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Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2007, v.

77, 2–12
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2007.005



Faculty of Environmental Studies, Nagasaki University, 1-14 Bunkyomachi, Nagasaki 852-8521, Japan
, 2Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, C-1100, Austin, Texas 78712, U.S.A.
Department of Geological Sciences, The University of Minnesota Duluth, 1114 Kirby Drive SE, Duluth, Minnesota 55812, U.S.A.

ABSTRACT: Autostratigraphy is the stratigraphy generated by large-scale autogenic processes, and needs to be heeded because
of a current overreliance on allogenic controls in sequence stratigraphy. Key principles of autostratigraphy, emerging from the
theory of autoretreat and a new understanding of alluvial grade, derive from the non-equilibrium stratigraphic response, i.e., the
general lack of equilibrium configuration of depositional systems. The non-equilibrium behavior of fluvial deltas during times
(T ) of steady dynamic forcing leads to variable stratigraphic response that is the inevitable result of length (D) and time (t)
scaling particular to the depositional system, rather than necessarily reflecting any sudden or unsteady change in the rate of
allogenic forcing. Some abrupt breaks in the stratigraphic record are not necessarily associated with changes in allogenic
conditions but can result from purely autogenic processes of the system. When T is comparable to or longer than t, (1) the
depositional system takes the non-equilibrium, large-scale autogenic response, (2) the superposition of autogenic and allogenic
components of the forcing is prominently nonlinear, and thus (3) sequence stratigraphic models that have been built on the
assumption of equilibrium response are incorrect. Autostratigraphic analysis makes it possible to detect and identify complex
autogenic responses and unsteady allogenic events in the stratigraphic record by quantifying a temporal change in the
magnitude of D. Autostratigraphy thus functions as a ‘‘norm’’ for genetic stratigraphy.

INTRODUCTION basin can give rise to an autogenic behavior of deltaic shoreline that can
be nonsteady and nonlinear, and even associated with an abrupt break in
A stratigraphic example that captures the essence of our discomfort
sedimentation and depositional geometry. This diagram therefore
with the practice of much of conventional sequence stratigraphy is shown
illustrates a common misinterpretation of stratigraphic successions,
in Figure 1. The deltaic stratigraphy (Fig. 1A) preserves clear evidence of
calling on unsteady allogenic control to explain the stratigraphy of
a transition from regressive to transgressive conditions, via aggradational fluviodeltaic systems.
and moderately transgressive stages. As well as the above-mentioned example, a recent body of theoretical,
Interpretation of this shoreline trajectory within conventional sequence experimental, and field-based work (Muto and Steel 1992, 1997, 2002a,
stratigraphy would normally require that the ratio of rate of relative sea- 2002b, 2004; Swenson et al. 2000; Muto and Swenson 2005a, 2005b, 2006;
level rise (A) to rate of sediment supply (S) changed with time, from less Swenson et al. 2005; Swenson and Muto 2005, in press) has shown
than unity to far exceeding unity (Fig. 1B). With a constant magnitude of convincingly that fluviodeltaic systems lack an equilibrium configuration
S, the landward turnaround of the shoreline would be attributed to an under steady dynamic forcing (A 5 constant, S 5 constant) and that in
increase in A, and further discrete increase in A would account for the general the stratigraphic response of the depositional system proceeds in
accelerated transgression in the late stage. The aggradational stage at the a non-equilibrium and nonlinear manner. This fundamental aspect of
transition from regression to transgression would be explained with A/S stratigraphic response has not been recognized in conventional sequence
being unity or A tentatively balancing with S. These stratigraphic stratigraphy (e.g., Jervey 1988; Posamentier and Vail 1988; Posamentier
interpretations are consistent, implicitly or explicitly, with the notion of et al. 1988) and in its derivatives including the Galloway model (Galloway
the A/S ratio concept (Shanley and McCabe 1994; Muto and Steel 1997; 1989a, 1989b), the regime model (Thorne and Swift 1991a, 1991b), the
Kim et al. 2006), that (1) there can exist an equilibrium state between A four-systems-tract model (Hunt and Tucker 1995), the shoreline
and S to allow the shoreline to remain stationary for some time, and trajectory model (Helland-Hansen and Gjelberg 1994), and the T–R
(2) transgressive and regressive behavior of the deltaic shoreline reflects Model (Embry 1995).
unsteady allogenic forcing of the basin (i.e., changes in A and/or S) Autostratigraphy, here advocated in terms of the intrinsic non-
whereby the equilibrium is broken. equilibrium response, is the stratigraphy that takes full account of
In actuality, the stratigraphic architecture of Figure 1 was produced in potential large-scale autogenic changes in the depositional systems in
a flume experiment with steady dynamic conditions, i.e., constant response to steady dynamic forcing of basins. Purely autostratigraphic
sediment supply and constant sea-level rise (Fig. 1C; for detailed successions are likely to be rare in the geological record, because (1)
experimental conditions see Muto 2001), suggesting that a set of steady natural sedimentary processes are rarely entirely autogenic, and (2) on
or linear dynamic conditions (i.e., A 5 constant, S 5 constant) of the longer time scales, autogenic processes cannot continue to operate

Copyright E 2007, SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology) 1527-1404/07/077-002/$03.00


