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WHEREAS on Tuesday, March 10, 2020, Duke University suspended in-person classes in favor of 
online learning, as a result of concerns and subsequent social distancing regulations regarding 
COVID-19; and  
WHEREAS on Wednesday, March 18, 2020, Duke established a new grading policy for the Spring 
2020 semester, permitting students to take courses as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory with the ability to 
opt-in to receive grades; and 
WHEREAS the deadline to choose whether or not to receive a grade for credit was set as April 22, 
before students take final exams or receive final grades; and 
WHEREAS peer institutions have established ​differing policies​ to that of Duke; and 
WHEREAS several student petitions, organized by Duke students, have advocated for different 
grading policies, such as ​Universal Pass​ or ​Default Pass with the option to receive grades​; and 
WHEREAS the Duke Student Government created a survey to assess student support for varying 
policies, in addition to student stressors/barriers, and the implication of not receiving grades; and  
WHEREAS the survey received 3,230 unique responses, representing 49.00% of the student body; 
WHEREAS many students expressed support for the existing policy, a similar amount expressed 
support for an alternative; and,  
WHEREAS from the survey, students experiencing one or more environmental barriers and/or 
stressors expressed more support for universal non-grading policies, namely Universal 
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory and Universal Pass with no opt-in for grades; and, 
WHEREAS Duke Student Government seeks to both convey student voices, while also 
empowering those whose experiences or circumstances may not be as privileged, as indicated by the 
data on the survey; now, therefore, 
advocate for an extension in the deadline1 to opt-in to receive grades under the current policy, such 
that students will be able to see their final grades before deciding whether or not to take a course as 
S/U or for a grade (similar to ​a few of our peer institutions​); and, 
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we acknowledge support for the existing policy, while also 
recognizing that it fails to fully support students in difficult circumstances; and, 
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that given the heterogeneity of student responses and 
circumstances, and the actions of ​our peer institutions​, we urge administration to reopen 
conversations on non-grading policies; and 
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that Duke University take every step within its capacity to 
ensure and protect the well-being, safety, and health of its students, faculty, and staff; and 
BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that we respectfully request a response from 
administration—namely Provost Kornbluth and/or Vice Provost Bennett—as to why such changes 
are not possible for each of the aforementioned recommendations that they choose not to take. 
Introduced by (in Alphabetical Order by First Name) ​Senator Andrew Weatherman, Academic Affairs; 
Ad-Hoc Senator Bennett David, Academic Affairs; Senator Christina Wang, Equity and Outreach; 
Vice President Manish Kumar, Academic Affairs; Senator Nehal Jain, Equity and Outreach; Ad-Hoc 
Senator Nitin Subramanian, Campus Life; Ad-Hoc Senator Shirley Mathur, Equity and Outreach; 
Senator Shrey Majmudar, Academic Affairs 
If applicable, passed by the DSG Senate on [date] 

​We are fully aware that the current April 22nd deadline was chosen in response to requirements for grade submissions, Latin
Honors, and other graduation-related bookkeeping. Noting the broad-sweeping delays to many campus activities due to COVID-19,
we push for a similar delay to the April 22nd deadline.

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