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All Blue Infotech

Employee Handbook

Version 2.0: January 08, 2020

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 0
1. General Information

1.1. Disclaimer

No one will be denied opportunities or benefits based on age, sex, colour, race, creed, national
origin, religious persuasion, marital status, political belief, or disability that does not prohibit
performance of essential job functions; nor will anyone receive special treatment for those

2. Purpose of This Manual

This Manual has been prepared to inform you about All Blue Infotech's history, philosophy,
employment practices, and policies, as well as the benefits provided to you as a valued
employee and the conduct expected from you.

No employee Manual can answer every question, nor would we want to restrict the normal
question and answer interchange among us. It is in our person-to-person conversations that
we can better know each other, express our views, and work together in a harmonious

We ask that you read this Manual carefully and refer to it whenever questions arise. We also
suggest that you take it home so your family can become familiar with the All Blue Infotech
and its policies.

All Blue Infotech Manual, may be changed

from time to time as business, employment legislation, and economic conditions dictate. If and
when provisions are changed, you will be given replacement pages for those that have
become outdated.

3. Notice

The policies in this Manual are to be considered as guidelines. All Blue Infotech at its discretion
may change, delete, suspend or discontinue any part or parts of the policies in this Manual at
any time without prior notice. Any such action shall apply to existing as well as future
employees with continued employment being the consideration between the employer and
employee. Employees may not accrue eligibility for monetary benefits that they have not
earned through actual time spent at work. Employees shall not accrue eligibility for any
benefits, rights, or privileges beyond the last day worked. No one other than the President of
All Blue Infotech may alter or modify any of the policies in this Manual. No statement or
promise by any other than a management representative may be interpreted as a change in
policy nor will it constitute an agreement with an employee.

Should any provision in this Employee Manual be found to be unenforceable and invalid, such
finding does not invalidate the entire Employee Manual, but only the subject provision.

This manual replaces all other previous manuals for All Blue Infotech.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 2
4. History

All Blue is a multinational company with operations in Canada, United States, Jamaica, United
Arab Emirates and India. We are focused on delivering managed services and solutions
related to IBM software.

5. Vision

Our vision is to deliver customer centric, cost effective and rapid solutions to complex business

To make sure that our solution continually supp

technology innovation, differentiates their business and outpaces the competition.

6. Culture

Our culture is:

Innovation: Thriving for continuous improvement.

Urgency: Value time and clients concerns.
Community: Creating a culture on trust and relationships.
Leadership: Forming, allying, and leading the team to All Blue Infotech
Commitment: Committed to serve your best interests.
Ownership: We are proud of the work we do.
Honesty: Our best policy.

7. What you can expect from All Blue Infotech

All Blue Infotech

Operate an economically successful business so that a consistent level of steady work

is available.

Select people based on skill, training, ability, attitude, and character without
discrimination with regard to age, sex, colour, race, creed, national origin, religious
persuasion, marital status, political belief, or disability that does not prohibit
performance of essential job functions.

Review wages, employee benefits and working conditions constantly with the objective
of providing maximum benefits in these areas, consistent with sound business

Provide paid vacations and holidays to all eligible employees.

Provide eligible employees with medical, disability and other benefits.

Dedicate ourselves to "Constant and Never-ending Improvement".

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Make prompt and fair adjustment of any complaints, which may arise, in the everyday
conduct of our business, to the extent that is practicable.

Respect individual rights and treat all employees with courtesy and consideration.

Maintain mutual respect in our working relationship.

Provide offices that are comfortable, orderly, and safe.

Keep all employees informed of the progress of All Blue Infotech, as well as the All
Blue Infotech's overall aims and objectives.

Do all these things in a spirit of friendliness and cooperation so that All Blue Infotech
will continue to be known as "a great place to work!"

8. What the All Blue Infotech expects from you

Your first responsibility is to know your own duties and how to do them promptly, correctly and
pleasantly. Secondly, you are expected to cooperate with management and your fellow
employees and maintain a good team attitude and committed to culture of All Blue Infotech.
How you interact with fellow employees and those whom the All Blue Infotech serves, and
how you accept direction can affect the success of All Blue Infotech.

In turn, the performance of one individual can impact the entire service offered by All Blue
Infotech. Consequently, whatever your position, you have an important assignment: perform
every task to the very best of your ability. The result will be better performance for the All Blue
Infotech overall and personal satisfaction for you.

9. Personnel File

Keeping your personnel file up to date can be important to you regarding your pay, deductions,
benefits and other matters. If you have a change in any of the following items, please be sure
to notify management as soon as possible in writing:

1. Legal name;

2. Home address;

3. Home /cell telephone number;

4. Person to call in case of emergency;

5. Number of dependents;

6. Marital status;

You may request and receive copies of all documents you have signed is kept in your own
personnel file for records and you can ask for copies for your own records.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 4
10. Employment Classifications

10.1. Full-Time Employees

At the time you are hired, you are classified as full-time, part-time or temporary employee.
Unless otherwise specified, the benefits described in this Manual apply only to full-time
employees. If you are unsure of which job classification your position fits into, please ask your

An employee who works at least forty [40] hours per week is considered a full-time employee.