FIG. 1.— Autostratigraphic versus conventional sequence-stratigraphic models in explanation of a regressive-to-transgressive shoreline turnaround. A) Longitudinal
profile of a delta that was built during experimental run conducted with constant rates of sediment supply (S 5 1.029 6 0.020 cm2/s), upstream water discharge
(q 5 4.36 6 0.02 cm2/s), and sea-level rise (A 5 0.0251 cm/s). See Muto (2001) for details of the experimental runs. B) Interpretation from the conventional models of
sequence stratigraphy. C) Interpretation from the viewpoint of autostratigraphy, which is consistent with the actual experimental conditions. Note that, even without any
change in the dynamic parameters, (1) shoreline advance (regression) is halted after a short growth period, turned to a landward retreat (transgression), and (2) sometime
after the initiation of retreat the delta attains an autobreak event, after which its original clinoform is no longer sustained.

without allogenic interruptions. However, autogenic processes and usage, the autogenic processes that we treat here are mostly those that
resulting autostratigraphic successions have been demonstrated to be operate over the entire system, are deterministic, and occur only a single
important, from theoretical consideration, from numerical modeling, and time during the entire period of a given steady forcing. Our use of
from laboratory experiments under controlled steady forcing. For the ‘‘autogenic’’ does not imply a particular, absolute spatiotemporal scale,
analysis of stratigraphic successions, the methodology of autostratigra- and it is possible that the time scale for the intrinsic non-equilibrium
phy provides an economic explanation in terms of potential autogenic response of the fluviodeltaic system overlaps with the time scales of other
mechanisms and steady forcing, and should initially be used to explain as autogenic responses. Whenever we refer to ‘‘large-scale autogenic
much of the stratigraphic response as possible. For the remaining signals processes’’ in this paper, it is only in the relative sense in terms of the
that cannot then be explained, allogenic processes should be brought into length and time scales intrinsic to a given depositional system (see below).
play. Autostratigraphy therefore provides a logical basis for the A fundamental geological problem is that stratigraphic products of large-
identification of allogenic effects in the stratigraphic record, i.e., in terms scale autogenic processes are very likely to be easily misinterpreted as
of discrepancy from an autostratigraphic prediction. those of allogenic processes.
We make here a first step in the direction of exploring principles, The large-scale autogenic processes in fluviodeltaic systems are
strategy, and methodology of autostratigraphy. The present study limits a manifestation of their intrinsic, non-equilibrium response to steady
the ‘‘forcing’’ to changes in relative sea level and focuses on fluviodeltaic forcing, which in turn arises from the nature of the moving boundaries of
systems. The latter are the basic building blocks of stratigraphic the system (Paola et al. 1992; Swenson et al. 2000; Swenson and Muto in
successions, the locus for changes in relative sea level, and thus the key press). Major moving boundaries in the fluviodeltaic system include the
depositional environment considered in sequence stratigraphic models. shoreline, the delta toe, and the alluvium-basement transition (i.e.,
upstream end of the alluvial river) (Fig. 2). Under conditions of constant
AUTOGENESIS AND NON-EQUILIBRIUM RESPONSE rate of change in relative sea level, the natural tendency of the
Autogenic vs. Allogenic fluviodeltaic wedge is to grow through some combination of onlap and
offlap at the alluvium-basement transition, and progradation and
The term autogenic, as used here, refers to the intrinsic stratigraphic retrogradation of the delta slope. The reasons for this are tied to how
response to the steady component of external dynamic forcing (Blum and the basic shape of the fluviodeltaic clinoform (wedge) is maintained and,
Törnqvist 2000; Muto and Steel 2001, 2004; Swenson et al. 2005; Muto as a consequence, how the system must partition its sediment budget
and Swenson 2006). Allogenic refers to the stratigraphic response to the between the subaerial and subaqueous depositional environments. It is
nonsteady component of external dynamic forcing (Muto and Swenson this dynamic nature of the lateral boundaries on the fluviodeltaic wedge
2005a, 2005b). For example, sedimentation responding to accelerating that, in general, prevents equilibration of the fluviodeltaic system
sea-level rise can be regarded as an allogenic process (with respect to sea- (Swenson et al. 2000; Swenson et al. 2005; Swenson and Muto in press).
level change), whereas sedimentation responding to constant rate of sea-
level rise is regarded as an autogenic process (with respect to sea-level Importance of Time Scale
change). It is important to note that ‘‘steady sea-level forcing’’ means
forcing by sea level that is changing at a constant rate. The intrinsic non-equilibrium behavior of a fluviodeltaic system
In standard sedimentologic usage, an autogenic response arises from depends on how sedimentary bodies accumulate in response to the trinity
internal feedback between transport processes, independent of temporal of sediment supply, subsidence, and eustatic sea level. The question then
changes in external forcing. Common examples include river avulsion and becomes fundamentally one of time scale. The importance of autostrati-
delta-lobe switching (Beerbower 1965; Miall 1996), which can be regarded graphic concepts hinges on the time scale of fluctuations in external
as local or stochastic processes and can occur multiple times under forcing (T) relative to the time scale (t) of the non-equilibrium response of
a constant regime of the depositional system. Though the usage of the fluviodeltaic system. Given that sediment transport in our system is
‘‘autogenic’’ here is essentially unchanged from classic sedimentological slope driven, we might expect this autogenic time scale to be a function of

FIG. 2.— Geometrical parameters of the flu-

viodeltaic system considered in the
present discussion.

