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Cooperative Language Learning

Shela Sarmila

Introduction :
Cooperative learning is a teaching and learning strategy that emphasizes attitudes or
behaviors together at work or help among others in an organized structure of cooperation in
groups, consisting of two or more people. The cooperative learning model is developed to
achieve at least three learning objectives namely academic learning outcomes, acceptance of
individual differences, and the development of social skills.

These are characteristics of cooperative learning:
1. Students work together in small groups containing two to five members.
2. Students are positively interdependent.
3. Activities are structured so that students need each other to accomplish their common
tasks or learning activities.
4. Students are individually accountable or responsible for their work or learning

Cooperative learning groups can consist of two to five students, but groups of three to
four are also effective. Classes can be divided up into several groups. The groups should contain
high achievers and low achievers. These common features enhance the effectiveness of
cooperative learning groups. When activities are designed and structured appropriately,
cooperative learning can be very effective.
Cooperative learning does require special skills of teachers, but this can be overcome by
doing exercises in advance. While the latter deficiency can be overcome by giving understanding
to the students that human cannot live alone without help from others. Therefore, students feel
the need to work together and practice working together in cooperative learning.
Procedure :
1. First step is conveys goals and motivates students.
The teacher conveys learning objectives and communicates the basic competencies to be
achieved and motivates students.
2. Second step is ptresents information
The teacher presents information to students.
3. Thid step is organizing students into study groups
The teacher informs the grouping of students.
4. Fourth step is guiding study groups
The Teacher motivates and facilitates student work in study groups.
5. Fifth step is evaluation
The teacher evaluates the learning outcomes of the learning material that has been
6. Sixth step is give awards
The teacher rewards individual and group learning outcomes.

Sunartombs. 2009. Pengertian Cooperative Learning. diakses tanggal
19 oktober 2012.

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