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Research Article Volume 6 Issue No. 7

Developing Parametric Model for Conceptual Cost Estimate of

Highway Projects
Kareem Adel1 , Ahmed Elyamany 2 , Adel Mahmoud Belal3 , Akram Soltan Kotb 4
Construction and Building Depart ment, Co llege of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and Technology,
Cairo, Egypt 1

PhD, Construction Engineering and Utilit ies Depart ment, Faculty of Engineering, Zagazig Un iversity, Zagazig, Egypt 2

PhD, Construction and Build ing Depart ment, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and
Technology, Cairo, Egypt 3

PhD, Construction and Build ing Depart ment, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science and
Technology, Cairo, Egypt 4

Conceptual cost estimates have substantial consequences on success of infrastructure projects at early stages. This paper presents a
parametric model for conceptual cost estimate of highway projects. A database of 75 highway projects was collected and complied
for model development. In-depth interviews with experts were conducted to select the convenient input factors for model
development. A supervised neural network model with one hidden layer optimized using Genetic A lgorith ms was established for
determination of parameters significantly impacting cost of highway projects. The model utilize d Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
as a back-propagation rule and Hyperbolic Tangent functio n as a transfer function for both hidden and output layers. The model
was trained and evaluated to derive the linkage between highway projects’ cost, its input factors and to ensure its predictive
performance, respectively. Then, a case study was carried out to test its validity and accuracy in handling real p ractical
applications. The results showed that the developed model is reliable to be used at early stages of highway projects. Accordingly, a
graphical user interface module was coded for the model to facilitate its usage and manipulation with future h ighway projects.

Keywords: Cost Estimating, Neu ral Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Highway Pro jects, Parametric modelling

Introduction and regression analysis techniques. A comparison between the

Conceptual cost estimate is a crucial indication about the future two models was performed to identify superior cost-estimat ing
of infrastructure projects at early stages before the completion models according to their predictive behaviour. Shehab (2013)
of detailed design. It is an experience-based process, which conducted a study to present a cost-estimating model for
involves elicitat ion of co mplex relationships between cost and rubberized asphalt road rehabilitation projects. The model
its influencing factors, Ahiaga-Dagbui (2012). applied neural networks as modelling technique.
Its purposes of establishment mainly depend on the objectives Sonmez (2009) developed a parametric model for predesign
of each participant at early stages, Peurifoy (2002). For cost estimation of urban railway systems. A data set of 13 light
instance, the owner may conduct that type of estimates to rail and metro pro jects located in Turkey were co llected and
determine appro ximate construction costs and compare its compiled for quantification of the impacts of parameters on
results with potential earnings that can be obtained upon the project costs. The models were developed using regression
complet ion of project. The designer or consultant may conduct analysis and neural networks techniques. Gunduz (2010) also
it to obtain the most economical design that meets the owner’s established cost estimation models in order to assist cost
budget. prediction of track works of light rail and metro systems in
There are two major characteristics that matched between all Turkey.
conceptual cost estimates, Salem (2008). First, conceptual cost Fragkakis (2011) aimed at developing a conceptual cost-
estimate is considered a challenging task. This is due to the estimate model fo r bridge foundations that involves three
nature of planning, wh ich occurs at early stages of a project stages: selection of foundation system, estimat ion of material
where limited information is available and many factors quantities, and estimation of foundation cost. Jafarzadeh
affecting the project costs are unknown. Second, it is (2014) developed a model to predict seismic retrofit
considered as a resource restricted activity. This is due to construction costs at the early development stage of a seismic
limited t ime and cost available for the preparation of estimate. retrofit pro ject when little informat ion is known about project.
Many efforts have been carried out to estimate the conceptual Ahiaga-Dagbui (2013) modelled the final cost of water
construction cost. For examp le, Hegazy (1998) developed a infrastructure projects using gathered cost of 98 water
parametric cost-estimating model fo r highway projects infrastructure projects and employed Neuro-Fuzzy (NF) hybrid
utilizing artificial neural networks simu lated by spreadsheets models in an attempt to develop more accurate, reliable and
emp loying 18 actual cases of highway projects that have been consistent final cost model.
used as a historical database. Sodikov (2009) adopted a Throughout the previous literature, there are three fundamental
framework in h is research aimed at developing a method for defects that matched between the majo rity of developed cost
conducting accurate road cost models for developing countries. estimate models:
The cost models were developed by artificial neural network  Such models are opaque and inadequately explained.

