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Researched Article: Women’s Disadvantages in the American Workforce

Taylor Bryers
University of Central Florida
ENC1102 0043
Professor Mooney
March 8, 2020

In Johns's (2019) writing, she fully depicts what a discourse community is and what you

should look for when finding a discourse community to fit you. Johns (2019) describes a

discourse community as a group of people in which share common beliefs and communicate

similarly. There have been various studies done on women's disadvantages in the American

workforce; some focus on how language affects the way people perceive women's abilities, and

others discover why men are more likely to get a job over a female. Downs (2019) describes a

discourse community as one of the main principles in a discourse community which relates to

Johns piece by describing the effects of communication on a discourse community. Reilly (2016)

describes how the interpretations of capabilities in the workforce are favored toward males. In

this article that Reilly (2016) wrote, this evaluation supports the fact that women are viewed as

unfit for specific jobs compared to men based on stereotypes and perceptions of gender roles in


Bada and Genc (2018), Lan and Jingxia (2019), Molla (2016), and Tarravo (2014) all

talked about how there is a contributing factor of sexism in language, which develops our

perceptions of gender discrimination. Bada and Genc's (2018) article evaluates how sexism and

gender discrimination are used significantly in our everyday language. The authors conclude in

the report that although everyone's language has a significant outreach on the way women are

perceived, women need to speak more positively of themselves to develop any change. Two

authors who believed with the theory that women are the start of the difference in the language

of sexism were Lan and Jingxia (2019). Lan and Jingxia (2019) describe how, through

communication in modern-day society, women are viewed as insignificant or to have a lower

status compared to males. The authors refer to the use of sexism in language and how it causes

people to see women as having a lower rank in our society. In their study, they discovered how

there are differences in verbal behaviors through men and women.

Lan and Jingxia (2019) study of the effects of sexism in language can be related to

Molla's (2016) article, which talks about who is causing sexism in language to exist. Molla

(2016) focuses on the belief that schools and families are the primary influencers of children's

views on gender roles in society. It further describes that attitudes and behaviors enforced by our

peers are one of the leading causes of the opinion of gender roles in society. To furthermore

evaluate the influence schools have on gender roles, Tarravo (2014) thoroughly evaluates how

women are represented in the English textbook and discover that through language and

communication of the information provided in the book, that women are seen as more of the

household caretakers and men are seen as the breadwinners. The author proves that these

stereotypes highlighted in the teachings affect the way children perceive the proper roles of a

male and female. The author concluded that language reflects sexism, and the behaviors and

attitudes of children are all understood by the language being taught to them. All of these articles

describe how sexism in language has influenced the perception of women to be less than a male

in the American workforce. People interpret gender roles based on how society communicates

gender discrimination through language.

Rhetoric, as described by Downs (2019), is described as a core principle of

communication and interaction in a discourse community. He explains that communication is

made to make meaning. Rhetoric is an essential part of my discourse community because it

focuses on one of the main elements of my research question, which is the effect of

communication. This article gives me background on what rhetoric is and how to use writing and

rhetoric to communicate with an audience. This is beneficial to providing information to my


research question because it evaluates the different aspects of rhetoric and language and could

help me figure out how women face disadvantages through language and communication in the

American workforce.

My final journal article by Carey (2002) focuses on the struggles that Spanish speaking

immigrants who are women have in American society. It furthermore describes the advantages of

this program for these women, which helps them create a pathway to gain skills of

professionalism and administrative work. Carey describes that women have unequal benefits to

men in the American workforce, and evaluates how this program can help women become more

successful. This program provides a positive way for women to knock down the disadvantages

they face in the American workforce.

My researched article supports the argument that women face disadvantages in the

American workforce through communication and language. All of my journal articles are

convincing sources to support my argument, and all focus on ways that women face

disadvantages through language and communication. My primary resource is focused on the

organization, "ATHENA Women Empowered." The language, communication, and rhetoric that

is used in all of the social media posts was a positive, celebratory, and encouraging way of

communicating to their audience through a social media platform. Also, it encouraged an

optimistic perception of women, which makes female members feel a sense of unity and supports

confidence among themselves as women. The organization used rhetoric throughout their social

media posts by effectively persuading the audience members to view women in a more

optimistic light and celebrate their qualities instead of bringing them down. Through this

resource, I observed the club and identified the ways that they communicate to their members

through social media platforms positively. When I was evaluating their social media such as their

website, Twitter, and Instagram, I discovered positive language and communication throughout

their social media platforms about this topic and how it influences people's perspectives. Also, in

my primary research, I conducted two interviews in which helped me further understand how

language and communication play a role in the perspectives of women. My primary and

secondary data will both contribute to the argument that through rhetoric, women face many

challenges compared to men in the American workforce.