some characteristic length scale D and some effective diffusivity u that a state of large-scale ‘‘grade’’ (sensu Mackin 1948). Conventional
embodies the efficiency of transport processes. Any fluviodeltaic system sequence stratigraphy holds that (1) rivers basically aggrade in response
with a steady sediment supply (S 5 constant) and steady rise or fall of to relative sea-level rise and degrade in response to relative sea-level fall,
relative sea level (A 5 constant) has a characteristic length scale (Muto respectively (Fig. 3A), and (2) grade is the final, stable state of an alluvial
2001; Muto and Steel 2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2004; Muto and Swenson river system and is attained with stationary base level (Gilbert 1877;
2005a, 2005b, 2006; Swenson and Muto in press) Davis 1902; Green 1936; Kesseli 1941; Mackin 1948; Leopold and Bull
1979; Posamentier and Vail 1988; Thorne and Swift 1991a).
S Contrary to this conventional wisdom, however, the non-equilibrium
D~ : ð1Þ
jAj behavior of alluvial rivers allows grade to be attained with falling sea level
(Fig. 3B, C; Muto and Swenson 2005a, 2005b, 2006). The critical
A natural time scale for dispersive systems is
condition discriminating aggradation and degradational regimes of
D2 S S alluvial systems is the fall of sea level. Rivers can, in principle, remain
t~ ~ : ð2Þ aggradational not only with rising and stationary sea level but also
u jAj2 u
throughout the duration of sea-level fall, provided the sea-level history
If we assume that fluvial morphodynamics sets the overall time scale for does not cross the grade curves (Fig. 3B, C). For the graded state to be
the fluviodeltaic system, then u represents the fluvial diffusivity (Paola et sustained, the fall of sea level has to follow a particular pattern that
al. 1992; Paola 2000) and the term S/u is the characteristic slope a of the depends in part upon the alluvial and basal slopes (a, w). For
alluvial surface. In this case, we can write the autogenic time scale as a fluviodeltaic system prograding on a uniform, relatively high-gradient,
preexisting surface (a , w 5 c), A (, 0) must be decreasing with time
D2 S (Fig. 3B; Muto and Swenson 2005a). Steady fall of sea level can allow an
t~ ~a 2: ð3Þ
u jAj alluvial river to become graded only where a 5 w, such as where the
fluviodeltaic system progrades onto a drowned, antecedent alluvial river
This t scale provides a first-order estimate for the onset of individual bed (Muto and Swenson 2006). In this latter case, grade can finally be
autogenic events. For a physically plausible range of sediment and water attained and sustained at any magnitude of A (, 0) provided that it is
supply and rate of sea-level change, this time scale can vary by orders of kept constant. This alternative concept of grade provides a new level of
magnitude between fluviodeltaic systems. Equation 3 suggests that gentle- understanding as to how base level functions to control aggradation and
gradient, small alluvial systems are far more sensitive to autogenic degradation in alluvial systems and, as such, provides a basis for
responses than high-gradient, large systems. Although there could be interpreting sea-level history from the stratigraphic records of fluviodel-
multiple superimposed scales of autogenic processes, defined by taic deproits.
simultaneously superimposed characteristic lengths and times, we here
consider only t and D to focus on the ‘‘large-scale’’ autogenic processes. Autoretreat and Autobreak: Responses to Steady Sea-Level Rise
With a constant rate of rise (A) in relative sea level, the deltaic shoreline
migrates basinwards during an early stage (precursory advance) but
The arguments presented below address idealized river-dominated inevitably begins to retreat landwards some time after the beginning of
deltas that develop on an underlying surface with characteristic landward delta progradation. This is the phenomenon called autoretreat (Muto and
and seaward slopes c and w, respectively (Fig. 2). The alluvial river and Steel 1992, 1997, 2002a; Milton and Bertram 1995; Swenson et al. 2000).
delta foreset have characteristic slopes of a and b, respectively. Our Subsequently there is a break in the geometry and sedimentation of the
arguments are focused primarily on alluvial responses to steady dynamic system, referred to as autobreak, after which the existing subaqueous
forcing, so we assume initially that the shelf surface beyond the delta toe slope is starved of sediment and thereby loses its clear delta-front
is not affected significantly by marine processes. configuration (Fig. 4A, B; Muto 2001; Muto and Steel 2001; Parker and
Muto 2003; Akamatsu et al. 2005).
Sea-Level Conditions for Attaining Alluvial Grade Shoreline autoretreat arises from a progressive increase of the entire
surface area (the subaerial and subaqueous environments) of the
Alluvial-river response to changes in relative sea level has been fluviodeltaic clinoform, because of an increase in the storage capacity
conventionally assumed to be controlled by the ‘‘equilibrium’’ alluvial of the system during relative rise of sea level and from a concomitant
profile. The equilibrium profile is believed to correspond to a hypothetical decrease of aggradation rate on the delta. Autobreak occurs when there is
alluvial river that neither aggrades nor degrades along its entire length a further increase of the surface area of the delta, and the supplied
and thus bypasses its entire sediment supply to the shoreline (e.g., sediment is entirely consumed by the growth of the subaerial plain. It
Posamentier et al. 1988). In essence, this equilibrium alluvial river is in should be noted that abrupt changes in sedimentation have been

FIG. 3.—Conventional and new views of alluvial grade in terms of sea-level control. A) Conventional model in which alluvial systems aggrade (degrade) in response to
sea-level rise (fall) and eventually attain an equilibrium, bypassing state if sea level remains constant. B, C) New view of alluvial grade, which is incorporated into the
framework of autostratigraphy, in which grade is attained only during sea-level fall and never attained with stationary sea level. The sea-level trajectory (Rsl—t curve)
required for grade depends on alluvial slope (a) and basin slope (w) onto which the depositional system progrades.