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 1728
 Such models are difficu lt to be manipulated in real confirmed that 16 of total factors are available at this stage.
practices. Experts stated that Terrain Type factor cannot be applicable to
 Estimators and decision-makers have suspicions about the be used in conceptual cos t estimate as it needs extra soil
approach adopted during the development of those cost investigations and is not convenient to generalize the same
estimate models which seem at first to have no relevance type of terrain along the whole length of highway project.
on projects in question. Therefore, Terrain Type factor was excluded fro m input
These defects in addition to the accelerated growth in size of The Second stage of in-depth interviews was continued to
highway projects are deemed as major stimu lus for this study. examine characteristics of each factor to determine their
The aim of this work is to establish a cost estimate model in necessity in conceptual cost estimate model. Experts
order to assist cost prediction of highway projects. It is investigated and examined each factor based on their practical
achieved through five main stages summarized as follows: experience as follows:
a. Factors’ Investigation.  Project Contract Type factor was considered less
b. Data Co llect ion. important to be used in conceptual cost estimate. Due to
c. Neural Net work Operat ion the fact that in real practices, there is similar contracting
d. Model Develop ment. formulat ion that used in highway pro jects which is Unit
e. Graphical User Interface Module. Price Re-measure contract.
 Total Percentage of Bridges' Length factor and Tunnels'
Factors’ Investigation Length factor were not recommended to be used in the
Seventeen factors were collected based on previous studies. model develop ment. Due to the fact that in real practices
These factors were grouped into three categories as shown in the work items of bridges and tunnels have a separated
Table (1). contract than the work items of roads.
In-depth interviews were performed with fourteen officials  It was corresponded that Construction Season factor
who have more than ten years of professional experience in should be omitted from the model development due to
conceptual planning, specifically for transportation policy - similar weather conditions along the year.
making. Chosen experts were asked to identify and evaluate  It was considered that Pavement Material factor is not
factors affecting conceptual cost estimate of highway projects. necessary to be included in the model development due to
Interviews were conducted in two stages. At the first stage, the fact that asphalt is the prevalent material used in roads’
Interviewees were asked to choose information that is pavement.
traditionally availab le in the conceptual planning stage. They
Table 1: Factors Affecti ng Highway Project’s Cost at Early Stages
Kouskoulas (1984)

Huntington (2009)

Mahamid (2013)
OConnor (2007)

Cirilovic (2014)
Pewdum (2009)

Bruland (2010)
Sodikov (2009)
Stevens (1995)

Hegazy (1998)

Salem (2008)

Chou (2009)

Choi (2014)
Kim (2008)

LU (2011)
Group Vari able

Project Scope √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Project Duration √ √ √ √ √
Year of
Project √ √ √ √ √
Project Contract

Project Region √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Environment Terrain Type √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Construction Season √ √
Mainline Length √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Mainline Wi dth √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
Total Percentage of
√ √ √ √ √
Bridges' Length
Total Percentage of
Engineering √ √ √
Tunnels' Length
Design Speed √ √ √ √
Average Daily
√ √ √
No. of Interchanges √ √
Pavement Materi al √ √
Maxi mum Grade √

