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UNIS Issue 49

Rajab 1418
November 1997

UNIS, 2301 Plymouth Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Ph: (313) 665-6772, (313) 665-8882, (313) 665-1992


Qura’nic Supplications

The folllowing article is an abridged version of the book Facilitation by min-ashShaitanir Rajeem
Allah In Explaining The Evidences of The Conditions of LA ILAHA ILLA
ALLAH by Shaikh ’Obaid bin ’Abdullah bin Sulaiman al-Jabiri * Rabbanaaa ‘aamannaa
By "conditions of La ilaha illa Allah The Majestic said: bi-maaa ‘anzalta wattaba
Allah" is meant the conditions that  )   4 *  #    &  *     *   *  !

-nar-Rasuula fak-tubnaa ma-

a person should know and act in ac- , * + - * 5  + * 6   -  & 4 * #   . # + *   # 

cordance with so that he may be ac-    6 #  , $ 1 '  #    #  )   7    *   

knowledging the unity of Allah in &  * + # ,  & &  - *   +   # . . *  -  &

 ) !

* Rabbanagfir lanaa
open and in secret.   $ 8 %     +   # .  *    * 9     +  

zunuubanaa wa ‘israafanaa
f iii ‘ amr inaa wa sabbit
) !   - # 6  : 2 1 : ; $

The First Condition : Knowl-

‘aqdaamanaa wan-surnaa
edge (Al-’Ilm) The ways to know that there is ‘alal-qawmil-kaafiriin.
Knowledge of its meaning, nega- no deity worthy of worship except
tion and affirmation. The evidence Allah are:
for the condition of knowledge is
Allah, the Exalted’s saying: First: Most importantly – con-
templation of His Names, Attributes In the name of Allah, Most
    "   #  #      $ $ % &   & ' 
and His Actions that manifest His Gracious, Most Merciful
 )       *    &  * + # ,  &
Perfection, Greatness and Honor.
&  - *   +   # . *  -  & )   $     +  
These oblige one to make an effort
        / 0 1 2 3 $
to submit to Him and worship this * "Our Lord! we believe in
Perfect Lord unto Whom all praise, what Thou hast revealed, and
The confirmed tradition (hadith) glory, greatness and bounty are due. we follow the Messenger;
in Sahih Muslim as narrated by Uth- then write us down among
Second: Knowledge that He, the
man (radiAllahu’anhu) who said: those who bear witness."
Exalted alone, creates and disposes.
The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: So, subsequently, knowledge that Al-i-Imran 3:53

"He who dies knowing that there He is the only deity worthy of wor-
is no deity worthy of worship except ship. * "Our Lord! Forgive us our
Allah, shall enter Al-Jannah (Para- Third: Knowledge that He alone sins and anything We may
dise)" is the Bestower of all gifts (boun- have done that transgressed
ties) apparent and concealed, relig- our duty: Establish our feet
As Allah the truthful (The Ex- firmly, and help us against
alted, The Majestic) has no partner ious and worldly. This would
obligate the heart to attach to Him, those that resist Faith."
in His Domain, Creations and Plan- Al-i-Imran 3:147
ing, similarly, He has no partner in love and submit to Him alone with
our worship of Him. This is why no partners.
Allah has sent the prophets and mes- Fourth: What we see and hear of
sengers, and their calls agree upon
this. Continued on next page