When developing research for my research question, I relied on two primary sources:

interviews and multimodal textual analysis. A multimodal textual analysis includes the

evaluation of communication in digital publications through social media outlets, which

evaluates the way the message is delivered to the audience. For my multimodal textual analysis, I

analyzed some social media platforms that the organization, Athena Women Empowered, had.

Some of these outlets included their website, Twitter, and Instagram. When collecting research

for my primary data, my approach was to focus on posts that used language and communication

as an outreach to women in a positive manner. When analyzing the social media posts, I focused

on popularity, relation to the discourse community, purpose, language communication, and word

choice, visual, and hashtags. When focusing on these characteristics, when analyzing their posts,

it allowed me to see the involvement of the members and the impact that these positive messages

have on its audience members. This aspect directly correlated to my overall research question of

how do language and communication affect the overall perception of women.

After conducting my multimodal textual analysis, I also did two interviews with members

of the organization, Athena Women Empowered. When performing these interviews, I wanted to

primarily focus on how they believed that their club's use of language and communication of

women is essential for their members to experience. I decided to interview someone who had

been apart of the organization before and was a returning member, and also interview someone

new to the club and evaluate their perspectives of women. When developing interview questions,

I wanted to focus primarily on how the club impacts people's perceptions of women through their

use of communication with their members. My interview was comprised of six questions, some

being about them or their involvement in the club, and others focusing on the rhetoric aspect of

their organization and the impact it has on the perception of women. My interviews and

multimodal textual analysis combined will help in determining how the use of language and

communication through various platforms affects the opinions of women and, overall, the

disadvantages women have in the American workforce.

Even though I gathered plenty of information to prove that language and communication

have effects on the way people perceive women, I believe I could have conducted a survey that

focused on people's perceptions outside of the organization. In the survey, I could have included

men and women and see their beliefs on if women face disadvantages in the American

workforce, and if language and communication has an effect on this. Since there is a limited

amount of time for this project, it is hard to make broad generalizations of everyone's beliefs on

this particular topic. But, my primary research is convincing evidence that language and

communication do have a significant effect on the perception of women.


Once I selected an evaluated my four social media posts from my primary research, I

used a coding chart that compared the similarities and differences between the posts by

evaluating six different characteristics. These included; popularity, relation to the discourse

community, purpose, language communication, and word choice, visual, and hashtags. The chart

compared social media posts from Athena Women Empowered Instagram and Twitter. When

selecting what codes I wanted to use to compare these two social media platforms, I tried to

relate it to my research question. I focused on the impact that the post had on its audience and the

overall message it was conveying to its members. Since my research question is primarily

focused on the effectiveness of language and communication to the perception of women, I

decided to include this as one of my codes. This allowed me to focus on positive ways that the

club communicated to its members to empower women and encourage positive perceptions of

women. Since Downs (2019) primarily focuses on how rhetoric shapes our everyday lives

through communication, this directly relates to my focus on language and communication. The

discourse community of the disadvantages of women in the American workforce primarily relies

on the use of rhetoric through the perception of women.

Multimodal Textual Analysis

Instagram Post #1

The first Instagram post I chose to analyze for my primary research was a post dedicated

to international women's day that has a quote as their primary visual. The post contained a

hashtag that said #internationalwomensday and got 19 likes. As shown in Figure 1, the photo is a

floral and purple background with a quote stating, "Empowered Women Empower the World!"

Happy International Women's Day! Once I found this post, I knew I wanted to use it because it is

a strong message that empowers women on a very significant day for females. It is a positive

post that allows girls to celebrate being a woman. It also provides members of a sense of unity

when celebrating international women's day with other females. In regards to its language and

rhetoric, the post encourages women with a powerful quote to commemorate this day. The use of

language helps improve a positive perception of women to fellow members of the organization.

