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Synchronous Condensers Contribution to Inertia and Short Circuit Current in

Cooperation with STATCOM

A. Stiger, R.A. Rivas, M. Halonen

ABB AB, FACTS, Vasteras, Sweden

Abstract - The paper discusses the challenges with today’s II. CHANGE IN NETWORK
power systems with large integration of renewables and the
importance of short circuit contribution and inertia. The change in power system characteristic will not
Another aspect of the paper is to highlight impact on power only have impact how active power is generated but also
quality devices (SVC, STATCOM, HVDC, MSC, harmonic impact several dimensions how to monitor, control and
filters etc.) when system parameters such as harmonic secure the grid. In the beginning it was more focusing on
resonances and SCR is changing.
active power supply and what happens when wind and
The falling fault levels on system may require
Synchronous Condensers to be installed which enhance solar can’t deliver. Now with accelerating amounts of
inertia, dynamic performance and improves stability of the renewables in the network driven by environmental
grid. A hybrid configuration based on STATCOM and aspects and deregulated energy markets, the grid stability
Synchronous Condenser technologies is discussed as a and power quality issues are raising on the agenda.
solution there each technology focus on their best The grid will go from a top down perspective to a
characteristic to optimize power system performance. Low more all way communication/generation and
SCR impact on SVC and STATCOM performance is also characterized by:
highlighted. Simulations with STATCOM and Synchronous
Condenser in same connection point is presented to show
contribution to fault ride through. The importance of • More distributed generation and renewable
common and coordinated control of the devices to achieve energy sources (power electronics)
optimum performance, and the advantage of overload • Less generation by spinning mass
capacity of Synchronous Condenser in conjunction with • Increased energy consumption
fault handling is shown in simulation result. • Increased multi-directional power flows
• Increased generator capacity and bulk power
Keywords - FACTS, Hybrid Synchronous Condenser,
transmission over long distances
Inertia, MVAR, Reactive Power, STATCOM
• More shunt capacitors at distribution level
I. INTRODUCTION • Weaker grids
• Need for power quality
Today’s power systems are facing challenges with • Different mix of FACTS devices (SVC,
fast changes in generation. Conventional generators are STATCOM, Synchronous Condenser, TCSC)
being replaced by renewable energy sources. The change
in the generation mix is being strongly supported by
politics and cost reductions in renewable energy systems,
which are setting high renewable penetration in
distribution and transmission networks. The shift in
generation mix also adversely affect dynamic stability of
the power system.
Introduction of large amount of renewables will affect
the amount of synchronous generation in service, and the
falling level of synchronous generation, particularly at
low demand periods, will reduce system inertia impacting
on frequency management leading to further reduction of
the stability margin of networks. The change in system
characteristic also reduce the system strength, shift
harmonic resonances to lower frequencies and slow down
voltage recovery after system faults.
Falling fault levels on the system requires good Fig. 1. Change in network - Traditional grid
understanding of the functionality of certain protection

devices, the commutation of High Voltage Direct Current

(HVDC) and impact on power quality.

978-1-5386-7434-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 955

Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES GTD Asia

resonance(s) to shift towards lower order harmonics,

causing amplification of voltage and current distortion.
For power systems having tuned filters or capacitor banks
at lower order harmonics this can be a challenging
situation since introduction of “new” parallel resonances
may also impact robustness and increase the stress of
existing shunt compensation devices (MSC, harmonic
filters and Classic SVCs (TSC and harmonic filters). In
worst case scenario for future grids: power transformers,
harmonic filters, SVCs and HVDCs may not be operated
reliable to secure robust power system operation.

