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Do Now 1:

1. The table given below shows the distances of the runners from the finish line when the winner won the
race. Use the table to answer the questions following:

Hint: ZERO (0) at the finish line, a NEGATIVE number is before the finish line.

Runner Distance (m)

Rahul -2
Sudha -15
Jamal -8
Karan 0
Radha -36

a) Who won the race? ________

b) Who finished it last? _______

2. Complete the statement with < or > or =.

a) 0 ___ 6 b) –2 ___ 1 c) 8 ___ -9 d) – 7 ___ 7 e) -7 ____ -3

3. Order the integers from least to greatest:

a) -8, 6, 5,-11, 0, -6, 3 ____________________________

b) 2, -3, -7, 8, -23, 21 ____________________________

Do Now 2:

Check which of the following is a magic square. Give your reasons. (In a Magic square each row, column and
diagonal have the same sum)

5 -1 -4 1 -10 0

-5 -2 7 -4 -3 -2

0 3 -3 -6 4 -7

Do Now 3: Ex – 1.2 Problem 1 and 2

Do Now 4: Integer Add Subtraction maze

Do Now 5:

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