If you were a full-time employee and have been on an approved leave of absence, upon return
you will still be considered a full-time employee upon your return to work.

10.2. Part-Time Employees

An employee who works less than a regular forty [40] hours per week is considered a part-
time employee.

If you are a part-time employee, please understand that you are not eligible for benefits
described in this Manual, except as granted on occasion, or to the extent required by provision
of state and federal laws.

10.3. Temporary Employees

From time to time, All Blue Infotech may hire employees for specific periods of time or for the
completion of a specific project. An employee hired under these conditions will be considered
a temporary employee. The job assignment, work schedule and duration of the position will
be determined on an individual basis. Normally, a temporary position will not exceed three [3]
months in duration, unless specifically extended by a written agreement. Summer employees
are considered temporary employees. If you are a temporary employee, please understand
that you are not eligible for benefits described in this Manual, except as granted on occasion,
or to the extent required by provision of state and federal laws.

11. Employment Policies

11.1. Anniversary Date

The first day you report to work is your "official" anniversary date. Your anniversary date is
used to compute various conditions and benefits described in this Manual.

11.2. Confidential Information

Our clients entrust All Blue Infotech with important information relating to their businesses.
The nature of this relationship requires maintenance of confidentiality. In safeguarding the
information received, All Blue Infotech earns the respect and further trust of our clients.

Your employment with All Blue Infotech assumes an obligation to maintain confidentiality, even
after you are not employed by All Blue Infotech.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 5
As an employee of All Blue Infotech, you have access to personal and confidential information.
All of All Blue Infotech business must be kept strictly confidential.

12. Client Relations

The success of All Blue Infotech depends upon the quality of the relationships among our
employees and our clients. Our clients' impression of All Blue Infotech and their interest and
willingness to do business with us is greatly formed by the people who serve them. In a sense,
regardless of your position, you are All Blue Infotech
promote, the more our clients will respect and appreciate you, All Blue Infotech and All Blue

Here are several things you can do to help give clients a good impression of All Blue Infotech:

1. Act competently and deal with clients in a courteous and respectful manner.
2. Always communicate pleasantly and respectfully with other employees.
3. Follow up on requirements and questions promptly, provide business-like replies to
inquiries and requests, and perform all duties in an orderly manner.
4. Take great pride in your work and enjoy doing your very best.

These are the building blocks for you and All Blue Infotech
for adding your support.

13. Equal Employment Opportunity

All Blue Infotech will provide equal employment opportunity without regard to race, color, sex,
age, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, political
belief or activity, or status as a veteran.

The policy applies to all areas of employment, including recruitment, hiring, training and
development, promotion, termination, layoff, compensation benefits, social and recreational
programs, and all other conditions and privileges of employment in accordance with applicable
state, and central laws.

All Blue Infotech will not discriminate against any qualified employee or job applicant with
respect to any terms, privileges, or conditions of employment because of a person's physical
or mental disability. All Blue Infotech also will make reasonable accommodation wherever
necessary for all employees or applicants with disabilities, provided that the individual is
otherwise qualified to safely perform the duties and assignments connected with the job and
provided that any accommodations made do not require significant difficulty or expense.

Management is primarily responsible for seeing that All Blue Infotech

opportunity policies are implemented, but all members of the staff share in the responsibility
for assuring that by their personal actions the policies are effective and apply uniformly to

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 6
14. Harassment Policy

All Blue Infotech intends to provide a work environment that is pleasant, healthful, comfortable,
and free from intimidation, hostility or other offenses, which might interfere with work
performance. Harassment of any sort - verbal, physical or visual - will not be tolerated.

14.1. What Is Harassment?

Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to words, signs, jokes, pranks,
intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Harassment is not necessarily sexual in nature.

Sexually harassing conduct may include unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favours, or any other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature that prevents an individual
from effectively performing the duties of their position or creates an intimidating, hostile or
offensive working environment, or when such conduct is made a condition of employment or
compensation, either implicitly or explicitly.

14.2. Responsibility

Employees of All Blue Infotech have a responsibility for keeping our work environment free of
harassment. Any employee, who becomes aware of an incident of harassment, whether by
witnessing the incident or being told of it, must report it to their immediate manager or any
management representative with whom they feel comfortable. When management becomes
aware that harassment might exist, it is obligated by law to take prompt and appropriate action,
whether the victim wants All Blue Infotech to do so or not.

14.3. Reporting

Any incidents of harassment must be immediately reported to a manager or management

representative. Appropriate investigation and disciplinary action will be taken. All reports will
be promptly investigated with due regard for the privacy of everyone involved. Any employee
found to have harassed a fellow employee or subordinate will be subject to severe disciplinary
action or possible discharge. All Blue Infotech will also take any additional action necessary
to appropriately remedy the situation. No adverse employment action will be taken for any
employee making a good faith report of alleged harassment.

