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The Economist March 21st 2015 55

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58 Viacom’s long-term viability
59 The Algosaibi affair rumbles on
61 India’s scramble for mobile spectrum
62 Schumpeter: What is the purpose of a

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Professional services of accounting and law firms (see table).

Attack of the bean-counters

Nonetheless, as the accountants run
out of room to grow in other businesses,
they will have trouble resisting this ineffi-
cient and lucrative market. And the law
firms will find it hard to fend them off. To
Michael Roch of Kerma Partners, an outfit
that advises professional-services firms,
the Big Four are “the biggest underestimat-
Lawyers beware: the accountants are coming after your business
ed threat to the legal profession today”.

C ONSULTING has its Big Three; ac-

counting the Big Four; and executive
search a Big Five. But there is no corre-
arm is the world’s tenth-biggest, and all
four networks’ law divisions are in the top
40 by this measure.
The idea of accounting firms doing legal
work is hardly new. The Big Four have long
employed lawyers to work on European
sponding clutch of dominant law firms. The accountants insist that they do not clients’ tax returns. In the 1990s the then Big
None has amassed as much as 0.5% of an want to compete with law firms, and that Five, led by the late, unlamented Arthur
industry with global revenues of around legal services will remain a small chunk of Andersen, sought to diversify from audit-
$650 billion a year. Even the biggest law their revenues in the medium term. So far, ing and tax by expanding into both con-
firms may be anachronistically inefficient. they have focused on mid-tier, process-ori- sulting and law. With America off-limits,
They are run by lawyers, not professional ented work rather than the big deals and all but Deloitte founded or acquired law
managers, insist on charging by the “billa- lawsuits that elite law firms chase. More- firms in Britain.
ble hour” rather than by results and use lit- over, regulation has restricted their That trend ended abruptly when the
tle technology more advanced than e-mail. growth: they cannot practise law in Ameri- Enron scandal took down Andersen in
Nonetheless, most big law firms have con- ca, which accounts for over a third of glo- 2002. Garretts, an English legal practice it
tinued to be highly profitable. bal legal spending, and most European had affiliated with, suffered a harrowing
In recent years, clients have begun to re- countries restrict their freedom to do so. dissolution, in which its staff had to find
bel against the billable hour, and at being Only a few countries allow full integration new jobs and its partners faced personal
charged senior lawyers’ rates for work bankruptcy. Observers attributed Ander-
done by juniors. Some have started send- sen’s demise to conflicts of interest be-
ing basic legal paperwork to cheap, off- Qualified privilege tween its consulting and audit arms. The
shore processing centres. But only now is a Can accountants* own and control law firms? accountants’ legal divisions were seen as
serious threat to the law firms’ cosy exis- Yes in:
presenting similar risks. Moreover, the Sar-
tence emerging. banes-Oxley corporate-governance re-
Australia Mexico
It comes from none other than the Big Britain
form America passed in the wake of the
Four accounting networks (Deloitte, EY, scandal transformed the business environ-
KPMG and PwC), whose combined annual No, but can collaborate and share costs in: ment for the surviving Big Four. Besides re-
revenues of $120 billion exceed the $89 bil- China Italy stricting the auxiliary services they could
lion generated by the 100 largest law firms France Japan offer to audit clients, it granted them a
combined (see charts, next page). Having Germany Spain windfall in new regulatory work. In re-
already dipped a toe into the legal business Ontario, Canada sponse, the accountants mostly closed or
a couple of decades ago, only to retreat, the No in:
sold their non-tax legal practices.
accountants have been stealthily building Over the following decade, however,
Brazil India
up legal-services divisions. These have United States other Canadian provinces
incentives increased for the firms to revisit
now reached a size where they outgun their abandoned experiment. Revenues in
Source: The Economist *Global accounting networks
most law firms: by headcount, PwC’s legal their audit and tax divisions flatlined, forc- 1
56 Business The Economist March 21st 2015

