Writing The Reaction Paper/ Review/ Critique: Citing and Referencing Academic Sources

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Citing and Referencing

Academic Sources

Master Teacher II

How do you acknowledge sources

that you are using in writing?

Reflect on this: Why is it

important to acknowledge
other person’s work?
Citing and Referencing
Academic Sources


- is acknowledging the source/s of the

information, ideas, words, and images
you have used in your assignment.
Why Reference?
• to distinguish between • to enable readers to
your ideas and words and investigate ideas they find
those that belong to other interesting/useful
people • to show your tutor
• to support what you are exactly which sources you
writing by referring to have read
evidence • to avoid plagiarism
What is APA Format?

APA format is the official style of

the American Psychological Association
(APA) and is commonly used to cite sources
in psychology, education, and the social
sciences. The APA style originated in a 1929
article published in Psychological
Bulletin that laid out the basic guidelines.
So why is APA format so important in
psychology and other social sciences?

By using APA style, researchers and

students writing about psychology
are able to communicate
information about their ideas and
experiments in a consistent format.

The American Psychological Association

referencing style (or APA as it is more
commonly known) is used across a variety of
disciplines. The sixth and latest edition was
published in 2010.
of an APA
The APA in text reference is in the format (author, date).
When directly quoting from a text you must include a
page number in the citation as given in the examples
below. Including page numbers in all other
circumstances is not required however, it is best
practice to do so when referring to part of a work (e.g.
a paragraph or chapter in a book). When referring to
an entire work that covers a single topic (e.g. a journal
article) it is not required.
Two parts of Referencing

In-text citations
Reference list
In-text citations
An in-text citation is in the body of your assignment
and can be either a paraphrase or quotation.
Paraphrasing is putting in your own words what the
author has written. When paraphrasing, there are
two ways you can reference: the author’s name
can be incorporated in your text or included in
brackets with the year of publication.
In-text citation paraphrasing
Creme and Lea (2003) suggest that the more
students write, the more confident they will become
about writing.


The more students write, the more confident they will

become about writing (Creme & Lea, 2003).
Quoting is copying the author’s exact words
When quoting, there are two ways you can
reference: the author’s name can be
incorporated in your text, or can be included
in brackets with the year of publication and
the page number.
In-text Citation Quoting
It was discovered that “the old schema is exercised
by being used in familiar ways” (Claiborne &
Drewery, 2010, p.13).


Claiborne & Drewery (2010) found that “the old

schema is exercised by being used in familiar ways”
Journal Articles
A breach of academic integrity. It is a principle of
intellectual honesty that all members of the academic
community should acknowledge their debt to the
originators of the ideas, words, and data which form the
basis for their own work.
Plagiarism is unethical and can have serious
consequences for your future career; it also undermines
the standards of your institution and of the degrees it
What is plagiarism?

the act of using another person's

words or ideas without giving credit
to that person

The practice of taking someone
else's work or ideas and passing
them off as one's own.

Write the bibliography of

different sources using the
APA Format.

Search about the life of Pres.

Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Don’t forget to
include the source of information
following the proper format.

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