3rd Grade Math Plans (Patterns) : Date Materials Vocabulary Objectives

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3rd Grade Math Plans (Patterns)

Date February 25th

Overview Geometry Unit 5 - Patterns
Materials Whiteboard or Promethean board, pattern blocks, whiteboards and markers, task cards
with pattern starting point and rule, Google Classroom, patterns task cards

Vocabulary Grow, pattern, growing pattern, repeating pattern, core, rules

Objectives Math
MA.3.7.1- The student will identify, describe, create and extend patterns found in
objects, pictures, numbers and tables. (SOL 3.16: Patterns, functions, and algebra.)

I CAN statements -
I can find and describe patterns that are in objects, pictures, numbers and tables.
I can create and continue patterns that are in objects, pictures, numbers, and tables.

Whole Group Review what SS learned yesterday about identifying repeating and geometric patterns.
Tell TS that today they will be filling in the missing parts of a geometric pattern. Present
students with a geometric pattern. Ask SS to find the core or the growing rule for the
pattern. Discuss how to use different parts of the pattern to find the core or to find the
rule. Then, fill in the missing parts of the pattern. Show a few examples to TS and find the
missing parts together.

TTW tell students that the same thing can be done with numbers. TTW do an example on
the board then have students try some on their whiteboards and show. Students will try
to determine what the rule is and the missing number.

Have several students stand in a line holding numbers. The rest of the class will need to
identify what type of pattern it is, what the rule is, and what the missing number is. Do
this a couple of times with different patterns.

Math Small Group 4- TTW write a variety of repeating and growing numeric patterns on a
Groups TSW determine the rule for the pattern and continue the pattern. 10 min.
SW then determine the missing number from patterns. 10 min.
If they are confused, go back to pattern blocks and review the types of patterns again using
the manipulates.

Group 2, 3- TTW give each student a task card. TSW determine the answer for their task
card. Students must explain their answer to the group. The other students will give a
thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they do not. If they do not agree, TS must
explain why their reasoning to the rest of the group and we will discuss.

Group 1- TTW give students a different stack of task cards that are more difficult. Each
student is in charge of determining the answer or building the pattern that their task card
asks for. The other students will give a thumbs up if they agree or thumbs down if they do
not. If they do not agree, TS must explain why their reasoning to the rest of the group.

*What might happen next? How do you know? What is our rule?*

Independent Work RAMs, Growing and Repeating Slide in Classroom, Number Patterns Slide, IXL,

Assessment The Growing and Repeating Slide & Number Pattern Slide will be used to assess their
understanding of the concept.

Differentiation -Growing and Repeating Slide and Number Pattern Slide in Classroom is differentiated by
learning level
Styles -For students that may struggle with this concept, stick with manipulatives such as
pattern blocks, to create growing patterns in the beginning. Be sure to practice with
manipulatives and have students verbalize what/how they are creating.
-For students that may need an enhanced lesson, continue this concept with decreasing
patterns, and growing/decreasing number patterns.

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