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 1729
 Experts stated that some of factors have very similar At hidden neurons, the summation of inputs (Hj) passes
characteristics. All of these factors cannot be used in the through a Hyperbolic Tangent transfer function to obtain
model due to the duplication of input factors. These output (Yj) of each hidden neuron as shown in Equation (2).
factors include: Mainline Classification, Design Speed, (2)
Average Daily Traffic, No. of Interchanges and Maximu m The hidden neurons output (Yj) and (bh) are mu ltiplied by
Grade. These factors provide similar in formation about their weights (Uj) and (Bj), then summed at the output layer
functional classificat ion of project. It was corresponded neuron as (Ok) as shown in Equation (3).
that Mainline Classification factor considered more (3)
convenient and comprehensive to represent these factors
The summation (Ok) passes through a Hyperbolic Tangent
in the model develop ment.
transfer function to obtain final resulting output (O) of the
network as calculated in Equation (4).
As a result, Project Scope, Project Duration, Year of
Construction, Project Region, Main line Length, Mainline
Width and Mainline Classificat ion are sorted as final input The final resulting output (O) is compared with actual output
to detect the difference error. This error is used by sending it
factors for the conceptual cost estimate model, while cost is
back to the network to adjust all weights proportionally to
selected as target output as shown in Table (2).
compensate corrections and reduce deficiency between
resulting output and actual output.
Table 2: Fi nal Factors for Model Development.
Once the weights are changed, network co mputation restarts all
over again. Then, a new output value is obtained and the cycle
Group Vari able
of weights adjustment continues until an acceptable output is
Project Scope
Project Project Duration
Year of Construction
Environment Project Region
Mainline Length
Engineering Mainline Width
Mainline Classificat ion

Data Collection
A data of 75 highway pro jects was collected fro m General
Authority for Roads, Bridges and Land Transport (GA RBLT)
in Egypt and compiled fo r the model develop ment. Projects
were contracted between 2003 and 2013 and consist of 38
maintenance projects and 37 new construction projects. The
total projects’ cost was about 2 Billion EGP for new
construction projects and 690 Million EGP fo r maintenance of
existing projects. The total length was 1223 Kilo metre of new
construction projects and 1310 Kilo metre of maintenance

Neural Network Operati on

The major mastery of artificial neural networks (ANNs) is their
ability to learn from previous examples and to generalize that
knowledge to unseen cases (Hegazy, 1998).
The format ion of ANNs is typically consisting of three layers
or more (Input, Hidden and Output Layers) as shown in Figure
(1). Neurons are arranged within the layers, and all neurons in Figure 1: Typical Structure of Mul tilayer Feed-Forward
each layer have connections with all successive layer neurons. Neural Network
A weight value is associated with each connection between
neurons. This arrangement of layers and neurons permits Model Development
ANNs to mimic the human nervous system in a way which In this study, artificial neural networks are used in corpo ration
allo ws data to travel through the network in parallel form as with Genetic algorithms to obtain reliab le conceptual cost
well as serially. estimate model. The model is developed through five major
phases using NeuroSolutions Software V6.03 summarized as
The variables’ records (Xi) and (bn) in input layer are follows:
mu ltip lied by their weights (Wi) and (Bi), then summed at - Phase 1: Database Segmentation.
each neuron in the hidden layer as (Hj) as shown in Equation - Phase 2: Neural Net work Configuration.
(1). (bn) represents the input of bias neurons which added to - Phase 3: Neural Net work Opt imization
input and hidden layers to facilitate network processing - Phase 4: Train ing and Evaluating Networks.
(Hegazy, 1998). These bias neurons are treated as regular - Phase 5: Case Study for Validation.
neurons having inputs of 1.0 and are linked with successive
layers with bias weight(Bi). Phase 1: Database Segmentation
The database is typically divided into three segments. First
segment is used for network training to deduce the