This is a Publication of Muslim Community Association of Ann Arbor and Vicinity

Rajab 1418 Issue 49 November 1997

the rewards of those protected true belief (Iman), both apparent and said:
(Awliyah) by Him, who act upon the hidden, are only those who believe
"Allah has forbidden hell for
recognition of His Unity (Oneness). in Allah and his Messenger. They
those who say: (none has the right
They are given victory and bounties believe without doubt or suspicion.
to be worshiped except Allah) for the
in this world, whereas punishment They show this belief by their word
sake of Allah only" (Sahih Al-Buk-
belongs to His enemies – those who of mouth and their deeds and they
ascribe partners with him. This lead strive in the cause of Allah with their
to the knowledge that Allah, The Ex- wealth and their lives. In the two Sahihs, it is reported
alted, alone is worthy of worship. that Abu Ayyub (radhi Allaahu
Allah made certainty, i.e., not
’anhu) narrated that a man said:
Fifth: Knowledge of the attrib- having any doubts or suspicions, a
utes of idols and (supposed) equals condition of true belief (in Allah and "O Messenger of Allah (saw) in-
that have been worshiped with Allah His Messenger) since the doubter is form me of a deed that will make me
and have been regarded as god. This from the ranks of the hypocrites. enter Al-Junnah." He said: "Wor-
means knowing that they are defi- ship Allah and do not associate any-
It is narrated from Abu Hurairah
cient in all respects, poor in them- thing with Him, perform regular
(radiAllahu, ’anhu) that the Messen-
selves, an d ar e incapable of prayers, practice (Zakah) charity
ger of Allah (sallallahu ’alaihi wa
profiting or harming anyone. and maintain familial relations".
sallam) said:
Sixth: Knowing that all of Al- In the "Masnud", Bahsir bin Al-
"The servant meeting Allah Hav-
lah’s scriptures agree upon this and Khassasiyah said: "I went to the
ing testified that there is no deity
are consistent with each other. prophet (saw) to take the oath of
worthy of worship except Allah and
allegiance. He made it a condition
Seventh: The knowledge that the that I am the Messenger of Allah, not
that I should testify that there is no
chosen ones among mankind – those doubting them, shall enter Al-Jan-
deity worthy of worship except Allah
who are of perfect conduct, minds, nah (paradise)"
and that Muhammad is Allah’s ser-
judgment and knowledge – are the
The Third Condition: Sincer- vant and messenger, and that I per-
messenger, prophets and devout
ity (Al-Ikhlas) form regular prayers, practice
scholars. All have witnessed to Allah
Sincerity which negates shirk. (Zakah) charity, perform Hajj (Pil-
in that.
The evidence of sincerity is the Ex- grimage to Mecca), fast the month
Eight: K now ing the pr oofs alted saying: of Ramadhan and strive in the way
(signs) that Allah has provided both 

 # &   & &  )   &   &  #  * + *
of Allah (Jihad fi sabilillah)." I said:
within the human creature and in the "O Messenger of Allah (saw) I can-

 * <  & #   #    *     +   ) B ! B    +

universe. These signs manifest the C

3 1
not afford two of these: to strive in
unity (Tawhid) of Allah, simply by the way of Allah and practice char-
their existence and by the beauty of  )   &  * 6   < * - * * 


His creation and the wonder of His     *      + * &    &  #  % -  & &   &

Continued on last page

Wisdom and in the variety of his &  * 6        +   # . )      *  5 !

creations. 5 * + #  , = #   # 

* + *  * <  & #   % - * #  ,

& +  * #  5  # &      +   ) ! D  6 6 #   

The Second Condition: Cer- 3 E 1 ; $

tainty (Al-Yaqeen) Assalam-o-Alaikum!!

Certainty – it is perfect knowl- It is narrated from Abu Hurairah We would like to enrich UNIS
edge that counter-acts suspicion and (radi allah’anhu) that the Prophet newsletters with your contribu-
doubt. The evidence of the condition (saw) said: tions. Please send us your articles
of certainty is Allah’s (swt) saying: and questions for publication at the
"The happiest person who will
   6 &    *  + * &  * - * # * < * + 

have my intercession will be the one following address:

     < * - * # * < *  #  )      = # 

 *   *  , * + %     5 & * +   +     - &   &

who said sincerely (from the bottom UNIS, 2301 Plymouth Rd.
&  * # +  *  &     &  * # + # < *  5  + &  *
of his heart): None is worthy of wor- Ann Arbor, MI 48105
   *  5 )   9 ?    * @ ?  * 6  + * &  *
ship except Allah" (Sahih Al-Buk-

