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S for fun
Form G75
1. Question ?
a) Watch games
b) See films on sports
c) Read about sports
d) Take part in sports
2. Question ?
a) Lazy
b) Efficient
c) Musical
d) Friendly

3. Question ?
a) Its average weight
b) Its average height
c) Its average age
d) Its average speed

4. Question ?
a) Public
b) Holiday
c) International
d) Particular

5. Question ?
a) Strong plastic
b) Strong cloth
c) Light metal
d) Light wood
6. Question ?
a) Tom’s eyes
b) Tom’s ears
c) Tom’s lungs
d) Tom’s feet
7. Question ?
a) Don’t take these books.
b) Don’t take these tickets.
c) Don’t take these chairs.
d) Don’t take these.

8. Question ?
a) The children are in the kitchen.
b) The children are in class.
c) The children are in the house.
d) The children are in bed.

9. Question ?
a) They wanted a ride up the street.
b) They were building a road.
c) They were drawing pictures.
d) They wanted to go to the other side.

10. Question ?
a) It’s mine.
b) Fine, thank you.
c) My name is john.
d) It’s in march.

11. They____.
a) Rode in a truck
b) Rode in a car
c) Flew
d) Walked

12. Question ?
a) White
b) Summer
c) Winter
d) Gently
13. Question ?
a) Message
b) Nothing
c) A knot
d) A number

14. Question ?
a) Someone ate it all.
b) Someone broke it with a rock.
c) Someone burned it on the stove.
d) Someone planted it in the garden.

15. Question ?
a) He has no friends.
b) He is always sad.
c) He is poor.
d) He is ill.

16. Question ?
a) Carelessly
b) Clearly
c) Quickly
d) Evenly

17. Question ?
a) A good automobile.
b) A good job
c) A good character
d) A good home
18. Question ?
a) The apples are not good.
b) The apples are good.
c) The apples are pretty .
d) The apples are small.
19. Question ?
a) Chairs
b) Knives
c) Windows
d) Bottles

20. Question ?
a) The steam engines
b) The electrical wiring
c) The gasoline tanks
d) The hand tools

21. Question ?
a) Foreign languages
b) Political systems
c) Important dates
d) Basic substances

22. Question ?
a) In a forest
b) On the summit
c) In a desert
d) On an island.

23. Question ?
a) Buying a new car
b) Passing a new car
c) Examining a new car.
d) Driving a new car

24. Question ?
a) Many forms of entertainment and sports are available.
b) Not many movies are shown here.
c) Many training facilities are provided.
d) Many chapels have been built on this base.
25. Question ?
a) Blackbirds usually appear here.
b) Blackbirds please people.
c) Blackbirds are easy to indentify.
d) Blackbirds rarely come here.

26. Question ?
a) Al’s project included the other projects.
b) Al’s project separated the other projects.
c) Al’s project ended the other projects.
d) Al’s project started the other projects.

27. Question ?
a) It is across from the bank .
b) It is a block from the bank.
c) It is opposite the bank .
d) It is beside the bank .

28. Question ?
a) It finishes at nine
b) It continues past nine.
c) It’s on Channel 9
d) It starts at nine

29. Question ?
a) No, I was not aware of it.
b) No, I don’t care for any.
c) Yes, I am hungry.
d) Yes, I would like to go with you.

30. Question ?
a) He has no watch.
b) He is already late.
c) He has a lot of time to spare.
d) He is busy.

31. Question ?
a) Two hours
b) One hour
c) A few hours
d) Half an hour

32. Question ?
a) Close something
b) Turn something
c) Cut something
d) Move something

33. Question ?
a) A cover for him
b) Less knowledge
c) A better position
d) The room above him

34. Question ?
a) Yes, she sent it.
b) Yes. She has it now.
c) Yes, she wrote it.
d) Yes, she didn’t remember.

35. Question ?
a) No, I’m not sleepy
b) No, I’m not hungry
c) No, I’m not dirty.
d) No, I’m not thirsty.
36. Question ?
a) A jar โหล
b) A counter
c) A box
d) A bag

37. Question ?
a) A lifetime
b) Ten years
c) A decameter
d) Twenty-five years

38. Question ?
a) Straighten up
b) Tighten his belt
c) Remain
d) Leave

39. Question ?
a) I arrived last week at the language school.
b) I came to the language school by airplane.
c) I don’t like the meals served in the dining room.
d) I don’t know. I don’t think I have gained much.

