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Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.

6 June 2004

Error-prone replication for better or

Brigette Tippin, Phuong Pham and Myron F. Goodman
Hedco Molecular Biology Laboratories, Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry, University of Southern California,
Los Angeles, CA 90089-1340, USA

Precise genome duplication requires accurate copying Replication errors can also originate as a result of different
by DNA polymerases and the elimination of occasional types of damage, for example, the spontaneous deamina-
mistakes by proofreading exonucleases and mismatch tion of cytosine to uracil or by exposure to oxygen,
repair enzymes. The commonly held belief that ‘if some- radiation or chemicals. Standard issue high-fidelity DNA
thing is worth doing, then it’s worth doing well’ nor- polymerases are often hindered when confronted by
mally applies to DNA replication and repair, however, damaged template bases, causing replication to stall.
there are exceptions. This review describes elements The resulting inability to copy the entire genome inevi-
that are crucial to cell fitness, evolution and survival in tably causes cell death. However, this deficiency can be
the recently discovered error-prone DNA polymerases. alleviated by calling on low-fidelity error-prone (EP)
Large numbers of errant DNA polymerases, spanning polymerases to do the translesion synthesis (TLS) ‘dirty
microorganisms to humans, are used to rescue stalled work’ because EP polymerases are able to copy damaged
replication forks by copying damaged DNA and even DNA templates permissively and efficiently [2].
undamaged DNA to generate ‘purposeful’ mutations There are surprisingly large numbers of these errant
that generate genetic diversity in times of stress. Here copiers, two of which were first recognized in yeast (Rev 1)
we focus on low-fidelity polymerases from bacteria, and Escherichia coli (polymerase V), followed shortly by
comparing Escherichia coli, archeabacteria and those numerous homologs in microorganisms and approxi-
most recently discovered in Gram-positive Bacilli, mately a dozen homologs in humans [2]. The use of EP
Streptococcus, pathogenic Mycobacterium and intein- polymerases can be a double-edged sword. Although
containing cyanobacteria. replication past damaged DNA templates can help to
alleviate cell death, the cost associated with a concomitant
Negative consequences of mutations, including human increase in mutations can be considerable. Typical EP
hereditary and sporadic diseases, are counterbalanced polymerase error rates on undamaged DNA templates
by the requirement for mutations in evolution, fitness range from 1021 to 1023 per base pair; several orders of
and immunological diversity. Except for the immune magnitude greater than the HiFi replicative polymerases.
response, mutations influence microorganisms and It is therefore necessary for cells to regulate both where
higher organisms comparably – almost all are non- and when EP polymerases come into play to reduce the
beneficial. Mutations are an apt reflection of Damon chance that mutations occur when copying undamaged
Runyon’s* succinct observation that ‘all life is six to DNA. In Gram-negative E. coli, there are three damage-
five against’ [1]. induced polymerases, and although each plays a role in the
Simple mutations, including base substitutions and well-being of the cell, all are dispensable [3]. By contrast,
small frameshifts, are categorized as either spontaneous EP polymerases in some Gram-positive bacteria are
or induced. High-fidelity (HiFi) replicative DNA poly- essential for survival, perhaps as an integral part of the
merases, which are far from perfect, generate spontaneous replication complex [4,5].
errors when copying DNA, with mutation rates ranging Two general biological themes have been developed to
from 1024 to 1025 per base pair. Many replicative reflect two possible pathways for endogenous mutagen-
polymerases have an associated proofreading exonuclease esis. The first relates to cellular regulation of mutagenesis,
that excises perhaps 90 to 99 out of a total of 100 which is exemplified by the well-established SOS pathway
misincorporated nucleotides, reducing spontaneous poly- in E. coli. In this instance, three dispensable EP
merase error rates to within the range of 1025 – 1027. polymerases enhance survival following the induction of
DNA damage and also help to ensure competitive fitness
Corresponding author: Myron F. Goodman ( by generating genetic diversity. A second theme relates to
* Damon Runyon, a renowned short-story writer and New York sports columnist in the presence of indispensable EP polymerases in Gram-
the 1920s–30s and whose Broadway stories inspired the hit show and motion picture
‘Guys and Dolls’, died as a result of throat cancer in 1946. His ashes were scattered out
positive cells as an integral part of the replication complex.
of a plane over Broadway by World War I air ace Eddie Rickenbacker. Aside from the This review discusses a variety of EP bacterial poly-
‘all life is six to five against’ quotation, Runyon continues to play a central, albeit merases that are used to perform efficient TLS and reflects
ironic, role in the relation of mutation with human disease owing to the Damon
Runyon Cancer Research Foundation that identifies and supports young US scientists upon the biological consequences, either for better or
committed to discovering the causes and cures for cancer. worse. 0966-842X/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tim.2004.04.004
Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004 289