This specific post aided in helping me answer my research question because it helped me further

evaluate the power of words through a social media platform and the effects it can have on the

perceptions of women. This was a direct correlation to the use of language and communication

from the club and the impact of it. These posts positivity helped encourage women to celebrate

their day, and it was a way to celebrate females through a positive and inspiring quote.

Figure 1

Instagram Post #2

The second post I chose to analyze that Athena Women Empowered used on their social media

was a post honoring an influential women figure, Katherine Johnson. The post received 32 likes

and contained a caption that read #KatherineJohnson #HiddenFigures #ActCourageously. The

most significant difference between these two uploads is that these posts contain a post of a

strong independent woman who is a mathematician for NASA. The purpose of the two uploads is

also very different because this one focuses more on celebrating and empowering women, and

the previous post focuses more on celebrating women internationally. The post includes a

sparkly pink background to a quote that reads, "Girls are capable of doing everything men are

capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men." (Figure 2) There is also a

second picture included in the post of Katherine Johnson working on math for NASA. (Figure 3)

The post's purpose is to remind members that a woman can do anything a man can. The post also

discusses an inspiring woman and her journey that made a difference for women today. The post

also uses key elements of rhetoric by using a positive and encouraging quote that reminds

women that they are capable of anything. It also honors a woman that overcame obstacles in this

discourse community. This post supports my research question because it again exemplifies the

power language and communication can have on my discourse community.


Figure 2

Figure 3

Twitter Post 1

Instead of only evaluating the club's Instagram post, I decided to include one of their twitter

posts that were posted on the same day as the post I used in figure 1. The differences between

figure 1 and this post are that figure 1 got more activity and participation from the members, and

it also included a visual. When finding a twitter post, I wanted to find one that correctly depicts

the effects on the club's language and communication to the perception of women on the

members through their social media platform. The post, as demonstrated in figure 4, is a tweet

that states, "*purple heart* International Women's Day *Purple Heart* A global day celebrating

the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. We're stronger when we

support one…" The purpose of this post was to celebrate a holiday that recognizes women and

their achievements. Also, a reminder to support other women instead of bringing each other

down. This post also supports my research of rhetoric in my discourse community because it

effectively reminds women that all of their hard work does not go unrecognized through a great

tweet. Given that this post did not receive nearly as much attention as the Instagram posts, it is

strong evidence that the members of the organization prefer to communicate with the club

through their Instagram social media platform.


Figure 4

Instagram Post #3

The final post I decided to use was another post that highlighted a holiday celebrated that

focuses on women that are sometimes overlooked, Mothers Day.This post received 14 likes and

1 comment and had a few hastags that read, #AthenaWomenEmpowered #MothersDay

#UCF.This post (Figure 5), is a floral and purple background with a statement in the middle

stating, “Happy Mother’s Day- From Athena Women Empowered.” This post shows that the

organization is promoting and celebrating this holiday and is encouraging its fellow members to

participate too. The purpose of the post is to serve as a reminder to all mothers that they have a

hard job. This day recognizes all their hard work and celebrates their achievements as a woman.

This Instagram post also focuses on honoring and identifying all mothers and marking them as

strong females. In regards to rhetoric, this post directly correlates to my research question

because it uses positive language and communication in the visual to celebrates all mothers and

honors all the hard work that they do. This post is insightful to my research question because it

focuses on a positive day that focuses on women, and the organization uses its social media

platform to communicate the importance of women effectively.


Figure 5


After collecting my primary data from my social media outlets, I wanted to analyze

further the effects that language and communication have on my discourse community and

decided to conduct two interviews with different members in the Athena Women Empowered

organization. The interview questions' purpose was to analyze the views of fellow members of

the club and ask them how they think this organization has an impact through its rhetoric. The

two people I decided to interview are Audrey Fauteux, who has been apart of this club for over a

year, and Alyssa Rivera, who recently joined Athena Women Empowered this year. The

interview process was conducted before we went on spring break, and one of the first questions I

asked was what school year they were currently in. Audrey is a junior who is very outgoing and

has enjoyed being apart of this organization and watching its growth. Alyssa is only a freshman,