documented to occur during linearly varying base-level changes, and that sediment supply to the alluvial river length (shoreline to alluvium-
the autoretreat and autobreak points do not necessarily coincide with basement transition). For constant S, the longer the duration of
inflection points. If b $ c and T .. t, both autoretreat and autobreak progradation at sea-level stillstand, the longer the alluvial river—and
are inevitable, and D simply functions to determine the length and height the smaller the characteristic aggradation rate—at the onset of the
of the maximum advance position and autobreak point of the shoreline. ensuing sea-level rise or fall. With a smaller initial characteristic
However, if b , c, autobreak is not attained because any progressive aggradation rate, the system quickly experiences autoretreat (autobreak)
increase in the surface area of the foreset can be fully compensated by during the sea-level rise. For the effects of this age dependence to be
a progressive decrease in the surface area of the alluvial system (Fig. 4C; important, the duration of stillstand progradation must be long relative
Muto and Steel 1992; Swenson et al. 2000). to a characteristic time scale (ts and tb in Fig. 5). A similar age
If the feeder river system exhibits autocyclic shifting of stream dependence of an abrupt autogenic event (‘‘autoincision,’’ see below) is
channels, a stepped topography inevitably forms above the submerged likely when a long period of stillstand sea-level stage is followed by steady
(i.e., abandoned) alluvial plain after the attainment of autobreak sea-level fall (Fig. 6B).
(autosteps; Muto and Steel 2001). Each autostep consists of a single, thin
regressive delta lobe that forms part of an overall ‘‘backstepping’’ deltaic
system. Because autostepping requires spatial and temporal localization Autoincision with Falling Sea Level
of active sedimentation, during aggradation of any active lobe the rest of Autoretreat principles can be extended to conditions of sea-level fall.
the system is starved of sediment. Autocyclicity also causes eventual When sea level falls, the shoreline does not, of course, retreat. However,
reoccupation of earlier abandoned delta-lobe sites. In the transgressive the alluvium–basement transition does mimic a shoreline subject to sea-
phase, it is unlikely to be common that active delta lobes will prograde level rise (Muto and Steel 2002a, 2004). There is apparent ‘‘symmetry’’ in
beyond and therefore cover older lobes. This unburied surface of older autogenic processes for steady rise and fall of relative sea level (Table 1).
delta-front lobes produces the autosteps during transgression. During steady sea-level fall, the alluvium–basement transition initially
migrates landward and the entire deltaic system aggrades (Muto and Steel
Autogenic Processes During and After Sea-Level Stillstand 2002a, 2004; Swenson and Muto 2005, in press). This landward migration
The fluviodeltaic system does not have any particular length (D) and and aggradation is arrested after some time, and if a , w the entire
time (t) scales related to stationary sea level (A 5 0; see Eq. 3). As long subaerial plain begins to be affected by feeder-channel erosion, or
as sea level is stationary, the system remains aggradational (Fig. 3B, C) autoincision (Fig. 7A). Autoincision can be physically explained in terms
and monotonously progrades basinwards at an ever-decreasing rate. of a characteristic aggradation rate for the alluvial river system. The
Shelf-platform topography affects this long-lived progradation, i.e., progressive increase in length of the alluvial river continuously reduces
seaward-increasing bathymetry slows the rate of fluviodeltaic prograda- the characteristic alluvial aggradation rate. The rate of foreset prograda-
tion relative to a flat-bottomed bathymetry. tion on the delta front eventually decreases to a point where the alluvial
The duration of a stationary sea-level period can exert a significant river incises at the shoreline, thereby triggering upstream-propagating
influence on how the shoreline migrates during any subsequent period of knickpoints and signaling the onset of autoincision (Swenson and Muto
rising sea level, suggesting a sort of ‘‘age dependence’’ in fluviodeltaic 2005, in press; Muto and Swenson 2005b). After the autoincision
behavior. If a sea-level stillstand persists for a long time, the autobreak threshold has been attained, all the supplied sediment bypasses the
event occurs soon after sea level begins to rise (Fig. 5), and the shoreline subaerial plain and is deposited below sea level on the delta foreset. In this
jumps landwards for a long distance (Fig. 6A). Physically, this age way, despite widespread alluvial degradation and sediment bypassing, the
dependence can be explained in terms of the characteristic alluvial entire fluviodeltaic system continues to grow seawards via accretion on
aggradation rate. This aggradation rate is simply the ratio of the steady the delta foreset. This is conventional forced regression. If a $ w, on the

FIG. 4.— Chronostratigraphic charts showing

autogenic responses of the fluviodeltaic system
to steady rise of relative sea level. With rising sea
level, shoreline autoretreat is inevitable, and
there are three different patterns in autoretreat-
related evolution of the depositional system
dependent on the geometrical conditions.
A) Where b . c, the subaqueous surface of the
delta becomes starved of sediment (autobreak)
shortly after, or possibly at the same time as, the
beginning of the retreat. In a three-dimensional
system where active sedimentation can be
localized and shift its position, delta lobes appear
to be backstepping (autostepping) during this
transgression (Muto 2001; Muto and Steel 2001).
B) Where b 5 c, autobreak is attained at some
time after the beginning of the retreat. The
supplied sediment is consumed by covering the
entire alluvial plain and barely supplied to the
subaqueous surface of the delta. This critical
state is sustained during the transgression (Muto
2002). C) Where b , c, autobreak is not
attained, and thus the subaqueous surface of the
delta remains aggradational and progradational
during the entire transgression (Swenson et al.
2000; Muto 2002).