All Blue Infotech accepts no liability for harassment of one employee by another employee.
The individual who makes unwelcome advances, threatens or in any way harasses another
employee is personally liable for such actions and their consequences. All Blue Infotech will
not provide legal, financial or any other assistance to an individual accused of harassment if
a legal complaint is filed.

15. How You Were Selected

We carefully select our employees through telephonic interview, personal interview and
reference checks. After all available information was carefully considered and evaluated; you
were selected to become a member of our team.

This careful selection process helps All Blue Infotech to find and employ people who are
concerned with their own personal success and the success of All Blue Infotech; people who

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 7
want to do a job well and who can carry on their work with skill and ability; and people who
are comfortable with All Blue Infotech and who can work well with our team.

16. Probationary Period

Your first six months per contracts of employment at All Blue Infotech are considered as
Probationary Period, and during that period you will not accrue benefits described in this
Manual unless otherwise required by law. This Probation Period will be a time to get to know
your fellow employees, your manager, and the tasks involved in your job position, as well as
becoming familiar with All Blue Infotech ervices. We will work closely with you
to help you understand the needs and processes of your job.

During this Probationary Period, All Blue Infotech will evaluate your suitability for employment.
If at any time during this first ninety [90] days, your work habits, attitude, attendance or
performance do not measure up to our standards, we may release you.

Please understand that completion of the Probationary Period does not guarantee continued
employment for any specified period, nor does it require that an employee be discharged only
for "cause".

A former employee who has been rehired after a separation from All Blue Infotech of more
than one [1] year is considered a Probationer during the first six months following rehire.

17. Non-Compete Agreement

All new All Blue Infotech -Compete Agreement, or an

employment contract as a condition of employment.


All Blue Infotech may conduct a pre-employment credit check and/ or background check on
all applicants who are offered and who accept an offer of employment. Your employment with
us is conditional upon our review of the information in the background and /or credit check. All
Blue Infotech reserves the right to conduct this credit check at any time after you have been

19. Standards of Conduct

Whenever people gather together to achieve goals, some rules of conduct are needed to help
everyone work together efficiently, effectively, and harmoniously.

By accepting employment with us, you have a responsibility to All Blue Infotech and to your
fellow employees to adhere to certain rules of behaviour and conduct. The purpose of these
rules is not to restrict your rights, but rather to be certain that you understand what conduct is
expected and necessary.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 8
20. Disciplinary Actions

20.1. Unacceptable Activities

All Blue Infotech and its management team always expects each person to act in a mature
and responsible way. However, to avoid any possible confusion, some of the more obvious
unacceptable activities are noted below. Your avoidance of these activities will be to your
benefit as well as the benefit of All Blue Infotech. If you have any questions concerning any
work or safety rule, or any of the unacceptable activities listed, please see your manager for
further details.

Occurrences of any of the following violations, because of their seriousness, may result in
immediate dismissal without warning:

Wilful violation of any All Blue Infotech rules; any deliberate action that is extreme in
nature and is obviously detrimental to All Blue Infotech rate profitably;
Wilful violation of security or safety rules or failure to observe safety rules or All Blue
Infotech safety practices; tampering with All Blue Infotech equipment;
Negligence or any careless action, which endangers the life or safety of another
Being intoxicated or under the influence of Psychotropic substance drugs while at
work; use or possession or sale of controlled substance drugs in any quantity while on
All Blue Infotech premises except medications prescribed by a physician, which do not
impair work performance;
Unauthorized possession of dangerous or illegal firearms, weapons or explosives on
All Blue Infotech property or while on duty;
Engaging in criminal conduct or acts of violence, or making threats of violence toward
anyone on All Blue Infotech premises or when representing All Blue Infotech; fighting,
or horseplay or provoking a fight on All Blue Infotech property, or negligent damage of
Insubordination or refusing to obey instructions properly issued by your manager
pertaining to your work; refusal to help out on a special assignment;
Threatening, intimidating or coercing fellow employees on or off the premises at any
time, for any purpose;
Engaging in an act of sabotage; wilfully or with gross negligence causing the
destruction or damage of All Blue Infotech property, or the property of fellow
employees, clients, suppliers, or visitors in any manner;
Theft of All Blue Infotech property or the property of fellow employees; unauthorized
possession or removal of any All Blue Infotech property, including documents, from
the premises without prior permission from management; unauthorized use of All Blue
Infotech equipment or property for personal reasons; using All Blue Infotech
equipment for profit;
Dishonesty; wilful falsification or misrepresentation on your application for employment
or other work records; lying about sick or personal leave; falsifying reason for a leave
of absence or other data requested by All Blue Infotech; alteration of All Blue Infotech
records or other All Blue Infotech documents;
Violating the non-disclosure agreement; giving confidential or proprietary All Blue
Infotech information to competitors or other organizations or to unauthorized All Blue
Infotech employees; working for a competing business while an All Blue Infotech
employee; breach of confidentiality of personnel information;

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 9
Malicious gossip and/or spreading rumours; engaging in behaviour designed to create
discord and lack of harmony; interfering with another employee on the job; wilfully
restricting work output or encouraging others to do the same;
Immoral conduct or indecency on All Blue Infotech property;
Conducting a lottery or gambling on All Blue Infotech premises.