SOS-induced E. coli DNA polymerases E. coli has developed an effective strategy to regulate
The SOS response (Box 1) is responsible for inducing more EP polymerase expression using the SOS regulon, with
than 40 genes, enabling E. coli to cope with UV or DNA polymerases II, IV and V induced in response to DNA
chemically induced chromosomal damage. A considerable damage (Box 1). Polymerases IV and V, members of the
number of SOS-induced enzymes are engaged in removing recently discovered Y-family [7], exhibit broad-specificity
aberrant DNA structures by nucleotide excision and base TLS and copy undamaged DNA with extremely poor
excision repair, whereas replication and recombination fidelity [8]. Polymerase II, a third SOS-induced polymer-
enzymes are used to rescue stalled replication forks [6]. ase, can perform error-prone TLS in vivo [9], but executes
These 3R (repair, replication and recombination) path- high-fidelity synthesis on undamaged templates, akin to
ways exhibit essentially no increase in mutations above replicative polymerase III. Base substitutions and small
spontaneous background levels. In contrast to error-free deletions are the most abundant types of SOS-induced
3R pathways, SOS polymerases are principally involved in mutations. Base substitutions are generated by a two-step
error-prone TLS pathways, typically causing large mechanism in which a nucleotide is misincorporated
increases in mutations. Therefore, the SOS response is directly opposite a damaged DNA nucleotide followed by
divided into two pathways to process DNA lesions: first, accurate DNA synthesis downstream from the lesion
high-fidelity (error free, 3R repair, primarily using non- (Box 2); this is the favored mode of action for polymerase
inducible polymerases I and III) and the other low-fidelity V TLS in vivo (Table 1). Alternatively, small deletions can
(error-prone, using the three SOS-regulated polymerases occur by skipping the lesion on a transiently misaligned
II, IV and V). However, there is not a strict division of labor primer-template strand (Box 2). This latter mechanism
for each pathway. Polymerase III, for example, is needed to can be used by polymerase IV when making 2 1 deletions
replace an EP polymerase and complete genome replica- [10], whereas other DNA slippage mechanisms can cause
tion after a damaged DNA nucleotide has been copied, larger deletions [11]. In vivo, polymerase IV generates
whereas polymerase II performs TLS in an error-prone small non-targeted frameshift mutations [12,13], which
manner but also plays a role during error-free replication might occur when helping to rescue stalled replication
restart. forks on undamaged DNA [6], and is also involved in

Box 1. Regulation of error-prone polymerases during the SOS stress response in Escherichia coli
Figure I depicts the regulation of the cellular response to DNA damage in minute after SOS induction) is polB encoding E. coli DNA polymerase II.
Escherichia coli, termed the SOS response [62]. More than 40 genes are Among the latest expressed genes are umuD and umuC (, 45 minutes)
upregulated upon exposure to DNA-damaging agents, such as and sulA, encoding a cell division inhibitor. Functions of more than 20
chemicals and UV light [63]. The regulator for SOS induction is a two- other lexA-dependent SOS genes remain to be characterized.
component repressor and activator system of LexA and RecA proteins. One consequence of SOS induction is an approximate 100-fold
The LexA repressor binds to a 20 base pair consensus sequence in the increase in mutations above spontaneous levels. SOS-induced
operator region of the SOS genes, suppressing their expression. The mutations occur primarily at sites of DNA damage. This phenomenon
SOS response begins once RecA becomes activated by forming a is known as SOS mutagenesis or SOS error-prone repair [62]. Genetic
nucleoprotein filament on single-stranded regions of DNA, perhaps studies have shown that SOS mutagenesis is dependent on the
created by blockage of replication forks. The activated RecA* nucleo- expression of two genes, umuD and umuC (named after uv-induced
protein filament serves as a co-protease that facilitates the autocatalytic mutagenesis). In addition, UmuD protein must undergo RecA*-
cleavage of the LexA repressor. Cleavage of LexA in turn activates mediated autocleavage (similar to LexA autocleavage) to produce a
transcription of all lexA-controlled genes. Early upregulated genes shorter, mutagenetically active UmuD0 . Two UmuD0 molecules combine
following SOS induction include genes involved in nucleotide excision with one UmuC molecule to form a heterotrimeric UmuD20 C complex,
repair uvrA, uvrB and urvD and genes involved in recombination repair identified as error-prone DNA polymerase V [16 –18]. Another poly-
recA, recN, ruvA and ruvB [20]. One of the earliest induced genes (, 1 merase induced in response to DNA damage is polymerase IV (dinB).