other hand, autoincision does not occur. When a 5 w, in particular, event occurs when the migrating stream returns to an axial position on
alluvial grade is attained, after which the alluvium–basement transition is the alluvial system where the stream gradient is highest. Multiple stream
stationary and the height and length of deltaic foresets remain constant terraces thus form, one by one, arranged in an offset manner adjacent to
(Fig. 7B; Muto and Swenson 2006). the active feeder stream.
In a three-dimensional system, regression after the autoincision
threshold can be characterized by valley incision and formation of paired PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE GEOMETRICAL PARAMETERS
stream terraces on the abandoned delta-plain surface, as autogenic
response to steady sea-level fall (Muto and Steel 2004; see also Blum and The autogenic stratigraphic response of fluviodeltaic systems depends
Törnqvist 2000). After this first major incision, the subaerial plain of the on the geometrical parameters of the receiving basin (e.g., c, w) and the
delta is no longer able to recover its original valley-free surface. During river delta (e.g., a, b), if D remains constant with time. The geometrical
the subsequent steady fall of sea level, the locus of active sedimentation parameters function to determine the subaerial and subaqueous
migrates progressively seawards. The active locus of sedimentation partitioning of the supplied sediment, and thereby they exert great
downstream of the valley mouth can be analogous in shape to the delta influence on the autogenic processes in deltas. As already noted above, it
that was seen before the first major incision. The next major incision is also the geometrical parameters that control whether or not critical


The general stratigraphic response is the superposition of components

due to steady (autogenic) as well as fluctuating terms of the external
forcing. In principle, reconstructing the history of external forcing thus
involves a decomposition of the stratigraphic signature into its steady and
fluctuating components. We might first attempt to explain as much of the
stratigraphic signal as possible in terms of an autogenic response; the
remainder of the signal might then be attributed to fluctuations in
external forcing. However, this decomposition can be a nontrivial exercise
and can lead to erroneous stratigraphic interpretations. To illustrate this,
consider the stratigraphic response shown in Figure 8B, where there is
a morphodynamic model of fluviodeltaic sedimentation that treats the
shoreline as a moving boundary (Swenson et al. 2000). External forcing
for the model system consists of steady sediment supply and subsidence
rate and sinusoidal fluctuations in eustatic sea level (Fig. 8A). Steady
sediment supply and subsidence rates allow computation of D and t
scales. Sediment supply matches the rate at which subsidence creates
space, i.e., S 5 sD. The period of eustatic fluctuations (T) is equal to the
autogenic time scale, i.e., T 5 t. In the model, physical time is
normalized with the autogenic time scale. Similarly, eustatic sea level
FIG. 5.— Effects of a stationary sea-level period (ts) on shoreline migration
(Zsl) is normalized with an elevation scale (aD) constructed from the
during the subsequent period of constant sea-level rise, under the geometrical
condition that b . c and w 5 c. Height, distance, and time are dimensionless. As product of the autogenic length scale and the characteristic fluvial slope.
soon as the sea level begins to rise, the shoreline begins to migrate upwards. If the The amplitude of eustatic fluctuations is relatively small, minimizing the
sea-level stillstand stage is shorter than the time interval for the attainment of complexity in the corresponding stratigraphic response and, therefore,
autobreak (tb) in case of ts 5 0, the rising shoreline follows a curved trajectory better illustrating the potential for erroneous stratigraphic interpretation.
(segment of autoretreat curve) and soon attains autobreak. As ts (, tb) becomes Note that the external forcing of the model problem closely resembles the
longer, autobreak is attained at a lower height and in a shorter time (tb 2 ts) after
the beginning of the sea-level rise. There is a critical value of ts (5 tb) for which assumed forcing in the conventional sequence-stratigraphic framework.
sea-level rise results immediately in autobreak. With a large value of ts (. tb), the By inspection, the corresponding shoreline response to external forcing
deltaic shoreline advances basinwards for a longer distance, but autobreak can be appears to consist of a fluctuating component superimposed on the
attained immediately after the beginning of the rise, accompanied by a very rapid autogenic response (Fig. 8B). In this example we know the external
landward retreat of shoreline. forcing and thus we can easily compute the autogenic shoreline response,
sauto(t), in the absence of eustatic fluctuations. We can easily decompose
the shoreline trajectory into an autogenic component and a residual
component, sres(t), where sres(t) 5 s(t) 2 sauto(t). The residual response
thresholds (e.g., autobreak, autoincision) are attained during steady sea- clearly displays a periodicity (Fig. 8B). Hence, one might naturally
level rise or fall, and whether or not the alluvial system can attain grade associate the residual shoreline response with the time-varying component
during sea-level fall (Figs. 3, 7). Even the intrinsic time scale can be of external forcing to the fluviodeltaic system. Note, however, that the
dependent at least partly on the geometrical parameters (Eq. 3). The amplitude of the residual response decays strongly with increasing time,
importance of these parameters has commonly been underestimated in or with decreasing age in the stratigraphic record. If we were to apply
conventional sequence stratigraphy. directly the equilibrium response, we would likely infer that the amplitude
When A 5 constant . 0, it is w and b that are mostly responsible of external forcing (eustatic sea level, in this case) decreased significantly
for the manner of shoreline migration (Muto 2001). As w and b de- over the life of the basin, thereby giving rise to an incorrect sea-level
crease, autoretreat and autobreak tend to occur at earlier stages of reconstruction, as the amplitude of eustatic forcing did not change
delta development. When w is very small (say, ,, 1u), (1) the (Fig. 8A).
initial regression of the shoreline can be very brief relative to the This simple example illustrates clearly the potential for complex
period of subsequent autoretreat, and (2) the autobreak threshold is superposition of stratigraphic responses to steady and fluctuating external
reached as soon as autoretreat commences, almost regardless of the forcing. The physical reason for the progressive decay in the amplitude of
values of a and b. When A 5 constant , 0, on the other hand, a and c the residual shoreline response is tied to the autoretreat phenomenon.
play a critical role in whether and when autoincision, alluvial grade, or During autoretreat, the fluviodeltaic system partitions progressively more
long-lived aggradation are attained (Fig. 3; Swenson and Muto 2005). of its sediment budget (S) to the subaqueous realm in order to maintain
When a is much smaller than w, the autoincision threshold is attained the geometry of the delta foreset. This increased subaqueous partitioning
sooner (Muto and Steel 2002a). Alluvial grade, on the other hand, is results in the landward migration of the shoreline that is the hallmark of
likely to be attained earlier when a is close to w (Muto and Swenson autoretreat. The increase in sediment delivered onto the delta requires an
2005a, 2006). increase in the sediment flux reaching the shoreline; in other words,
Response to sea-level fall can vary significantly between fluviodeltaic progressively less sediment is sequestered in the ever-shrinking fluvial
systems with different geometrical parameters. For a particular pattern of system during autoretreat, thereby leading to an increase in the fraction
relative sea-level fall, a river system may remain aggradational, whereas of the sediment supply that reaches the shoreline. An increase in the
a nearby system may maintain grade, and a third one may incise. Hence, sediment supply at the shoreline is accompanied by an increase in the
stratigraphic correlation on the basis of observed aggradation or slope of the fluvial surface at and near the shoreline. By simple geometric
degradation in neighboring alluvial strata should be made with caution reasoning, the amplitude of shoreline excursions driven by eustatic
and take full account of the geometrical parameters of the depositional fluctuations is inversely proportional to the slope of the fluvial surface
system. near the shoreline. Consequently, during autoretreat, the shoreline