Occurrences of any of the following activities, as well as violations of any All Blue Infotech
rules or policies, may be subject to disciplinary action, including possible immediate dismissal.
This list is not all-inclusive, and, notwithstanding this list,

Unsatisfactory or careless work; failure to meet deadlines or quality standards as

explained to you by your manager; mistakes due to carelessness or failure to get
necessary instructions;
Any act of harassment, sexual, racial or other; telling sexist or racial-type jokes; making
racial or ethnic slurs;
Sleeping on the job; loitering or loafing during working hours;
Excessive use of All Blue Infotech telephone for personal calls;
Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions;
Failure to report an absence or late arrival; excessive absence or lateness;
Obscene or abusive language toward any manager, employee or client; indifference
or rudeness towards a customer or fellow employee; any disorderly/antagonistic
conduct on All Blue Infotech premises;
Failure to immediately report damage to or an accident involving All Blue Infotech
Soliciting during working hours and/or in working areas; selling merchandise or
collecting funds of any kind for charities or others without authorization during business
hours, or at a time or place that interferes with the work of another employee on All
Blue Infotech premises;
Failure to maintain a neat and clean appearance in terms of the standards established
by your manager; any departure from accepted conventional modes of dress or
personal grooming; wearing improper or unsafe clothing.

20.2. Disciplinary Actions

Unacceptable behaviour, which does not lead to immediate dismissal, may be dealt with in
the following manner:

1. Verbal Warning;

2. Written Warning;

3. 2nd Written Warning;

4. Dismissal.

Written warnings will include the reasons for the manager's dissatisfaction and supporting
evidence, if any. You will have an opportunity to defend your actions and rebut the opinion of
your manager at the time the warning is issued.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 10
All pertinent facts will be carefully reviewed, and the employee will be given a full opportunity
to explain his or her conduct before any decision is reached. The President or another member
of senior management will give a second opinion concerning the unacceptable behaviour
before dismissal occurs.

21. Crisis Suspension

If you commit any of the actions listed below, or any other action not specified but similarly
serious, you will be suspended with pay / without pay / half pay pending the investigation of
the situation. Following the investigation, you may be terminated without any previous
disciplinary action having been taken.

1. Theft;

2. Falsification of All Blue Infotech records;

3. Failure to follow safety practices;

4. Conflict of interest;

5. Threat of or the act of doing bodily harm;

6. Wilful or negligent destruction of property;

7. Use and/or possession of intoxicants, drugs or narcotics;

8. Neglect of duty;

9. Refusal to perform assigned work or to follow a direct order.

22. Dismissal

Employment and compensation with All Blue Infotech are "at will" and they can be terminated
with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time, at the option of either All Blue
Infotech or you, except as otherwise provided by law.

If your performance is unsatisfactory due to lack of ability, failure to abide by All Blue Infotech
rules or failure to fulfil the requirements of your job, you will be notified of the problem. If
satisfactory change does not occur, you may be dismissed. Some incidents may result in
immediate dismissal.

23. Wage & Salary Policies

You are employed by All Blue Infotech and will be carried directly on our payroll. No person
may be paid directly out of petty cash or any other such fund for work performed. The only
exception to this policy is where a contract relationship exists with a bona fide contractor.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 11
23.1. Application

All Blue Infotech applies the same principles of fairness and external comparability to all
employees, regardless of organizational level, sex, religion, national origin, age, or race.

23.2. Salary and Commission

For all company employees, salary and commission will end at the termination of an
employment. Regarding employees who get commission, All Blue Infotech will pay
commission based on the amount collected up to the date of termination.

23.3. Computing Pay

Should you be one of our "salaried" employees whose pay is not based on an hourly rate,
there may be times when it is necessary to compensate you for some daily or hourly pay.
When this is necessary, All Blue Infotech will compute your time based on eight [8] hours of
work per day [2080] hours of work per year. Salary will be pro-rated the first month of
employment based on the days worked during such month.

23.4. Deductions from Salary

All Blue Infotech is required by law to make certain deductions from your pay-check each time
one is prepared. These deductions will be itemized on your pay slip. Any other mandatory
deductions to be made from your salary, such as court-ordered attachments, will be explained
whenever All Blue Infotech is ordered to make such deductions.

23.5. Repayment of All Blue Infotech Loan

Funds you owe to All Blue Infotech may be deducted from current wages according to the
terms and conditions agreed upon at the time of your advance or loan from All Blue Infotech.

