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Coping with grief

The way we cope through the event of lost is essential to how we approach the
following events in life.

Why so?

1. It often occurs in a change of our immediate interactions or environment.

2. This in returns affect of our repeated behaviors and expecations of daily life.
3. We would have to face daily reminders of others' lost or being crippled with the lack

As previously mentioned in the ​self-talk post​ , self-rumination or ruminating over others,

would only drive you nuts.
As it is akin to trampling over withered flowers, there's a high chance of ruining what it was
or worst, being so convinced in your inner world that you can no longer see the remains of
what is beautiful.

Then, do we ignore it? Or move past it?

It might come across hippie-dippie to you, or the spiritual terms that you may not practice.

1. We can first accept it.

This can be done via rituals such as funerals. As previously mentioned, you might think you
are too detached or rationale to partake in such events. Still, you can take it with the mindset
of respect of others, and an acknowledgement of the change. If you are overly emotional,
such events are there to tell you that your emotions are not wrong. It is a painful process,
and we are all free to grief over what had been lost.

We can still accept it as it is. The reason we grief is because we once held love for our
deceased loved one, and that is more than understandable. When we lie or reason to
ourselves into not being upset by using contradictory reasons, it does not give us the time to
grief. This hinders our capacity to find new ways to adapt to our loss.

What we tell ourselves often leads to how we behave. Denial is only a snooze to a
deadline, aching and resounding over and over. Choose a new day, a new hobby, talk
to a friend, accept your chance of making your life meaningful again.

This​ video explains a research done by Dr Geoff Warbuton that explains the very narrative
and how we then behave and explain away while ​coping with grief is the very trigger that
determines our wellbeing​.

Do take time,
have a good day.

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