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 1730
approximate relationships between inputs (modeling factors) inputs are Project Region includes twelve d ifferent records,
and output (Project cost). Second segment is used for network Project Scope includes two different records and Mainline
evaluation to monitor the results performance during the Classification includes two different records.
network train ing. Third segment is used as a case study for (5)
validation to ensure the generalization behaviour of developed QI: Nu mber of Quantitative Inputs
neural network and its capability of handling real practical SI: Nu mber of Qualitative Input Records
applications. The output layer consists of one neuron representing the cost
In this study, having a database of 75 p rojects; it is decided to of highway project. The cost of highway project is derived as
utilize about 80% of database for training, 5% fo r evaluation Unit Cost per area strip of (1-kilo metre Length * 1 Meter
and 15% for validation. Each segment’s projects are randomly Width).
selected and extracted fro m the database. The back-propagation learning rule that used in the training
procedure is a substantial issue that should be pre-defined in
Phase 2: Neural Network Configuration neural networks modeling. It is deemed as the main engine of
Neural networks’ configuration requires identification of supervised learning. In this study, there are three major back-
network topology, back-propagation learning rule, transfer propagation learning rules as shown in Table (3). Each of them
functions and learning control function. is utilized to improve the network results.
Network topology determination is a decision-making process, Transfer functions are used to process and interpret data inside
which includes identifying neural network type, number of neurons of hidden and output layers. It is possible to use one or
layers and number of neurons in each layer. In this study, a more transfer function within the same netwo rk. In this study,
supervised neural network mult ilayer perceptron (MLP) with mainly two major nonlinear functions (Tanh Function and
back propagation rule is considered convenient type to be Sig mo id Function) are utilized with all potential co mb inations
utilized. This is due to its popularity in previous researches and as shown in Table (4) to enhance the network results.
suitability as a modeling technique for complex nonlinear The learning control function is a measure for network
problems wh ich are difficult to be represented in mathemat ical processing performance. It is based on MSE “Mean Square
formula (Hegazy, 1998). Error” termination which indicates that processing of network
The neural network topology is constructed to consist of three is terminated when MSE reaches a certain level of error. The
different layers [Input Layer, One Hidden Layer and Output MSE termination could base the stopping criteria on train ing
Layer]. segment or on evaluation segment.
The input layer encloses seven neurons representing the input In this study, the stopping criteria is based on evaluation
factors as concluded in Table (2). The hidden layer consists of segment which tends to be a good indicator of the level of
a number of hidden neurons that ranges between a certain generalization that the network has achieved. Also, the MSE
lower bound of [0.5m] and an upper bound of [3m] as stated by termination works according to the “Increase Function” which
(Kim, 2004). indicates that processing of network terminates when the MSE
M is defined as total number of inputs and deduced from of evaluation segment begins to increase.
Equation (5). It equals to 20 because the seven inputs include 4
quantitative inputs and 3 qualitative inputs. The qualitative

Table 3: B ack-Propag ati on Learning rules

Rule Descripti on
Momentum Gradient and Weight Change
Conjugate Grad ient Second Order method for Grad ient
Levenberg Marquardt Improved Second Order method for Gradient

Table 4: Transfer Functi on Combi nations

Combination Hi dden Layer Output Layer

No.1 Tanh Function Tanh Function
No.2 Tanh Function sigmoid Function
No.3 sigmoid Function sigmoid Function
No.4 sigmoid Function Tanh Function

Phase 3: Neural Network Opti mization  Step Size and Momentum rate values which range
Genetic Algorith ms add-in application in NeuroSolution V6.03 between certain lo wer bound of [0] and upper bound of [1]
is employed for optimizing network parameters typically in while using the mo mentum rule as a back-propagation rule
two stages. At the first stage, obtain optimal values of the only.
following network parameters: At the second stage, network weights are optimized to reduce
 Nu mber of neurons in hidden layer which ranges between the gap between actual output and predicted outpu t. The
certain lower bound of [10 neurons] and upper bound of optimization stages are conducted according to an initial
[60 neurons]. population pool that consists of 100 chromosomes. Each

