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Executive Summary

Leadership is a on going process of behavior practiced by a leader in response

to influence employees attitudes, to control them and to keep the organizational

activities in order towards achieving that organizations main objective. Leadership is

a very much vital component in making any organization successful. It is very

important in making an organization to perform effectively an efficiently. In order to

make an organization successful, it is necessary to motivate employees and direct

them to work properly, which would enable them to reach the organization’s goal.

Here, leadership is playing the role in motivating employees through effective

motivational factors, creating confidence among them by directing and advising them.

Leadership also builds morale in employee in order to ensure high productivity

towards achieving the purposes of that organization and ultimately making it


Leadership can be practiced in various styles, but based on the degree of use

of power leadership styles can be of three types, such as-autocratic leadership style,

democratic leadership style and free-rein leadership styles. Here, autocratic leadership

style refers to the centralized decision-making process style, in which strict discipline

is followed. Democratic leadership style refers to decentralized decision-making

process style; in which mental and emotional involvement take place. Lastly, the free-

rein leader style refers to give complete freedom to subordinates in which manager

collects subordinates do information and rest of the works. So, these are the

leadership styles can be followed by an organization in order to make employees

work properly to bring out the prosperity for the organization.

This research is based on a company’s leadership styles, which motivates,

directs employees towards achieving its goal. In order to make this study successful

we have chosen Alap Communication to see its leadership styles that keeps it’s works

on track.

Alap Communication basically provides cutting edge scalable infrastructure

and services to telecom operators in Bangladesh. It also offers full custom solutions in

network design & implementation, systems engineering and wireless design and

development. Alap’s promising and qualified personnel always remain set to give

excellent technical support to obtain the most of their products and services. They

make highest effort to resolve the technical issue within the earliest possible time.

In response to do this reaserch and to identify the leadership styles followed

by Alap Communication a survey was conducted. The sample size of the survey was

15 employees of Alap in order to take their responses about leadership styles in their

organiztion. After collecting the data and information from the employees, their

responses were matched with the various characteristics of different leadership styles.

After analyzing their responses and reactions we came to a conclusion that Alap

Communication basically practices autocratic leadership and sometimes some

characteristics of democratic leadership also take place in its decision- making


Chapter 1: Introduction

Leadership is basically a method of controlling employees, practiced by the

superiors in an organization. It is such an essential part in organization with which the

authorities manipulate an organization’s employees. It also influences the motivation;

meaning that with leadership, leaders motivate employees to do their jobs properly.

Leadership also allows leaders to take the right decision at the right time; means it

also manipulates decision-making process. So, with the power of controlling and

motivating employees and the proper way of decision making, leadership enables the

authorities of an organization to make employees work towards achieving the goals

and objectives of that organization.

1.1 Statement of the problem

Leadership is the process of influencing a group towards the achievement of

goals of an organization. A leader is the person who has managerial authority with

which he can influence others. So, in order to perform the organizational duties, all

managers should have leadership quality.

Leadership can be of different styles. These styles are the patterns of behavior,

which a leader adopts in influencing the behavior of his followers. These patterns

emerge in the leaders as they begin to respond in the same fashion under similar

conditions. The several leadership styles are-

o Autocratic leadership

o Democratic leadership

o Free Rein leadership

The main focus of this project is to oversee the leadership, leadership styles and its

functionality in an organization. Alap Communication is the target company for this

research. This company is basically a secured bandwidth provider. It is mainly

focusing on purchasing bandwidth from the foreign countries and further supply to

high volume corporate user, such as Banks and ATM. In the organization there are

different levels of managerial activities and in these way different types of leadership

and its styles.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

• Identify about leadership and its role in an organization

• To know about different leadership styles

• Find out the characteristics of different kind of leadership styles

• Application of the leadership styles in Alap Communication

• Identify lacking of leadership in Alap Communication

• Recommendation regarding the leadership styles Alap Communication

1.3 Significance of the Study

The purpose of the study is to get experience of organizational behavior.

Leadership is an important part of organizational behavior, which brings much

information and knowledge about leadership and its styles. Now-a-days Internet and

Communication companies are playing a vital role in the business market. People are

getting more interested in knowing about these kinds of companies. And through this

research they would get to know more information and knowledge about leadership

and its styles in these types of companies. This research will focus on employers’ and

managers’ role as a leader through which external people will know about their

activities and reaction of employees.

