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Bank of the Punjab
History: With a strong company positioning of ‘Passion reborn’ driving us, the management
of the bank has implemented strategies and policies to carve a distinct position in the market
place. Fortified with years of banking expertise and driven by the strategic goals set out by
our board of directors and senior management, the bank has invested in revolutionary
technology to have an extensive range of products and services. This facilitates our
commitment to repay the trust and confidence of our stakeholders, and also to a culture of

BOP has emerged as on one of the foremost financial institutions in the country, focused on
spurring an economic revival by endeavoring to meet the needs of tomorrow as well as
today. Our extensive portfolio encompasses all facets of banking. 

We have chosen the Bank of the Punjab and interviewed their vice president Mr.Hafiz
Tauseef Qazi. We inquired about his managerial role in the bank and by applying which
theories he motivates his employees, so we came to know by asking different questions that
in the BOP two theories are implementing side by side are:
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Two factors theory by Herzberg. How and when these
theories are applied by managers discussed below:

Maslow’s theory of Needs implementation:

Maslow’s theory is explained relies on the fact that people want to increase what they want
to achieve in life and their needs are prioritized according to their importance. Deriving from
the hierarchy of needs by Maslow, content theories of job satisfaction revolve around
employees’ needs and the factors that bring them a reasonable degree of satisfaction. Based
on the basic physical, biological, social and psychological needs of human beings.
There are some needs that are basic to all human beings, and in their absence nothing else
matters. As we satisfy these basic needs, we start looking to satisfy higher order needs. In
other words, once a lower level need is satisfied, it no longer serves as a motivator.
In BOP manager told us they motivate employees according to their designation and band of
employees. Generally, a person beginning their career will be very concerned with
Physiological needs such as adequate wages and stable income and security needs such as
benefits and a safe work environment
all want a good salary to meet the needs of our family and we want to work in a stable

Employees whose lowest level needs have not been met will make job decisions based on
compensation, safety, or stability concerns. Also, employees will revert to satisfying their
lowest level need when these needs are no longer met or are threatened (such as during an
economic downturn).

The second level is Safety Needs include those needs that provide a person with a sense of
security and well-being. Personal security, financial security, good health and protection from
accidents, harm and their adverse affects are all included in safety needs. In BOP manager is
account for the safety needs of employees by providing safe working conditions, secure
compensation (such as a salary) and job security, which is especially important in a bad

Once these basic needs are met, the employee will want his "belongingness" (or social)
needs met. The level of social interaction an employee desires will vary based on whether the
employee is an introvert or extrovert.The key point is that employees desire to work in an
environment where they are accepted in the organization and have some interaction with

This means effective interpersonal relations are necessary. Managers can create an
environment where staff cooperation is rewarded. This will encourage interpersonal

The third level is affiliation which is the need to feel a sense of belonging or to be loved. In
BOP manager make employee to feel as though they are a part of the group and included in
the work. People have the urge to be accepted by others, especially the people they are
around the most.

The fourth level is explained as Esteem. This level has two components: feelings of self
worth, and the need for respect from others. In BOP manager motivates his employees by
giving value to their employees if they have any issue the have made a committee where
they can complain and committee listen n observes what employee wants and then they
compensate them as per company’s policy and rules they do not ignore their employees.
The last and final stage of the hierarchy of needs is self actualization. The employees of BOP
who are at higher positions their level of motivation must be high so BOP motivates them
through different rewards and retain them by offering them different perks e.g they promote
them fro, managerial position to regional manager or they gives them different facilities they
gift them a car and trips etc. People are always striving to be better and use their talents in
new ways. This is important to motivation because a person must be motivated to fulfill their
needs and strive for the next level until they reach self actualization.

Two Factor Theory:

Hezberg theory of motivation explains the factors that plays a key role in making the
employee of an organization satisfied or dissatisfied with their work and job profile. Two
factors are hygiene and motivators.if hygiene factors are absent, they can creation of
dissatisfaction among workers, on other hand , motivators are the factors that are related to
the nature of the job and plays a significant role in providing satisfaction among workers and
leading to higher level of motivation. Employees all over the world not only want job security
but also wants quality employeement.
Some Extrinsic or Hygiene factors which leads to dissatisfaction or reduce dissatisfaction
level in employees of BOP are:
 Stretched working hours
 Extra pressure
 Political influence
 Good working conditions
 Physical working conditions
 Fringe Benefits
 Interpersonal relations
Intrinsic or Motivators Factors which leads to Satisfaction or reduce Satisfaction level:
 Recognition - the workers of an organization should be recognized and praised for the
accomplishments of them by the managers (
 Promotional and Growth opportunities: Every year 10 employees of BOP do MBA
from LUMS and BOP bears all the expenses .
Theory X and Theory Y:
Theory Y managers have an optimistic, positive opinion of their people, and they use a
decentralized, participative management style. This encourages a more collaborative, trust-
based relationship between managers and their team members.

Manager of BOP lies in Theory Y because he motivates his subordinates, communicate with
them, share success stories , appreciate them encourage them. This style of management
assumes that workers are:

 Happy to work on their own initiative.

 More involved in decision making.
 Self-motivated to complete their tasks.
 Enjoy taking ownership of their work.
 Seek and accept responsibility, and need little direction.
 View work as fulfilling and challenging.
 Solve problems creatively and imaginatively.

JCM (Job Characteristics Model):

Is a theory that is based on the idea that a task in itself is the key to the employee's
motivation. In short, a boring and monotonous job is disastrous to an employee's motivation
whereas a challenging, versatile job has a positive effect on motivation.

5 Core Job Dimensions:

 Skill Variety
 Task identity
 Task Significance
 Autonomy
 Feedback
According to the JD of Relation Manager of BOP:

Skill Variety:

1. To ensure that existing relationship are strengthened through further deepening and
cross selling of banks products
2. Deal proactively with the branch customers to fulfill their banking requirements and
solve their queries efficiently
3. Handling customer complaint or issues and response promptly and spontaneously with
highest level of customer satisfaction being maintained
4. Cross selling of different bank products to the customers
5. Accurate knowledge of all products and the marketing of product properly to potential
6. Create brand awareness and build image of bank among clients
7. Any other assignment given by the Regional office/ Retail banking division
Task Identity:

1. Deposit mobilization, selling liabilities products and cross sell of all bank products as
set by management
2. To ensure meticulous and compliance of SBP guidelines and internal policies /
procedures and to ensure compliance to the sales process
3. Achievement of funded account opening target
4. Visit client’s i.e. 2 existing clients for deepening relationship and two new clients for
new business on daily basis
5. 10 telephone calls per day to new and existing customers and maintain business
development database
6. Meeting perspective / existing / valued/ institutional / corporate clients for business
and networking
Task significance:

1. Achievement of monthly deposit target i.e. 2.5 M, it must be 60% Current deposit and
40% Saving deposit

1. AT BOP, Relationship Manager is authorized to take decisions relevant to Account

Opening Department.

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