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Insert OLFU Logo Here….

Title of your project here!


A Final Project

Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Computer Studies
Our Lady of Fatima University
Lagro, Quezon City


Name here

In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course

Date of Submission here

2nd Semester / 2019-2020

Declaration of Originality of Work

I hereby declare that this laboratory project entitled

         Title of your project here!

 Submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course

WBDEV111A / WEB DEVELOPMENT, is my own unaided work and not copied from
nor written in any collaboration with other person, internet or institution, and has not
been formerly submitted to other university / institution as program requirement.
Otherwise, I humbly accept a grade of 5.0 in this laboratory project.

<Type your name here>

  Name and Signature


Criteria Percentage Mark

A. Look and Feel of website [5%]  

B. Consistency [5%]  

C. Project Ownership - determines if the [20%]  
student really does his/her project or not.

D. Cleanliness [10%]  
E. Completeness (Forms for Registration of [55%]  
Members, Feedback, Contact Us, Gallery,
About the Website) with Java script and CSS
F. Website Documentation, Behavior and [5%]  


Total Score:


Signed by:
Case Study Documentation

Table of Contents

                            Topic                                                      Page

A.   Company Profile
i.            History of the Business
ii.          Organizational Chart
iii.         Services and Offers
  B.   Business Situation
i.            Current Situation
ii.          Current Problem
C.  Opportunities
i.            Solution
ii.          Recommendations
D.  List of Appendices
i.            Approval layout for the client
ii.          Website Screenshots
iii.         Codes

Screenshots of Web site and
Description here!  

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