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Resolution draft 3.

General Assembly Third Committee

Sponsors: Republic of China, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Signatories: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, United Mexican State, The Republic of Maldives,
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri- Lanka, Federal Republic of Germany, Commonwealth of Australia,
Republic of Iraq

The General Assembly,

Reminding all the nations of the celebration of 50 th anniversary of the universal declaration of human

Reaffering its resolation 15th dec ,2019 which encourages Government

1. The countries involved in the crisis should advocate to step up for international co-operations
2. Unilateral politics should be totally avoided by the countries involved
3. The countries should not be allowed to play power politics
4. India, Pakistan and China needs to come out with a plan to invest in Kashmir financially to
develop industrial, agricultural, tourism ,educational
5. Instead of bashing each other the countries involved should try to negotiate keeping aside their
differences (political and religious) and come up with proper resolution to resolve the crisis
6. Create a role for the UN in the context of an agreement between India, Pakistan, China, Kashmiri
leaders as well as separatist.
7. Unconditional access needs to be given to the office of the UN high commission for human
rights on both side of the international boarder.
8. The fate of the Kashmiris should only be decided by the Kashmiris through a referendum but not
through a military enforcement.

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