Wrap-Up Esther Ruby Condori Quispe

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1 Vocabulary
Complete this e-mail with words from the box.

ground curfew along do make stop away respect strict had

To: Pierce, Nancy

From: Stephens, Andrea
Subject: It’s not fair!
Hi, Nancy,
I had an argument with my parents and I feel really bad about it. We normally get (1) _
respect _well with each other. They’re not very (2) _ strict _ and they give me lots of
freedom. But we (3) _had_ a fight, and they decided to (4) _ ground _ me for two weeks!
Let me explain what happened. I was out with Sasha and I forgot that my (5) _ curfew _
was ten o’clock. I ran home and I was five minutes late. Five minutes! They told me to (6)
_do_ extra chores, but I said no. It just wasn’t fair! I shouted at them, and now they say I
don’t (7) _along_ them. So, now I can’t go out for two weeks. And they’ve taken (8) _
away _ my TV privileges.
If I do it again, they’ve going to (9) _ stop _ my allowance.
What do you think I should do? I really want to (10) _make_ up with them.

2 Grammar
Circle the correct options to complete this conversation.
Lewis: So, Rick, do you have any plans for the weekend?
Rick: Well, my mom (1) is visiting/will visit her sister in Indiana, so I’ll be on my own.
Lewis: Great. (2) Do you have/are you going to have a party?
Rick: I can’t. We (3) have/will have a test on Monday, and I need to study.
Lewis: But if you study tonight and tomorrow, you (4) are/will be free on Saturday.
Rick: Well … maybe, but you know what I’m like with math. If I (5) don’t/won’t study hard,
I always do really badly. So I (6) study/am going to study all weekend. If I get a bad grade
this time, my parents (7) ground/will ground me.
Lewis: Well, OK. I’m sure you (8) will do/are doing OK if you study the right things. Do you
want to come back to my place and study together?
Rick: Yeah, sure. How do we get here?
Lewis: By bus. The next one (9) leaves/will leave in about two minutes. If we hurry. We
(10) catch/will catch it.
Rick: OK, let’s go

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