& +  &  5      +   ) ! =  A  +  & / 3 1 2 ; $

hari) Note that the old address: UNIS,
Also narrated by Otban bin P.O. Box 3587, is no longer valid.
This means that the people of Malik (raa) that the Prophet (saw) Please do not send mail to that ad-

2 This Newsletter must be given free of charge

November 1997 Issue 49 Rajab 1418

The Noble Prophet (pbuh)

Taken from "Ar-Rahheq Al-Makhtum" (The Sealed Nectar) written by Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri.
Quraish’s Representative negoti- You have left no stone unturned to prostration, he immediately pros-
ates with the Messenger of Allah estrange the relations with us. If you trated himself. After that, he turned
(PBUH). are doing all this with a view to get- to ’Utbah saying: "Well Abu Al-
In the sixth year of Prophethood, ting wealth, we will join together to Waleed! You have heard my reply,
there were two significant additions give you greater riches than any you are now free to do whatever you
to the strength of Islam. The first Quraishite has possessed. If ambi- please." ’Utbah then retired to his
was the conversion to Islam of tion moves you, we will make you company to apprise them of the
Hamzah bin Abdul-Muttalib, the our chief. If you desire kingship we Prophet’s attitude. When his compa-
Prophet’s uncle. The second event will readily offer you that. If you are triots saw him, they swore that he
occurred three days later with the under the power of an evil spirit had returned to them with a counte-
acceptance of Islam by Umar bin which seems to haunt and dominate nance unlike the one he had before
Al-Khattab. Both these men had you so that you cannot shake off its meeting the Prophet (PBUH). He
dauntless courage and were feared yoke, then we shall call in skillful immediately communicated to them
and respected in Makkah. Shortly physicians to cure you. the details of the talk he gave and
after the conversion of these two the reply he received, and appended
powerful heroes, the clouds of tyr- "Have you said all?" asked Mu-
saying: "I have never heard words
anny and oppression started to clear hammad (PBUH) and then hearing
similar to those ones he recited.
away and the polytheists realized that all had been said, he spoke
They definitely relate neither to po-
that it was no use meting out torture forth, and said:
etry nor to witchcraft nor do they
to the Muslims. They consequently
  &  * F   *  5 )   % &  *    &

derive from soothsaying. O people

began to direct their campaign to a
D *  * 5 # *  & % &  *    &  * + # 5  9 =  !

of Quraish! I request you to heed my

> >

different course. The authentic re-

 #  9 7 ?  *  * * & & * +   + *   *  5 &  *

advice and grant the man full free-

cords of the biography of the
 # +  *   5 &  * G  + "   %       *

dom to pursue his goals, in which


Prophet (PBUH) show that it had

-  & )    )   * $      &  * # +

case you could safely detach your-

occurred to the Makkan leaders to
 *   #  ,  8 9 ) + * < *  & #   5 +   )   %

selves from him. I swear that his

credit Muhammad (PBUH) with
&  *    & D *  * 5 # *  & % &  *    &  * + !

words bear a supreme Message.


ambition. They, therefore, time and

# 5  9 ) D      * + *  5 &  * < * +  *   + *

Should the other Arabs rid you of


again plied him with temptation.

* H .  #  *  #   * &  # I  G  + "   # 

him, they will then spare you the

One day some of the important men
) +  - # 5  + . *  . *        9 J # < #  ,

trouble, on the other hand if he ac-


of Makkah gathered in the enclosure

,   & #  #  ,  7  5 K  +   #  * &  &  *   *

cedes to power over the Arabs, then

of Al-Ka’bah, and ’Utbah bin
   - * # * < *  #  &  *   *  *    5 )  

you will bask in his kingship and

Rabi’a, a chief among them, offered
 # 9 * 9    #     &  * #   $    5 *  + 

share him his might." These words


to approach the Prophet (PBUH)

