Donde Se Encuentra Barranquilla

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Barranquilla (About this sound /ba.raŋˈki.ʝa/ (? · I)), officially the Special, Industrial and Port
District of Barranquilla, is the capital of the Atlántico department, Colombia. It is located on
the western bank of the Magdalena River 7.5 km from its mouth in the Caribbean Sea. In 1993,
it was constitutionally organized into a special, industrial and port district.8 It is the main
economic center of the Caribbean Region of Colombia, among the economic activities being
commerce and industry.9

The establishment of the city dates back to the third decade of the 17th century, when the
sectors surrounding the Magdalena River began to be populated around grants granted by the
Spanish Crown. During the time of Independence, Barranquilla was distinguished by the
support of its inhabitants to the liberating cause, which earned it being erected as a villa in
1813. In the second half of the 19th century it acquired strategic and economic importance
when steam navigation began. by the Magdalena river, which allowed it to become the
country's main export center until the first half of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th
century until the 1930s, Barranquilla was the main point of entry to Colombia for thousands of
immigrants and advances such as aviation, commercial radio and telephony, as well as various

The population of Barranquilla is 1,228,621 people, making it the fourth most populous city in
the country behind Bogotá, Medellín and Cali. The city is the nucleus of the Barranquilla
Metropolitan Area, which is also made up of the municipalities of Soledad, Malambo, Galapa
and Puerto Colombia. The conglomerate houses 2,050,127 inhabitants, and it also ranks fourth
among the country's conurbations.3 As a departmental capital, Barranquilla is the seat of the
Atlantic Government, the Departmental Assembly and the Superior Court of the Atlantic, the
highest judicial body. from the Department.

Barranquilla is home to one of the most important folkloric and cultural festivities in Colombia,
the Barranquilla Carnival, declared Cultural Heritage of the Nation by the Colombian Congress
in 2001 and Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by Unesco in 2003.10 11 The city was
designated the American Capital of Culture in 2013.12

Fuente: visitas turísticas a barranquilla.


1. Catedral Metropolitana María Reina de Barranquilla

Catedral Metropolitana María Reina

Located in the geographic center of Barranquilla, the imposing María Reina Cathedral is an
architectural landmark in Colombia. Although the city was founded in the 17th century, the
Cathedral dates back only to the mid-20th century. That is why the temple has a style that
gives it a unique appearance. Its facade with pronounced geometry and symmetrical design is
not usually associated with a Caribbean style. Although a Renaissance cut was originally
intended, the final design was a modern one. However, its construction took a long time: 27
years. This is probably due to the fact that its original architect, the Italian Angelo Mazzoni de
Grande, was only two years in charge of the project. Its culmination, by an Antioquia
engineering firm, modified many of the plans.

2. Castillo de San Antonio de Salgar

Castillo de San Antonio de Salgar

The Castillo de San Antonio is located twenty minutes from Barranquilla, on the Salgar coast.
Built by the Spanish Empire during the colony, the fort is today a cultural center for the city.
The charm of the Castle lies in its history, in the shows held here and in its magnificent view. It
is considered one of the most important colonial fortifications, as well as being a historical
heritage and of cultural interest. Its walls and arches constitute an important inheritance for
the people of Barranquilla. Inside, the beautiful fountain in the courtyard, halls and corridors
are suitable spaces for cultural encounters. Dare to visit one of the incredible tourist sites of


Fuente: Google maps

Barranquilla is located on the western bank of the Magdalena River, a few kilometers from its
mouth in the Caribbean Sea. It is an air, sea, river and communications port. It is also known as
the Golden Gate of Colombia for having been the entry point to the country of advances such
as aviation and the telephone, of thousands of foreigners and sports such as soccer and
baseball. Likewise, it is known as La Arenosa, the Capital of Life and Curramba, the beautiful.

Total extension: 154 Km2


Barranquilla's climate has a pleasant climate (tropical, warm, dry) during a good part of the
year, refreshing in good way the trade winds that stroll throughout its territory. There is
seasonal rainfall, from May to June and from August to November.

The average temperature is 28 degrees Celsius.


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