FIG. 6.—Chronostratigraphic charts showing possible autogenic responses of the fluviodeltaic system to sea-level stillstand and subsequent change. A) Case where sea-
level stillstand is followed by constant rise under the geometrical condition b . c. At the onset of sea-level rise, autobreak can be attained immediately and shoreline
begins to migrate landward very rapidly. B) Case where sea-level stillstand is followed by constant fall under the geometrical condition a , w, showing that the
autoincision threshold can be attained some time after the beginning of sea-level fall (for this time lag see Swenson and Muto 2005), and then the alluvium–basement
transition abruptly starts to migrate basinward.

response to superimposed eustatic fluctuations is progressively attenuat- basin-boundary conditions. For example, if sea level is rising at a constant
ed, thereby giving rise to the progressive damping of the residual shoreline rate and sediment supply is constant, then all of the resulting strata would
response in Figure 8B (Kim et al. 2006). constitute a single autostratigraphic unit. If there occurs an allogenic
change in basin forcing (e.g., sea-level rise changed to sea-level fall), this
event would mark or create a boundary between autostratigraphic units.
We do not assume, at least in the early stages, that basin forcing changed
An important aim of autostratigraphy is to identify autostratigraphic continuously with time, because (1) allogenic change in basin forcing can be
units in the geological record, thereby to identify and reconstruct detected only after testing a primary hypothesis that there was no allogenic
unsteady changes in basin forcing (allogenic events) affecting the change, and (2) it is reasonable to treat unsteady forcing as a series of
depositional system. The autostratigraphic unit can be defined as discrete changes of steady forcing because of the intrinsic incompleteness
a succession of strata that accumulated under a discrete set of steady and limited chronological resolution of the stratigraphic record.

TABLE 1.— Apparent ‘‘symmetry’’ in autogenic processes for steady rise and fall of relative sea level.

Sea-level rise Sea-level fall

Horizontal turnabout of moving boundary shoreline (downstream end of alluvial slope) alluvium–basement transition (upstream end of alluvial
- direction of turnabout from landward to basinward from basinward to landward
Break event in geomorphic and sedimentary regime autobreak autoincision
- slope condition b . c a , w
- when it occurs during transgression during regression
Discrete 3-dimensional topography forming after the break autosteps autogenic stream terraces
event by autocyclic behavior of the feeder system
Equilibrium state sustained autobreak threshold sustained alluvial grade
- slope condition b 5 c a 5 w
- what are in balance rate of subaerial aggradation rate of subaqueous aggradation and rate of sea-level fall
and rate of sea-level rise

FIG. 7.— Chronostratigraphic charts showing

the autogenic responses of the fluviodeltaic
system to steady fall of relative sea level. For the
autogenic processes of falling sea level, attention
is paid to the upstream end of alluvial river, or
the alluvium–basement boundary, which, under
a particular geometrical condition, can mimic
shoreline movement during sea-level rise. A)
Where a , w, the upstream end of alluvial river
onlaps landward at early stages but then begins
to migrate basinward. This critical moment of
change from onlapping to offlapping corre-
sponds with the autoincision threshold, which
represents change from aggradational to degra-
dational regimes of the alluvial system (Muto
and Swenson 2005a; Swenson and Muto 2005,
2006). B) Where a 5 w, the upstream end of the
alluvial river can become stationary within
a finite time after the beginning of sea-level fall.
This is the state of sustained grade, during which
supplied sediment simply bypasses the alluvial
system and accumulates basinward of the
shoreline (mostly, on the subaqueous slope of the
delta) (Muto and Swenson 2006).