)        -  &  #   5 +     #   

of course fell on deaf ears, and did


and contract a bargain with him

 5  #      * < #  * *   9 $     < * 

not appeal to the infidels, who jeered

whereby they give him whatever
)       . * + 5  +  #  ,   #     5

at ’Utbah and claimed that the


worldly wealth he asks for, on con-

,     * *     #  = *     +   #  *  $ 8 %

Prophet (PBUH) had bewitched him


dition that he keep silent and no

     +  #  ,   5 .   #    *  & #  &  *

(REF: Ibn Hisham, 1/293, 294.)

longer proclaim his new faith. The
= * ! 5 # + * &  &  *   *     #  - * # * < * 

people of Quraish endorsed his pro-

#  &  *   *  *    5 )   $ % -  &    &

In another version of the same

posal and requested him to under-
 5 &  *  &  +     6 %   &  * 6 #  & * 

event, it is related that ’Utbah went

take that task. ’Utbah came closer to
  & 9 )   &  * 6   6 1   +  *  + &   + *

on attentively listening to the

Muhammad (PBUH) and addressed
   * +

 < * + #  ,   

+ * *  *  $ 5 +  

Prophet (PBUH) until the latter be-

him in the following words:
&   & &    #

 6   #  < # & *   9 9 9 

gan to recite Allah’s Words:

7 / 2 1 2 ! ; 8  D  & # 5 &  * 6 &  +     6 % &  *    6

We have seen no other man of           K D L = $ 1 M

  < *

Arabia, who has brought so great a The Messenger of Allah (PBUH)   +  *  6    5    # N     *  & + 

& # < *

calamity to a nation, as you have went on reciting the Chapter while   5 

+ 6 % &  +  *  & %  # & %  &     * + !

done. You have outraged our gods ’Utbah sitting and listening atten- -  & $ #  * &  *   # N    #

  < * + &   

and religion and taxed our forefa- tively with his hand behind his back " )     ?       . *  . * $ 9 "  7 / 2 1 2

thers and wise men with impiety and to support him. When the Messen-
error and created strife amongst us. ger reached the verse that required Here ’Utbah stood up panicked

Please circulate this Newsletter among friends 3

Rajab 1418 Issue 49 November 1997

a deep sensation of fear over his avail, socially powerful though they
Negotiations nephew. He deliberated on the pre- were. (REF: Ibn Hisham, 1/269;
Continued from page 3 vious series of incidents including Mukhtasar ’Seerat Ar-Rasool,
the barter affair of ’Amarah bin Al- p.106.)
and stunned putting his hand on the Waleed, Abu Jahl’s rock, ’Uqbah’s
Prophet’s mouth beseeching him: "I Abu Talib was right. The poly-
attempt to choke the Prophet
beg you in the Name of Allah and theists had laid a carefully studied
(PBUH) and finally ’Umar’s (before
uterine ties to stop lest the calamity plan to kill the Prophet (PBUH), and
conversion) intention to kill Mu-
should befall the people of Quraish." banded together to put their plan into
hammad (PBUH).
He then hurriedly returned to his effect. He, therefore, assembled his
compatriots and informed them of The wise man understood that all kinsfolk of Bani Hashim and Bani
what he had heard (REF: Tafseer of these unequivocally smacked of a Al-Muttalib, sons of ’Abd Munaf
Ibn Kathir, 6/159-161) serious plot being hatched to disre- and exhorted them to immunize and
gard his status as a custodian of the defend his nephew. All of them,
Abu Talib assembles Bani Prophet (PBUH) and kill the latter whether believers or disbelievers,
Hashim and Bani Al-Muttalib: publicly. In the event of such a thing, responded positively except his
The new and welcome changes Abu Talib deeply believed, neither brother Abu Lahab, who sided with
notwithstanding, Abu Talib still had ’Umar nor Hamzah would be of any the idolaters.
&  $  * * # < * )      &    *    - * !

not know because of their utter ig-


Conditions # * < * %   # * &  * 6   6  *

* # < * &  *  !

norance and their evil conscience.

