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EV-DO Rev.

A KPI Indices

ZTE University


Call Processing KPI

RAN Performance KPI
Coverage KPI

„ 1x EVDO Session Setup Time

„ AT Initiated Connection Setup Time
„ AN Initiated Connection Setup Time with Default Slotted Mode
„ PPP Session Setup Time
„ PPP Setup Failure Rate
„ Round Trip Time (Ping 8Bytes 32Bytes 64Bytes )
„ DSC Switch / DRC Re-pointing, Soft Handoff (Enhanced
1x EVDO Session Setup Time(1)

„ Definition
f Time between UATIRequest Msg and
ConfigurationComplete Msg of AN.

„ Real test result

f Qualcomm suggested value: 90% time <=3000ms
1x EVDO Session Setup Time(2)

„ Flow
AT Initiated Connection Setup Time(1)

„ Definition
f Time between ConnectionRequest Msg and
TrafficChannelComplete Msg

„ Real test result

f Qualcomm suggested value: 90% time <=1000ms

f Real test: <500ms

AT Initiated Connection Setup Time(2)
AN Initiated Connection Setup Time with
Default Slotted Mode(1)

„ Definition
f Time between Page Msg and TrafficChannelComplete Msg

„ Default Slotted Mode:

f SlotCycle1=9

f SlotCycle2=9

f SlotCycle3=9

f WakeCount1=0

f WakeCount2=0

„ Real test result:

f Qualcomm suggested: 90% time <=5000ms

f Real test: <3000ms

AN Initiated Connection Setup Time with
Default Slotted Mode(2)
PPP Session Setup Time(1)

„ Definition
f The time between the first LCP Config Req Msg and the
last IPCP Config Ack Msg.

„ Real test result

f Qualcomm suggested value: 90% time <=1500ms

f Real test: average <1000ms

PPP Session Setup Time(2)
PPP Setup Failure Rate(1)

„ Definition
f Num of failed PPP setups / num of total PPP setup

„ Real test result

f ZTE suggested value: <3%
Round Trip Time(1)

„ Definition
f Ping 8 bytes, 32 bytes and 56 bytes data packets one by
one. Count the time of end to end.

„ Real test result

f Qualcomm suggested value: <60ms

f Real test: 71~73ms (Real test includes R-P time delay)

Round Trip Time(1)

„ R-P delay is about 30ms

DSC Switch / DRC Re-pointing, Soft Handoff
(Enhanced FTCMAC)(1)

„ Definition
f The last DRCCover is 0 and the time between the forward link
data transmitting slot(DRC ACK channel is disable) and the slot
(DRC ACK channel is enable)

„ Test condition
f DRCLength = 8 slots

f SofthandoffDelay = 128 slots

f SofterHandoffDelay= 64 slots

f DRCGating disabled.

f BE Traffic
DSC Switch / DRC Re-pointing, Soft Handoff
(Enhanced FTCMAC)(2)

„ Real test result

f Qualcomm suggested value: load: 90%,<=100ms,

f Real test: <100ms

DSC Switch / DRC Re-pointing, Soft Handoff
(Enhanced FTCMAC)(2)

„ Sample shows delay is 7 Slots


Call Processing KPI

RAN Performance KPI
Coverage KPI

„ Call Index

„ Handoff Index

„ Release Index

„ Session Index
Call Index (1)
„ Originating Call
f Common Originating

y Outer Interrupt Num

y Block Failure Num
y RF Access Failure Num
y Other Failure Num

f Assign soft Originating

„ Paging Call
f Common Paging

f Quick Paging
Call Index (2)

„ Connection Flow Started by AT:

Call Index (3)

„ Connection Flow Started by AN:

Call Index (4)

„ Fast Connection Flow Started by AN:

Call Index (5)

„ Outer Interrupt Num

f The number of outer interrupt in common originating calls will be
reported when the AN receives the ReleaseRequest message from
the AT or the PDSN in common originating calls.

„ Block Failure Num

f The number of failed common originating calls due to a block will be
reported when the connection setup fails because of lack of
resources (including CE, MacIndex, Power) in common originating
Call Index (6)

„ RF Access Failure Num

f The number of RF access failure will be reported when AN fails to
capture AT or does not receive TrafficChannelComplete after

„ Other Failure Num

f The number of failed common originating calls due to other
reasons will be reported when the common originating calls
fail, not owing to the reasons above.
Inter-AN Handoff Index (1)

„ TgtANTgtHo_SFTReqestNum

„ TgtANTgtHo_SFTSuccessNum

„ TgtANTgtHo_SFRReqestNum

„ TgtANTgtHo_SFRSuccessNum

„ InterANTgtHoIn_ReqestNum

„ InterANTgtHoIn_SuccessNum
Inter-AN Handoff Index (2)
Intra-AN Handoff Index (4)
Virtual Handoff Index (1)