23.6. Error in Pay

Every effort is made to avoid errors in calculation of your pay. If you believe an error has been
made, contact management immediately. They will take the necessary steps to research the
problem and to assure that any necessary correction is made properly and promptly.

23.7. Pay Cycle

Payday is monthly, on the 7th day of the following month in which services were performed. It
will include pay from the first to the last day of the previous month. Changes will be made and
announced in advance whenever All Blue Infotech holidays or closings interfere with the
normal payday.

24. Attendance

24.1. Absence or Lateness

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 12
All Blue Infotech is aware that emergencies, illnesses, or pressing personal business that
cannot be scheduled outside your work hours may arise. Casual and Personal leave have
been provided for this purpose.

If you are unable to report to work, or if you will arrive late, please contact your manager
immediately. If you know in advance that you will need to be absent, you are required to
request this time off directly from your manager. He or she will determine when will be the
most suitable time for you to be absent from your work.

When you call in to inform All Blue Infotech of an unexpected absence or late arrival, ask for
your manager directly. If you are unable to call in yourself because of an illness, emergency
or for some other reason, be sure to have someone call on your behalf. If your manager is not
available when you call, you may leave message for your manager.

Absence from work for three [3] consecutive days without notifying your manager or the
personnel administrator will be considered a voluntary resignation.

24.2. Excessive Absenteeism or Lateness

In general, five [5] absences in a [90-day] period, or a consistent pattern of absence, will be
considered excessive, and the reasons for the absences may come under question. Tardiness
or leaving early is as detrimental to All Blue Infotech as an absence. Three [3] such incidents
in a [90-day] t as
an absence. Other factors, like the degree of lateness, may be considered. Be aware that
excessive absenteeism, lateness or leaving early may lead to disciplinary action, including
possible dismissal.

24.3. Record of Absence or Lateness

If you are absent because of illness for three [3] or more successive days, your manager may
request that you submit written documentation from your doctor. If you are absent five [5] or
more days because of illness, you may be required to provide written documentation from a
doctor that you are able to resume normal work duties before you will be allowed to return to
work. You will be responsible for any charges made by your doctor for this documentation.

Your manager will make a note of any absence or lateness, and the reason, in your personal
file. Your attendance record will be considered when evaluating requests for leaves of
absence, and approved time off etc.

24.4. Paid Leave of Absence

Time off for any reason during a working day will count first against your allotted personal
leave, as appropriate, quarter day, half day or full day increments. Once you have used all of
your earned personal leave, the time will be counted against your earned casual leave.
Thereafter, unless specifically accepted any time off will be without pay.

25. Transportation

To ensure the safety of female employees and eliminating the need for an evening
transportation service, office hours are held between 9am-6pm Monday through Friday. In the
event that a female employee is asked to work past 7:30pm, they will be given the option to

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 13
either work at home after 6pm or stay in the office and be transported by a ride sharing service
that is reimbursed (ex: Uber, Ola, etc.) by employer.

26. The Benefits Package

In addition to receiving an equitable salary and having an equal opportunity for professional
development and advancement, you may be eligible to enjoy other benefits that will enhance
your job satisfaction. We are certain that you will agree that the benefits program described in
this Manual represents a very large investment by All Blue Infotech, and we trust that you will
avoid abusing any of the program's benefits.

A good benefits program is a solid investment in All Blue Infotech and its employees. It not
only ensures the loyalty of long-time capable employees; it also helps to attract talented
newcomers who can help All Blue Infotech grow. All Blue Infotech will periodically review the
benefits program and will make modifications as appropriate to the All Blue Infotech's

26.1. Eligibility for Benefits

If you are a full-time employee, you will enjoy all of the benefits described in this manual as
soon as you meet the eligibility requirements for each particular benefit under your contract.
No benefits are available to you during your Probationary Period, except as otherwise provided
or stated in your contract. Temporary employees are not eligible for benefits.

27. Holidays

Only full-time employees are eligible for holiday pay.

27.1. Recognized Holidays

The following holidays are recognized as paid holidays:

26th Jan (Republic Day)

15th Aug (Independence Day) and

2nd Oct (Gandhi Jayanti)

In addition, you will receive ten [10] paid public holiday days off to be co-ordinated with your
manager. Please discuss any specific holiday or cultural requirements you need with your
manager and we will do our best to accommodate.

27.2. Holiday Policies

You may take time off to observe your religious holidays. If available, a full day of unused
leave or a vacation day may be used for this purpose, otherwise the time off is without pay.
You must notify your manager at least [5] business days in advance.

We schedule all national holidays on the day designated by common business practice.

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If a holiday occurs during your scheduled vacation, it will count as a holiday only.

In order to qualify for holiday pay, you must work the scheduled workday immediately before
and after the holiday. Only excused absences will be considered exceptions to this policy. You
are not eligible to receive holiday pay when you are on a leave of absence.

28. Leaves

28.1. PL, CL, Holidays, Bereavement, and Leave of Absence

The number of PL, CL, and Holiday days are noted in your contract. For PL, CL, and leave of
absence days, you must get approval from management ahead of the time and update your
electronic timesheet.

