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PENGAMPU : Maya Kurnia Dewi, S.S., M.Hum
Choose the correct answer!

1. Casualty is the place to treat ………

a. Babies b. children c. emergency cases d. elderly
2. Surgery is where surgeons carry out
a. Operations b. nervous system c. test results d. X-rays
3. Paediatrics is the place to treat …………..
a. Heart b. exercises c. elderly d. children
4. Medical staff in the Renal unit specialize in …………
a. Kidney b. heart c. nervous system d. elderly
5. Patients with ………….disease visit Cardiology
a. Kidney b. heart c. skin disorders d. children
6. It feels like someone is beating a drum. It’s called as ………….
a. A dull ache c. a stinging sensation
b. A burning sensation d. a throbbing pain
7. It’s a kind of …………….. feeling, like pins and needles are pushed into my skin
a. Burning b. tingling c. stabbing d. throbbing
8. The therapist gives advice on underwater exercise to help treat pain and injury. It is called as
a. Hypnotherapy c. music therapy
b. hydrotherapy d. herbal therapy
9. The therapist talks to the patient when he or she is ‘asleep’ to influence their feelings about pain. This
therapy is……
a. Music therapy c. aromatherapy
b. Herbal therapy d. hypnotherapy
10. Blood pressure means ……………………..
a. How many times a person breathers per minute
b. How hot the body is
c. How many times the heart beats per minute
d. The force with which blood travels round the body
11. A tool to measure sounds within the body, for example those in heart and lungs is …..
a. Stethoscope c. digital blood pressure monitor
b. Thermometer d. oximeter
12. RR is the abbreviation of ……………..
a. Blood pressure c. oxygen saturation
b. Respiration rate d. kilo grams
13. When someone has problem breathing, it is called as ……………..
a. Relieve b. irritate c. wheeze d. breathless
14. ……………………..protect the body from infection
a. Adverse b. immune system c. antibodies d. harmful
15. The mineral which is good for your bones is ……………
a. Calcium b. iron c. zinc d. natrium

16. Potatoes, rice, cereal and bread are the sources of ……………………..
a. Carbohydrates b. proteins c. fats d. vitamins
17.…………………………does it hurt? On my left arm
a. Where b. when c. how d. what
18. The amount of something you drink / eat, etc regularly is same with ?
a. GP b. marital status c. occupation d. intake
19. The part of body which pumps blood around the body is ………………
a. Hand b. brain c. heart d. kidney
20. The lower chambers of the heart are called as ………………….
a. Ventricles b. atriums c. aorta d. pulmonary

Write down the correct answer for number based on the instruction

21. Choose TRUE or FALSE of the statements based on the text

Smoking and cardiovascular disease

Smoking is a major risk factor getting cardiovascular (heart and blood vessel) disease. The more
you smoke, the greater risk. Did you know that nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes have a
significant effect on your heart and blood vessels? When you smoke, your heart rate increases and
your blood pressure rises. At the same time, your arteries narrow and blood flow decreases.

Giving up smoking – what are the real benefits?

Your risk of heart disease begins to decrease almost immediately after you stop smoking

In 20 minutes : your blood pressure and heart rate fall to their normal level

In 8 hours : your level of oxygen rises to its normal rate and your carbon dioxide level drops

In 24 hours : your chance of a heart attack starts to go down

In 12 months : your risk of a heart attack falls by more than 50%

After several years : your risk of heart disease could be similar to that of someone who has never
smoked at all

Give up smoking – it’s never too late!

Are these sentences true (T) or false (F) based on the text above?

1. Your risk of cardiovascular disease is greater if you smoke (T/F)

2. Nicotine will increase your blood flow and decrease your blood pressure (T/F)
3. Heart rate returns to normal less than half and hour after stopping smoking (T/F)
4. Even ex-smokers remain high risk for heart disease (T/F)
5. It is sometimes too late to stop smoking (T/F)

22.Write down the vital signs below using sentences

BP : 120/80
RR : 20
P : 79
T : 37.5

23. Label the body parts as available in the answer sheet



STUDENT NUMBER : 010117A0012



1. A B C D 11. A B C D
2. A B C D 12. A B C D
3. A B C D 13. A B C D
4. A B C D 14. A B C D
5. A B C D 15. A B C D
6. A B C D 16. A B C D
7. A B C D 17. A B C D
8. A B C D 18. A B C D
9. A B C D 19. A B C D
10. A B C D 20. A B C D

21. 1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. F

22. BP : 120/80 ( blood pressure is one twenty over eighty)

RR : 20 ( resps are at twenty breaths per minute)

P : 79 ( pulse is seventy-nine beats per minute)

T : 37,5 (temperature is thirty-seven point five)


1. Hair
2. Eye
3. Ear
4. Nose
5. Mouth
6. Neck
7. Chest
8. Arm
9. Elbow
10. Hand
11. Finger
12. Waist
13. Thigh
14. Knee
15. Angkle
16. Foot

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