Fig. 2. Change in network - Future grid

Several kind of services is today provided to the

network but some very crucial contributions such short
circuit contribution and inertia has been taken for granted.
The “free of charge” contribution of these two essential
network parameters will come to an end when major part
of generation is done by power electronics. Short circuit
current and inertia contribution is the main driver for the
Fig. 3. Shift of harmonic resonances to lower order of harmonics [3]
reborn interest for Synchronous Condenser (SC)
technology. Another challenge for power quality solutions in
future grids are speed of response and robust controls for
in the world have a ratio between normal short circuit
Power quality is an important aspect for power grids
power and SVC/STATCOM capacitive rating of > 10
because it affects the performance of the connected with the ratio in extreme network configurations > 5.
equipment including loads. Large integration of Typically the short circuit capacity varies a factor two
renewables and retirement of existing synchronous between strong and weak network condition. For future
generators will have a major impact on the harmonic and grids with large reduction in short circuit strength, ratio
dynamic performance of power grids and its power between the short circuit power and SVC or STATCOM
quality devices.
rating will be < 3 for normal network conditions. This
Harmonics in the power system are generated by a means that controls for FACTS devices may have
number of means; power electronic converters, non-linear challenges with resonance issues since the combination
loads, arc furnaces, SVCs, HVDCs, railway systems, SVC or STATCOM and network, more and more, acts
power transformers among others. Harmonics is typically like a series resonance circuit [1][3][4]. Speed of response
limited by using filters tuned to damp harmonics for
in this case will have to be slower to achieve robust
certain frequency range [1]. This type of filters will shift
FACTS controls. Typically, it is important that the SVC
harmonic emission seen in the vicinity of the device to size be specified at less than one third of minimum short-
other pertinent frequencies. Over time, there is a risk that circuit power in order to avoid resonance issues [5]. For
there will be so many harmonic filters installed in the STATCOM applications a factor of one half is
network that resonance issues will prevent standard filter recommended [6]. The stability of the control must be
solutions to be used, rather more dynamic filter solutions
maintained at varying network strength.
such as active filtering need to be installed. The falling fault levels on systems may require
Harmonic filters optimized to the known grid Synchronous Condensers to be installed in many future
topology at the time when it was installed (SVC, power systems and new type of devices (or control
STATCOM, HVDC or substation), may not be efficient features) which enhance inertia, dynamic performance
after a few years’ time. The network harmonic impedance and improves stability of the grid. Installation of
may have come outside the boundaries for the impedance
Synchronous Condenser will avoid that harmonic
sectors defined for performance and rating due to changes resonances are shifted towards lower frequencies and
in the network [2]. secure reliable operation of devices with passive
The change in system characteristic and reduction in components (MSC, harmonic filters, SVC, HVDC,
short circuit strength of the system due to large integration STATCOM, among others).
of renewables may also potentially cause the network

Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES GTD Asia

Distant synchronous generation will provide short contribution. Only Synchronous Condensers (SC) give
circuit power for future grids. Regional impact of faults inertia contribution among all power stabilization
will thus be greater, i.e. recovery of the voltage to pre- products or systems (e.g. SVC, STATCOM, capacitor
fault level for a weak system will require fast acting banks etc.). There are other new technologies based on
reactive power compensation providing voltage sufficient virtual inertia ideas that are focusing on solving same
reactive power support to avoid voltage collapse and to problem, e.g. using reduction of speed of wind turbines.
maintain the grid capability required to meet the demand Inertia contribution from this type of technical solution
at different regions. More STATCOM based solutions are still limited today.
(pure STATCOM and Hybrid STATCOM) will be seen in SC has typical H constant between 1.3 to 2 s. Higher
future networks since multilevel based VSC STATCOM inertia can be reach with derating but that has negative
technology don’t require harmonic filters for lower order impact of losses and cost/MVAr. If inertia is the main
harmonics [2][7]. Controls of STATCOM systems are reason to add SC it is more economical to add a small SC
also more robust in weaker grids compared to SVC with flywheel to increase inertia with low increase of
technology with passive components [2]. losses comparing to use a significant larger SC. Then H
can be up to H= 5 to 6 s. Then a 75 MVAr SC will have
IV. SHORT CIRCUIT CONTRIBUTION more stored energy than a 260 MVAr SC with H=1.7 s.