other three accounting giants to reach this

Above the law sort of turnover unnoticed. Eventually,
Accounting firms’ revenue, 2014, $bn
they will go head-to-head with law firms.
So far, law firms have been sanguine
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 about this looming risk. Those in America
Deloitte can afford to be complacent: the accoun-
PwC tants’ lobbyists are too busy advancing the
EY interests of their existing businesses to
push for an opening of the legal profession.
Even if they tried, America’s legislative bo-
dies are infested with lawyers, who would
Grant Thornton Int.
surely fight back. This should ensure that
RSM Int. the market remains protected for the fore-
Baker Tilly Int. seeable future. Similarly, the Magic Circle
Crowe Horwath Int. firms in London can rest easy for now:
Nexia International Europe’s finest lawyers can still name their
price for the most challenging, “bet-the-
Law firms’ revenue, 2014, $bn Market share of accountancy firms, 2014, %
company” work.
0 2.5 5.0
Those most at risk from the attack of the
bean-counters are the profusion of mid-
Baker & McKenzie Next six biggest tier legal firms in liberalised markets. Since
DLA Piper Big Four 14.4
66.2 their profit margins are already low, they
Latham & Watkins cannot afford even a modest loss of market
Skadden, Arps share. Unfortunately for them, much of
Clifford Chance Total: Rest of their business is high-volume, repetitive
$181.7bn mid-tier* tasks—just the sort of work that the Big Four
Kirkland & Ellis
Linklaters excel at standardising and automating.
Allen & Overy Most of these vulnerable law firms
have been slow to react. That may be
because their clients are telling them not to
Norton Rose Fulbright
worry: in a recent survey by American Law-
Sources: IAB; American Lawyer *Next 42 firms and alliances
yer magazine, 90% of companies’ general
counsels did not think their business
2 ing them to seeknew business lines to keep the ten largest firms in each country, Kerma would buy legal advice from an account-
growing. As their corporate clients global- Partners calculates that the Big Four’s ing network. However, those general coun-
ised, the Big Four’s international scale—to- aggregate market penetration ranges from sels may themselves be cut out of the loop,
gether, they employ about 700,000 people 4% in China and 6% in Britain to 20% in as the Big Four sell their companies’
in more than 150 countries—became an in- Germany and 30% in Spain. finance departments a “one-stop shop”
creasingly valuable selling-point. The Big Four are taking a more focused service, with legal work bundled together
The recession following the 2008 finan- approach this time. Rather than building with consulting and tax filing.
cial crisis prompted businesses’ general full-service firms, they are concentrating A handful of innovative law firms have
counsels to rebel against the padded bills on areas of law that complement their ex- tried to “self-disrupt”, to pre-empt new en-
they get from the law firms they use. In the isting services: immigration, which sits trants. In 2011 Allen & Overy, a Magic Circle
same decade, several countries passed nicely with expatriate tax work; labour, member, set up a service centre in Belfast
laws opening up their legal industries. Brit- which goes with human-resources con- to handle routine aspects of big deals. It
ain and Australia authorised “multidisci- sulting; compliance; commercial contracts; now employs almost 400 people there, in-
plinary practices” (MDPs), which let attor- and due diligence. So far they have resisted cluding 70 lawyers, at a fraction of London
neys share profits, without restriction, taking on the priciest law firms for high- salaries and rent. At the other end of the
with members of other professions. So, the value work on capital-markets transac- market, in recent years groups of mid-tier
Big Four moved back in, buying small law tions or mergers and acquisitions. They are firms across the globe have linked up to
firms, poaching partners from others and also steering clear of non-tax litigation, form loosely integrated networks. In Janu-
recruiting on campuses. With the flexibili- which could result in them suing potential ary Dacheng of China joined a Western
ty to offer discounted, fixed fees, they start- audit or consulting clients. But they are confederation, Dentons, to create an alli-
ed to win lots of corporate legal work. In re- seeking to build broader practices in ance that employs 6,600 attorneys.
cent years the quartet’s combined legal under-lawyered emerging markets where Although the giants of the legal world
revenues have grown at double-digit rates. the international law firms do not have a have sought to mimic the accountants’ cost
Since 2013 EY Legal has expanded from presence but the accountants do. and scale advantages, they remain min-
23 countries to 64. It merged with a Chinese nows compared with the Big Four. Only
law firm, Chen & Co, and hired a partner Kill billable hours the likes of PwC and Deloitte can muster
from Freshfields, one of the “Magic Circle” For now the Big Four seem content with the capital and technology (and relatively
of posh London solicitors. In 2012 Deloitte stealthy growth. By tiptoeing around the cheap labour) to industrialise the artisanal
scooped up Raupach & Wollert-Elmen- strongest firms, they have planted a flag on model of legal practice that has endured so
dorff in Germany, while PwC recently took the margins of the profession without set- long. Businesses that spend heavily on
over an immigration-law boutique, ting off alarms. “I don’t think we disrupt legal advice stand to save a fortune. But
Bomza, in Canada. KPMG was the first of the existing law business that much,” says law firms that are sub-scale and inefficient
the four to register an MDP in Britain, Leon Flavell, the head of PwC Legal. But his risk ruin. The Walmarts and Amazons of
which lets it give its lawyers there full- goal is to more than double its revenues by professional services are at their gates, and
fledged partnerships in the firm. Now, as a 2020, to $1 billion a year. The legal business the legal industry’s halting pace of creative
proportion of the combined revenues of is not growing fast enough for PwC and the destruction is set to accelerate as a result. 7

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