In autostratigraphic analysis of fluviodeltaic deposits, attention needs observed shoreline trajectory, by finding autoretreat curves to fit
to be paid to the geometrical patterns of shoreline trajectory (for sea-level individual segments of the trajectory. An autoretreat curve passing an
rise) and the trajectory of the alluvium–basement boundary (for sea-level arbitrary spatial position x[x: horizontal distance, z; height], measured
fall) and to the internal architecture of the deposit. There could be various from a particular shoreline position x0[x0, z0], can be specified with
methods of performing this autostratigraphic analysis. A numerical a particular magnitude of D and geometrical parameters (e.g., a, b, c, w).
method suggested by Muto and Steel (2002b) is to detect a temporal Suppose the shoreline migrated from x0[x0, z0] at time t0, through site 1
change in the magnitude of D (possibly t too; see Equations 2 and 3) from (x1[x1, z1]) at time t1 and then site 2 (x2[x2, z2]) at time t2 (Fig. 9). If A or S

FIG. 8.—Theoretical fluviodeltaic response to

a combination of steady and fluctuating external
forcing. A) External forcing consists of two
eustatic cycles superimposed on steady sediment
supply and subsidence rate. B) Decomposition of
the shoreline trajectory, s(t), into an (autogenic)
component, sauto(t), which represents the strati-
graphic response to steady sediment supply and
subsidence, and a residual shoreline response,
sres(t) 5 s(t) 2 sauto(t). The corresponding
shoreline response to external forcing appears to
consist of a fluctuating component superimposed
on the autogenic response. The residual response
displaying a clear periodicity would imply that
the residual shoreline response was associated
with the time-varying component of external
forcing to the fluviodeltaic system. Note, how-
ever, that the amplitude of the residual response
decays strongly with increasing time, or with
decreasing age in the stratigraphic record.

FIG. 9.— A numerical method of autostrati-

graphic analysis for fluviodeltaic deposits that
accumulated with relative rise of sea level.
Attention is here paid to if and how the
magnitude of D, i.e., ratio of rate of sediment
supply (S) to rate of sea-level rise (A), changed
with time. If we can specify autoretreat curves
(C01, C02) that satisfy the geological data
obtained from each of sites 1 and 2, we can
estimate numerically how D (5 S/A) changed
with time (i.e., D12/D01) while shoreline migrates
from the assumed initial position (x0) to site 2
(x2), via site 1 (x1). For detailed explanation
see Muto and Steel (2002b).

changes during shoreline migration from x1 to x2, the magnitude of D respectively. If A, instead of S, is assumed to be constant, on the other
changes as well, thus causing the trajectory to deviate from the original hand:
autoretreat curve that is assumed for the x0–x1 migration. As noted above    {1
(Eq. 1), it is common that any change in A (. 0) cannot be calculated S12 D02 {1 A12
~ ðz2 { z0 Þ { ðz1 { z0 Þ ðz2 { z1 Þ ~ ð5Þ
without specifying or assuming S beforehand, and vice versa. On the S01 D01 A01
assumption that S 5 constant, a potential change in A during shoreline
where S01, S12 are the averaged magnitudes of S for time intervals
migration from site 1 to site 2 is described by
t 5 t02t1, t 5 t02t2, t 5 t02t2, respectively. A temporal change in A
 {1 (with constant S) or S (with constant A) can thus be estimated provided
A12 D02
~ ðz2 { z0 Þ { ðz1 { z0 Þ ðz2 { z1 Þ ð4Þ that the numerical values of D01, D02, z0, z1, and z2 are given.
A01 D01
Muto and Steel (2002b) applied the above method to a lower Eocene
where A01, A12 are the averaged magnitude of A for time intervals regressive shelf-margin succession on Spitsbergen, showing that it was
t 5 t02t1, t 5 t12t2, respectively, and D01, D02 are the magnitude of D formed under an overall (i.e., long-term) decelerating rise of relative sea
for autoretreat curves assumed for the x02x1 and x02x2 intervals, level. In this local case, there are great uncertainties in the geological data

TABLE 2.— Comparison bewteen sequence stratigraphy and autostratigraphy.

