond the power of humans as well as beyond the ingenuity of
human intelligence.

Knowledge Which Benefits Spiritual and Material Life:

1-(i). We will first try to elaborate Imam's remarks about the knowledge which benefits both
aspects of human life i.e, Spiritual and material.

Imam first talked about the spiritual betterment through seeking closeness to God and then he
gave some examples of the knowledge about betterment of worldly life. But one may question
how did God convey this knowledge to mankind? What means did God adopt? The answer is not
difficult to find as it is commonly known that God imparted this knowledge to mankind through
Messengers and Holy Books. But this is only a partial answer. Imam discloses another important
source. He said that this knowledge was ingrained in the conscience of mankind by God
Almighty. That is how this knowledge must have become a part of every religion, whether that
religion favored Imam's beliefs or not but it respected the values of this knowledge, like, justice,
kindness to parents, helping needy, promoting good, forbidding evil etc., etc. Through these
means God thus ensured that no human lives on earth without possessing this knowledge. But
question still arises, what evidence is there to support this belief? The evidence undoubtedly
exists in the conscience of every person because the conscience triggers a warning as soon as one
thinks of doing something good or doing something bad.

Yet another question arises, what Imam meant when he said: "this knowledge is a part of
teachings of all religions irrespective of the fact whether that religion favors us or opposes us".
Here also it is not difficult to understand that the religions which favored Imam were those which
believed in the existence of God. The other religion which did not believe in God could be
considered as apposing Imams' beliefs.

Knowledge Which Benefits Only Material Life:

1-(ii). We will now try to elaborate Imam's statement about knowledge which benefits only the
material side of human life. Imam gave many examples of this knowledge, like: agriculture,
animal domestication, developing water sources, hunting, sailing of boats, technical development
etc., etc. but here also question arises, how did God convey this knowledge to mankind?
Pondering over this question, we may conclude that the answer mainly lies in God blessing
mankind with a unique brain which is innovative, capable of experimenting and learning, capable
of developing languages and organs which are able to write and do myriads of miraculous jobs.
Discussion on previous pages makes it clear that humans making use of these Divine blessings
endeavored hard and progressively developed this knowledge to the best of their ability.

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Besides, Divine planning has also taken care, in a unique way, to enhance this capability. The
enhancement comes in the form of intuition, which is available to any person who dedicates and
tirelessly works to utilize the gifted intelligence. It is intuition through which medicinal herbs
were detected for curing diseases in medieval times and even earlier, through which underground
sweet water is detected, through which poetic excellence is achieved, through which scientists
resolve scamingly impossible problems etc., etc.

Knowledge Which is Beyond Physical Power of Humans, but not Beyond Ingenuity of
Human Intelligence:

2-(i). Imam Jafar SadiqAS then spoke about knowledge which is beyond the physical power of
humans but not beyond the ingenuity of human intelligence. Imam gave some examples, like the
knowledge about: what is in mother's womb, or what is inside the heart of people or what
happened in the past, or what lies beyond the skies, or what lies in the depth of earth, or what lies
in the rivers, or what is spread around us in the universe.

1300 years ago when Imam was uttering these words his audience did not have the ability to
appreciate the depth of his words. But today, thanks to the advancement of science, we can
appreciate fully well what Imam really meant. Over the past centuries the ingenuity of human
intelligence has been able to research and develop technology to detect what was previously
unknown and unfathomable. All the knowledge which Imam mentioned above has now been
made reachable by the technology developed by human ingenuity and thus has proved the truth of
Imam's words. Is it not a convincing proof of the existence of an All-knowledgeable God?

Knowledge not Granted to Humans:

2-(ii). Imam Jafar SadiqAS then spoke about knowledge which is beyond the power as well as
beyond the ingenuity of humans. God did not give this knowledge to mankind. Imam hinted that
the vastness of this knowledge is beyond our estimation. Imam only tried to explain this fact by
some examples which a common man could understand easily. Imam said:

"Mufazzal (now you will, appreciate that) on one hand mankind was blessed with all the
knowledge that was necessary for the betterment of their living, while on the other hand a vast
portion of knowledge was held back from them so that they realize their limitation and stay away
from pride and arrogance. If one thinks deeper one will realize that both these aspects are good
for mankind i.e, grant of limited knowledge and the prohibition from unlimited knowledge.
Additionally this state of affairs also presents a convincing proof of existence of God who
according to His Creational Plan granted some knowledge to humans and held back some other.

