Excellent 4 Points Proficient 3 Points Adequate 2 Points Limited 1 Point Score

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Ma.Jessica H.

Gellie Ann De Guzman

4 points  3 points  2 points 1 point

Extends Grade Fully Meets Grade Minimally Meets Grade Does Not Meet Grade
Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
Speaks so lines are clearly
understood Lines are always clear and Most of the lines are clear Some of the lines are Did not speak so lines are
understadable and understandable clear and understandable clear and understandable
Puts expression into their Puts expression into Puts expression into most Puts some expression into Did not put very much
lines - bring life to the his/her lines. Performs the of his/her lines. his/her lines. Performs expression into his/her
character. Does more than entire time while on stage Performs most of the time some of the time while on lines. Is on stage, but not
just read lines from script. - even when not doing while on stage - even stage - even when not doing anything, but
lines. when not doing lines. doing lines. saying the required lines.
Learned lines from the Has learned all lines from Has learned many of the Has learned some of the Did not learn any lines
script. Hits all cues and is the script - only needs to lines from the script - lines from the script - from the script
on time for entrances and be prompted a few times. needs to be prompted reads directly from script.
exits. regularily.

Props, Sets, and Costumes Fully prepared for Prepared for presentation. Mostly prepared, but Unprepared. Props, sets,
are present and used. presentation. All props, Props, sets, and costumes missing or does not ues and costumes missing or
Student is well rehearsed sets and costumes are are present and used most some props, sets and/or not used. Student has not
present and used. Student of the time. Student is costumes. Student is rehearsed.
is clearly well-rehearsed mostly rehearsed; may mostly rehearsed; may
need some cues. need many cues.
As part of a realistic context in the unit, students are asked to perform a theatre play on the third weeks of the quarter. Each group will enact events that had
happened during Magellan’s expedition. The learning activity is intended to provide opportunities for students to develop ________ . Performance task is intended
to ________ specifically. Students are given 2 weeks to prepare and 10 minutes to perform onstage.

Audience participation Was a good audience Was a good audience

Was a good audience member when not Was a good audience when not involved in play Was disruptive during
member when not involved in play when not involved in play performance some of the play performance
involved in play. performance. Does not performance most of the time. Has to be asked to
have to asked to refrain time. Only has to be asked be refrain form talking
from talking to refrain from talking twice.
once .
Leadership with in the Sets a good example of Sets a good example of Rarely, sets a good Very negative about
Production being focused and paying being focused and paying example of being focused production and
attention. Is always attention most of the time. and paying attention. Is complains openly.
positive with about Is fairly positive with not always positive with
production and with about production and about production and
others in the class. others in the class. others in the class.
Student performance on Performance remains Performance is mostly performance does not stay performance is
stage is consistent with consistent throughout consistent. consistent throughout. inconsistent
stated interpretation of
Student is engaged with Student is on task Student is on task most of Student cannot remain on Student cannot remain
the performance. Takes throughout. Performance the time. Seriously task throughout. on task. Treats task as a
the task seriously. is taken seriously. participates. joke.

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