ALCPT Form 78

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ALCPT Form 78

1 What is the distance between your house and my house

2 The teacher is custom it’s to come early, when did teacher come early กำหนด
3 Birth is the beginning of life what is the end of life

4 What is the main duty of diplomat

5 Marry forgot the name one of her friend

6 The food has no taste

7 I wash the wheels of our car

8 He was the passenger of that bus

9 John attend the University

10 The soldier has to go through the jungle by foot

11 Mathew bought some bean

12 Which of these is the neighbour

13 If you invert a glass of water what happen

14 Marry has a good courier what does she has

15 Joe has had a lot of correspondence from his friend, what has he had

16 Lieutenant Duke told the man to carry on, what does he told them to do

17 Anna like to dress up, what does she like to do

18 I must go now or I’ll be late for class

19 We will have freezing temperature tonight

20 John has definite in his answer

21 Paul took the vacation

22 The box is very light

23 My socks has disappear

24 The weatherman said that It will be clear today

25 Jones has the temporary job

26 John look in the mirror, what did he see

27 Bruce is in hot water = มีปัญหา

28 Joe is looking for the way to simplified his hob

29 George got a piece of steal in his eyes what was in his eyes

30 Lieutenant Smith has the authority to make those decision, what does she has

31 The result show temperature differential, what does the result show

32 The tail of the airplane was damage, what part of the airplane was damage

33 What is the content of that Newspaper story

34 If you’d told to think that thing carefully, what should you do

35 Many traffic light have been revived

36 Only a few students past the driver course

37 Marilyn always look beautiful even when she tried เหนื่อย = weary หรื อ exhausted

38 The top of the table was rough

39 Sandra want to be a pilot but her parent want her to be an engineer she always obey her parent

40 Tom was in the flight and injured his lived (liv)

41 Mr and Mrs Watson have been eating at home everyday, to day Mr Watson said let’s have dinner
out tonight, Mrs Watson said “That fine”

42 That car move in an erratic manner ไม่ปกติ ผิดปกติ

43 The extremely dry condition of the grass present serious fire hazard

44 He could’t make many friend

45 Conney love Joseph, on the other hand she still love Mark

46 Sam uses the tape measure on his work what does he uses

47 Capt. Jefferson could account for all of the man, what was the situation

48 This tool has a great deal of utility

49 Regardless of how much coffee they make they never much left

50 When you have homework assignment you should never put off doing it

51 Carl was reluctant to start the project

52 Tom said he’ll take your work for it

53 What courses the generation gap ห้ วงระหว่างวัย

54 He has a leading role in the new TV drama

55 When the baby cries Jenny rocks him

56 His ability to play the piano was impair = ไม่ดี เสีย

57 What do your son do after finish in Hi-school

He became the policeman

58 What are you going to do

I am going to shave

59 Did you have a good time

Yes my hotel was very nice, What was nice

60 Have you seen Bill new car

Yes I have, He said its eight cylinder, what part of the car is he referring to

61 Would you pass the information of Mr Brook

Yes I’d be glad to, what will she do

62 Where shall I meet you

At the intersection, where are they going to meet

63 i wouldn't go in there the boss in letting off steam

OK thanks for the warning

64 I’m tried we have walk for hours are we nearly there

No we’re only halfway

65 Bob do you know Susie very well

Yeh why you ask

I’m looking for a new roommate do you think she is a nice to get along

I don’t know Susie really has a short fuse

66 Has your wife been keeping busy since her retirement

Oh sure she working in a library committee right now

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