For example if mankind was given a part of the said prohibited knowledge, say the knowledge of
the universe, the knowledge of past, present and future events, catastrophes and accidents, ways
and means of survival and escapes from them etc., etc. then humans would start considering
themselves like God and would not even think of submitting to the real Lord of Heavens and
earth (similar to the height of arrogance displayed by Satan). Without the said knowledge, now
that humans know their limitations, now that they are unaware of even their life details and time

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of death, now that they do not know about the diseases they will encounter and how they will get
cured, they have no choice but to live within their limits.

Mufazzal, did you ever think why humans have not been made aware of their length of life and
time of death? Do you know how wretched they would have become had they known when they
were going to die. Suppose some one knew that the death would come on such and such date,
such and such year, such and such time, through some disease, or some accident or some natural
disaster, then wouldn't that person psychologically become half dead. On the other hand if
someone knew that the death is too far away, then that person may likely fall prey to immorality
and pleasure seeking thinking that there was enough time for mending ways and penitence, so let
the playful enjoyments be pursued to the full. No doubt it is true that God is most Forgiving and
accepts penitence even before one's death; but it is also a fact that God does not like this kind of
attitude and does not like that people should think in this manner.

Moreover it is also questionable that one may find, before death, the privilege of offering

I will give you an example. Suppose you have a servant who keeps you angry throughout the year
by his disobedience, but at the end of the year he performs well for a month or even a day, to
make you happy (for earning a reward). Later he returns back to his old attitude. Where will you
place him and what respect will you have for him? This example may clear your mind as to why
God did not grant the knowledge of length of life to human, so that the fear of death overtaking
them any time may keep them away from sins and make them fear God.

One may question that people still do not refrain from sins and evil inspite of prohibition of
knowledge about their length of life and time of death. The answer is simple. God's plan is to
keep people away from sin, but if someone still insists on sins and evil then it s that persons own
hard heartedness and unbalanced attitude. The plan of God is not deficient (the deficiency lies in
the person).

Look, a doctor not only prescribes medicine for a patient but also advises some precautions like
the dosage and duration. If the patient does not adhere to the advice and the disease worsens, can
the doctor or the medicine be blamed?

Coming back to the case of sinner, let us recall that the sinner is not prepared to mend ways
inspite of the knowledge that death may overtake any time. Imagine if the sinner had the
knowledge about long life, how worse a situation would develop.

It is therefore a planned strategy of God to deter humans from sin and evil. Those who wish to
take advantage of this gift of God, they try to have a virtuous life, and those who reject this gift
face the consequences of evil life".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 196-199).

Once again we would attempt to give a jolt to the thinking minds of unbelievers and draw their
attention to the unique and enlightening definition of "Knowledge" given by Imam Jafar SadiqAS,

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highlighting the grand strategy of God Almighty in planning the creation of human being. This
kind of planning could only be done by One who had absolute and complete mastery over
"Knowledge". Could all this have occurred on its own? Could the resourceless Nature or Matter
accomplish such a grand task?

Before we conclude this subject, we would like to revert back to Imam's remarks about the
knowledge prohibited to humans, and try to explore how humans are trying to unravel this very
knowledge through scientific research.

Imam said:

"If mankind was given a part of the said prohibited knowledge, say the knowledge of universe,
the knowledge of past, present and future (celestial) events, catastrophes and accidents, ways and
means of survival and escape from them etc, etc. Then humans would start considering
themselves like God".

Perhaps the best research being conducted in the world today is by the European Organization for
Nuclear Research (CERN), to unravel the secrets of the birth of Universe. Years and years of
dedicated research at this Grand Facility was providing a hope to scientific community to
ultimately achieve their cherished desire to understand the birth of universe. But unfortunately the
latest reports coming from CERN are dismal, suggesting that the cherished desire may perhaps
never be fulfilled. The latest article published on this subject in BUSINESS INSIDER dated
January 14, 2016 (by: Jessica Orwig), carries the heading "The two most dangerous numbers in
the universe are threatening the end of Physics".