and she says going in, she was timid, but being a part of such a positive group has helped her

step outside of her comfort zone and become more confident in herself. She also said that

although she has not been apart of this club for long, she has seen its positive outreach firsthand

on women. Following this, I asked what they believed the purpose of Athena Women

Empowered was. Audrey quickly answered, saying that it was a group of women who want to

focus on changing the perception of what it means to be a woman and maturing the conversation

in our efforts along the way. Alyssa had a different perspective on what the purpose was and said

that it was a way for ladies to improve their confidence and have the courage to do whatever they

want to do. After these powerful statements made by these two ladies, I asked them why they

decided to join the Athena Women Empowered. Audrey stated that it was a way for her to voice

her opinions on some of the disadvantages women face and that being a part of a group of strong

women encourages her that women are capable of anything. Alyssa says that she was nervous

about joining the club because of her shy character. Still, once becoming a member, she realized

that her joining was because she wanted to boost her confidence and redefine what it means to be

a woman. She says that being surrounded by so many beautiful, smart, and courageous women

has made her a more confident girl today. Following these answers, I asked the two girls if they

believed that women faced disadvantages in the American workforce today. Audrey was quick to

reply, saying absolutely yes! But, these disadvantages should only encourage women to

overcome the odds and prove that they are fit to do anything that a man can. Alyssa replied with

a similar answer saying yes, women face disadvantages in the workforce, but its what they do in

the face of these obstacles that make them stronger women. Coming toward the end of the

interview, I asked them if they believe that language and communication is one of the causes of

this problem. Audrey says that yes, she thinks language has a significant effect on the way the

world perceives women. She stated that the more people continuously gender discrimination

against women through language, the more people start to believe it, and it soon becomes a belief

that men are superior to women when that is not the case at all. Alyssa quickly replied that she

thought that language is very detrimental to how the world perceives women because it seems

like all people have to say is negative or makes women seem less than a man. Alyssa believes the

more positive and encouraging statements we make about women, the closer we are to changing

this gender bias stereotype. The final question I asked in this interview process was, how does

your organization's social media (website, Twitter, Instagram) affect the perception people have

on women in the American workforce? Audrey began by saying that their social media platforms

are ways for them to communicate positively that women are strong and shine a positive light on

the power of women. Alyssa believes that their social media outlets are great reminders that you

should be confident that you are a woman because you are capable of anything. The interviews

supported my research question in being that language and communication does affect people’s

perception of women and does have effect on a women’s disadvantages in the American



Bada and Genc (2018), Lan and Jingxia (2019), Molla (2016), and Tarravo (2014) all talked

about how there is a contributing factor of sexism in language, which develops our perceptions

of gender discrimination. A majority of my secondary sources specifically focused on the effects

that language and communication have on the opinions of women are our society. This topic is

very debatable and a growing research topic due to the belief that there is gender discrimination

in our community, especially in our workforce. My project focused on how language and

communication lead to disadvantages for women in the American workforce. My overall

research pertained to rhetoric from peer-reviewed research journal articles, and my primary

sources are social media posts and two conducted interviews from members of the Athena

Empowered Women organization. My research revealed that language and communication has a

significant effect on the way people perceive women in our society today. There is a belief that

there is sexism in our language, which leads to gender discrimination and gender bias, which

leads to disadvantages for women. The University of Central Florida offers a club called Athena

Women Empowered in which offers fellow females the ability to change the perception of

women and build up their confidence. Throughout my findings, I developed a new question

related to my research, which focuses on how to improve the interactiveness of women on

Athena Women Empowered social media pages. How can the organization extend its positive

reach to other women who may not know about this club that is offered at UCF that focuses on

empowering women? Do their quotes promote a definite sense of unity between women, and

how can we incorporate these optimistic posts into their social media more often? How can this

organization use their strong message to interact with other women and create a stronger

discourse community to make women feel strong? These questions are substantial areas of

research in which focus on improving the message and interaction in this particular discourse

community. These questions can only help improve the organization but increasing their

numbers in the unity of their community and continuing to encourage women fully.