 * < *  %    . * + * # < * # &   & @ ! !  &  * # +

Continued from page 2 What drove them to this deceit and


 *  + &  #    #  *   *   5    - &     6 !

lying was suspicions.

ity." The Messenger of Allah (saw) . 

+ #  6 $    )      # 

+ *   * 

released his hand then moved it and &  * # +  #  *   * 9 ) .  #  5  &  +  *  & # 

In Surah An-Nisa, Allah tells

said: "No striving (in the way of Al- &  * # +  - *

   * &  * 6   *  &  & * # *  

similar stories, about the hypocrites:

lah) and no charity. With what shall    +   ) ! D  N  +   : 1 E ! 2 P $
 Q * + # 6 % &  *  6 . 

+ # & *   * *  &   * !

you enter Al-Jannah then? I said: >

* # < * )   % -  & # & #  = * 4    *

* # < *

"O Messenger of Allah (saw) I It is narrated by Mu’adh bun &  *  9 )     *  &  * 6  &     . & 

swear allegiance on all of them." Jabal (raa) that the Prophet (saw) . +  6 % &  * 6  &     # &   B #  *     

said: &  - *  * *   5  *  %    &  * 6     &

The Fourth Condition: Truth- + *  *  - * + )   -  & # & & * 9  ?  * 6

"There is none who testifies

fulness (Al-Sidq)  + * $    6 #  , - * &  * *  &  #     &   & %

truthfully from his heart that there is

The truth that permits neither no deity worthy of worship except
- *   , #  ,  * # &  * + &  &  *  *   & & 

falsehood nor hypocrisy. The evi- Allah and Muhammed (saw) is His
&    * %     *     )    *   

dence of the condition of truth is The servant and Messenger, except that
  & +  6 % 6    #   & 5 #   5  +  #  

Exalted’s saying: Allah will save him from Hell-fire"

  6  &  &  * & +  &  R

   $     +  

)  ! F #   / 1 2 / : ! 2 / $

(Sahih Al-Bukhari)
 ) # 5 '    #  9 O  . *  . * &  #  

&   & &  * 6  # - * * 5 &    * - *    *


&  * 6   6 1  4 * D * # * < * %      #   &

Regarding Allah’s saying: "And Th es e disg racefu l charac-

- * & *  & *  9 )   4 * #   * *  & *  & * 

of mankind, there are some (hypo- teristics, by themselves, indicate that

&    *     * + * - * 5  + * &  *  9 )   ) !

crites) who say: ‘We believe in Allah the believers have the opposite char-

* + &  #  6    *  # & $     

and the Last Day’... etc", Allah, the acteristics of truthfulness and sin-
 &  * & +  &   5 $ &    *     + * & +  * %   

High, the Exalted, informs us about cerity – outwardly and inwardly.


* + &  #  6    *  # & $       &  *

what the hypocrites used to do i.e., The are always active in performing
5   *      5 $ &    *     + * #  +  %   !

to show their Iman (faith) by their prayers and other acts of wor-
&    ,  )         &   & - * 5  + *

(merely) pronouncing it (with their ship. It is also obvious that they are
.  & & #  , &  *  &  & *  & $     +   ) !

tongues) whilst their hearts con- the ones whom Allah has guided to
" )    -  & : 3 1 2 !

cealed Al-Kufur (Disbelief). They the Straight Path. The wise person
thought that they could deceive Al- should consider these two alterna-
Also, the Exalted’s saying: lah, and deceive the Believers into tives and choose what is best for him
 )    5     #   % &  * + *  + *    *

being misled by them and inclined and it is Allah’s help we seek: (Ibn
  6 . 

