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NIM : 180302054

Prodi : AGRIBISNIS (02)

Semester : III / GANJIL

Date : 17 DESEMBER 2019

1. Tell your daily activities using your own simple present tense sentences by video… ( ceritakan
aktifitas sehari-hari anda menggunakan kalimat simple present tense sendiri dengan di

2. Describe five nouns at your surrounding ( gambarkan / jelaskan lima kata benda di sekeliling
kamu) (video)

Example : hi everyone..I will explain five things surround me…

a. This is chair… we always used for sitting

3. Change the active verbs in italic to passive.

a. Mr catt delivers our mail. Our mail is delivered by Mr Catt
b. Linda wrote that letter. That letter was written by Linda
c. Mr Bond will teach our class. Our class will be taught by Mr Bond
d. Anne is going to bring dinner. Dinner is being gone to brought by Anne

4. Use the given verb to complete each sentence that follows. Use the appropriate tenses.
a. I am sitting at my dest right now (sit)
b. I will be doing a grammar exercise nextweek (do)
c. She didn’t speak English yesterday ( speak, not)
d. He looks at the newspaper everyday (look)
e. They have built this house since 2003 (built)

Good luck

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