40. Question ?
a) Washed the sheets and blankets
b) Put the sheets and blankets on the bed
c) Built our own beds
d) Piled the sheets and blankets on the bed

41. Question ?
a) I will not visit you
b) I hope to visit you
c) You are invited to visit me.
d) I will visit you before next year.

42. Question ?
a) Someone took it.
b) It got lost in the mail.
c) It was closed securely.
d) No one paid any attention to it .
43. Question ?
a) He can care for many drivers.
b) He can keep from having accidents.
c) He can be in many accidents.
d) He can arrange for an ambulance.

44. Question ?
a) He sees well.
b) He speaks well.
c) He hears well.
d) He thinks well.

45. Question ?
a) It comes and goes.
b) She has it some of the time.
c) It fluctuates back an forth.
d) She has it all the time.

46. Question ?
a) He set it on fire.
b) He carried it.
c) He cut it into pieces.
d) He polished it.

47. Question ?
a) Fasten things together
b) Write things down
c) Clean things up
d) Cut things apart

48. Question ?
a) Fruit and vegetables
b) Spoons, knives, and forks
c) Chairs and tables
d) Pots and pans

49. Question ?
a) It was balanced.
b) It was new.
c) It was unbalanced.
d) It was stable.

50. Question ?
a) Because of her remark
b) Because of her appearance
c) Because of her memory
d) Because of her influence

51. Question ?
a) He can get in it.
b) He can put water in it.
c) He can take pictures of it.
d) He can guide it.

52. Question ?
a) He isn’t rigid.
b) He isn’t friendly.
c) He isn’t efficient.
d) He isn’t healthy.

53. Question ?
a) Were not interested .
b) We made excuses.
c) We didn’t give up .
d) We needed motivation.

54. Question ?
a) Because she is angry
b) Because she is cold
c) Because she is tired
d) Because she is warm

55. His car is_____.

a) A rental car
b) In good condition
c) Brand new
d) In poor condition

56. Aunt Nelly wants to____.

a) Start dinner
b) Sit down
c) Wash clothes
d) Stand up

57. Question ?
a) The fare
b) The change
c) The cost
d) The rate

58. Question ?
a) Working nights
b) Practicing sports
c) Taking trips
d) Reading books
59. Question ?
a) He looked handsome
b) He applauded well.
c) He acted well.
d) He wrote well.

60. Question ?
a) They do not mind the heat .
b) She feels better in this heat.
c) The weather is ideal
d) They will drink something cold.

61. Question ?
a) Which way north is
b) What time it is
c) What the date is
d) How much it costs

62. Question ?
a) Where to buy the sugar
b) How much sugar to buy
c) When to buy the sugar
d) What kind of sugar to buy
63. Question ?
a) He was too tired to continue
b) He did not have enough time
c) He did not want to read.
d) Other things caught his attention.

64. They have to _____the rules.

a) Change
b) Follow
c) Break
d) Ignore

65. The man_____.

a) Gambled
b) Goofed
c) Gesticulated
d) Gravitated

66. The man wanted to know if the woman_____.

a) was on time
e) Had waited long
f) Had fed the dog
g) Was angry

Part II Reading
67. Mount Kilimanjaro is ____than mount
a) Higher
b) So high
c) Highest
d) More high

68. That blue and white station wagon belongs to me. It is ____.
a) His
b) Hers
c) Mine
d) Theirs
69. Does she____?
a) Her father look like
b) Father her look like
c) Father look like her
d) Look like her father

70. I’m going to buy a tube

a) Toothpaste
b) Mile
c) Cereal
d) Napkins

71. If Mary has a reservation on a plane, she is____.

a) Having a seat saved
b) Ordering dinner
c) Making plans
d) Talking to the pilot
72. Susan could not lift the box because it was too____
a) Funny
b) Round
c) Heavy
d) Square

