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Fungsi pemasaran: mendorong pertumbuhan dalam penjualan dan

pendapatan bagi perusahaan.

•Strategi Pertumbuhan, Phil dan Milton Kotler menekankan strategi berikut:
•Tumbuh dengan membangun pangsa pasar
•Tumbuh dengan mengembangkan pelanggan dan stakeholder yang berkomitmen
•Tumbuh dengan membangun merek yang kuat
•Tumbuh dengan berinovasi produk, layanan, dan pengalaman baru
•Tumbuh dengan ekspansi internasional
•Tumbuh dengan akuisisi, merger, dan aliansi
•Tumbuhdengan membangun reputasi
•Tumbuh dengan bermitra dengan pemerintah dan LSM
1. Make the core of the brand as distinctive as possible. Galaxy chocolate
has successfully competed with Cadbury by positioning itself as “your partner in
chocolate indulgence” and featuring smoother product shapes, more refined taste,
and sleeker packaging,

2. Drive distribution through both existing and new channels. Costa

Coffee, the number-one coffee shop in the United Kingdom, has found new
distribution routes using drive-through outlets, vending machines at service
stations, and in-school coffee shops.

3. Offer the core product in new formats or versions. WD40 offers a Smart
Straw version of its popular multipurpose lubricant with a built-in straw that pops up
for use.

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