recA polB dinB umuDC

<1 min <1 min ? ~45 min

pol IV
DNA damage pol II UmuC

LexA RecA* UmuD

D′ D′
UmuD′ pol V
TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure I. The regulation of cellular responses to DNA damage in Escherichia coli.
290 Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004

distinct from its role as a co-protease in the cleavage of

Box 2. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is highly error-prone LexA and UmuD proteins [21,22] (Box 1).
DNA synthesis on an undamaged DNA template normally proceeds The ability of RecA to assemble cooperatively and form a
with high efficiency and high fidelity by DNA polymerases. However, nucleoprotein filament on exposed single-stranded (ss)
when a lesion (X) is present, replication efficiency and fidelity are DNA regions [20], which might form as a result of
reduced severely because of the miscoding nature of most lesions.
continued unwinding of DNA by the DnaB helicase
DNA polymerases copy damaged DNA templates (termed transle-
sion synthesis or TLS) by inserting one of the four dNTP substrates downstream of a stalled replication fork (Figure 1), could
across the damaged base followed by extension beyond the damage provide a common structural feature connecting recombi-
site. The process of TLS is markedly error-prone (see Table 1 in the nation, SOS induction and mutagenesis. However, DNA
main text). As most lesions completely alter the pairing properties of polymerases, including polymerase V, cannot copy tem-
the pre-existing bases, the polymerases probably insert incorrect
nucleotides opposite the lesions, therefore giving rise to base plate strands on which intact RecA filaments have formed
substitution mutations, for example, polymerase V (Figure I). [19]. The inhibitory filament effect is relieved by the action
Some DNA polymerases, for example, Escherichia coli polymerase of a single-stranded binding protein (SSB) in conjunction
IV, prefer to skip past lesions, inserting a correct nucleotide opposite with polymerase V, which strips RecA off the DNA in a
bases downstream from the lesion, generating frameshift mutations
(Figure I).
manner loosely analogous to a locomotive cowcatcher† [19]
(Figure 1). However, polymerase V-catalyzed TLS can also
occur in vitro on short ssDNA templates that are too small
to support RecA filament formation [23]. Although RecA
must be present for polymerase V to copy damaged DNA,
assembly of a RecA filament per se is not required for TLS
pol V pol IV
in vitro [23]. The biochemical data introduce a ‘fly in the
T•A•G•C•A T•A•G•C• A
filament ointment’, suggesting that there could be two
A•T•C•G•X•T • •
X distinct modes of RecA action: one to activate polymerase V
Base substitution
or Error-free Frameshift
directly [23] and a second to bind to DNA that is proximal
to a lesion and shepherd polymerase V past the damaged
TRENDS in Microbiology site [24,25]; neither mode demands assembly of a RecA
nucleoprotein filament (Figure 2).
Figure I. Translesion synthesis.
From a mechanistic perspective, it appears that RecA
mode 1 is essential for TLS, but the requirement for a
copying bulky template adducts (Table 1) [9,14,15]. Both
distinct second RecA mode remains open. A point to keep
polymerase II and IV play a central role in generating
in mind, however, is that although the biochemical data
adaptive mutations in non-proliferating microbial popu-
can be used to define the simplest system that might reflect
lations that face non-lethal selective pressure (Table 1) [2].
many salient features of TLS, the actual biological process
is typically more complex. For this reason, it cannot be
Biochemical basis of translesion synthesis in E. coli
ruled out that a RecA filament participates in TLS in vivo,
Actions and interactions of polymerase V and RecA
possibly by targeting polymerase V to the lesion site,
The induction of chromosomal mutations during the SOS
displacing polymerase III core from the b processivity
response requires the combination of UmuC, containing
clamp (Figure 1), and by stabilizing a RecA moiety at the
the catalytic domain of polymerase V [16,17], and cleavage
30 -filament tip. In vivo requirements include the b clamp,
of UmuD to UmuD0 (Box 1) to form the mutagenically
which serves as a common polymerase docking point and
proficient polymerase V complex, designated UmuD20 C
central element in polymerase swapping, and SSB to help
[18]. However, polymerase V is essentially dead in the
disassemble the filament ahead of the advancing poly-
absence of RecA protein, which stimulates its activity more
merase V.
than 100-fold in vitro [19]. RecA is a multitask protein that
is central to homologous recombination [20], the induction
Trading places
of SOS (Box 1) and also SOS mutagenesis caused by TLS.
The presence of five unique polymerases in E. coli, each
The latter mutagenic property of RecA is genetically
with their own specificity, sparks the question of traffick-
Table 1. Mutations generated during translesion synthesis ing the right polymerase at the right time to a DNA
(TLS) in Escherichia coli are dependent on the nature of lesions molecule. E. coli b clamp binds all five DNA polymerases
and polymerases and also the MutS mismatch repair protein and ligase [26],
whereas the eukaryotic proliferating cell nuclear antigen
Lesiona TLS polymerase Mutation
(PCNA) has an even wider range of binding partners,
Abasic site [8,10] pol V A, Gb
pol IV 2 1 frameshift including the replication, repair and cell-cycle checkpoint
6-4 TT Photoproduct [8] pol V T!C proteins [27]. The site on b clamp that is required for
BaP [9,14] pol V and pol IV 2 1 frameshift interaction with the replicative polymerase III a subunit
AAF [9] pol V 2 1, 2 2 frameshift [28] was recently shown to be the same site that governs
pol IV 2 2 frameshift
pol II 2 2 frameshift
† A cowcatcher, commonly used in the midwestern United States, is a triangular
8-oxo-dG [15] pol V and pol IV 2 2 frameshift
metal grill at the front of a locomotive that pushes meandering stray cows off a
BaP, Benzo(a)pyrene; AAF, N-2-acetylaminofluorene; 8-oxo-dG, 8-oxo-guanine. railroad track: polymerase V, SSB and RecA represent the locomotive, cowcatcher and
Preferential incorporation of dAMP and dGMP opposite the abasic moieties. cows, respectively.
Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004 291