Social Media Usage

After I analyzed all four of my social media posts for my primary research, I began to

compare the similarities in the social media posts to my discourse community. In ATHENA

Women Empowered social media posts, I focused on posts that inspire women more. Their

social media also includes various events that members can attend, which promote the positive

perception of females. The organization had multiple posts that empowered women and even

celebrated some important days that recognizes the achievements of women. The organization's

Instagram page was significantly more popular than their Twitter account, given that Instagram

had almost 200 more followers and seemed to be a more active and reliable account. The

language, communication, and rhetoric that is used in all of the social media posts was a positive,

celebratory, and encouraging way of communicating to their audience through a social media

platform. Also, it encouraged an optimistic perception of women, which makes female members

feel a sense of unity and supports confidence among themselves as women. The posts I depicted

supports my analysis of my research question between the effects of language and

communication through my discourse community by evaluating the organization's social media

platforms. The results of my primary sources of social media support the claims and conclusions

that my secondary sources of peer-reviewed articles made about language and communications

effects of the disadvantages of women in the American workforce. The social media posts

supported the findings in the researched articles by emulating that positive words make positive

perceptions of women. However, my secondary sources failed to provide actual examples of

ways to encourage women- this is something that my primary sources practiced by spreading

positivity to women through language and communication on their social media posts. My

findings show that a positive quote and a celebratory occasion for women can draw attention to

the post, which makes more members of this organization interact with the post. My findings

also demonstrate how language and communication is a crucial factor when changing the

perception of women in a positive nature through social media outlets. The organization used

rhetoric throughout their social media posts by effectively persuading the audience members to

view women in a more optimistic light and celebrate their qualities instead of bringing them


My conducted interviews were also a contributing factor to my research process by

providing me with honest feedback about the discourse community. The fellow members of the

club discussed the positive outreach the Athena Women Empowered has had on them and how it

has created a journey to being a more confident woman for them. The two ladies I interviewed

also agreed that language and communication is a problem for the way that women are perceived

in society, and the only way to change it is to talk more positively about women. Both my

interview and my multimodal analysis results support the belief that language and

communication is a significant effect to my discourse community.


Focusing on improving the way we speak about women should be a significant focus

when trying to communicate with your peers. The use of sexism in language leads to gender

discrimination and gender bias, which only creates more disadvantages for women to face. My

secondary sources revealed that the only way to eliminate gender discrimination is to change the

way we are communicating with others. The more positively you talk about women, the more

optimistic outlook other people have on females too. When analyzing the social media platforms

of Athena Women Empowered, I explained how their language and communication through their

posts set women with a more confident mindset to believe they are capable of anything they put

their minds to. My interviews also showed that being around a strong female group can create a

more confident individual. Thus, my findings from my peer-reviewed researched journal articles,

multimodal textual analysis, and interviews all compared how rhetoric in a discourse community

can change anyone's perspective of women and change the disadvantages women face in the

American workforce. By utilizing positive language and communication, the more productive

and positive results will come from gender stereotyping and will give both males and females

equal opportunities in the workforce.

My findings revealed vital aspects in my discourse community in which I learned the impact

that social media has on my community. I also further understood the power of language and

how it can change a personal perspective or outlook on something. Although I concluded my

research, I was still raised with a few questions that interested me when creating this research

article being; How can the organization extend its positive reach to other women who may not

know about this club that is offered at UCF that focuses on empowering women? Do their quotes

promote a definite sense of unity between women, and how can we incorporate these optimistic

posts into their social media more often? How can this organization use their strong message to

interact with other women and create a stronger discourse community to make women feel

strong? These areas of research could help extend the organization outreach to other individuals

who will make their message more powerful. Boosting the amount of participation and members

in the club can improve their message with others and influence change.


Bada, E., & Genc, B. (2018). Sustainability in English Academic Writing: The Binary

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Education, 9(2), 40–48. Retrieved from doi: 10.2478/dcse-2018-0013.

Carey, D. (2002). Technological and gendered pathways to women’s empowerment and

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Downs, D. (2019). Rhetoric: Making Sense of Human Interaction and Meaning- Making.

Writing About Writing. Boston, MA: Bedford, St. Martins.

Johns, A. M. (2019). Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice. Writing

About Writing. Boston, MA: Bedford, St. Martins.

Lan, T., & Jingxia, L. (2019). On the Gender Discrimination in English. Advances in

Language and Literary Studies, 10(3), 155. Retrieved from doi: 10.7575/aiac.alls.v.10n.3p.155.