Synchronous machines has in its nature a high VI. HYBRID SYNCHRONOUS CONDENSER
overload capacity in short terms, which can contribute to
short circuit strength in the network. Synchronous condensers (SCs) and Static
Power electronic generation has limited over Synchronous Compensators (STATCOMs) are
capacity, in many case Short Circuit Ratio (SCR) close to complementary technologies that can be combined both to
one if not oversized converters is used. Low values of take advantage of their individual strengths and to
SCR indicate risk of insufficient system strength for compensate for their respective weaknesses.
reliable operation of connected generation. Power SC technologies come with simple control systems
electronics based generators require an AC voltage source and contribute with short circuit current, in addition to
to be synchronized with via a Phase-Locked Loop. being able to temporarily provide high reactive power
According to [8][9] the strength of different network overload, for example for voltage dip mitigation. They
can be classified as strong if SCR > 5, weaker with SCR can also generate transient active power to boost system
between 3 to 5 and very weak if SCR < 3. inertia, and their contribution to system frequency is more
Very few network stabilizing products or systems significant if they are equipped with flywheels. However,
contribute to improve SCR. Synchronous condenser is SC technologies come with asymmetric operating regions
one of few today. Since generation pattern/power flow for stability reasons and have slow response in case of set-
will change over time with high amount of Renewable point changes [11][12].
Energy Sources (RES). Several simulation scenarios is STATCOM technologies are FACTS that resort to the
recommended in planning and feasibility studies to use of power electronics. STATCOM technologies come
understand where to add Synchronous Condenser in the with symmetric operating regions and fast response
system. In addition, the effects of changing short-circuit control systems. The response is fast both for set-point
power as well as changing voltage profiles during changes and for dynamic voltage support in case of
network contingencies should be carefully analyzed in disturbance in the power network. STATCOM
order to readjust protection settings of installed protection technologies can also provide very fast
devices. absorption/injection of reactive power during (fault
period) and after the disturbance (fault recovery period),
V. INERTIA CONTRIBUTION in addition to high absorption of reactive power in case of
over-voltage scenarios. In addition, they can come with
Inertia is provided by spinning mass of generators capabilities such as active filtering, flicker compensation
and motors synchronized to the power system. The load is and power oscillation damping (POD). The main
contributing with around 5% to the total system inertia objective of the POD functions is to damp different
[10]. oscillatory modes, going from slow inter-area modes
Inertia indicates how stable the frequency is and (0.1–1 Hz) and local modes (1–2 Hz) to control modes
decreases frequency variations in the area and is reverse (5–20 Hz) and torsional modes (10–30 Hz) [12].
proportional to the RoCoF (Ratio of Change of However, STATCOM technologies cannot provide
Frequency). inertia support unless they are equipped with energy
One dimensioning role is to ensure that there is storage systems such as batteries or supercapacitors. In
enough inertia in the system to avoid to pass frequency addition, their overload capability is limited in time by the
threshold when the largest power source in the network thermal limits of the semiconductors and the amount of
trips [10]. Power source in this case include HVDC-links. energy stored in the DC capacitors [12]. Moreover, they
Power generation via power converters for renewable are only able to provide short circuit current contribution
applications (e.g. wind and solar) has zero in inertia up to the rated current, unless a higher value is specified.

Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES GTD Asia

The specification of a higher short circuit current SC rating equal to 90), and to check the overload
contribution can also lead to higher costs for over-sizing capabilities of both branches the Thévenin voltage at the
the converter. PCC is assumed to drop to 0.5 p.u. From top to bottom
The combination of both technologies, Synchronous Fig. 5 depicts Thévenin voltage and H-SC voltage
Condenser and STATCOM at the same point of common reference (voltage set-point for PCC bus = 1 p.u.), PCC
coupling (PCC) is known as Hybrid Synchronous bus voltage, STATCOM bus voltage, SC bus voltage,
Condenser or Hybrid Synchronous Compensator (H-SC) PCC current, STATCOM current, SC current, PCC
[12]. Fig. 4 depicts a single-line diagram of a typical H- reactive power, STATCOM reactive power, and SC
SC installation. reactive power.

Fig. 4. Simplified Single-Line Diagram of an H-SC

As shown in the figure, the H-SC consists of an SC

branch and a STATCOM branch connected to the PCC of
the high voltage (HV) grid via a three-winding, three-
phase transformer. Two or more SC branches and/or two
or more STATCOM branches can be connected in parallel
if required.
SC and STATCOM technologies are traditionally
supplied with standalone control systems. However, in an
Fig. 5. Simulation Example, PCC Thévenin Voltage Drops to 0.5 p.u.
H-SC the simultaneous operation of both control systems
in a stable manner requires coordination. The As shown in the figure, both the STATCOM and the
coordinating role is assigned to a Master Control [12], SC react to the system voltage decrease by trying to
whose objective is precisely to monitor, coordinate, and increase their respective voltages. However, both voltages
optimize the simultaneous operation of the STATCOM decrease significantly due to the severity of the
and the SC control systems. Master Control thus avoids disturbance. The H-SC operates fully capacitive, with the
“control hunting” between the two control systems and SC taking a bigger share of the reactive power (1.72 p.u.)
maximizes the efficiency of both branches as a single due to its superior overload capability. The STATCOM
unit. operates at its maximum current capability and stabilizes
Master Control comes with a number of objective at a reactive power of 0.71 p.u.. The H-SC reaches a
functions to achieve its goals. Some of the functions are steady-state reactive power production of 2 p.u.
objective functions from the point of view of approximately 4 seconds after the disturbance (i.e. at t=7
optimization, whereas others are simply coordinating s).
functions, control strategies and/or calculation functions. The STATCOM behaves as a controllable current
Expected functions to have in a Master Control are for source and injects its maximum current capability.
example: 1) Coordinated Voltage Control and Reactive However, the STATCOM voltage is very low (0.6 p.u.) to
Power Sharing, 2) Power Loss Minimization, 3) Fast reach its full reactive power output of 1 p.u. The H-SC
Transients Compensation. reactive power of 2 p.u. consists of 0.71 p.u. from
Fig. 5 depicts a PSCAD simulation example for an H- STATCOM, 1.72 p.u. from SC, and -0.43 p.u. of reactive
SC where both branches have equal power ratings. In this power losses on the power transformer.
example the H-SC is assumed to be connected to a very
strong network (ratio between short circuit power and H-

Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE PES GTD Asia

The minimum operating PCC voltage for VII. CONCLUSIONS

STATCOMs is in the range of 0.1-0.3 p.u. [11]. If that
minimum PCC voltage remains for more than 200-300 Large integration of renewables in today´s power grids
ms, then a STATCOM control is expected to block the will change system characteristic; reduce the system
converter valves to preserve the energy stored in their DC strength, reduce system inertia, shift harmonic resonances
capacitors. Therefore, another benefit of an H-SC to lower frequencies and slow down voltage recovery
configuration is the use of the high overload capability of after system faults. This will require Synchronous
its SC branch to boost the PCC voltage, in particular Condenser (SC) to be installed in many future grids and
during very severe voltage dips, thus contributing to avoid new type of devices (or control features) which enhance
blocking of the STATCOM during the disturbance. inertia, dynamic performance and improves stability of
Fig. 6 depicts another PSCAD simulation for an H- the grid. One of these devices is the Hybrid SC, a
SC with equal power rating per branch. In this example combination of SC and STATCOM technologies. This
the H-SC is assumed to be connected to a network less solution provides: coordinated voltage control and
stronger than the previous one (ratio between short circuit reactive power sharing, loss minimization, fast transients
power and H-SC rating equal to 20 for the H-SC to be compensation, short circuit contribution, inertia support
able to affect the PCC voltage by 5%), and to check the among others. The optimal sizes of SC/STATCOM can
short circuit current contribution of both branches to the only be determined through detailed system studies and
network a three-phase fault (clearing time = 100 ms) is value analysis across all services provided.
applied on the PCC at t=3 s. From top to bottom Fig. 6
depicts PCC bus voltage, STATCOM bus voltage, SC bus REFERENCES
voltage, PCC currents in phases abc, SC currents in
phases abc, and STATCOM currents in phases abc. [1] J. Arrillaga, N.R. Watson, “Power System Harmonics”,
Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2003
[2] A.H. Al-Mubarak, B. Thorvaldsson, M. Halonen, M.Z Al-
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improved efficiency and reliability in Saudi transmission
grid”, IEEE PES Transmission and Distribution Conference
and Exposition, Chicago, 2014.
[3] National Grid, “Electricity Ten Year Statement”, 2014
[4] A.H. Al-Mubarak, S.M. Bamsak, B. Thorvaldsson, M.
Halonen, R. Grünbaum, “Preventing voltage collapse by
large SVCs at power system faults”, IEEE PES Power
systems Conference and Exposition, Seattle, 2009
[5] IEEE 1031-2011, “Guide for the Functional Specification
of Transmission Static Var Compensators”
[6] IEEE 1052-2018 - “Guide for the Functional Specification
for Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator
(STATCOM) Systems”
[7] E. Veilleux, M. Halonen, A. Bostrom, “Hybrid STATCOM
Systems based on Multilevel VSC Technology – A Modern
Concept for Improved Reliability in Transmission
Systems”, CIGRÉ Canada, Winnipeg, 2015
[8] CIGRÉ Technical Brochure 671, “Connection of wind
farms to weak AC networks”, 2016
[9] P. Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”,
McGraw-Hill, 1994
[10] Svenska Kraftnat – Rapport: ”Anpassning av Elsystemet
med en stor mängd Förnybar El Produktion”, december
[11] Sergey Kynev, Georg Pilz, Heino Schmitt, “Comparison of
Modern STATCOM and Synchronous Condenser for Power
Transmission Systems”, IEEE Electrical Power and Energy
Fig. 6. Simulation Example, Three-Phase Fault at PCC,
Conference (EPEC), Ottawa, 2016
clearing time = 100 ms [12] Phoenix: System Security and Synchronous Compensators,
Technical Specifications, RIIO NIC 2016.
As expected, most of the short circuit current
contribution comes from the SC, but the STATCOM
contributes with rated current plus its allowed overload.
The STATCOM does not get blocked as the voltage dip
does not last more than 200 ms.


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