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Stephen Diorio
IMT Strategies

E-Care – Extending Customer Care

to Electronic Channels
To build stronger customer relationships, organizations must discover new,
interactive approaches to building customer loyalty. This expanded customer Mr. Diorio founded IMT
dialog will occur through a growing number of interaction points. Combining Strategies. He is an established
authority in sales and marketing
these forces will create a short-term crisis for online customer service and strategy with specific expertise
in technology-enabled selling
fuel the emergence of a customer service and support management discipline channels. Mr. Diorio helps selling
called “e-care.” organizations improve top-line
growth and selling efficiency by
leveraging database, network,
Introduction loyalty. Competitive, economic and market pressures and interactive technologies.
The concept of customer service is being trans- are forcing all companies to create electronic He has developed high-growth,
formed by several business trends including the rush marketing and commerce capabilities. In order to low-cost channel strategies for
to build electronic channels, the adoption of grow faster and reach more customers, businesses leading marketers including;
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) practices, need to combine a wide variety of online and offline IBM, American Express, GE, and
and the proliferation of hybrid distribution systems. channels into complex hybrid distribution systems. Eastman Chemical.
These trends have given rise to sophisticated As a result, businesses will interact more with
new e-mail and direct marketing programs, the their customers, and much of this interaction will be Prior to forming IMT Strategies,
proliferation of customer interaction points, as well electronic. This expanded customer dialog, more- Mr. Diorio was a partner and
as the expansion of distribution channels are creating over, will occur through a growing number of owner of Oxford Associates,
huge volumes of online customer interactions. And interaction points, such as e-mail, call centers, a leading "go-to-market" and
the sheer volume of these customer touches is ATMs, kiosks, the Web, and traditional retail sites. e-commerce strategy firm.
overwhelming many companies’ ability to generate The combination of these forces will create a Mr. Diorio has held marketing
timely and effective responses. short-term online customer service crisis and fuel management positions at
Currently these customer interactions are large- the emergence of a customer service and support Citicorp Direct Marketing and GE
ly disconnected from traditional support and service management discipline called “e-care.” Sales and Marketing.
infrastructure and management systems. But they E-care is an important discipline because
have unique support requirements. Handling what managing online customer interactions will become Mr. Diorio has performed
could become an “e-pocalypse” presents opportuni- fundamental to business success. As soon as compa- extensive speaking and training
ties and threats to customer service. This is because nies launch e-business initiatives they can expect on sales, marketing and
what defined world-class service in the physical dramatic growth in the number of customer e-commerce strategies for
world just a few years ago does not necessarily carry interactions that occur electronically. Corporate Web leading organizations including
over to the virtual world. Very few companies have sites, online 24x7 customer support, “e-tailing”, DCI, CommerceNet, GE, and IBM.
mastered handling the swelling volume of online interactive advertising and e-mail direct marketing He holds an MBA from the
inquiries that now jeopardizes service-level stan- will open the door to hundreds and ultimately University of Chicago and an
dards established in traditional channels. thousands of electronic customer inquires weekly. Engineering degree from
To build stronger customer relationships, Companies will also quickly recognize the Bucknell University.
organizations need to increase their investments in negative impact on e-brand loyalty and customer
programs that hard-wire their customer operations, retention associated with inconsistent service across
analytics and supporting data flows. They must find channels, particularly since customers are now just
new, interactive approaches to building customer one click away from switching their allegiances to a 1
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competitor or airing their complaints in resources to electronic response, and estab- than 1,000 customer e-mails per week, the
public forums. lishing more formal e-response management. almost universal introduction of electronic
E-care goes beyond electronic mail Longer term (2000-2003), companies channels and media into the marketing mix
response management. E-care means will need to focus on adding value by will triple that number by the year 2000.