The article suggests that in the next two years some more information will become available,
which for the first time in the history of science will generate questions which cannot be
answered because the Laws of Physics forbid it.

The two dangerous numbers which are said to be responsible for this situation are:

1. The value of Higg's Field.

2. The number dealing with Dark Energy in depths of Deep Space.

The values assigned to these numbers through dedicated research have come out to be so fantastic
that it makes further research impossible, which means end of Physics.

This is a long informative article which may also be accessed on:

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Speaking about Memory and forgetfulness, Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Mufazzal, just think about these abilities which have been ingrained in human nature, for
example, the abilities of "Memory" and "Forgetfulness". Look, even if one of these two, say the
Memory, was not available to humans, what a wretched situation would have arisen. How much
disruption in one's job would occur if one was in business, how would the business affairs be
conducted, how would one know what was to be paid and what was to be received, how much did
one borrow and what was returned back, what did one hear and what did one promise, to whom
one was indebted for favors and whose treatment was hostile? Moreover, one would not
remember roads and lanes and would easily loose way, one would not be able to seek knowledge
without being able to retain, one would not be able to strive for religious knowledge either, so as
to look for it's advantages and then try to stick to it. Neither could one take advantage from
experiences and experiments, nor recognize present things by connecting them with past sighting
and deciding what they actually were.

Do you realize now, how great a gift this ability of Memory is, and if it was not there how
troublesome life would become. How many obstacles would come in the way making one’s life
miserable? But do you also know that a gift which is more essential than Memory for humans, is
Forgetfulness, if God had not blessed humans with Forgetfulness, then one would never get over
the grievances of life, would never forget deprivations, the memory of unfilled desires would
never get diminished and would never let one enjoy the pleasures of life, bad times and failed
plans would continuously haunt one's mind. One would lose all hopes of forgiveness from people
in power over passage of time. The jealous would not forget their jealousies. One would always
remember the committed mistakes and that the awarder of punishment would never forget those
mistakes. Similarly one would never forget those who were jealous and caused harm, thus
making one's life extremely miserable.

So Mufazzal, don't you see that these two abilities, Memory and Forgetfulness, which are
opposite of each other, how beautifully they have been ingrained in the creation of humans, and
how much wisdom and planning marvels are hidden in them. Just consider, although Memory
and Forgetfulness are opposites of each other, but still, together they work for the advantage of
humans, bringing forth good and only good".

Speaking in the same context Imam then turned to putting forward arguments against those who
believed that there were two gods, one who created "Good" and the other who created "Evil".
Imam said:

"Look, there are some who believe that all the things in the universe were created by two gods
(one created the "Good", other created the "Bad"). As far as Forgetfulness is concerned, it is
basically a derogatory quality, while Memory is primarily a likeable quality. It would therefore be
illogical to think that these two opposite qualities were created by two different gods because then
these two could never work hand in hand to produce only "Good" for human being and produce
benefits and only benefits and no "Ills". Even according to the beliefs of those misguided people,

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this would be an impossible situation as "Good" cannot be created by a god who creates only

Mufazzal, it is indeed worth pondering, how great are the blessings of Memory and
Forgetfulness, and how they were ingrained in human nature".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 179-182).

Memory and Forgetfulness are two words which everyone is familiar with, but the manner in
which Imam called peoples' attention to these words is enough to startle every person. Imam tried
to present some glimpses of the marvels of Divine planning by which these two opposing abilities
have together been ingrained in human nature in such a way that they bring forth only benefits to
humans and no ills. Isn't this a great blessing of God Almighty and also a great sign and proof of
existence of the All Knowledgeable God?

In the same context, in the last paragraph of above discourse Imam has drawn attention to the
need of pondering over this great blessing in a benefiting manner. Just consider that both these
opposing qualities work in cohesion throughout the life of every person i,e childhood, youth,
adulthood, middle age and old age.