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 1731
chromosome has at least one different value for the arrayed Table 6: Training Results
neural network parameters. Each chromosome is evolved into
new chro mosomes for 50 generations after a maximu m of 2000 No.
Trai ning Within
training epochs or until there is no improvement in the Code Hi dden
Results 20%
evaluation segment MSE for 100 train ing epochs. Neurons
FB001 39 23.66% Rejected
Phase 4: Training and Evaluating Networks
FB002 29 36.39% Rejected
Network training refers to the iterat ive process involving
presentation of training segment data to the network to FB003 28 38.63% Rejected
conclude the relevance between inputs and outputs (Salem, FB004 37 36.05% Rejected
2008). On the other hand, Network evaluating refers to the FB005 30 37.44% Rejected
corrective process of network performance based on MSE
results of the evaluation segment data. FB006 35 31.78% Rejected
In this study, there are three different back-propagation rules FB007 27 34.53% Rejected
and four different transfer functions’ combinations. FB008 32 33.39% Rejected
Accordingly, twelve different networks are used for model
development as shown in Table (5). Each network is trained FB009 25 10.49% Accepted
and then evaluated to achieve the optimal network results. FB010 18 29.08% Rejected
The assessment of results for training and evaluation segments FB011 26 4.51% Accepted
is conducted according to Mean Absolute Erro r Rate “MAER”
FB012 16 2.08% Accepted
which calcu lated as shown in Equation (6):
Evaluati on of Networks
(6) Table (7) is constructed to present MAER of the evaluation
segment of networks with reliable training results. It shows
that all networks their evaluation results within the permissible
Trai ning of Networks
range of 20%. Accordingly, the three networks should be
Table (6) shows the detailed log of the twelve networks. It
validated before used in real p ractical applicat ions.
contains the number of hidden neurons in the hidden layer and
MAER fo r the training segment. The MA ER of train ing
Table 7: Eval uation Results
segment is within the permissible range of 20% as stated by
(Peurifoy, 2002) for three networks with codes [FB009],
Trai ning Evaluati on Within
[FB011] and [FB012]. These networks are only moved to the Code
Results Results 20%
evaluation stage.
FB009 10.49% 3.60% Accepted
Table 5: Twel ve Networks for Model Development FB011 4.51% 5.80% Accepted
FB012 2.08% 9.40% Accepted
Hi dden Layer Output Layer
Rule Code Transfer Transfer Case Study for Vali dation
Functi on Functi on As an important step in developing a parametric cost estimate
model is to test its accuracy and validity (Salem, 2008). The
FB001 Tangent Tangent data used in validation must not be utilized in training and

evaluating of the model. Fo r this study, a validation segment

FB002 Tangent Sig mo id consists of eleven projects are extracted from the 75-pro ject
FB003 Sig mo id Sig mo id historical database. Table (8) is constructed to present MAER
of the validation segment of the three networks with reliable
FB004 Sig mo id Tangent training and evaluation results. It shows that only one network
with code [FB011] its validation results within the permissible
FB005 Tangent Tangent range of 20%. Accordingly, network with code [FB011] is
considered valid and reliab le be utilized in estimating the

FB006 Tangent Sig mo id conceptual cost of future highway projects.

FB007 Sig mo id Sig mo id
Table 8: Vali dation Results
FB008 Sig mo id Tangent Trai ning Evaluati on Vali dati on Within
Results Results Results 20%
FB009 Tangent Tangent FB009 10.49% 3.60% 20.27% Rejected
FB011 4.51% 5.80% 16.00% Accepted

FB010 Tangent Sig mo id FB012 2.08% 9.40% 46.91% Rejected

FB011 Sig mo id Sig mo id
Graphical User Interface module
FB012 Sig mo id Tangent A visual basic application (VBA ) module in Excel 2013 is
coded for model [FB011]. The program facilitates
implementation and use of model in a user friendly interface
that compatible with the construction of highway projects in
Egypt. It accepts inputs of factors from user and presents unit
cost of project as shown in Figure (2). The module can conduct

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, July 2016 1732
a scenario analysis to provide a decision support system to database and re-optimizing the network. It also provides an
obtain optimal construction cost. It can be altered to be usable integrated report description of the project data.
in different countries by adding new cases to the av ailable

Figure 2: VB A Module for Highway Conceptual Cost Esti mating

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