Molla, E. (2016). The Role Of School In Gender Socialization. The European Journal of

Educational Sciences, 03(01). Retrieved from doi: 10.19044/ejes.v3no1a.

Reilly, E. D., Rackley, K. R., & Awad, G. H. (2016). Perceptions of Male and Female

STEM Aptitude. Journal of Career Development, 44(2), 159–173. Retrieved from doi:


Tarrayo, V. N. (2014). Gendered Word (or World): Sexism in Philippine Preschool

English Language Textbooks. i-Manager’s Journal on English

Language Teaching, 4(2), 25–32. Retrieved from doi: 10.26634/jelt.4.2.2795.

Athena Women Empowered[@athena.we]. (2020, March 8). Happy International

Womens Day[Instagram Post]. Retrieved from


Athena Women Empowered[@athena.we]. (2020, February 24) Today we honor

Katherine Johnson, NASA mathematician, who helped our nation reach the stars. She broke

down barriers for women and people of color while on her pursuit to better understand our

universe. Her legacy will inspire generations of stargazers for decades to come. [Instagram Post].

Retrieved from

Athena Women Empowered[@ucfathenawe]. (2019, March 8) A global day celebrating

the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. We’re stronger when we

support one… [Twitter Post]. Retrieved from

Athena Women Empowered[@athena.we]. (2019, May 12) A mother is like a flower,

each one is beautiful and unique Happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing moms out there!

[Instagram Post] Retrieved from


Appendix A

Interview Questions

1.What year of school are you in currently? (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)

2.When did you join the club, “Athena Empowered Women?”

3.What is the purpose of, “Athena Empowered Women?”

4.Why did you join the club, “Athena Empowered Women?”

5.Do you think women have disadvantages in the American workforce? Do you think language

and communication is one of the causes of this problem? If so, why?

6. Do you think language and communication is one of the causes of this problem? If so, why?

7. How does your organizations social media (website, Twitter, Instagram) effect the perception

people have on women in the American workforce?


Appendix B

Coding Chart

Coding Chart Instagram Post Instagram Post #2 Twitter Post Instagram Post
#1 National Women’s Honoring #1 #3 Mother’s
Day Katherine International Day
Johnson Women’s
Popularity 19 likes 32 likes 14 likes
1 comment
Relation to Empowerment Honoring a Celebrating Honoring and
Discourse Of women strong women a Holiday recognizing all
Community figure dedicated to mothers and
Women celebrating
them as strong
Purpose Remind members that it Reminds A post that A reminder to
was international members that a celebrates a all mothers
women’s day and woman can do holiday that that they have
provided a motivational anything a man recognizes a hard job.
quote to inspire can. The post also women and This day
women; “Empowered discusses an their recognizes all
Women Empower the inspiring woman achievement their hard
World!” and her journey s. Also, a work and
that made a reminder to celebrates their
difference for support other personal
women today women achievements
instead of as a woman.
each other
Language, A positive post that Positive and A A post that
Communicatio empowers girls to encouraging celebratory celebrates all
n celebrate being a reminder that post that mothers and
and woman. women are reminds honors all the
Word Choice It also provides capable of women that hard work that
members of a sense of anything. It also all of their they do.
unity when celebrating honors a woman hard work
international women’s that overcame does not go
day with other females. obstacles in this unrecognize
discourse d.
Visual A floral and purple Pink sparkly A tweet that A floral and
background with a background to a states, purple
quote stating; quote that reads, “*purple background

“Empowered Women “Girls are capable

heart* with a
Empower the World!” of doing International statement in
Happy International everything men Women’s the middle
Women’s Day! are capable of Day *Purple stating,
doing. Sometimes Heart* A “Happy
they have more global day Mother’s Day-
imagination than celebrating From Athena
men.” There is the social, Women
also a second economic, Empowered.”
picture included cultural, and
in the post of political
Katherine achievement
Johnson working s of women.
on math for We’re
NASA. stronger
when we
Hashtags #internationalwomensd #KatherineJohnso None #AthenaWome
n n
ay #HiddenFigures Empowered
#ActCourageousl #MothersDay
y #UCF

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