Question however arises, what does science say on this issue? Given under is a brief from a long

The creativity in humans is unique. Creating fiction, visual arts and music can be taken as good
examples. Thinking logically, the ability to visualize and think in terms of causation of relations,
the role of events of the past in determining events of the future, the ability to formulate theories,
to perceive an order in the environment including a logical progression in the way events occur
and the relation between them, rules and laws of nature etc., are the unique functions that no other
species performs.

Hypothetically, creativity, invention, logical thought, science and technology, are all likely
consequences of one fundamental capability of human brain, the Memory. The physiology and
biochemistry of Memory has fascinated scientists for many decades, but unfortunately very little
has been learnt during the past fifty years about Memory.

Chimpanzees are shown by DNA evidence to be very closely related to the humans genetically.
Therefore the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees should be highly informative
with regard to human uniqueness. There are over 1400 Novel genes expressed in humans but not
in chimpanzees. My guess would be that the key to understanding the biochemistry and
physiology of Memory lies in those 1400 Novel genes. It would be surprising if many or most of
them are not eventually found to be involved in brain function. If there is a miracle in the creation
of humanity, it would exist in the creation of these 1400 additional genes.

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Speaking about Teeth and Lips, Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Mufazzal, Teeth are there for chewing and softening food so as to make it digestible. Another
reason why Teeth have been created is to provide support to Lips so that Lips do not get
loosened. You must have seen that those who lose their Teeth, their Lips also get loosened and
get depressed into the hollow of the mouth. The Lips provide many other benefits also, for
example, while drinking one can sip water slowly and can hold it in mouth as and when desired.
If the Lips were not there one would have to pour water into the mouth which would be
dangerous on two counts:

Firstly, water would get into throat unmeasured and secondly there would be a possibility of air-
lock. Moreover Lips work like a door which may be opened and closed as and when desired.
Additionally if Lips were not there and only Teeth existed, how ugly human face would look!

Look Mufazzal, whatever human organs I have spoken about all of them provide multiple
benefits to humans, just like a hammer which can either be used for striking a nail or for molding
iron to any desired shape".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 137-138).

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Speaking about Nails and Hair, Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Mufazzal, did you ever ponder why God has created Nails? They have been created for the
purpose of protecting fingers against injuries and for enabling and assisting humans to work.

Mufazzal, also think and try to understand why trimming Nails and Hair is necessary? What
benefits occurs to humans from this trimming? Both of them grow and it therefore becomes
necessary to trim them. Look, Nails and Hair both grow to a certain extent after which they
become dead. The wisdom behind this phenomenon is to protect humans from pain while
trimming Hair and Nails. If it was not so and trimming was painful then humans would face
difficulties on two counts. Firstly, if one would let them grow untrimmed then they would
become a nuisance. Secondly, if one would decide to trim them, it will be a painful process".

At this stage Mufazzal ibe Umer asked, "Sire, couldn't this be possible that God created them in
such a manner that they would not grow and would not need trimming"?

Imam replied:

"God Almighty certainly has powers to do it, but whatever God does it is always with sound
reasons and planning. Mostly people are unaware of those reasons; if they were aware they would
then thank God for it.

Mufazzal, fact of the matter is that humans are protected from some ailments and diseases by the
Hair which grow out of the porous skin. Similarly ailments of fingers are prevented by the growth
of Nails. The wisdom behind the recommendation of weekly trimming of Hair and Nails is really
for protection against those ailments through a quick repetition of an excretory process provided
by trimming.

An excessive untrimmed growth of Hair and Nails is a cause of ailments and problems, similarly
if their growth is less than desired; it again will cause pain and disease.