pol III

Assembly of pol V mutasome complex

polymerase switching

pol III

pol III pol III
Lagging core core pol V
strand τ τ
β-clamp β

Disassembly of pol V mutasome complex

after TLS, pol III resumes replication

pol V
pol III

TRENDS in Microbiology

Figure 1. Polymerase swapping alleviates the blockage of replication forks by DNA template damage. Forward motion of a replication fork (shown at the left), is blocked
when the polymerase (pol) III replication complex encounters a damaged DNA base (jagged line) on the leading template strand. Unwinding of DNA ahead of the lesion by
DnaB helicase could result in a stretch of single-stranded DNA that can support assembly of a RecA nucleoprotein filament, further inhibiting movement of polymerase III.
The replication complex composed of polymerase III core, b processivity clamp, g clamp-loading complex and t dimer, dissociates and the polymerase III core, which was
originally tethered to b, is replaced by error-prone polymerase V (shown at the right). A RecA moiety bound to polymerase V (‘mutasome’ complex) is required for transle-
sion synthesis (TLS). The presence of a RecA nucleoprotein filament (RecA*) inhibits TLS unless single-stranded binding protein (SSB) is also present to enable stripping of
RecA from the template strand, in a 30 to 50 direction. Once TLS has occurred, polymerase V is replaced by the polymerase III core, the replication fork is re-started and syn-
thesis is resumed on undamaged DNA downstream from the lesion.

interaction with polymerase IV [29,30] and the UmuC post-SOS induction, are below detectable levels (,15 per
subunit of polymerase V [28], arguing that only one cell) in uninduced cells [36]. What roles might polymerases
partner can interact with b clamp at once, depending on II and IV have and how do their normal levels influence
the replication context. Regulating the level of polymerase their ability to compete for b clamp? Polymerase IV is
V is especially crucial as it is extremely noxious to the cell. responsible for most adaptive mutations, typically 21
Its access to DNA is modulated by the combination of late deletions, in slowly dividing or non-dividing stationary
SOS induction, post-translational processing of UmuD by phase cells placed under non-lethal selective pressure
Lon and ClpXP proteases [31,32] and subsequent [37,38], whereas polymerase II, through its 30 -exonuclease
exchange of UmuD for cleaved UmuD0 [33] to make a
functional polymerase V complex (UmuD20 C; Box 1). All of
these events occur as an automatic consequence of the
triggering of the SOS pathways. RecA, mode 2 (?)
pol V