1.4 Scope & Limitations

The best effort was given in doing this research on leadership styles. During the

period of research, our honorable faculty, Dr. Nazrul Islam, has helped us. The

support was also from the employees at Alap Communication at the time of

conducting the survey there. Conversely, there still exist some limitations in the

study. The limitations are:

• An agreed executive director of Alap Communication became an aid for

conducting this study. But as he has just joined over there, the harmony did not

work out to get enough information.

• Information collection was difficult because the company officers did

not want to disclose their internal information.

• Getting access to all managers was tuft; they were not interested to give

their time.

• For any survey the standard sample size should be 30. However, the

survey was conducted on 15 employees because most of the employees remain

busy, and sometime they were unwilling to answer the questionnaire.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Leadership

Leadership is interpersonal influence exercised in a situation and directed

through communication process, towards the attainment of a specific goal or goals. Its

functions come under directing through which behavior is directed to get maximum

use of subordinate’s ability. It is an essential process that manipulates behavior

through the practice of a leader, who breathes life into the group and motivate it

towards the objective of an organization.

An analysis based on the above discussion brings certain features of

leadership, which are-

• Leadership is a continuous process of behavior; it is not one-shot


• Leadership may be seen in terms of relationship between a leader and

its followers, which arises out of their functioning for common goals.

• By exercising the leadership, the leader tries to influence the behavior

of individuals or groups of individuals around him to achieve common


• The followers work willingly and enthusiastically to achieve these

goals. Thus, there is no coercive force, which induces the followers to


• Leadership gives an experience of help to followers to attain common

goals. It happens when the leader feels the importance of individuals,

gives them recognition and conveys them about their importance of

activities performed by them.

• Leadership is exercised in a particular situation, at a given point of

time and under specific set of circumstances. It implies that leadership

styles may be different under different situations.

2.2 Importance of Leadership

Leadership is an important factor for making any type of organization

successful. Through out the history, it has been recognize that, the difference between

success and failure, whether in a war, political movement, business, or a team game,

can be attributed largely to leadership.

Here, we are more concerned about manager as a leader. Without a good

leader organization cannot function efficiently and effectively. Since the organization

is basically a deliberate creation of human beings for certain specific objective, the

activities of its members need to be directed in a certain way. Any departure from this

way, will lead to inefficiency in the organization. Direction of activities in the

organization is effected by the leader. The importance of good leader can be

discussed as follows:

Motivating employees

Motivation is necessary for work performance. Higher the motivation better

will be the performance. A good leader by exercising the leadership motivates the

employees for high performance. Good leadership in the organization itself is a

motivating factor for the individuals.

Creating confidence

A good leader may create confidence in his followers by directing them,

giving them advice, and getting through them good results in the organization. Once

an individual with the help of a leader puts high efficiency, he tries to maintain it as

he acquires certain level of confidence toward his capacity.

Building moral

Moral is expressed as attitude of employees towards organization,

management and voluntary cooperation to offer their ability to the organization. High

moral leads to high productivity and organizational stability. Through providing good

leadership in the organization, employees’ moral can be raised high ensuring high

productivity and stability in organization.

2.2 Leadership styles

Leadership styles are the patterns of behavior, which a leader adopts in

influencing the behavior of his followers. These patterns emerge in the leader as he

begins to respond in the same fashion under similar conditions; he develops habits of

actions that become somewhat predictable to those who work with him. Various

researchers have proposed different leadership styles. These styles are either based on

behavioral approach or situational approach of leadership. Based on the degree of use

of power there are three leadership styles-

1. Autocratic Leadership

In autocratic leadership style, a manager centralizes decision-making power in

himself. He structured the complete situation for his employees and they do

what they are told.

2. Democratic Leadership

In democratic leadership style, the manager decentralizes decision-making

process. Instead of taking unilateral decision, he emphasizes consultation and

participation of his subordinates.

3. Free-rein Leadership

Free-rein means giving complete freedom to subordinates. In this leadership

style, a manager once determines policy, programs and limitations for action

and the entire process is let to subordinates.

2.3 Characteristics of Leadership Styles

Autocratic Leadership:

 Centralized decision-making process.

 Negative motivation style.

 In competency hide ness.

 Centralized authority structure and strict discipline.

 Strong motivation and reward.

 Quick decision-making process.

 Fewer competencies with subordinates.

 Development of frustration, low moral and conflict.

 More dependency and less individuality in organization.

 Uninformed, in secure and fear ness of leadership.

Democratic Leadership:

 Mental and emotional involvement.

 Decentralized decision-making process.

 Informed style is broad about the affecting condition.

