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Structural, physicochemical, and digestibility properties of starch-soybean peptide complex subjected to

heat moisture treatment

Indigenous legume fermentation: Effect on some antinutrients and in-vitro  digestibility of starch and


Standarisation, acceptability and digestibility of tempeh with cowpea and greengram

Glycemic Index, Starch, and Protein Digestibility in Tempeh Gembus Cookies
Why do millets have slower starch and protein digestibility than other cereals?

Digestion of starch: In vivo and in vitro kinetic models used to characterise oligosaccharide or glucose


Inter-laboratory validation of the starch digestibility method for determination of rapidly digestible and

slowly digestible starch

Effects of Cordyceps polysaccharides on pasting properties and  in vitro starch digestibility of

wheat starch

Extraction and characterization of starch granule-associated proteins from rice that affect  in
vitro starch digestibility

Digestibility and structures of vinasse starches with different types of raw rice and fermented leaven

Effects of molecular interactions in debranched high amylose  starch on digestibility and hydrogel


Physicochemical properties and in vitro digestibility of legume starches

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