Life in the slow lane: a role for SOS polymerases in fitness

and evolution RecA, mode 1
Although the SOS polymerases are induced in response to TRENDS in Microbiology
DNA damage, two of the three polymerases are also
present at significant constitutive levels. Polymerase II is Figure 2. Model depicting two modes of RecA action required for polymerase (pol)
V-catalyzed translesion synthesis (TLS). In mode 1, RecA binds to polymerase V at
maintained at , 50 molecules per cell, increasing by a 30 -primer end resulting in a greater than 100-fold stimulation of polymerase V
sevenfold following SOS induction [34,35], whereas con- activity. In mode 2, a RecA moiety is bound to the template strand at the 50 side of
stitutive polymerase IV levels consist of , 250 molecules the lesion to facilitate TLS. RecA mode 1 is necessary, but perhaps not sufficient,
for polymerase V-catalyzed TLS on short single-stranded DNA regions that cannot
per cell, increasing by tenfold when SOS is turned on [13]. support RecA filament assembly. The possible involvement of a second RecA
By contrast, polymerase V levels, present at , 200 per cell mode remains open.
292 Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004

Table 2. Representatives of error-prone DNA polymerases in Prokarya and Archaea

Polymerasea Organism Error rateb Functions
Family B
Pol II (AAC73171) Escherichia coli 1025 –1026 TLS, replication restart, adaptive mutation
Family C
DnaE (NP 607343) Streptococcus pyogenes 1022 –1023 Chromosome replication, TLS
DnaE2 (NP 217887) Mycobacterium tuberculosis ? Chromosome replication, TLS
Family Y
Pol IV (Q47155) Escherichia coli 1023 –1024 TLS, adaptive mutation
Pol V (AAA98073 and AAA98074) Escherichia coli 1022 –1023 SOS mutagenesis, TLS
Dbh (T46875) Sulfolobus solfataricus 1022 –1023 ?
Dpo4 (NP 343798) Sulfolobus solfataricus 1022 –1024 ?
Genbank accession numbers are shown in parentheses.
Error rate per base pair.

