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5 Data Findings

Few research questions which are focused on the impact of the third party websites like
Expedia and Hotel Industry. Moreover, how these websites deal with the hotels. In this study,
it has been seen that these websites help to increase the number of customers in hotel
booking. Moreover, it has been seen that how people can now compare the price before
booking the hotels. There are a few questions that will be put forward in the study and it will
be answered as well.

4.3.1 Research Question 1

What kind of third party website does the hotel deals with?

After understanding the research question, the person provided the answer. He said, “There
are many websites that the hotel generally deals with”. It can be noted that the management
of the hotel's chain defined the types of website, which can be used by the hotels. Generally,
the types of website, which is quite popular, like TripAdvisor,, and Expedia.
Other than that, the company does not work with any other booking platform. By this, it can
be understood that Different companies have different requirements, in which the companies
ask for the branding of their websites all over the hotels, which is not acceptable by some

The company usually work with those websites that have some reputation, as it will attract
the customers. Moreover, this will help the hotels to prevent any branding issues in the near
future. The top management always put the focus on the branding part, as it is crucial for the
hotels. Based on the answer provided by the customer it can be understood that companies or
hotels have their own policies that they need to follow. If the requirements of the booking
company or website are matched with the hotel then they deal with each other. It is necessary
for the hotels to understand the deals, at what percentage the website will take from these
hotels. This third-party website cut the commission while providing the payment to the hotel.

4.3.2 Research Question 2

What are the Pros and Cons of the relationship between the hotels and the third party?

Based on the answer of the person it can be understood that the relationship between the
hotels and the third party website are coordinate. That means the both of them to help each
other for the profit of the business. In the report it is stated that the third party website
provides a great exposure to the hotels, people look into the hotels and its picture and they
can book the hotels instantly. There are no problems related to the payment as well as in the
time of booking. This shows how it is easy to book a room in Malaysia. These websites
provide the rage of the price of the hotels in the same categories and hotels will provide the
best deals to the customers.

However, there are some negative incidents happened which are reported. Most of the cases
the website does not fulfill their agreement and promises, which are affecting the websites as
well as the hotels' reputation. Sometimes the hotels and the websites offer two different
things, which a customer does not like. Communications between these two are important for
the business. Even though there are often much better commissions than the normal websites
whenever commissions accumulated to a point, the company will go bankrupt which is why
the negative experience with the rise. Moreover, the website should understand their

4.3.3 Research Question 3

Any improvement in the performances of the hotels due to these websites and if so what is it?

It can be understood by the answer of the participant is that there is a significant change in
booking rooms of the hotels through these websites. As per the answer stated by the person
can understand that the there have been 10 to 15 percent of the customers are coming to
hotels due to the referral which is from the websites. It has been seen that there is a huge
potential for the number to increase in the future and the customer will book conveniently
using these websites.

Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are the latest trends in this field. Just
like internet marketing, the social media also helps the hotels to connect with the new
travelers so that they can get the huge number of customers. However, this comes at a higher
price, these websites take a high number of percentage as the charge from these hotels. So by
this, it can be understood as the point of financial view the hotels are doing the same as
before. It will require the companies to cut the charges that they are taking so that both can
make the equal profit. Apart from that, these third party websites help the hotels to improve
their qualities by providing the surveys, which they conduct online, and many of the
participants provide their valuable feedback so that they can improve their standards of the
hotels. Few websites sent their experts to the hotels to guide the hotel owners how they can
improve the qualities and customer service. By this, hotels can improve their overall

4.3.4 Research Question 4

What are the benefits to the hotels get by using these websites?

By analyzing the answer of the participant, it can be understood that the perspective of this
individual customer is getting a price comparison with different hotels. They can choose
which hotel is providing rooms cheaper and better, then what offer does the hotel is providing
for the room these offers can be free breakfast or flexible check-in times. Then it will be clear
what the correct value proposition. This can all be done without engaging directly. Which
means a customer does not have to go to the individual hotels and make a list of things and
prices that they are offering. As the

There are some other benefits that they are getting is they are exposed to the world market for
hospitality. For an example, these platforms help to promote these hotels are featuring free to
the different part of the world as these websites have the access to millions of customers who
are looking for a suitable hotel. It will generate a positive PR for the company. These
websites sometimes provide the opportunity to create a positive image of the hotels, so that
many customers can reach to the hotels and do the booking. By understanding the system of
online website, they can make their own website, which will provide more exposure to the
hotels. They can start the loyalty points for the regular customer by maintaining the database
that will be on their website. Therefore, that if the customer comes next time to their hotel
they can offer some special discount. Using these websites the hotels can showcase their best
rooms to the customers so that in the future they can get even more customers.

