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• Can we ever surprise God?

me beside still waters…”

God Knows Me— • What other Bible verses tell
Psalm 139 us about God’s knowledge of 1 Corinthians 13 personifies love
us? in action. ”Love does not rejoice
One of the best ways to teach a • Are sins only committed in iniquity” etc.
Bible truth is to let students through actions or can
read and admire the scriptures thoughts become sinful as About this project
as they speak for themselves. well?
But how do you help someone • Where does God record the This project is the creative
learn a passage that is not a memory of all of our deeds? work of the author—Shad
story narrative in an interesting Is there a judgment day? Sluiter—and retains all copy-
way? One suggestion is to illus- • Does God keep a record of rights. Permission is granted to
trate the concepts of a chapter Christian’s deeds? Does he freely print and use this work
through drawings. reward deeds or our mo- for creative purposes without
tives? charge. It is available for
The following pages illustrate download at
the truth that God knows every- Create your own story
thing about me as told by the line for other chapters
beautiful Psalm 139.
Use this technique to illustrate
Teaching Suggestions other chapters of the Bible. If
you aren’t inclined to be so crea-
The drawings are meant to help tive, ask each of your students
students remember the bible to create a picture representing
verses. Read Psalm 139 first, a verse from the chapter.
then show the pictures as you
review one verse at a time. As a For example, the following chap-
review, shuffle the pictures and ters contain beautiful, graphical
ask the students to put them language...
back into order using their open
Bible as a guide. Romans 3 is a graphic descrip-
tion of sin (“The poison of asps
This is a good way to start a is under their lips”)
conversation about God’s knowl-
edge of us. Some questions to Matthew 5—The Beatitudes–
consider include: could be well represented by
drawings (“Blessed are they
• Why does God care about us who hunger and thirst for right-
in such detail? eousness for they shall be
• How is God able to see filled”)
thoughts and motives even
when we can’t see them our- Psalm 23 is the famous steps of
selves? the Good Shepherd. ”He leads
Psalm 139
1 O Lord, you
have searched
me and known
2 You know
when I sit down
and when I rise
from afar.
3 You search
out my path
and my lying
and are
acquainted with
all my ways.
4 Even before
a word is on
my tongue,
behold, O
Lord, you
know it
5 You hem
me in,
behind and
and lay your
hand upon
7 Where shall
I go from your
Or where shall
I flee from
8 If I ascend
to heaven,
you are there!
If I make my
bed in Sheol,
you are there!
9 If I take the
wings of the
and dwell in the
uttermost parts of
the sea, even there
your hand shall
lead me, and your
right hand shall
hold me.
11 If I say, “Surely the
darkness shall cover
and the light about me
be night,”
12 even the darkness
is not dark to you;
the night is bright as
the day,
for darkness is as light
with you.

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