B5 QUESTIONS International Diploma

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B5 Questions

1. Outline the purpose and scope of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM).

2. Explain why NIOSH method 7300 set for the measurement of total dust using a
cassette sampler is the least desirable sampling method to use to determine
compliance to the exposure limit.

3. What does ‘MDHS’ stand for?

4. Outline why the MDHS series of guidance is useful to the health and safety

5. With reference to sampling methods, identify the two basic methods of collecting
gaseous samples:

6. With reference to continuous or integrated sampling of gases or vapours, list the

three types of sample collection.

7. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of silica gel over charcoal as an effective
sorbent for collecting gases and vapours.

8. With reference to continuous sampling equipment, outline the method of measuring

flow using a bubble flow meter.

9. Define the following terms:

(i)Active Sampling
(ii)Passive Sampling

10. Outline the three forms of sample.

11. With reference to sampling procedures, outline the purpose of taking

environmental measurements:

12. Describe, with the aid of diagrams, the features and principles of operation of
sampling equipment that could be used to collect total inhalable dust.

13. Describe with the aid of diagrams, the features and principles of operation of
sampling equipment that could be used to collect respirable particulate.

14. Describe with the aid of diagrams, the features and principles of operation of
sampling equipment that could be used to collect organic solvent vapour.

15. Describe with the aid of diagrams, the features and principles of operation of
sampling equipment that could be used to collect asbestos fibres.
16. Define the following three aerosol fractions:


17. With reference to aerosol sampling systems, outline the purpose of:

(i)Static Samplers
(ii)Personal Samplers

18. Identify one advantage and one disadvantage of light scattering.

19. Outline the basic principles of:

(i)beta particle attenuation.

(ii)Oscillating micro balance

20. With reference to MDHS 14 (General Methods for the Gravimetric Determination
of Respirable and Total Inhalable Dust), outline the key points that need to be
considered in a sampling procedure.

21. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of direct reading instruments.

22. Outline the uses and limitations of Stain Tube (colourmetric detectors).

23. Outline the factors that can influence airborne concentrations of contaminants in
the workplace.

24. Describe the information that should be included in an initial appraisal before
carrying out a sampling strategy for airborne contaminants.

25. Identify three types of equipment that can be used for qualitative testing to
support an initial appraisal.

26. Outline the purpose of a basic and detailed survey.

27. Describe the three types of sampling strategy that can be adopted when
conducting a survey.

28. With reference to the COSHH Approved Code of Practice, define biological

29. With reference to biological monitoring technique, distinguish between the three
different types of procedure:

(i) Biological monitoring

(ii) Biological effect monitoring
(iii) Health effects monitoring.
30. Outline the four main objectives to pre-employment health screening.

31. Identify the parameters that may be measured to determine the overall
effectiveness efficiency of a local exhaust ventilation system.

32. Explain why duct velocity is an important parameter to measure when assessing
the efficiency of a local exhaust ventilation system.

33. Outline the methods that can be used to measure face velocity in a local exhaust
ventilation system.

34. Outline the equipment and method for measuring Transport velocities.

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