+ # & *  $      6 1  4 * - * # * < * # 

towards them. The opposite was the Sa’adi 1:429)

)      &  * '   & O  6    # * # 

result of this deceit. They were in Conditions 5-7 next month,


& &  * 6 - * # * < *   & ! ! ?  * 6  &  #  

fact deceiving themselves but did InshaAllah...

December 1997 Issue 50 Shaban 1418

U V W X Y Z [ \ ] \ Y Z ^ Y _ ` a b c d b V b c d d b e d d b V `

The following article is part 2 of the abridged version of the book Facilitation by Allah In Explaining the Evi-
dences of the Conditions of LA ILAHA ILLA ALLAH by Shaikh Obaid bin Abdullah bin Sulaiman al-Jabiri
      !   -           

By "conditions of La Ilaha Illa The love of Kalimah is achived



Allah" is meant the conditions that by two things,



a person should know and act in ac-


Firstly: Sincerity of worship for M   -    !     '    1      !

cordance with so that he may be ac-


Allah who is alone without any part-

knowledging the unity of Allah in J )     %         %      


open and in secret. Last month’s is- 



sue presented conditions 1-4. The Secondly: To repudiate associat- (         



remaining conditions are below. ing partners (to Allah)         




The Fifth Condition: Al- Al-Qadhi (rahimahullah) said     ! 



Mahabbah (Love) that he who has accepted Allah as    

    '   -   T  O  K . !

Love for the Kalimah “La-Ilaha his Lord, Islam as is Deen (religion) 

Illa Allah” and its meaning and hap- and Mohammed (SAW) as the Mes-
The Prophet (SAW) said: “None
senger, has tasted the sweetness of
piness with it. of you shall believe until his desires
Iman (faith). That is because real
The evidence for love: His, the follow what I have come with” (Al-
love for Allah and His Messenger
Exalted, saying: Baghawi). This means total submis-
(SAW), love for the sons of Adam
sion and compliance.
J -    




for the sake of Allah and His Mes-





!       -  

senger (SAW), and hatred to revert It is incumbent upon every be-


     -    !  0     

to disbelief (Kufr), is not attained liever to love what Allah loves in


 -     )       

except by one whose conviction has such a way that it will make him


been strengthened, whose soul has perform what he has been com-
          !     ' 

 -   ) 1

felt tranquility and whose heart has manded. If his love reached such a
   K . !

delighted in Iman (faith) which has point so as to perform extra act of

inter-mingled with his flesh and worship, that would be better. The
And His saying: blood. That is the one who has believer is also to hate all that Allah,

found the sweetness of Iman. the Exalted, hates in such a way that




it will make him abstain from what


! % -       


Sixth Condition: Al-Inqiad Allah has forbidden from him. If




(Submission) his hate reached such a point as to





Submission to its rightful re- abstain from what Allah disliked,


 %               -  

quirements, which are the duties that that would be better.

must be performed with sincerity to

In the two Sahihs, it has been


              '   -   N  

.  . O !

Allah (alone) seeking His pleasure. confirmed that the Messenger of Al-
The evidance for submission lah (SAW) said: “None of you shall
It is narrated from Anas (RAA) from the Quran is what Allah, the have Faith until he loves me more
who said: “The Messenger of Allah Exalted, says: than he loves himself, his childern,
(SAW) said: “Whoever possesses J 0 




his family and all of mankind”.
A-PDF Split DEMO the following three qualities will at-     !     

   ,   L   !    
Therefore, a person is not a believer
tain sweetness of faith:   ' 

 - Q  R 

S  . O !
until the love of the Messenger
* Allah and His Messenger are (SAW) is placed above all the rest
dearer to him that anything else, And His saying: of mankind. The love of the
* To love a person for nothing ex- J -              

Prophet (SAW) follows from the
cept the sake of Allah.              

love of One who sent him and true
love requires following-up and
* To hate to revert to disbelief  

    !   -                 

(kufr), having been saved from it   ' 

 -   T  O    . !
agreement in loving the loved
by Allah, as he hates being (things) and hating the hated
thrown into hell fire."
J -      




Please circulate this Newsletter among friends 3

Shaban 1418 Issue 50 December 1997


The Seventh Condition: Ac-  

knowledge, learns it, and his heart

ceptance (Al-Qubool)
 &        i g   '   -  

comes to life, practicing it and


'    2  .  K !