creating competitive advantage by: integrating electronic response with other As a point of reference, most
elements of the sales and service mix to established e-commerce companies average
• Better managing the electronic customer deliver service seamlessly, proactively, and from 1,000 to 15,000 electronic customer
interaction process. ultimately will embed support within the interactions per week. Bellwethers of the
• Leveraging new technologies and strate- products they sell. near future, e-commerce leaders like
gies to enhance and add value to the cus- By 2000, the fastest growing compa- Schwab and e-Bay that must manage more
tomer experience. nies, having identified their most than 100,000 electronic inquiries per week
profitable customers, will be establishing – enough to keep 250+ call center
E-care is fundamental to customer ways to extend the “lifetime value” of representatives busy full time.
retention in electronic channels, native to these customers. To retain and penetrate To deliver adequate service and
building e-brand loyalty, and requisite to their key accounts, companies will cease support to customers, most businesses will
delivering seamless service across a variety to view service and support as a terminal be forced to build coherent e-response
of online and offline media. stop at the end of a linear and transac- management systems during the next two
tion-oriented sales process. years. This is critical to meeting customer
The Evolution of E-Care They will instead implement e-care expectations and establishing trust. To
E-care as an ongoing strategic initiative programs that add value. This involves first build these systems, senior management
requires organizations to develop new mod- integrating service channels to deliver must focus on three near-term priorities:
els for collaborating with their customers, service consistently across multiple selling
to acquire sophisticated skills, and to channels, media and customer interaction • Reallocate service and support call center
invest in material infrastructure, such as points. And second, organizations will use resources to e-response
electronic response management, and customer data and targeting tools to better • Build e-response and self-help technical
closed-loop response, as well as proactive anticipate service needs and proactively infrastructure
and embedded forms of customer service. pursue upsell opportunities and service • Establish a single point of management
In the short term (1999/2000) resource optimization. control for e-care
businesses must focus on containing the Ultimately, by embedding service in
damage that can be caused with the products, businesses can use e-care to Reallocate Service and Support Call
overwhelming volume by building manage- increase margins and differentiation. Center Resources to E-Response
ment systems for capturing e-customer Human interaction will play a major
inquiries and responding to them. Short-Term Management role in e-response management. People are
As companies go through e-commerce Imperative necessary to solve complex problems and to
adolescence, they will struggle to “plug the Capture E-Customer Inquiries respond to cries for help from the
holes” in their customer service operations, As the case histories will illustrate, many “e-frustrated.” They also needed to
so they can efficiently and effectively man- companies currently are ill prepared to collaborate online with customers (via
age the increasing volumes of electronic handle the rapidly growing volumes of shared white boards, chat or voice over IP,)
inquiries while capturing valuable customer electronic customer inquires. Executives and to intercede in business events like site
data. This will involve investing in electronic must move fast to build management failures or error resolution.
mail response management and Web self systems that can capture and respond to Businesses must add or reallocate
service applications, allocating call center electronic customer inquiries quickly, customer service representative (CSRs)
efficiently and comprehensively. These capacity to handle e-response. Companies
management systems should be able to can choose to build or buy this incremental
deliver personalized responses and must capacity. Some firms cross-train existing
Learn more about Electronic Mail scale easily to match rapid volume growth. CSRs so they can respond to e-mail as well
Response Management from the The experience of market leaders as phone calls. Many dedicate CSR’s to
following vendors: suggests that ad-hoc customer response e-response as a functional specialty or systems begin to break down as the volume create “centers of excellence” as e-response of electronic customer inquiries grows to utilities. This makes sense because between 500-1000 per week. electronic customer response requires
While few (less than 10%) of “brick and unique technical and writing skills.
mortar” enterprises currently receive more Firms with limited call center capaci-

2 Defying the Limits: Reaching New Heights in Customer Relationship Management

ty can add independent contractors to To date most companies have not across all sales, service and support
handle unpredictable growth rates and enabled basic self-service capabilities on channels and media.
event-driven spikes in e-response their Web sites or customer extranets. While
volumes. Others that lack call centers frequently asked questions (FAQs) and tech- This data, when gathered, will provide a
altogether (e.g., traditional retailers, nical documentation files are common, most foundation for sound e-care management
many virtual businesses) must outsource Global 2000 companies do not currently and investment. Moreover, it will enable a
to grow capacity quickly. These firms are offer self-help functionality which is both business to: 1) formalize the customer
turning to a growing number of customer technically feasible and expected by most interaction processes, and 2) put in place
support service bureaus, cyber call centers savvy Web customers. These services can performance measurements that ensure
and low-cost, real-time chat-based include order tracking, part number look up, service, intimacy, and responsiveness
customer support for answers. complaint box, expert systems help, natural across the enterprise.