Sequence stratigraphy Autostratigraphy

Primary view of strata Allogenic (autogenic secondary) Autogenic (allogenic secondary)
Response of depositional system to Equilibrium Non-equilibrium
external forcing
Key principles The A/S ratio concept Autoretreat principles
Function of sea level Erosional base level Level to control relative height of subaerial-subaqueous
geometrical contrast
View of alluvial grade A final stable stage of river system attained with A non-equilibrium state of river system sustained only with sea-
stationary sea level, controlling subaerial level fall of a particular pattern determined by geometrical
accommodation parameters of the depositional system
Interest in sedimentology Allogenic control of the formation of sequences Autogenic response of depositional systems to steady dynamic
Interest in stratigraphy Global or regional correlations, primarily in terms Detection of allogenic events which might be available to
of eustatic events correlations for different basins
Methology of stratigraphic analysis Identification and recognition of sequences and Identification and recognition of autostratigraphic units and unit
sequence boundaries boundaries
Methodology of exploring principles Primarily inductive from the real stratigraphic Mostly deductive from forward-modeling (e.g., theoretical
record (e.g., outcrops, cores, seismic profiles) modeling, laboratory experiments)
Preferred sea-level changes to Sinusoidal patterns of eustatic or relative sea-level Linear-segmented patterns of relative sea-level changes
be considered changes

as to the initial shoreline position, the geometrical and topographical 3. Fluviodeltaic systems developing during a change in relative sea
parameters, and the decompacted thickness of the deposit. In combina- level have particular spatiotemporal scales (length D, time t) that
tion with a large number (. 106) of runs of numerical simulation, are characteristic of a particular depositional system and are
however, the analysis successfully brought about a reconstruction of defined with parameters of external forcing including rate of the
changes in A and S in terms of probabilistic distribution of possible sea-level change (A) and rate of sediment supply (S). Manifestation
changes in D. A change in D represents an interruption of the preceding of the non-equilibrium response is dependent on t relative to the
autogenic stratigraphic response by the occurrence of an allogenic event, periodicity (T) of sea-level forcing or the time interval considered. If
and the start of a new autogenic stratigraphic response. T is comparable to or longer than t, the non-equilibrium response is
4. The superposition of allogenic (or equilibrium) and autogenic (or
non-equilibrium) responses is nonlinear. This nonlinear superposi-
Conventional sequence stratigraphy interprets the formation of major tion can be decomposed into the two effects by autostratigraphic
systems-tract bounding surfaces (e.g., sequence boundaries, flooding analysis. Possible methods of autostratigraphic analysis to identify
surfaces) as being formed at the inflection points during sinusoidal non-autogenic events in the stratigraphic record include numerical
eustatic changes (superimposed on linear subsidence). Autostratigraphy, detection of a temporal change in magnitude of D from observed
in contrast, suggests that abrupt changes in sedimentation occur during shoreline trajectory.
linearly varying base-level changes, and that the autoretreat and 5. Autostratigraphy is complementary to sequence stratigraphy.
autoincision points do not necessarily coincide with inflection points. Sequence stratigraphy represents a limiting case of a more general
The autostratigraphic analysis allows responses resulting from linear model (autostratigraphy), and functions to be valid only when
change to be distinguished from those of nonlinear change. The argument T ,, t.
on time scale presented above suggests strongly that many of the
conventional sequence-stratigraphic notions do not hold in general (Muto
and Steel 1997) but are valid only when the time scale of external Nomenclature
fluctuations is very short relative to the time scale for the non-equilibrium
response of the system to steady forcing (i.e., T ,, t). In other words, Dimensions (L length, T
the conventional sequence-stratigraphic model represents a specific Symbol Meaning time, 1 dimensionless)
(limiting) case of the more general model developed above. A rate of relative sea-level change LT21
Time scale (T) can be an issue for consideration when evaluating D length scale L
whether the depositional system has taken an equilibrium or non- S rate of sediment supply in unit width L2T21
equilibrium response to external forcing. If the latter is the case, then we T time T
can probably assume the existence of a ‘‘local,’’ quasi-equilibrium X horizontal distance of shoreline L
Z height of shoreline L
state independent of base level. In this case the A/S ratio concept might a alluvial slope 1
provide the best insight to interpretation of the stratigraphic record b delta foreset slope 1
(Muto and Steel 1997; Kim et al. 2006). Sequence stratigraphy and c basal slope at alluvium–basement transition 1
autostratigraphy can thus be complementary (Table 2). Autostratigraphy w basal slope at delta toe 1
primarily assumes hypothetical and simple (or simplistic) conditions. t time scale T
u fluvial diffusivity LT21
Sequence stratigraphy deals with realistic, natural environments in which
both autogenic and allogenic processes are in operation. An important
caution in the application of sequence stratigraphy to the stratigraphic
record is that there needs to be careful consideration of T and t. If slow
fluctuation in an external control is superimposed on the non-equilibrium
response to the steady (average) component of allogenic forcing (i.e., This work was financially supported in part by a Japanese Grant-in-Aid for
T $ t), the conventional sequence-stratigraphic model is likely to be Scientific Research (15340171) to TM. RS appreciates the continued support
insufficient. and encouragement of many individuals in the WOLF-consortium compa-
nies. JBS appreciates grants from the Office of Naval Research (Grant
N00014-02-01-0233) and the University of Minnesota Graduate School. We
appreciate encouragement and discussion of ‘‘self organization’’ in sedimen-
Some of the principles of autostratigraphy, the stratigraphy of large- tary systems by Chris Paola, Gary Parker, Janok Bhattacharya, Bob
Dalrymple, Szczepan Porebski, and Piret Plink-Björklund. Critical comments
scale autogenic processes of depositional systems and their geological provided by JSR reviewers (Brian Willis, Rudy Slingerland, Janok
products, have been explored, particularly as related to fluviodeltaic Bhattacharya, Colin North) were constructive and very helpful in revision
systems under sea-level forcing. Key notions of autostratigraphy are as of an early version of the manuscript.
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