Mufazzal, it is also worth pondering that the growth of Hair on human body is also not uniform
and some locations are always hair free. In this phenomena also, there are many Divine blessings
and benefits for humans. For example, if hair were to grow inside the eyes, would it not turn
people blind? If the hair were to grow inside the mouth, like they do on the head and beard,
wouldn't the pleasures of eating simply vanish, neither the taste of food would mean neither
anything nor any morsel of food would reach the throat nor it would be easy to take a sip of

Look at your hands, you will found hair on the back but absolutely no hair on the palm. If hair
were on the palm wouldn't they interfere with the sense of touch? It is primarily the hands which
tell one about the nature of objects like softness, hardness etc. If there were hair on the palm then
one would lose this important sense of unraveling the nature of objects. Similarly there are other

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locations where the presence of hair would have deprived humans from getting pleasures and
achieving some of the objectives of creation.

Now tell me Mufazzal, could the resourceless Matter or Nature which neither possesses
Knowledge, nor intelligence, nor power to conceive, nor power to execute, possibly plan all such
interdependent complex functions? Could it encompass the intricate needs of humans, where and
when such and such need will arise? Can any person possessing intelligence and logic, accept
such masterly planned functions as works of Nature or Matter?

Mufazzal, what I told you about the location of hair is not restricted to humans only; you will find
the same phenomena on four-legged animals, wild animals, birds etc. although their bodies are
covered by hair or wings, but those locations are free of hair which are meant to promote the
important objectives of creation. (Remember), both for humans and other creations it is one of the
purposes of creation and a most important function and responsibility to promote growth of their

Mufazzal, you had asked what if Hair and Nails did not grow and did not need trimming? Well,
in the growth phenomena there is yet another point of Divine Wisdom and a benefit accruing to
humans, that it generates an additional activity which humans have to perform along with other
activities for their cleaning and personal hygiene. For the duration they are busy in trimming Hair
and Nails, they keep away from evils like cruelty, arrogance and greed".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 157-162).

Contemplating on Imam's above discourse it is observed that the subject of Imam's speech
appears to be human male as Imam spoke about Hair growing on head and beard. It is therefore
construed that Imam did not speak about females. But question arises, are female different from
males as far as growth of Hair is concerned? The answer form common knowledge is yes,
because females do not have Hair growth on their face, and also the Hair on their heads grow
much longer.

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Speaking about "Dreams", Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Mufazzal, people see Dreams during night and during day while they are sleeping. Did you ever
think why God created the phenomena of Dreams? What good did God plan to accrue from them,
and why the majority of Dreams are false and meaningless?

Imagine if all the Dreams were true then humans would begin considering themselves like
prophets, and if all the Dreams were false then there was no point in their existence. That is why
true Dreams have been mixed with false ones.

True Dreams are for the benefit of humans as a guidance to expect better times or as a
forewarning to expect bad times, so that they may be prepared to face new circumstances.

False Dreams have also been mixed with true Dreams so that one may not end up in putting entire
trust on Dreams, giving up normal efforts of life and lying in wait for Dreams to realize.
Moreover if all Dreams were true and people were to take full advantage in benefiting from them,
or properly preparing to ward off damages, then they would pay least attention to their Creator,
God the Almighty".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page 200).

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How they have been made available?

Imam Jafar SadiqAS said:

"Just have a cursory look at things which are essentially required by humans for living their life,
and think how these things have been made available to them. First of all look at the soil which is
used to build shelters for humans. Then in the same context look at stones, wood, gold, silver,
brass, jewels, grains, fruit, flowers, meat, scented spices, herbal plants, medicines, domestic
animals, ashes, lime-stone, sand, and the list goes on and on. Their number is so high, and how
and where they are used is so diverse, that it is simply impossible to enumerate them.

Mufazzal, the mere fact that these things are available, is enough to prove that their presence is
not by chance and they did not come into existence on their own but were created by someone.
This creation in such well estimated quantities could only be done with marvelous wisdom and
advance planning. (with this marvel accomplished, look how) humans were equipped with such
intelligence and initiative that they could search out their requirements from wherever they were
available and put them to use.