„ Virtual Handoff Index Statistics

f SFT_HoSNum: Virtual soft handoff success number

f SFT_HoFNum: Virtual soft handoff failure number

„ Statistics Method
f SFT_HoSNum: AN captures that the DRC channel of the
AT is directed from a source sector to a target sector that
can perform soft handoff with the source sector, and can
successfully transfers the forward signals to the new target
f SFT_HoFNum: When AN detects that the DRC channel of
AT moves away from the current sector due to multi-casting
timeout, it fails to transfer the forward sending to another
new destination sector which has soft relationship with the
current sector. The number of soft handoff failure will be
Release Index (1)

„ Release Flow Started by AT

Release Index (2)

„ Release Flow Started by AN

Release Index (3)

„ Success Release Num

f Because AN receives ConnectitonClose message from AT
or Dormancy timer expires, or negotiation is successful but
access authentication is not valid, it will start release
process, after releasing the resources, one time of normal
release will be reported.
f during A16 hard handoff, after traffic channel re-
assignment, the source AN will start the source side
release, one time of normal release will be reported.
Release Index (4)

„ System call failure number

f because of over loading or other process problem, AN will
start release process. After releasing the resources, one
time of normal release will be reported.

„ Radio Drop Num

f the release procedure will be initiated by the reason of radio
link lost.
Session Index (1)

Number of
Number of Number of Number of Number of
Global Session
Begin Time BSSB Global Session Global Session Active Dormant
Setups Negotiations Sessions Sessions

2008-09-19 [0]BSC 1670 7944 3362 115 1502

2008-09-20 [0]BSC 823 1555 1678 100 1564
2008-09-21 [0]BSC 1193 9775 2349 131 1519
2008-09-22 [0]BSC 1349 10622 2803 131 1495
2008-09-23 [0]BSC 1367 2931 2672 127 1535
2008-09-24 [0]BSC 1775 2481 3548 120 1479
2008-09-25 [0]BSC 1055 1626 1953 119 1454

„ Why the negotiations num > session setups num ?

„ Why the Authentications num < session setup num?

Session Index (2)
Session Index(2)

Session Establishment d

AT Ready to Exchange
Data on Access System e

PPP and LCP Negotiation f

CHAP Challenge - Response g

A12-Access -Request
A12-Access -Accept

CHAP – Authentication Success j

Counter 1 : AuthenticationSNum

AT Ready to Exchange
Data on Packet data Stream k

A11-Registration Request (Lifetime, MEI)
TA8-setup Tregreq
A11-Registration Reply (Lifetime, accept)

Establishing PPP Connection p

Transmitting Packet Data q


Call Processing KPI

RAN Performance KPI
Coverage KPI
» SINR Distribution
» Receive and Transmit Power distribution
» DRC Distribution
» Active Set Size Distribution
» FL PER and RL PER Distribution
SINR Distribution(1)

„ Definition
f SINR distribution

f For single antenna terminal: the strongest PN SINR>-10db

is defined as “acceptable”, SINR<-10db is defined as
f For dual antenna terminal: the strongest PN SINR>-8db is
defined as “acceptable”, SINR<-8db is defined as “weak”

„ Suggested value
f Qualcomm: acceptable bin/ weak bin>90%
Receive and Transmit Power distribution(1)

„ Definition
f Rx power and Tx power distribution

f Rx power >-80 dBm is defined as “good receive”, Rx power<-80 dBm is

defined as “weak receive”
f For single antenna terminal: Tx power<15dBm is defined as “good
transmit”, Tx power >15dBm is defined as “high transmit”
f For dual antenna terminal: Tx power<5dBm is defined as “good transmit”,
Tx power>5dBm is defined as “high transmit”

„ Suggested value
f Qualcomm: good receive bin/ weak receive bin>85%

good transmit bin/ high transmit bin>90%

DRC Distribution(1)

„ Definition
f DRC rate distribution

f DRC < 200kbps is defined as “poor”

f 200kbps <DRC < 600kbps is defined as “fair”

f DRC > 600kbps is defined as “good”

„ Suggested value
f Qualcomm:

f single antenna terminal: poor bin<35%

good bin≥10%.
f dual antenna terminal: poor bin<30%

good bin≥20%.
Active Set Size Distribution(1)

„ Definition
f Active set PN number distribution

f Active set PN number >3 is defined as “high”

f Active set PN number <=3 is defined as “good”

„ Suggested value
f Qualcomm:

good bin ≥ 80%

high bin<20%.
FL PER and RL PER Distribution

„ Definition
f Forward and reverse PER distribution

„ Test condition
f For the reverse link, the network is necessary to be set to
RTCMAC Subtype 3 default values.

„ Suggested value
f Qualcomm:

90% bin target PER<1%

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