proofreading function, helps reduce the magnitude of for UV-damage-induced genes [44], dnaE2 was elevated
adaptive mutations by approximately fivefold [39]. The through an SOS-type response under lexA regulation,
contributions of polymerases II and IV to adaptive whereas family Y genes dinP and dinX (both polymerase
mutation in vivo exemplify a more general phenomenon IV homologs) failed to respond [44,45]. Therefore, a unique
in which each SOS polymerase can establish a transient SOS response has evolved in Gram-negative versus Gram-
mutator phenotype, helping cells to cope with adverse positive bacteria, with LexA regulating distinct polymer-
environmental conditions [40]. Cells lacking any SOS ase families in each. The UV-induced mutations in vivo in
polymerase that are grown for long periods in competition M. tuberculosis were characteristic of error-prone TLS
with wild-type E. coli exhibit a severe reduction in long- across cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers or pyrimidine-
term survival and evolutionary fitness [3]. Mutations pyrimidone photoproducts and were strictly dependent
could also arise by error-prone copying of so-called cryptic on the presence of DnaE2 (Table 2) [44], as is the case for
DNA lesions that arise from endogenous spontaneous polymerase V in E. coli. Overexpression of DnaE2 in the
DNA damaging events. absence of exogenous DNA damage fails to produce
mutations above background frequency, arguing it cannot
Gram-positive bacterial EP polymerases act alone to access undamaged DNA [44]. However, DnaE2
Family C DnaE polymerases lacks a consensus b clamp-binding motif [46] and therefore
Family C polymerases are homologs of the E. coli poly- might rely on other damage-response proteins that are
merase III a catalytic subunit (encoded by the dnaE gene), also upregulated during the stress-induced response.
which is responsible for chromosomal replication in Gram- Similar to polymerase V during the SOS response,
negative organisms [41]. In Gram-positive bacteria, two M. tuberculosis DnaE2 and RecA exhibit temporal SOS
distinct subclasses of family C have been identified: class I regulation, with peak induction around 60 minutes post-
(dnaE-type), which lack proofreading abilities; and class II irradiation.
( polC-type), which also encode an intrinsic 30 – 50 proof- Notably, the ability of M. tuberculosis to persist and
reading exonuclease. In Bacillus subtilis and Staphylo- develop antibiotic resistance during infection is achieved,
coccus aureus, PolC is believed to work on the leading at least in part, through this dnaE2- dependent muta-
strand and DnaE works on the lagging strand, whereas in genesis pathway [44]. Following infection, an immune
other bacteria DnaE is responsible for leading and lagging response containing reactive oxygen and nitrogen inter-
synthesis [4,5]. mediates might trigger continual SOS induction in
Streptococcus pyogenes contain class I (DnaE) and II M. tuberculosis. Mice infected with a dnaE2-knockout
(PolC) family C polymerases, which are both essential for strain had tenfold lower colony counts from lungs than the
cell viability and use the b-sliding clamp [42], but only wild-type parental strain and exhibited 57% longer
PolC has been established as the replicative enzyme. median survival times (384 versus 222 days) post-infec-
S. pyogenes DnaE, however, has been recently character- tion. The number of rifampicin-resistant mutants that
ized as highly error-prone, producing frameshifts and emerged from mice infected with wild-type strains
point mutations on undamaged DNA and during TLS included up to 18 isolates, whereas only one drug-resistant
in vitro (Table 2) [43]. In contrast to the previously mutant was recovered from the dnaE2-knockout-infected
characterized family C polymerases, S. pyogenes DnaE mice [44].
appears to play a role that is similar to that of family Y Multiple copies of dnaE genes have been found in other
polymerases in E. coli, bypassing damaged DNA to Gram-positive bacteria, including other Mycobacteria and
promote cell survival, except that family Y polymerases Streptomyces, and also in Gram-negative bacteria, includ-
are dispensable [3]. ing Xanthomonas, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Sinorhizo-
The pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis has two class bium meliloti, Mesorhizobium loti and Pseudomonas
I polymerases, known as DnaE1 and DnaE2, but lacks aeruginosa. All of these genomes also contain one or
PolC [5]. Deletion of dnaE1 is lethal and is therefore more dinP –dinB homolog [44], which is analogous to
presumed to be the replicative polymerase, whereas E. coli polymerase IV [7]. It remains to be determined
dnaE2 mutations do not affect survival [44]. In a screen whether these organisms use their second dnaE gene
Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004 293