 Decisions are made based upon suggestions and ideas.

 Highly motivating.

 Highly productive.

 Sharing responsibility with superior.

 Stability of organization.

 Complex nature of organization.

 Discouraging technique because of minimum interaction.

Free Rein:

 Complete freedom.

 Performance done by group members.

 Policy, programs, limitations for action determined by managers and then left

to subordinates.

 Managers usually maintain contact with outside person to gather information.

 Helps to develop independent personality.

 Almost nil contribution of manager.

 Proceeds at cross-purposes.

 Degeneration into chaos.

 Rare utilization.

 Suitable to certain situation, where group have a choice.

Chapter 3: Organizational profile:

3.1 ALAP Communication Limited (ALAP COM)

Alap Communication was developed to provide revolutionary

telecommunication network for providing secure Data, Voice and Video services to

end users and existing service providers in Bangladesh. Alap expands full-custom

solution in the area of Network design and implementation, Telecommunication

systems engineering and Wireless design and development.

Alap’s dedicated and professional staff is ready to provide quality technical

support to get the most of their products and services. They will make every attempt

to resolve the technical issue within the earliest possible time. Alap Communication

has service desk support, after hours support, equipment maintenance etc.

3.2 Mission

AlapCom's basic mission is to provide cutting edge scalable infrastructure and

services to telecom operators in Bangladesh, offering full custom solutions in network

design & implementation, systems engineering and wireless design and development.

3.3 Company objective

• Infrastructure support to cellular and ISP companies by way of backhaul and

frequency management.

• Leapfrog infrastructure to provide switching and backhaul solution for future

mobile and PSTN networks.

• Nationwide cost effective Broadband data connectivity solution (secured

intranet and internet services).

3.4 Corporate background:

Many businesses in Bangladesh today are in need of intranet & Internet

connectivity to ensure fast and secure business communication. However, there are

no attractive options available for them to obtain the Internet connectivity they need.

The broadband wireless solutions that have been deployed up until now are

expensive, both in terms of equipment and in terms of installation difficulty. This is

because the technology currently deployed requires that most customers install a large

tower to insure line-of-sight connectivity back to the base station. The need for a line-

of-sight connection also makes links unreliable as new construction obscures current


By deploying next generation wireless equipment Alap Communication will

provide secured internet and intranet that is fast and easy to deploy, and which will

not require customers to install towers, and which will provide end to end quality of

service to ensure link stability and on-demand bandwidth allocation.

3.5 Company activities

• All the base stations are strategically deployed in 3.5 GHz to have the

coverage for greater Dhaka city.

• Based upon Alap’s observation its prospective business clients from

Motijheel, Kawran bazaar, Banani, Uttara, are located within the 1km radius

of its base station.

• For Alap’s corporate clients in all the business districts it can provide:

o Non Line of Sight (NLOS) coverage in 1km(approx) from its Base


o Obstructed Line of Sight (OLOS) coverage in 2km(approx) from its

Base Station

o Line of Sight (LOS) coverage in 20 km from its Base Station.What are

the advantages of having NLOS/OLOS coverage

• Minimal deployment of towers - 75% of the subscribers do not need tower to

get connectivity, which will minimize the cost

• CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) can be installed inside the

office premises.

• Most business districts areas people do not have the access to the

roof and Alap Communication’s 3rd Generation broadband wireless

solution can provide indoor coverage to its clients from the nearest

Wireless Base Station.

• It ensures the security of the equipments being inside the building


• Easy to carry/move the CPE because of location changing and no

need to configure the CPE except for the new establishment of the

Link with different base station.

3.6 Services:

Alap Communication is in the business of providing voice & high-speed data

connectivity between customer premises (intranet) in Dhaka and Chittagong (Sylhet

service is expected in the near future). It also provides connection to the Internet

through our own VSAT terminals. Its engineering and business practices follow US

norms, where its founders and advisors are from.

Alap’s wireless network is based on IEEE 802.16 standards in the 3.5 GHz

bands, which allows clear and uninterrupted broadband communication. Alap owns

exclusive spectrum license for that band. Its state-of-the-art equipment also allows

communication even when line of sight is obstructed. In the majority of cases no

tower at the customer location is necessary. It is also possible to locate the

antenna inside the office by a window. On one hand its licensed spectrum ensures

interference free communication and on the other hand its Non line of sight avoids

disruptions caused by new buildings constructed in the line of sight.