PL and CL may be taken when the employee earns these hours. If employee requests leave
before earning the time, employee may be granted leave without pay. Company will not pay
for leaves that have not been earned.

Upon termination of employment with All Blue Infotech, for any reason, you may be qualified
to receive payment for all earned and unused PL hours to date.

28.2. Privileged Leave (PL)

The purpose of a vacation is to provide you with a time to rest and relax; therefore, no
additional wages or salary will be paid to you in lieu of a vacation.

As a full-time employee you are eligible for paid privileged leave during each calendar year.
We all get six days.

28.3. Casual Leave/ Sick Leave (CL)

As a full-time employee you are eligible for paid casual leave during each calendar year.
Please see your contract to determine the total number of days you have per year. If you must
be absent from work because of a personal illness, or some personal work you will be eligible
to receive this leave.

If you are required to take a disability leave of absence, any accrued sick leave will be paid at
the time the leave commences; should the leave extend beyond five [5] days, medical
confirmation from a trained professional may be requested.

Casual Leave may not be carried over and accumulated from year to year. Casual Leave not
used during a calendar year will be cancelled out and not paid for.

28.4. Unearned Leave

If PL and CL balance is 0 hours/days or balance is more than 0 hours/days but have not been
earned yet, leave requests may be approved under two conditions:

1.Unpaid Leave

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 15
2.Paid leave in lieu of working Overtime to make up for the hours requested

2a. Employee coordinates with Manager to see when they can make up the
time. This time plan should be emailed to your Manager and carbon copy

2b. If by four [4] business days before payroll employee has not made up more
than 75% of the unearned leave taken, the remainder will be deducted from
pay. Employee will receive a letter where company will include details of how
much time was owed, how much time was made up, and time to be paid to the

28.5. Bereavement (Compassionate) Leave

Should any employee experience the unfortunate loss of an immediate family member, they
shall be allotted three [3] consecutive days off from regular work duties with regular pay. An
employee who wishes to take time off due to a death of an immediate family member should
notify his or her supervisor as soon as possible. If an employee leaves work early on the day
he or she is notified of the death, the day will not count as bereavement leave.

In addition to bereavement leave, the employee may (with supervisor approval) use any
available casual or privilege leave for additional time off as necessary. Employees under
discipline for attendance issue may be required to provide documentation regarding their
bereavement leave.

28.6. Unpaid Leaves of Absence

Occasionally, for medical, personal, or other reasons, you may need to be temporarily
released from the duties of your job with All Blue Infotech but may not wish to submit your
resignation. Under certain circumstances, subject to the decision of the management, you
may be eligible for an unpaid leave of absence.

28.7. Disability and Leave of Absence

In general, a leave of absence is an official authorization to be absent from work without pay
for a specified period. Eligible employees may be entitled to job-protected family or medical
leaves of absence if they are unable to come to work due to pressing family or medical
concerns as described under the following Leave Policy, which shall be administered in
accordance with applicable State and Federal laws.

All Blue Infotech may grant an unpaid/paid leave of absence for illness, disability or pregnancy.
To request a disability or leave of absence from your manager, you should submit, or have
someone submit for you, a statement of ill health or disability from your doctor. An approved
disability leave may be granted for up to 6 months. If necessary, you may request extensions
in one [1] day increments for a maximum of 6 months. Whenever possible, you are required
to give as much notice as possible of your pending need for a disability leave of absence.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 16
At the time the disability leave begins, any accrued personal leave or sick leave will be paid.
Vacation time previously earned (but not used) at that time will also be paid if the employee
so desires. These benefits do not continue to accrue during a leave of more than thirty [30]
calendar days. This policy applies to all employees. Your group insurance booklet should be
reviewed to determine your insurance coverage during a leave of absence.

Employees who must remain away from work for more than the period allowed above will be
considered terminated from employment. They are welcome to re-apply subject to All Blue

Employees who develop an illness or physical condition, which requires medical treatment or
restrictions and precautions as to their health, will be required to submit a physician's
statement. This statement must give approval that continued full-time employment in their
present position will not jeopardize their health or the safety of others, in the event they
continue to work. A similar statement is required upon return from a disability leave.

Should your attendance or job performance suffer during the period preceding and/or following
a disability leave, we will accommodate you to the extent provided by law. We are under no
obligation to reduce or alter your workload, or to assign fewer than the usual hours of work.

28.8. Paternity Leave

Those who are seeking to claim leave due to an expected pregnancy (of theirs or their
spouses) are allotted ten [10] days of paid time off to care for their new-born. In the case of
pregnancy, please inform your manager as soon as possible of the date you and your doctor
anticipate that you will begin your leave. The notice must be made in writing with proof of
certificate of pregnancy.

Following the date of delivery, the employee must also send another notice with certificate of
delivery within 48 hours. Your job status will be protected to the extent that we will make every
effort to allow you to return to your former work, or similar work if available, for which you may
be qualified, and employees will be entitled to full wages during this time.

