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Gina Robinson Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS)

Teach-Now October 2019 Cohort 3 Mind Map

Module 4 Unit 4 Activity 3

C.M. Comparison of Students A.W.

9th grade Algebra 1 student who is on the While neither one of these students reflect 9th Grade Foundations of Algebra student who is
football & track teams. In spite of the fact that the average achievement level of our high enrolled in the healthcare pathway, but is not enrolled
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports
he needs to pass classes for sport eligibility, school, C.M. is at least
(PBIS) enrolled in an on-
in any extracurricular activities. A.W. learns quickly,
he chooses to sit in the back of the level math course, while A.W. is placed in a
but has trouble retaining and recalling information.
classroom next to a senior from his re-mediating course. C.M. demonstrates
neighborhood. Both access media through regard for his grades, although he takes She is a popular socialite who would rather check
their cellphones instead of completing short cuts to get them. A.W. seems only Instagram than complete classwork. She
classwork. During assessments, C.M. cheats concerned with passing in order to retain demonstrates classic cellphone addiction traits and
from other students. her cellphone privileges at home. straddles the line between passing & failing.

Tier 1 Comparison of Tier 1 Strategies

1.) Call Parent Or Note Home – This is always the first step to managing Although these two students exhibit different disruptive
behavior at our high school. Parental involvement in the most effective strategy behaviors, contacting parents is the first strategy that I
utilized for both students from Tier 1. At our school, we are Tier 1
for many situations. I made contact with C.M.’s mother and received no
encouraged to contact parents first regarding any behavior 1.) Non-verbal Cues & Signals - An important tool when
issue and then document that interaction in the district’s intervening with inappropriate student behavior. A simple as look,
2.) Assign a Classroom Job – This strategy works well for C.M. as it keeps contact log. Changing the seating assignment is sometime shaking of my head or placing a finger over my lips often redirects
Data Tracking Tool him preoccupied and increases his sense of responsibility. He is often asked to that I do about twice a semester for intentional student A.W. focus back to classwork. Data Tracking Tool
Behavior Documentation – Using a hand out graphing calculators or distribute scratch paper. grouping and to control specific behaviors. Both of these 2.) Move To A New Location in the Classroom - One of my Behavior Documentation - Using a
3.) Move To A New Location in the Classroom – One of my favorite students have been move twice this semester already.
behavior tracking tool is a school and favorite classroom management strategies, I change the seating behavior tracking tool is a school and
classroom management strategies, I change the seating assignment in my
district requirement where I teach. assignment in my classroom about twice a semester. I’ve moved district requirement where I teach.
classroom about twice a semester. For C.M., I moved him away from the
Therefore, this is the starting point for all A.W. away from her friends and have her sit closer to front of the Therefore, this is the starting point for all
student whose answer choices were identical to his. By moving him, I also
behavioral issues. This tool also logs all room is minimize distractions. behavioral issues. This tool also logs all
remove him away from the negative influence and in a location where I can
parent-teacher contact including 3.) Call Parent Or Note Home – This is always the first step to parent-teacher contact including
closely monitor him.
conferences. managing behavior at our high school. Parental involvement in the conferences.
4.) Speak With Student In Hallway – The teacher in my PLC, administer
most effective strategy for many situations. I made contact with
assessment in 2 parts to reduce cheating – Multiple Choice and Open-ended
A.W.’s mother and received immediate feedback. The mother was
questions are begun separated, depending on which row you are seated.
in full support of my efforts in the classroom and promised to
During a unit quiz, I noticed that C.M. completed his bubble sheet answers
discuss her daughter’s behavior with her at home.
before receiving the question to the quiz. After the assessment, I asked him to
join me in the hallway and at this time I asked how he knew quiz answers
before the questions – he response was that he was guessing.

Tier 2
Tier 2
1.) Forced Choice Reinforcement Survey – Using this survey will give me direct
1.) Reward system – Due to her very vocal nature, A.W. has already
insight into what motivates C.M. In order to determine an effective Reward System, Data Tracking Tool
Comparison of Tier 2 Strategies communicated her desired rewards to me. Therefore, during class
Data Tracking Tool the results of this survey should be used to develop it. Self-Monitoring Assignment Sheet – I
Here in Tier 2, the strategies for the two students periods where she remains focused and completes all of the day’s
2.) Reward System- Using the information collected from the Forced Choice will store these in the classroom and
School Counseling Referral Form – diverge even further. While a school counselor referral is classwork, she is either allowed to use her cellphone for the last 3
Reinforcement Survey, an appropriate reward system will be developed, allowing share them with her mother and/or
Following school procedure, a formal sometimes necessary for C.M., organizational tools have minutes of class or receives a piece of chocolate.
C.M. to feel part of the process. I have found that rewards based on competition counselor during parent-teacher
school counselor form will be completed been more effective for A.W. The distractions for C.M. 2.) Organizational Tools – I currently use organizational tools for all 15
already appeal to C.M., but am also looking forward to whatever I discover from the conferences. I will first share a summary
and shared before sending C.M. to the are mostly home-based while A.W.’s are more school- students in this class. For students like A.W., it helps with retention and
survey. of the self-monitoring sheets with A.W.
counselor. based. However, for both students a reward system is recall of information. Graphic Organizers helps students like her focus
3.) Counselor Referral – Our 9th grade counselor is great at motivating and during our individual in-class
used though the rewards may be very different. when struggling with a new concept.
coaching students to focus more on classroom achievement than home and social conferences.
3.) Self-monitoring - This could be a great way to have A.W. take
issues while at school. I have occasionally referred C.M. to her when I am unable to
control of her own learning and reflect on her behavior in class.
have a hallway conference with him.

Tier 3
1.) Alternatives To Suspension – In an effort to reduce the number of suspensions Comparison of Tier 3 Strategies Tier 3
at our school this year, students are given the option of remaining in the counselors Here the strategies used for each 1.) Response to Intervention (RTI) – This strategy helps
Data Tracking Tool suite all school day completing missing assignments or studying for assessments. In student have no similarities. This is students who are struggling academically and are acting out as a Data Tracking Tool
District Behavior Intervention Team/Behavior C.M.’s case, he can also complete additional football activities when his behavior or due to the that the C.M.'s result. This addresses the root of the problem and helps to Antecedent Behavior
Specialist Student Referral Form.doc – This grades put him in jeopardy of being ineligible. involvement in extra-curricular identify problem areas. Consequence Log.doc (ABC Chart)
tool will be used to track the implementation of 2.) Behavior Intervention Plan – To help to track C.M.’s progress through data activities provides him with 2.) Behavior Contract – To help A.W. take responsibility for her - This chart can be used to track the
C.M.’s Behavior Intervention Plan. Every month, tracking which can then be analyzed and used together with him, his parents and additional support at school. On the own behavior and holds her accountable when she does not. behavior of A.W. to ensure that she is
the form will be used to determine the other teachers to review the behavior. other hand, A.W.'s heavily involved 3.) Behavior Meetings – To ensure that A.W.'s mother and I are compiling with the behavior contract
effectiveness of the Behavior Intervention Plan. 3.) Mentoring – This could be a great way to expose C.M. to different choices as to parent helps to support any on the same page, we conduct quarterly behavior meetings. Here assigned as her Tier 3 strategy
how he reacts to certain challenges. Currently, the values of his neighborhood clash behavioral systems put in place by we review her behavior data, discuss strategies for improvement
with those of our high school. Having someone or a group of people available to the school. and coordinated consequences.
guide him may encourage C.M. to consider more of a growth mindset.

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