4.3.5 Research Question 5 (Convenience)

Who use the website more conveniently the customers or the hotels?

It can be understood by the answer of the participant is that both the customers and the hotels
can equally use the website conveniently. For the hotels, it looks like there it is more
complicated for the hotels to access, the website as it is a little bit complicated. As they need
to link their systems to the website companies system, it needs to connect both the systems as
they update the bookings regularly so that the website can change their website accordingly.
However, sometimes it becomes problematic as the hotels are taking business all over the
world and sometimes customer walk-in the hotel and ask for booking which needs to update
if the server went down they not able to update the website. If the website has taken another
booking then it becomes an issue for the hotels as well, they will not able to fulfill the
booking in that case. Nevertheless, most of the hotels have an existing system when it comes
to dealing with these booking and there are many white label solutions that can be used to
achieve the same goal.

4.3.6 Research Question 7

How can these hotels or customer achieve convenience through the usage of this kind of

As per the participant who is providing answers to the question, he stated that convenience
could be achieved through the ability of the booking any time of the day. Usually, it requires
a person from the hotel for booking now because of this platform you do not need to do that.
Hotels can see the booking any time of the day. Because of these websites, hotels can build a
better relationship with the customers, review of the hotels online help these hotels to get the
more customers in future. It should be noted that these websites will provide the feedback of
the customer which the customer had provided online after leaving the hotel, this will help
the hotels to improve their quality and services.

From the customer's point of view, customers have to visit the hotels for booking. Now the
customer can do the booking from his home, office, or any other place. He can see the price
online and if the price is in the budget of the customer then he or she will book the room. It
will give satisfaction to the customer as he did not go to the hotel physically and have to
negotiate on price. These websites are easy to access; customers can easily find the
information about the hotels and the rooms. By watching pictures of the rooms, the customer
can understand the quality of the hotels. It will be convenient for the customer to understand
more about the room and the hotel where he wants the booking.
4.3.8 Research Question 9

Has this website made booking easier for the customers and hotels to accept these booking?

Based on the response of the participant it can be stated that this website is convenient for
everybody. That is why people are booking the hotels online. People find it easy to book
online rather than visiting several hotels for the correct price and for the availability of the
rooms. Now the customer can compare the prices of different websites and he can compare
the service that the hotels are providing. It has become easier to the customer's point of view
to booking any room.

It should be noted that people can book any time of the day, the hotels can easily get the
booking, and they can deal with it as previously mentioned in the answers. This means in the
traditional type of booking you particularly need a person to do the booking in the hotel,
which needs an additional staff to do the work and it, take more time. That means less time
spend for the consumer-pleasing. Due to this kind of booking, the hotel can have an extra
person for the customer service, which will improve the service quality in the hotel.

4.3.9 Research Question 10

What kind of obstacles do these websites face off for providing convenience to the customers
and hotels?

According to the participant, "he does not find any major problem when it comes to using the
websites". Many of these websites are well designed and they have a fantastic user interface,
which is helpful for the consumers to use and interact with them easily.

However, there are some minor problems with these websites as some consumers have
pointed out that, as it requires heavy nature of data requirements, which makes it difficult for
the consumers to do bookings in their old low-end devices. Some people do not have the
technical know how to do booking online. There are some other minor problems like less
connectivity in Asia. People are still struggling to get a stable network. Network stability is
required for booking online if u don't have the data access then the customer will not able to
book. It should be noted that there are different cancellation policies for a different website
which people may get confused. As if some websites allow people to cancel, the booking but
they deduct a huge amount of money, where some website does not refund the amount of
cancellation. Due to the current competition now, few websites allow users to cancel the
booking and they refund the whole amount. There some third-party websites, which have
some, complicated user-interface, which a hotel also does not understand that will hurt the
business of the hotel.

4.4.2 Research Question 12

Is the marketing Effect lowered the cost of marketing delivery for the company?

Based on the response of the participant it can be understood that it has reduced the cost of
marketing because it has lowered the cost of the starting campaign. Yes, they need to pay
some percentage of the sales to these websites as they are providing the hotels a platform to
campaign to expose them to the world.

However, in the normal case of marketing, they do not have to pay any amount to anyone, the
customer comes directly to the hotel for booking. By this, it can be understood that the hotels
do not have to change their platforms as if they are getting customers through this websites
on regular basis. Moreover, these websites help the hotels to lower the labor cost as it takes a
person to do documentation, preparations of the customers. Hotels only need a person who
can attend the calls or help customer service. Electronic receipts already provided to the
customers at the time of booking so the hotels do not have to provide the customers at the
time of check out.

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