Now look, God provided everything on earth which could be required by humans, He provided
intelligence to humans to utilize them, He provided necessary organs like hands, legs, eyes, ears
etc. etc. to search and seek their required things and to transform them for utilization. But He
intentionally did not provide human requirements in the form of finished products. He
intentionally made humans responsible to strive and work for attaining their objectives. For
example (Potential of) grain was created but to clean it, to grind it, to turn it into flour, and to
make bread out of it was to be done by humans themselves. Similarly (Potential of) cotton was
created, but to pick it from plants to put it through ginning and cleaning and making cloth and
dresses from it was to be done by humans. (Potential of) fruit trees was created but to plant
saplings, to nurture them, to irrigate them and to give them protective care, was made the
responsibility of humans. Plants of medicinal herbs were created but to search them by
observation and experience, to collect them from different places, and to make medicines out of
them by mixing together, by grinding, by boiling or extracting juice out of them was made the
responsibility of humans. Similarly God created minerals but to mine them, to take them out of
mountains and to put them to use was made the responsibility of humans.

You might perhaps question, wouldn't it be better if all the required things were provided to
humans in ready-to-use form, for example bread, dress, footwear, jewelry, arms, houses, boats
etc.? The answer lies in the fact that if all the needs were made available without effort and hard
work, then human arrogance would blow out of proportion and they would tread such courses
where destructions and devastations would be their fate. Moreover, all things would have turned
valueless in their eyes, because the things which one gets without efforts carry no value in one's

Mufazzal, humans have been created to toil. You must have observed that someone who has no

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work to do leads a miserable life. Moreover, God has created sustenance for humans through
diversifying the locations of means of living, so that they should toil in seeking them, in
preparing articles of need from them, in transporting those articles to places where they are
needed, in selling them and in keeping accounts. Thus you see, in toiling lie the means of living.

Mufazzal, there is yet another important thing to note that the real first need of humans for living
is bread and water, and the need of water is more pressing than that of bread. Humans can endure
hunger for a longer time but not thirst. Besides, water is also required for other human need like
bathing, washing, ablution, laundry, medicines, irrigation of fields and orchards etc. that is why
God created water in abundance and made it's availability easy.

Just ponder, who made the availability of water easy but that of bread difficult? Does Matter or
Nature posses this capability to foresee, plan and make available the needs of humans before their
arrival in this world? These complexities can only be understood by one who created humans and
made arrangements for their sustenance".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 201-206).

Pains and Fatigue:

"Mufazzal, did you ever try to think why humans feel Pained and Fatigued? Look, when one
works hard to earn living and gets fatigued, it is then that the joy of getting fruits of hard earned
labor comes. Moreover, if the Pain and Fatigue were not there humans would turns arrogant and
their degenerated souls would then lead them to sins and evil, straying them away from God and
also taking them away from kindness and fear of God. That is why when faced with hard-times,
one tends to submit to God in sincerity, spends in charities and social works and prays to God for
help and deliverance from hardships.

Mufazzal, there are yet many more reasons why this ability of Pain and Fatigue has been blessed
on humans. It is for the good of the individual and for the good of the community as well. For
example, if the sense of Pain was not there then how criminals could be punished? Similarly if
the children did not fear Pain of punishment, how could they learn in schools"?
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 218-219).

But the God-rejecters like Ibn-Abul-Auja say that whatever exists in the world came into being
without the involvement of wisdom and knowledge of any creator. According to them therefore,
there is no well-thought-out plan behind Pain and Fatigue. On the contrary as I have explained,
there is a definite reason and wisdom behind this phenomenon.

So to summarizes, if people ponder a little deeper about the miraculous functions of human
organs and their amazing mutual coordination and harmony which keeps life going, then they
would certainly realize that all this creation could not come into existence by itself. Behind all
this is the Grand Creator who according to the needs and living environment created the human

In light of my explanations, if you will just ponder, you will discover that every plan of God is

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free of faults. One cannot find any errors or omission. Whatever is needed is made available, and
whatever is not needed is made extinct".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Pages 220-221).

Mufazzal-ibn-Umer says that Imam Jafar SadiqAS's discourse was interrupted at this point by the
prayer-time at mid-non. Imam got up for prayer, saying;

"Mufazzal, come tomorrow morning, God willing, I will explain to you the wisdom and reasons
hidden behind the creation of (domestic) animals, wild animals, birds, etc.".
(Tauheed-e-Mufazzal, Page 221).

(The End).

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