language search and interactive chat. Documenting the nature and volume of
Build E-Response and Self-Help Building an interactive technical electronic inquiries in this way will also help
Technical Infrastructure support database to provide relevant organizations develop a business rationale for
To efficiently respond to thousands of information to these customers can, investments in electronic mail management
electronic inquiries, businesses can turn to however, be resource and labor intensive. applications and self-service automation.
technology for leverage. A robust e-response We expect this to change quickly. Most of
technical infrastructure can enable a single these self-service capabilities will become Long-Term Management
CSR to handle hundreds of inquiries daily, mainstream business tools by 2001. Imperatives
most with personalized responses, and many Integrate E-Care into Channel and
without any intervention at all. Establishing a Single Point of Product Strategies to Add Value
This requires investments in two key Management Control for E-Care Responding to electronic customer inquiries
areas: electronic mail response manage- Organizations need a single point of control is only a start. Managers must realize that
ment (MRM) applications, and automated to manage e-care effectively. A business value creation, not damage control, is the
self-help interfaces supported by service that opens several avenues for customer long-term objective for e-care.
knowledge bases. communication and has independently To create competitive advantage, com-
MRM applications use artificial intelli- managed e-business initiatives is creating panies must integrate their online and
gence and business rules to read and sort the possibility of poor customer service. offline service channels, anticipate service
inbound inquires, respond to simple ques- Many e-business programs are still needs and ultimately leverage technology
tions, and escalate complex problems or large managed independently by individuals, to embed service in their product offerings
opportunities to the appropriate humans. by specific functions (e.g., advertising, to maintain a lasting customer relationship.
More than 20 vendors have emerged in direct marketing, product marketing,) and
this area including Octane Software, eGain sometimes through entirely separate orga- Integrate Service Channels
Communications, Kana Communications, nizations. Consequently, few Web sites are With the holes patched, companies can
Brightware, and Acuity. META Group esti- well integrated with customer service call focus on integrating e-response across
mates that 75% of Global 2000 companies centers and many e-mails “fall to the floor” sales and support channels to deliver a
will have these types of applications in unanswered due to lack of coordination. consistent service at all points of interface.
place by 2002. With so many separate electronic cus- This enables organizations to provide
Online self-service pleases many tomer interactions, assigning accountability better overall service, identify and escalate
customers because it delivers answers quick- for the “online customer experience” within upsell opportunities to the right sales-
ly, and is available any time. At the same the constraints of existing organizations people, and improve the productivity of all
time, it is also good for business, because and measurement systems remains difficult. customer-facing resources.
self-service transactions cost pennies
compared to phone based customer service The immediate tasks to tackle for e-care
compared to phone-based customer service management include:
which costs about $35 per call and technical Electronic Direct Marketing is
support which can exceed $100 per call. • taking inventory of all points of interaction discussed at the following links:
To deliver online self-service, where electronic customer communication
businesses must offer Internet functions can occur.
that help customers find answers for them- • documenting electronic customer interac-
selves. And they must build a database of tion volumes, service levels, and capacity
service and support information to provide requirements.
answers to those questions. • mapping how electronic interactions flow 3
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• Unify phone, Web and online channels into support workload, and improve service levels, plate information and set off a process that
a single customer interaction center. Call they will also be able to proactively pursue touches on manufacturer databases and
centers based on a single channel – the cross-sell and upsell opportunities. Jiffy Lube records, to come to a service rec-
telephone – will evolve into customer ommendation and a personalized greeting.
interaction centers that can manage Here is the road map: Microsoft earns the good will of
multiple channels. These will become • Forecast and manage service needs ahead of registered, small business licensees by
hubs for all customer interactions includ- demand. This will enable service and sup- sending a monthly newsletter with tips and
ing Web inquiries, e-mail, fax, phone and port management to effectively mitigate tricks on taking better advantage of its
other emerging media. This, in turn, service volumes and issues by anticipating desktop applications. Of course, a large
provides a single point of management issues and addressing them up front. portion of the newsletter is dedicated to
control over e-care processes, technology • Proactively push support and upsell upgrades and complementary new products.