Prior to taking this leave employee must inform employer of a return date and update employer
periodically should this date change.

28.9. Maternity Leave

Per maternity benefit act, employees who are seeking to claim leave due to an expected
pregnancy are allotted 26 weeks for up to two [2] kids, and 12 weeks for more than two [kids].

Following the date of delivery, the employee must also send another notice with certificate of
delivery within 48 hours. Your job status will be protected to the extent that we will make every
effort to allow you to return to your former work, or similar work if available, for which you may
be qualified, and employees will be entitled to full wages during this time.

Prior to taking this leave employee must inform employer of a return date and update employer
periodically should this date change.

28.10. Accepting Other Employment or Going into Business While on

Leave of Absence

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 17
If you accept any employment or go into business while on a leave of absence from All Blue
Infotech, you will be considered to have voluntarily resigned from employment with All Blue
Infotech as of the day on which you began your leave of absence.

29. Group Insurance

All Blue Infotech is interested in the health and well-being of both you and your family. A
comprehensive health program is available for you and your family. When you become eligible
for coverage, you may choose to accept the insurance coverage, or decline insurance

The following benefits are provided, as defined and limited in the literature provided by our
insurance for All Blue Infotech:

Employee will be responsible for paying [20%] of medical insurance premium and All Blue
Infotech will be paying [80%] of the full insurance cost.

All Blue Infotech

responsibility to make sure that he/she always has medical insurance while employed by All
Blue Infotech.

In the event of your termination of employment with All Blue Infotech or loss of eligibility to
remain covered under our group health insurance program, you and your eligible dependents
will not have the right to continued coverage under our health insurance program.

30. Dress Code/Personal Appearance

Please understand that you are expected to dress and groom yourself in accordance with
accepted social and business standards, particularly if your job involves dealing with clients
or visitors in person.

You are expected to be suitably attired and groomed during working hours or when
representing All Blue Infotech. A good clean appearance bolsters your own poise and self-
confidence and greatly enhances our All Blue Infotech image. When working at a client's site,
please observe what the client is wearing and dress appropriately.

Personal appearance should be a matter of concern for each employee. If your manager feels
your attire is out of place, you may be asked to leave your workplace until you are properly
attired. You will not be paid for the time you are off the job for this purpose. Your manager has
the sole authorisation to determine an appropriate dress code, and anyone who violates this
standard will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

31. Gifts

Advance approval from management is required before an employee may accept or solicit a
gift of any kind from a client, supplier or vendor representative. Employees are not permitted
to give gifts to clients or suppliers.

32. Housekeeping

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 18
Neatness and good housekeeping are signs of efficiency and it is a required safety precaution.
You are always expected to keep your work area neat and orderly.

Easily accessible trash receptacles are located throughout the office space. Please put all
litter and recyclable materials in the appropriate receptacles and containers. Always be aware
of good health and safety standards, including fire and loss prevention. Please report anything
that needs repairing or replacing to your management immediately.

33. Payroll Advances

All Blue Infotech rarely advances or loans money to employees; In the event you must borrow
against your pay-check, you must first discuss your situation with your manager. If he or she
feels that your request is justified, an agreement will be provided for you to fill out and sign.

34. Office Monitoring Policy - Employee Use of Office Equipment,

Telephone, Computers, etc

Proper and efficient use of telephones, voice mail, phone, e-mails, world wide web, computers,
networks, and other components of All Blue Infotech
important in controlling costs, ensuring effective communications, and maintaining
productivity. All Blue Infotech reserves the right to monitor usage of any communication
system or electronic system used on their premises.

Personal use: While any office systems are intended for business purposes, All Blue Infotech
recognizes that some personal use may be necessary. Employees are permitted to make or
receive emergency calls at any time. Such calls should be as brief as possible, and in no case
more than 5 minutes. Monitoring of systems including desk contents, voicemail, electronic-
mail, phone calls, fax and computer usage, etc. is expected.

Long-distance calls: Employees must pay for their personal long-distance calls. Employees
should charge calls made at work to a credit card or calling card issued by their telephone All
Blue Infotech. All Blue Infotech can ask employees to account for the business purpose of
long-distance calls made from their telephones as reflected on telephone system reports and
billing statements. Employees must reimburse the All Blue Infotech for any personal calls that
are charged to the All Blue Infotech.

Voicemail/E-mail: Voice mail and E-mail, like the other components of All Blue Infotech
communication systems, are intended for business use. All messages are All Blue Infotech
records. While passwords are intended to limit access to authorized people only, employees
should not have an expectation of privacy in connection with messages and should use the
system accordingly.

Employees with voicemail and E-mail boxes should respond to their messages promptly and
delete old messages.

