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Contribution and Pseudo Code:

Triplet Message Sender (2ACK Receiver):

1. Search for the network

2. Displays the number of nodes and start the server

3. Select the Destination node

4. Check Direct path available for the Destination

5. If no Select the path from the database

6. Send the packets to the neighboring node

A. Start the Timer

B. For each packet increase the variable Cpacket by 1, i.e. Cpacket++

7. Wait for the 2-ACK (ACK come from Receiver in the triplet) to come

A. If 2-ACK come then increase the Rack count by 1, i.e. Ack++

8. After the timer expired do the following

A. Calculate : Cmis = Cpacket – Ack

B. Calculate : Rack = Smis / Cpacket

C. Compare : if Rack > Rmis (0.85) Decleared the link is missbeaving

Triplet Message Receiver (2ACK Sender):

1. Search for the network

2. Displays the number of nodes and start the server

3. If message received

4. Check for the hop counter (hop1, hop2), if one of the counter is 3 then

5. Check if node itself is the destination

6. Create 2ACK and send it back

Middle Message Forwarding Nodes:

1. Search for the network

2. Displays the number of nodes and start the server

3. If message received then

4. Check for the destination node i.e. if destination node is more than 2 hops ahead then do
step 5 else do the step 9

5. Forward the message and Start the Timer

6. Maintain the Cpacket variable i.e. number of message send

7. Wait for the Ack

8. Do the same procedure as per the step 8 in the first algorithm.

9. Forward the message to the last node.

Middle 2ACK forwarding Nodes:

1. If 2ACK Received then

2. Check whether the node himself is the 2ACK receiver if No do the step 3

3. Forward the 2ACK to the previous node.


In this project, we have evaluated the performance degradation caused by such selfish
(misbehaving) nodes in MANETs. We have proposed and evaluated a technique, termed 2ACK,
to detect routing misbehavior. The 2ACK technique is based on a simple 2-hop acknowledgment
packet that is sent back by the receiver of the next-hop link. Compared with other approaches to
combat the problem, such as the overhearing technique, the 2ACK scheme overcomes several
problems including ambiguous collisions, receiver collisions, and limited transmission powers.
We have presented the 2ACK scheme in detail and with our own pseudo code for the
implementation. Our simulation contain the terms like Timer, Hop counter, 2ACK counter,
message send counter etc. Extensive simulations of the 2ACK scheme have been performed to
evaluate its performance by the pseudo code. One advantage of the 2ACK scheme is its
flexibility to control overhead with the use of the Rack parameter.

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