assets, and personnel. solutions to customers. Businesses have Proactive service models are hardly an
• Integrate customer-facing applications the opportunity to apply relationship innovation. The Book-of-the-Month Club
across selling channels. Getting sales, marketing and loyalty programs to service set the standard for auto-replenishment.
service and support organizations to related cross sell, upsell, and rebuy oppor- Receiving books and magazines by mail is
present a “single face” to the customer tunities. This will require the use of one thing, but now, distribution innova-
means that the software applications database marketing technologies to proac- tion and one-to-one online technologies
running these operations should be more tively push service or service-related are making it possible for a wider range of
integrated. This can happen in several solutions to those who most likely need it. companies like and WebVan
ways. By 2000/2001 the stronger e-mail • Direct clients to more relevant and to offer “subscriptions“ to groceries and
response management vendors will personalized information. This is sundry items.
bundle e-care tools that enable you to accomplished by collecting and compil-
manage and escalate electronic interac- ing better data about customers, the Embed Service In Products
tion across multiple online and offline products they own, and their service Looking further into the future, companies
channels and media. Alternatively, the istory. Web personalization technologies will embed e-care in their products to
major CRM suites (e.g., Vantive, Siebel, are then applied to customize Web enhance margins, increase the cost to the
Clarify) will eventually incorporate service interface and provide the exact customer of switching to another vendor, and
robust electronic customer collaboration information needed. differentiate from the competition.
applications like e-mail response This means building services into
management and Web personalization Proactive service grows directly from work products with the help of on-board
systems into their suite of sales, service companies have done to capture customer diagnostics, networked sensors, embedded
and support applications. information in the service process. systems technology, microprocessor
• Establish rules to govern customer and 1-800-Flowers, two of the intelligence, and wireless communications.
collaboration, service quality and lead pioneers in e-commerce, originally started Software companies like Intuit are no
flow. To get the process moving, identifying and automating routine inquiries longer selling static, isolated computer
companies must follow Netmarket’s to minimize congestion in their help lines. applications. Intuit’s Quicken, for example,
example (as seen in the case study) Both companies figured out that features many help-links that are tied to
by documenting and understanding a large percentage of post-sales service dynamically updated information on the
interaction volumes, capacity and questions had to do with order tracking. By Quicken Web site.
migration across points of interaction. proactively e-mailing customers order Network Associates, a provider of com-
confirmations and shipping status updates, puter network security solutions, allows its
With a handle on where service priorities they were able to keep customers informed customers -- home users and sophisticated
exist, companies can map the interaction and at ease. network managers -- to “subscribe” to their
process across the enterprise and create a Jiffy Lube, a chain of auto service software enabling dynamic updates to beat
detailed approach to covering, structuring companies, turned customer information costly computer viruses using tools from
and engaging customers. into a sales tool. Based on a car’s mileage BackWeb Technologies.
noted at the time of a tune-up and Computer networks are an obvious
Anticipate Service Needs information provided by manufacturers, the starting point for embedded systems, but
If companies can shift from reactive to company projects when customers will be makers of heavy equipment and home appli-
proactive service management, they will due for their next service and sends ances are also getting in on the act.
see how an ounce of prevention is worth reminders via direct mail and telemarketers. Appliance makers, for example, are prototyp-
a pound of cure. By gaining the ability to When customers arrive at the Jiffy Lube ing networked products, such as a microwave
forecast and optimize their service and location, service personnel enter license that can scan bar codes and communicate

4 Defying the Limits: Reaching New Heights in Customer Relationship Management

online with the makers of packaged foods to through the backlog and return to its ser- TicketMaster
automatically handle cooking instructions. vice-level performance standard of 24 hours. TicketMaster tries to please its customers
One of the best early examples of To fix the problem Netmarket dedicated by offering a choice of several online and
embedded e-care is General Motors’ OnStar management resources to better understand offline points of interaction. However,
system. OnStar takes advantage of cellular and document interaction volumes, capacity its inability to coordinate these customer
communication to provide customers with requirements and flows and migration across service interfaces has earned it an
several safety and convenience-oriented points of interaction and service channels. unsatisfactory business performance record
services including roadside assistance, airbag With a handle on where service priori- from the Better Business Bureau.