for TLS mutagenesis and survival under stress rather of lesions and cause frequent frameshifts in undamaged
than dinP. and lesion-containing DNA in vitro (Table 2) [51– 53]. Dbh
Since the discovery that dnaE2 is part of the SOS- and Dpo4 were the first family Y polymerases to be
induced regulon in M. tuberculosis, the question of the role crystallized [52,54,55], providing insight into the mech-
of dnaE in B. subtilis has been revisited. Le Chatelier et al. anism of low-fidelity synthesis in family Y. The structures
[47], unable to delete dnaE because of lethality, instead revealed a large active site that makes limited contact with
reduced the effective concentration of DnaE in B. subtilis the DNA but also provides room for catalysis in the context
and found a marked reduction in UV-induced mutagen- of bulky lesions, mismatches and in the case of the dinB
esis. An SOS box is located 74 base pairs upstream of the homologs extension from misaligned primer termini. The
dnaE gene, the activity of which is induced threefold bi-substrate crystal structure also showed that an incom-
following DNA damage and exhibits dependence on DinR, ing nucleotide could pair with either of two template bases
the SOS repressor in B. subtilis [47]. In B. subtilis, it is in the active site, allowing for slippage to occur [54].
possible that DnaE plays a role in replication and TLS S. solfataricus Dbh can use PCNA and replication
mutagenesis, depending on protein interactions in the cell, factor C (RFC) during replication [56], whereas poly-
but how this is coordinated remains unclear. merase IV from E. coli uses the b clamp and clamp loader
In addition to novel TLS capabilities, another feature of accessory proteins during synthesis. The replication
interest surrounding DnaE proteins is found in the machinery in Archaea is more closely related to Eukarya
cyanobacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum (Genbank than Prokarya, therefore the family Y polymerases have
accession numbers ZP_00075043, ZP_00074992 and evolved to interact with the available replication
ZP_00074086) and Synechocystis (Genbank accession accessory proteins in their respective environments. A
numbers NP_440562.1 and NP_443058.1); specifically Dbh mutant in the phenylalanine residue at position 12
the presence of inteins embedded in their coding sequences eliminates discrimination against rNTPs in vitro, which
[48,49]. Inteins are co-translated along with dnaE, but become incorporated as readily as dNTPs, even during
once translated the inteins become enzymatically active frameshifts [57]. Dbh and Dpo4 can also incorporate and
and catalyze protein-splicing reactions that result in their extend from oxidized nucleotides, exclusively incorpor-
own removal from the protein. The inteins then join the ating 8-oxo-dG opposite template A and preferentially
flanking peptide sequences to produce functionally active incorporating 2-oxo-dA opposite template G over tem-
DnaE. Inteins have been found in many different proteins, plate T [58]. Family Y polymerases might prove to be
ranging from bacteria to archea and eukaryotes, demon- biologically mutagenic not only through TLS, but also
strating an evolutionary origin as mobile genetic elements. through incorporation of bases from adulterated pools of
It remains unknown if the intein-containing DnaE nucleotides in the cell.
polymerases exhibit TLS activity, but if so, it could add
another level of complexity to the regulation of mutagen- Perspectives
esis within the cell. EP polymerases rescue stalled replication forks by copying
damaged DNA bases that block normal DNA synthesis,
Family Y polymerases leaving a sizable mutational load in their wake. Mutations
The Y family EP polymerases are found in a wide variety of targeted to lesions might simply represent the cost of
organisms, from Gram-negative and Gram-positive bac- completing the replication of the genome: mutate and
teria to archeabacteria and eukaryotes [7]. In E. coli, the Y survive versus incomplete replication and death. EP
polymerases are encoded on the chromosome, whereas in polymerases also occasionally copy either undamaged
other organisms they are associated with a variety of DNA or DNA containing lesions that have been generated
mobile genetic elements, including plasmids and transpo- endogenously. These untargeted mutations in bacteria
sons [50]. No homologs of E. coli UmuD have been found in offer significant flexibility, enabling a cell to cope more
Gram-positive bacteria, but it remains to be determined if effectively in times of stress and to evolve.
a functional substitute exists or is required. A wide variety Homologs of the EP polymerases described here exist in
of harmless and pathogenic Gram-positive organisms, several eukaryotic organisms, ranging from yeast to
including B. subtilis, M. tuberculosis, Bacillus anthracis, humans, and have recently been reviewed in Ref. [2].
Enterococcus feacalis, Lactococcus lactis, Corynebacter- Notably, in eukaryotes not all EP polymerases cause
ium diphtheria and Streptococcus pneumoniae, contain mutations as a result of TLS. For example, the human
family Y homologs, but whether these putative EP family Y homolog DNA polymerase h performs TLS past a
polymerases are functional or play a role in the evasion T-T cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer by inserting two A
of host immune systems is not known [50]. residues, resulting in the lesion being bypassed in an
error-free manner and still exhibiting overall low fidelity
Error-prone family Y polymerases in Archaea on undamaged DNA [59]. The presence of polymerase h
Sulfolobus solfataricus archeabacteria contain family Y protects cells from UV damage and a form of Xeroderma
homologs that are most closely related to E. coli DNA Pigmentosum, in which patients have a higher risk to skin
polymerase IV (dinB) [7]. The S. solfataricus strain P1 cancer in the absence of the polymerase [60]. By contrast,
encodes a Dbh polymerase (dinB homolog) and a second DNA polymerase i, another human family Y member,
homolog Dpo4 has been found in the closely related but achieves TLS by a highly error-prone bypass of a T-T
distinct P2 strain of S. solfataricus [51]. Both Dbh and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer [61]. As in bacteria, the
Dpo4 exhibit low fidelity, can perform TLS across a variety eukaryotes must also regulate access of EP polymerases to
294 Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.12 No.6 June 2004

DNA, ensuring the appropriate polymerase is called upon 17 Reuven, N.B. et al. (1999) The mutagenic protein UmuC is a DNA
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