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if you are hallucinating, you should consult a doctor

2. You can't drink juice tea because it contains substances that can damage the body and make
you addicted
3. Kalau udah kegemukan, kamu udah gak boleh lagi makan makanan berlemak dan harus
ngurangin makan dan minum gula.
4. You have to settle for yourself if you're already feeling restless. Believe in yourself, if you are
strong and can solve problems.
5. Eating fast food is not good, because of its high fat content, which can make us overweight
6. Caring for babies is difficult and hard. But we must remain confident that we can
7You can't watch TV all the time. The problem can damage the eyes. Watching TV for too long
is a waste of time.
8 You can play the game as long as it's not too long. Remember, rather than playing games, it's
better to read a book. Reading books can increase knowledge
9. If you have mental illness, you should immediately take him to the doctor. Consultation with a
doctor must be done regularly.
10. praying must be done continuously because praying can be a medicine and can make us
avoid mental illness

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