Chapter 4: Methodology

4.1 Data Source

The work was started on research subject with searching the primary and

secondary sources for data collection on Leadership Styles. The management books

(specially on Leadership) in the library were the main source of secondary data to get

the idea and other relevant information about the leadership styles. For the practical

picture on leadership styles in the organization, we had to conduct a survey as a

primary source for the data collection. Survey is the most common method by which

management can get the information about the relevant topic. In this method, a set of

statement or question is asked to the employees toward their organizational

environment and leadership styles.

4.2 Sample Design

Simple Random Sampling was used in the survey. The population size was

the employees working at Alap Communication Limited situated at Safura Tower,

Kamal Ataturk Avenue, Banani. The sample size was 15 employees. Bases on this

sample size we conducted the survey.

4.3 Questionnaire Design

In order to identify the leadership style of Alap Communication, we prepared

a survey questionnaire, consisting of 15 questions. The questionnaire was based on

the characteristics of different leadership styles. The rating scale in this survey is such

as from two extreme points like strongly agree and strongly disagree; and between

those two acute points three more points exist holding in an ordered manner.

4.5 Data Analysis

1. The decision making process centralized in the organization

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 11 73.33
Agree 4 27.67
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above graph it is seen that 73.33% of the employee strongly agreed

with the centralized decision-making process. The rest of them agreed with the

statement. So, from here it can be said that in Alap Communication higher authorities

make decision.

2. In the organization employees are strongly motivated and rewarded

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 5 33.33
Agree 7 46.66
Neutral 3 20.00
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above chart it can be said that 46.66% employee agreed that they are

strongly motivated and rewarded. Almost 33% strongly agreed with the statement and

the rest were neutral. So, it is clearly stated that employees are highly motivated and

rewarded in Alap Communication.

3. The decision making process is quick in the organization

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 7 46.66
Agree 6 40.00
Neutral 2 13.33
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above graph it is clearly seen that 46.66% employee strongly agreed

that decision-making process is quick in the organization. 40% employee agreed with

the statement and the rest were neutral. So, from here it can be said that, the decision-

making process in Alap Communication is quick.

4. Frustration, low moral and conflict develop among the employees in the

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 0 0
Neutral 5 33.33
Disagree 8 53.33
Strongly disagree 1 6.66

From the above chart it can be said that 53.33% employee disagreed that they

suffer from frustration, low moral and conflict. 6.66% employee strongly disagreed

with the statement and the rest were neutral. So, from here it can be said that, the

frustration, low moral and conflict do not develop among employees in Alap


5. Less individuality and more dependency is seen in the organization

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 3 20
Neutral 4 26.66
Disagree 7 46.66
Strongly disagree 1 6.66

From the above graph it is seen that 46.66% employee disagreed that less

individuality and more dependency is seen in the organization. 6.66% employee

strongly disagreed with the statement and the rest were neutral. So, from here it can

be said that, in Alap Communication the practice of less individuality and more

dependency cannot be seen.

6. In the organization uninformed, insecure and fear ness of leadership are


Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 0 0
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 5 33.33
Strongly disagree 10 66.66

From the above chart it can be said that 66.66% employee strongly disagreed that

uninformed, insecure and fear ness of leadership are noticeable in the organization.

The rest disagreed with the statement. So, from here it is clearly stated, uninformed,

insecure and fear ness of leadership are not noticeable in Alap Communication.

7. Mental and emotional involvement are observed in the organization

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 2 13.33
Neutral 4 26.66
Disagree 8 53.33
Strongly disagree 1 6.66

From the above graph it is seen that 53.33% employee disagreed that mental

ane emotional involvement are observed in the organization. 6.66% strongly

disagreed, 26.66% were neutral and the rest agreed with the statement. So, from here

it can be said that mental and emotional involvement cannot be observed in Alap


8. In the organization decisions are made based on suggestions and ideas.

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 3 20
Agree 9 60
Neutral 1 6.66
Disagree 2 13.33
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above chart it is clearly stated that 60% of the employee agreed that

decisions are made based on suggestions and ideas in the organization. 20% of them

strongly agreed, 13.33% disagreed and the rest were neutral with the statement. So,

from here it is clearly seen that decisions are madder based on suggestions and ideas

in Alap Communication.

9. In the organization leadership is highly productive

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 9 60
Agree 5 33.33
Neutral 1 6.66
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above graph it can be said that, 60% of the employees strongly agreed

that leadership is highly productive in the organization. 33.33% of them agreed and

the rest were neutral with the statement. So, it is clearly stated that leadership is

highly productive in Alap Communication.