73. It was decision of major importance.

a) Small
b) Great
c) Some
d) Military

74. It you would like to pencil “______I borrow a pencil, you would say:
a) Would
b) Must
c) May
d) Should

75. You shouldn’t turn here, _____ you?

a) Can
b) Shouldn’t
c) Mustn’t
d) Should

76. John danced with Mary_____ party.

a) To
b) At
c) In
d) With

77. The cheapest way to get to New York from here is____ by bus.
a) Gone
b) Went
c) Goes
d) To go

78. If you are following another car, you are_____.

a) Behind it
b) In front of it
c) Passing it
d) Leading on the left

79. The astronauts descend to earth . They came____.

a) Around
b) Apart
c) Through
d) Down

80. Since the beginning of history. People have used rivers for Transportation. This is true not
only of the great rivers. Such as the Nile in Egypt and the Ganges in India. But also of the
innumerable smaller rivers all around the world. Besides transportation, rivers provide
food, water for Crops, water to drink, and recreational opportunities for People who live
along their banks. Rivers are destined to Reach the sea, but dame have been built on many
rivers to Provide water for irrigation and electrical power for homes And industries.
The main topic of this paragraph is____ .
a) The history of rivers
b) The uses of rivers
c) The kinds of rivers
d) The destiny of rivers

81. Bill constructed a house.

a) He planted trees around
b) He added something to it
c) He built it.
d) He destroyed it.
82. Bob challenged the champion. Bob wanted to_____.
a) Call on him
b) Fight him
c) Take his picture
d) Write to him

83. Tom told me he got the point

a) Got hurt
b) Erased the period
c) Understood
d) Agreed

84. If a policeman stops you for driving too fast , do not _____with him.
a) Arguing
b) Argument
c) To argue
d) Argue

85. The students were _____ with the lecture.

a) Bore
b) Boring
c) To bore
d) Bored

86. The general is always _____ to work by his wife.

a) Drives
b) Driving
c) Driven
d) Drive

87. There are now many more children age school age in the United states____ there used to
a) Than
b) For
c) That
d) Yet

88. Each branch of this organization has a job to do .

a) Member
b) Official
c) Division
d) Employee

89. The land in the valley of Tennessee river was originally Rich , but bad farming practices
ruined it. This land was Recently made rich again by means of dams . These helped the
Farmers by storing excess water to dry seasons and by Generating electricity . This plan
was so successful that it Has been copied in other countries. According to this paragraph,
the Tennessee river Valley_____
a) Has always s been excellent farming land
b) Has never had enough water for farming
c) Was once rich and has been improved again
d) Resembles many other places in the world

90. He told the waitress to keep the change as a ____.

a) Coin
b) Tip
c) Bill
d) Roll

91. John could not keep up with me , In the other word , John did ____work than I did.
a) More
b) Better
c) Less
d) Worse
92. Old engine parts should be throw away at once.
a) Repaired
b) Painted
c) Sold
d) Disposed of
93. They told Ray to wind up a job
a) Start
b) Plan
c) Finish
d) Describe

94. If the demolition crew____ he building , there will be Room for a parking lot .
a) Raze
b) Razed
c) Razes
d) Is razing

95. We’ll pay our bill after waiter adds it_____.

a) Up
b) Down
c) At
d) Out

96. If you are over weight , you should skip _____dessert.

a) To eat
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Being eaten

97. The weather is the favorite subject of conversation in many Lands. People discuss the
various aspects of the weather Such as rain , heat and cold, but there is very little they
Can do about it. However , a few scientists are working on The problem and are attempting
to learn more about the Weather in hopes of finding ways to control it.
According to the paragraph, scientists believe____.
a) Weather is not a good topic for conversation
b) That someday we may learn to control the weather
c) That weather patterns are changing
d) Weather is the favorite conversation of all

98. Martha’s grandfather is known his cantankerous

a) Generous
b) Mean
c) Calm
d) Ambitious
99. Miranda was tagged for that job.
a) Rewarded for
b) Substituted for
c) Removed from
d) Chosen for

100. An internal combustion engine release

a) Vents
b) Catalysts
c) Vibrations
d) Fumes

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