34.1. Unlawful use of telecommunications equipment

The use of All Blue Infotech

unlawful, or abusive calls or messages or for hacking is prohibited. Employees are to report
any threatening, intimidating, or harassing telephone calls to their manager. Note that all
communication on company equipment may be monitored.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 19
35. Employee References Request

As an employee, do not under any circumstances respond to any requests for information
regarding another employee unless it is part of your assigned job responsibilities. If it is not,
and you receive a request for a reference, you should forward the request to the personnel
department for a response.

36. Return of All Blue Infotech Property

Any All Blue Infotech property issued to you, such as product samples, laptop and all
accessories must be returned to All Blue Infotech at the time of your dismissal or resignation,
or whenever it is requested by your manager or a member of management. You are
responsible to pay for any lost or damaged items. The value of any property issued and not
returned may be deducted from your pay-check. If company property is not returned you may
be prosecuted for theft.

37. Security

Maintaining the security of All Blue Infotech is every

employee's responsibility. Develop habits that ensure security as a matter of course. For

Know the location of all alarms and fire extinguishers and familiarize yourself with the
proper procedure for using them, should the need arise.

When you leave All Blue Infotech

properly locked.

Always lock your computer when you are not using it. This includes breaks to the
restroom, standing up to help a colleague, lunch breaks, etc.

38. Substance Abuse

All Blue Infotech has a vital interest in maintaining safe, healthful, and efficient working
conditions for its employees. Being under the influence of a drug or alcohol on the job may
pose serious safety and health risks not only to the user, but to all those who work with the
user, as well as our clients.

Whenever use or abuse of any mood-altering substance [such as alcohol or other drugs]
interferes with a safe workplace, appropriate action must be taken. All Blue Infotech has no
desire to intrude into its employees' personal lives. However, both on-the-job and off-the-job
involvement with any mood-altering substances can have an impact on our workplace and on
All Blue Infotech ves of safety and security. Therefore, you are
expected to report to the workplace with no mood-altering substances in your body. While you
may make your own lifestyle choices, All Blue Infotech cannot accept the risk in the workplace
which substance use or abuse may create. The possession, sale or use of mood-altering
substances at the workplace, or coming to work under the influence of such substances shall
be a violation of safe work practices and will be subject to disciplinary action, including possible

39. Drugs
All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 20
Illegal drugs of any kind are not permitted at any time or any place. All Blue Infotech may ask
that you submit to a drug test [through a testing facility] at any time. Positive test results may
result in immediate termination. Refusal to submit to a drug test may result in an indefinite pay
suspension or immediate termination.

40. Security

All Blue Infotech may exercise its right to inspect all packages and parcels entering and leaving
our premises.

41. We Need Your Ideas

could be in service, development methods, equipment, communications, safety, ways to

reduce costs, losses, or other improvements you may see a need for. Please give us the
benefit of your unique experience and thoughts. Your contributions, as well as those of others,
could expand our profitability! Also, make sure to document your innovations and money-
saving efforts and have them placed in your personnel file. This may favourably affect your
wage, salary or promotion reviews.

42. Resolving Problems

An efficient, successful operation and satisfied employees go hand in hand. If you ever have
a problem, or if there is something bothering you, we encourage you to speak up and

Remember -- it is always best to resolve problems right away. Little problems tend to turn into
big problems; facts become confused; resentment and anger builds up. It is always best to get
things off your chest before they get out of hand.

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 21
Receipt & Acknowledgement of All Blue Infotech Employee Manual

This Employee Manual is an important document intended to help you become acquainted
with All Blue Infotech. Keep in mind that individual circumstances may call for individual

Because the general business atmosphere of All Blue Infotech and economic conditions are
always changing, the contents of this Manual may be changed at any time at the discretion of
All Blue Infotech. No changes in any benefit, policy or rule will be made without due
consideration of the mutual advantages, disadvantages, benefits and responsibilities such
changes will have on you as an employee and on All Blue Infotech.

Please read the following statements and sign below to indicate your receipt and
acknowledgement of the All Blue Infotech Employee Manual.

I have received and read a copy of the All Blue Infotech Employee Manual. I understand
that the policies, rules and benefits described in it are subject to change at the sole
discretion of All Blue Infotech at any time. I understand that this manual replaces all other
previous manuals for All Blue Infotech as of January 8 ,2020.
I am aware that during my employment confidential information will be made available to
me, i.e., project and/or product designs, marketing strategies, client lists, pricing policies
and other related information. I understand that this information is critical to the success

premises or with non-All Blue Infotech employees. In the event of termination of

employment, whether voluntary or involuntary, I hereby agree not to utilize or exploit this
information with any other individual or All Blue Infotech.
I understand that, should the content be changed in any way, All Blue Infotech may require
an additional signature from me to indicate that I am aware of and understand any new
I understand that my signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above
statements and have received a copy of the All Blue Infotech Employee Manual.

Witness Employee:

Name: _________________ Name (Print): __________________

Title: ___________________ Job Title: _____________________

Signature: __________________ Signature: _____________________

All Blue Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 3rd floor, 50 Feet Road Bangalore, 560-050 India 22

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