Accpetance that contradicts re- teaching others. Therefore benefit-

jection. The evidence for accep- ting himself and others.
From the Sunnah: what has been
tance f r om the Qur an is the confirmed that Abu Musa (RAA) re- The second kind of soil is that
Exalted’s saying: ported that the Prophet (SAW) said: which does not benefit itself but has
“The similitude of the guidance and an advantage; that of holding the
J -       % L        


knowledge with which Allah has water for the others thus benefting


sent me is like abundant rain falling man and beast. Similarly, the second
 ' - L ! !              !   


on the earth, some of which is fertile kind of people have hearts that hold


soil that absorbed the water and (knowledge) but do not have insight
      J L             


brought forth vegetation and grass in judgement to extract the mean-



in abundance. Another portion of it ings or rules, nor do they act accord-


was hard and held the rain water ing to wh at they have lear nt
    g  0      !    J h


and Allah benefited the people with (memorised). When a needy stu-


it and irrigated their land for culti- dent thirsty for the knowledge,


vation. And a portion of it was bar- which they have, is able to benefit
     i g 0       J j        

ren which could neither hold the himself and others acquire their

water nor bring forth vegetation. knowledge and benefit from it, then
         g '       & 

The first is the example of the person this kind of people have benefited

who comprehends Allah’s religion others from what has reached them.
              M   ! g  '  


and gets benefit (from that knowl-

-   R  &     .     . !

The third kind of soil is barren

edge) which Allah, the Exalted, has
This ayat indicates: and nothing grows in it. It neither
revealed through me and learns,
benefits from the water, nor hold it
First: To make firm the heart of then teaches others. The last exam-
so that others benefit from it. Simi-
Prophet (SAW) and console him that ple is that of a person who does not
larly, the third kind of people are
what his people are saying is noth- care for it and does not take Allah’s
those who have neither hearts that
ing new nor are they unique species guidance revealed through me”.
hold knowledge nor intelligence. If
of liars. (Sahih Al-Bukhari-The Book of
they hear knowledge, they do not
Second: Warning against dis- benefit from it or learn it, to benefit
obedience of the Prophet (SAW). An-Nawawi (RAA) said: the others. And Allah knows best.
meaning of the hadith and its objec-
Third: The danger of imitating This completes the summariza-
tive is to liken the guidance brought
and that it is one of the greatest thing tion of the book. All praises is due
(to us) by him (SAW) with rain and
that dissuades people from accept- to Allah with Whose bounty all good
means that the soil is of three kinds
ing the Truth and Guidance. deeds are accomplished and peace
and so are the people.
and blessings be upon our prophet
The Exalted also says:
J 0               
The first kind of soil benefits Muhammed, his noble family and

J M   M   -         
from the rain and comes to life, hav- all his companions.

ing been dormant; vegetation grows












benefiting man, beast, plants and

others. Similarly, the first kind of
      -          J -   


person receives the guidance and Assalam-o-Alaikum!!


Fasting is a shield We would like to enrich UNIS

The Prophet (SAW) said, "Allah, the Almighty and Master of Honor newsletters with your contribu-
says: All other actions of a person are for himself, except the case of his tions. Please send us your articles
fasting which is exclusively for Me and I shall pay (recompense) for and questions for publication at the
him the same. The fast is a shield (against vice and the fire of Hell). following address:
Therefore when anyone of you is fasting he should abstain from loose
talk and avoid verbosity and noisy exchange of words. If somebody starts UNIS, 2301 Plymouth Rd.
abusing him or picks a quarrel with him, he should tell him, ‘I am Ann Arbor, MI 48105
observing a fast.’" [Bukhari and Muslim]

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