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Telecom women welfare organization (TWWO), established by the female employees and female family

members of BSNL Nagpur employees ,having a membership of aprox. 250 , celebrated International
women’s Day 2017, with great enthusiasm with a number of activities, involving the members and
families of BSNL Nagpur employees.

To ensure “happiness with good health”, a Health check up camp was organized on 7th March ,in
association with Shat-ayu Hospital Nagpur. Around 100 female employees were checked for general well

On 8th March ,a programme was organized in which Smt. M. Thomas ,Post Master General Nagpur was
the Chief Guest. President TWWO and General Manager BSNL Nagpur Smt. N. Tiwari , presided over the
function. Smt. Thomas sensitized about the “Dreams of young girls”, spoke about female infanticide. She
appreciated the efforts of TWWO in bringing the families of BSNL employees together.

Dr Sheeren ,spoke at length about nutrition and how working women can take care of the nutrition in
their diet. Shri Shyam Deshpande ,took the participants through a short spell of meditation and
discussed why YOG is important in today’s lifestyle. A free YOG camp shall be organized for week wef
20th March for the benefit of BSNL employees at Amenity hall. Ms. Velukar, practicing psychologist
encouraged participants in the discussion about Role reversals and how women came to be known as
the weaker sex. There was an interactive session on the gender parity and its social perspective.

A number of female employees participated in the programme with songs and poems.The President
TWWO , Smt. N. Tiwari, in her Presidential address discussed the campaign “BE BOLD FOR THE
CHANGE”. She spoke about how Corporates, Men and Women can work towards an all inclusive society
and the positive impact it has when there are female employees on Board, in Teams. It was also
mentioned that the erstwhile Post &Telegraph ,popularly known as P&T, is now two organisations i.e.
Postal Department and Bharat sanchar Nigam Ltd.(BSNL). Both these organisations are having Women
officers as heads in Nagpur and this is moment of pride for Nagpur.

The celebrations ended with inauguration of a drawing class for children, in the residential colony,
Sanchar Vihar . Participating children enthusiastically accepted the drawing material distributed by

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