10. The organization is complex in nature

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 0 0
Neutral 2 13.33
Disagree 6 40
Strongly disagree 7 46.66

From the above chart it is seen that 46.66% of the employees strongly disagreed

that the organization’s nature is complex. 40% of them disagreed and the rest were

neutral with the statement. So, it can be said that, Alap Communication is not

complex in nature.

11. Subordinates get complete freedom in the organization

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 4 26.66
Neutral 3 20
Disagree 7 46.66
Strongly disagree 1 6.66

From the above graph it can be said that 46.66% employee disagreed that

subordinates get complete freedom in the organization. 6.66% of them strongly

disagreed, 20% were neutral and the rest were agreed with the statement. So, it is

clearly stated that, employees do not get complete freedom in Alap.

12. Subordinates perform everything in the organization and manager only

collects information from outsiders

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 0 0
Neutral 0 0
Disagree 11 73.33
Strongly disagree 4 26.66

From the above chart it is seen that 73.33% employee disagreed that

subordinates perform everything in the organization and manager only collects

information from outsiders. The rest of them strongly disagreed with the statement.

So, it can be said that, the statement is not right for Alap.

13. In the organization independent personality is developed

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 2 13.33
Neutral 6 40
Disagree 5 33.33
Strongly disagree 2 13.33

From the above graph it is stated that, 40% of the employee were neutral about

the development of independent personality in the organization. 33.33% of them

disagreed, 13.33% strongly disagreed and the rest agreed with the statement. So, it

clearly can be said that independent personality does not develop in Alap.

14. Leadership is suitable to certain situation, where group have a choice in the

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 0 0
Agree 0 0
Neutral 2 13.33
Disagree 8 53.33
Strongly disagree 5 33.33

From the above chart it is seen that 53.33% of employees disagreed that

leadership is suitable in certain situation, where group have a choice in the

organization. 33.33% of them strongly disagreed and the rest were neutral with the

statement. So, it can be said that the statement is not right for Alap.

15. Overall leadership process is satisfactory

Options Response Percentage

Strongly agree 5 33.33
Agree 9 60
Neutral 1 6.66
Disagree 0 0
Strongly disagree 0 0

From the above chart it can be said that, 60% of the employee agreed that the

leadership process is satisfactory. 33.33% strongly agreed and the rest were neutral

with the statement. So, it can be clearly stated that the overall leadership process is

satisfactory in Alap.

Chapter 5: Analysis and Interpretation of the Results

5.1 Data Analysis Techniques

After surveying and filling up the questionnaire by the employees of Alap

Communication, percentages are identified based on their responses. The higher

percentage of responses of each question is matched with the characteristics of

different leadership styles in order to find the appropriate leadership style practiced in

Alap Communication.

5.2 Types of Leadership Styles found in ALAP COM

After analyzing all the data it is seen that Alap Communication is a

centralized decision-making organization but sometimes decisions are made based on

given ideas and suggestions. In this organization employees are strongly motivated

and rewarded. So, they are far most satisfied with the leadership style that saved them

from frustration, low moral and conflict. So, from the characteristics that Alap

follows in leading employees mostly match with the characteristics of autocratic

leadership. But sometimes the characteristics of democratic leadership also can be

found in Alap Communication.

Chapter 6: Conclusion

Leadership is the process of influencing the behavior of others to work willingly

and enthusiastically for achieving predetermined goals. It is an essential ingredient for

successful organization. However, the role of leadership can be fully realized in the

organization only when appropriate leadership pattern is followed.

Alap Communication, as being one of the successful communication companies

in Bangladesh that follows an autocratic leadership style but some democratic

leadership style’s characteristics also found in it. Though Alap practices a centralized

decision-making process but sometimes suggestions and ideas are taken form the

subordinates in order to make decision. Alap also motivates its employees are very

positively as well as they are mostly satisfied with the leadership style of Alap.

Chapter 7: Recommendation

Alap motivates and directs its employees through autocratic leadership style.

Though employees of Alap are satisfied with the leadership style of it but it also

contaminates some lacking in it. So in order to improve the leadership style and to

make it effective the following recommendations can be adopted:

• Encourage subordinates to take part in decision-making process

• Give freedom to employees in their own working area

• Know about the psychology of employees and lead them according to it

• Conduct leadership style survey several times in a year so that the managers in

Alap can recognize the employees’ acceptance.

• Identify the lacking of leadership style practiced in Alap and take feedback

from employees.


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