deployment notification, and remote unlock- ties existed, Netmarket was able to map the The company reaches out to
ing, directions and concierge services. interaction process across the enterprise and customers through a wide variety of
“Subscribers” have the opportunity to create a detailed approach to covering, struc- interaction points including retail outlets,
talk directly with an OnStar representative or turing and engaging customers. As a result, and agent-assisted phone calls, as well as
help themselves through a series of voice service management put homegrown tools in self-service voice response and online
recognition prompts. Where once luxury cars place to forecast surges in customer-service channels. Because it does most of its
differentiated themselves on the basis of requests – giving them the advance notice business over the phone, Ticketmaster has
physical product design, now online necessary to staff up and handle the overflow. gone to considerable lengths to optimize
services are factoring into buying decisions. service on its tele-service channel by
eBay linking call centers around the US.
Bottom Line eBay, the online auction firm, has The system is designed so that when a
To remain competitive, organizations must struggled to keep up with its own success particular region is overwhelmed by calls,
effectively manage customer service within by matching online customer growth with regions with more capacity can pick up the
electronic channels and across multiple online customer service excellence. slack. However, Ticketmaster still has work
customer interaction points. Companies In two and a half years, the company to do integrating customer service across
that build world class e-care systems will has amassed 3.8 million registered channels. The lack of adequate e-mail
have the opportunity to build competitive members. The hidden story is that online response management systems and channel
advantage by delivering customer care customer interactions have grown just as integration policies hurts customer service.
proactively and embedding customer care dramatically. In its early stages, eBay For instance, online customers who
in products themselves. received 200 e-mails each week from run into trouble completing their order on
To become market leaders, executives buyers and sellers. They now receive the Web site are referred to a toll free 800
must look beyond the immediate electronic 60,000-75,000 each week and expect to number. This 800 number connects
response management challenge and focus pass the 100,000 mark soon. }customers to a service center on the East
on finding ways to add value to customers To handle this rapidly growing load of Coast, with limited hours of operation. This
through e-care. This will be accomplished by online customer interactions, the company is considered poor service to most
building electronic customer interaction sys- has built a customer service and support Web-savvy customers who expect 24x7
tems that create loyalty, improve product staff of 200 employees and 60 independent service. Should callers reach the service
margins, and extend customer lifetime value. contractors. To create leverage, they invested center during its hours of operation, they
in an electronic mail response management may encounter long hold times. Worse, if
Case Histories system (MRM) by Kana Communications that online customers remain on hold long
Cendant Netmarket provides e-mail routing and tracking and also enough. the system puts them back at the
Cendant Netmarket is an online shopping helped the company build a knowledgebase end of the queue where they started by,
mall that sells consumer products like home of sales and support content. The rerouting them to other regions.
appliances, electronics and books. Like system reportedly improved customer service These independent call centers will
many e-commerce sites at Christmas, representatives’ productivity by more than recommend sending an e-mail to a regional
Cendant Netmarket found itself with an 50% by routing messages to appropriate customer service address with a description
enviable problem. specialists and dealing with routine inquiries of the concern, and a dubious promise of
Traffic on its Web site and four America by invoking the company knowledgebase. 24-hour turnaround.
Online sites quadrupled. Up to that point, In addition, the knowledge base has
Netmarket could respond to 90% of its allowed eBay to provide customers a W3
e-mail inquiries within one day. When traffic self-service alternative with a searchable
Electronic Channels are discussed in
peaked in the month leading to Christmas, online frequently asked questions. This
further detail by MessageMedia at
customer service could not keep up and system currently answers 200 questions
struggled to respond within 24 hours. It took every 20 minutes without assistance from a
until March the following year to fight service representative. 5

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